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Today's Photo
About the Town
Local time in
04.12.2011: K. Marksa street
15.04.2020: Hoholia street
06.06.2016: On Shevchenko street

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

August 2021
16.08.2021      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
15.08.2021      The crossroad of Teatralna and Pershotravneva streets
14.08.2021      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Soborna streets
13.08.2021      The Central Market
12.08.2021      in the City Gardens
11.08.2021      Ivan Mazepa Street
10.08.2021      On Pershotravneva street
09.08.2021      Near the Troyits'kyi market
08.08.2021      On Trinity street
07.08.2021      Hor'kyi street
06.08.2021      The crossroad of Nebesnoi Sotni and Soborna streets
05.08.2021      Igor Serdyuk Street
04.08.2021      On Academician Maslov street
03.08.2021      On Ivan Mazepa Street
02.08.2021      On 1905 roku street
01.08.2021      On Sofiyevs'ka street

July 2021
31.07.2021      Lieutenant Pokladov Street
30.07.2021      Near the Plant of Road Machines
29.07.2021      On Academician Maslov street
28.07.2021      On Soborna street
27.07.2021      On Ivan Mazepa Street
26.07.2021      Sofiyevs'ka Street
25.07.2021      Soborna street
24.07.2021      Hotel «Reikartz»
23.07.2021      At the park near the Dnipro
22.07.2021      L.Tolstoy provulok
21.07.2021      Near the railway station
20.07.2021      The crossroad of Maslov and Igor Serdyuk streets
19.07.2021      On 29 Veresnia street
18.07.2021      On Peremohy street
17.07.2021      At the Victory Square
16.07.2021      Sofiyevs'ka Street
15.07.2021      Near the 22 Peremohy street
14.07.2021      At the Babayev Square
13.07.2021      The crossroad of Maslov and Ivan Mazepa streets
12.07.2021      Near a shopping mall on Kyivska street
11.07.2021      The Dnipro
10.07.2021      Near the power station
09.07.2021      Near the house of trade
08.07.2021      On Lieutenant Pokladov Street
07.07.2021      Trinity street
06.07.2021      Pershotravneva street
05.07.2021      “Center” bus stop
04.07.2021      Peremohy street
03.07.2021      On Soborna street
02.07.2021      On Ivan Mazepa Street
01.07.2021      Near the polyclinic №1

June 2021
30.06.2021      At the park near the Dnipro
29.06.2021      The Independence Square
28.06.2021      Crossroads of Pershotravneva and Haharina street
27.06.2021      The crossroad of Nebesnoi Sotni and Serdyuk streets
26.06.2021      Near the Museum of regional ethnography
25.06.2021      Beach at the Prydniprovskyi park
24.06.2021      Academician Maslov Street
23.06.2021      The crossroad of 29 Veresnia and Ivan Mazepa streets
22.06.2021      Near the Bus Station
21.06.2021      Near the crossroad of Maslov and Ivan Mazepa streets
20.06.2021      Victory Square
19.06.2021      Near the 46 Pershotravneva street
18.06.2021      On Teatralna Street
17.06.2021      On Soborna street
16.06.2021      On Kyivs'ka street
15.06.2021      In the yard of 2/34 Ivan Mazepa street
14.06.2021      Betonna street
13.06.2021      At the Indepebdence Square
12.06.2021      Near the Central Market
11.06.2021      On Pershotravneva street
10.06.2021      Thre crossroad of Hor'kyi and Ivan Mazepa streets
09.06.2021      Peremohy street
08.06.2021      At the yard of 35 Shevchenko
07.06.2021      At the park near the Dnipro
06.06.2021      At the yard of 14 Pushkin Blv.
05.06.2021      Near the polyclinic №1
04.06.2021      On Ivan Mazepa Street
03.06.2021      On Igor Serdyuk Street
02.06.2021      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
01.06.2021      Near the children's hospital

May 2021
31.05.2021      In the yard of 52 Ivan Mazepa street
30.05.2021      The crossroad of Lieutenant Pokladov and Trinity streets
29.05.2021      Bank of the Dnipro
28.05.2021      Cheliuskintsiv provulok
27.05.2021      The crossroad of Major Borishchak and Shevchenko streets
26.05.2021      At the Babayev Square
25.05.2021      Near the 57a Pershotravneva street
24.05.2021      On Igor Serdyuk Street
23.05.2021      The Dnipro
22.05.2021      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
21.05.2021      On Shevchenko street
20.05.2021      On Hoholia street
19.05.2021      The monument to Pushkin
18.05.2021      The crossroad of Trinity and Shevchenko streets
17.05.2021      Yuri Kondratyuk street
16.05.2021      The Dnipro
15.05.2021      At the Indepebdence Square
14.05.2021      At the park near the Dnipro
13.05.2021      On Peremohy street
12.05.2021      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
11.05.2021      The crossroad of Mazepa and Academician Maslov streets
10.05.2021      in the City Gardens
09.05.2021      Near the monument to soldiers and liberators
08.05.2021      On Academician Maslov street
07.05.2021      At the Babayev Square
06.05.2021      On Pershotravneva street
05.05.2021      On Pushkin blv.
04.05.2021      On Trinity street
03.05.2021      At the Babayev Square
02.05.2021      Easter
01.05.2021      At the yard of 22/9 29 Veresnia street

April 2021
30.04.2021      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
29.04.2021      At the Babayev Square
28.04.2021      In the yard of hospital №1
27.04.2021      On Svoboda Avenue
26.04.2021      Nebesnoi Sotni street
25.04.2021      At the park near the Dnipro
24.04.2021      On Teatralna Street
23.04.2021      On Ivan Mazepa Street
22.04.2021      Near the Saint Mykolayiv Church
21.04.2021      At Molodizhny
20.04.2021      On Ivan Mazepa Street
19.04.2021      Near the power station
18.04.2021      At the park near the Dnipro
17.04.2021      On Pushkin blv.
16.04.2021      Khorols'ka street
15.04.2021      On Pershotravneva street
14.04.2021      At the Babayev Square
13.04.2021      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
12.04.2021      On Pershotravneva street
11.04.2021      At the park near the Dnipro
10.04.2021      On Khorol's'ka street
09.04.2021      The crossroad of Vadim Pugachev and Betonna streets
08.04.2021      Soborna street
07.04.2021      On Ivan Mazepa Street
06.04.2021      Near the hospital №1
05.04.2021      Near the Museum of regional ethnography
04.04.2021      Bank of the Dnipro
03.04.2021      On Lieutenant Pokladov Street
02.04.2021      At the Victory Square
01.04.2021      At the park near the Dnipro

March 2021
31.03.2021      At the Indepebdence Square
30.03.2021      At the Babayev Square
29.03.2021      Near the River Station
28.03.2021      Soborna street
27.03.2021      Major Borishchak Street
26.03.2021      Near the Novoivanivs'kyi market
25.03.2021      On Haharina street
24.03.2021      Soborna street
23.03.2021      On Lieutenant Pokladov Street
22.03.2021      On Pershotravneva street
21.03.2021      At the yard of 19 Igor Serdyuk
20.03.2021      The crossroad of 29 Veresnia and Ivan Mazepa streets
19.03.2021      The Dnipro
18.03.2021      On Pershotravneva street
17.03.2021      At the Babayev Square
16.03.2021      Near the shoe plant
15.03.2021      Bank of the Dnipro
14.03.2021      Peremohy street
13.03.2021      On Pushkin blv.
12.03.2021      On Academician Maslov street
11.03.2021      Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho street
10.03.2021      Near the railway station
09.03.2021      Sofiyevs'ka Street
08.03.2021      Near the school №10
07.03.2021      On Trinity street
06.03.2021      On Peremohy street
05.03.2021      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
04.03.2021      At the main beach
03.03.2021      On Soborna street
02.03.2021      Hor'kyi street
01.03.2021      At the yard of 51 Nebesnoi Sotni

February 2021
28.02.2021      Street of the doctor O. Bogayevs'koho
27.02.2021      Kyivs'ka street
26.02.2021      In the yard of 57 Pershotravneva street
25.02.2021      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
24.02.2021      Soborna street
23.02.2021      Sums'ka street
22.02.2021      In Heneral Irinieieva street
21.02.2021      At the park near the Dnipro
20.02.2021      The crossroad of Mazepa and Academician Maslov streets
19.02.2021      At the yard of 24/2 Peremohy
18.02.2021      On Pershotravneva street
17.02.2021      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
16.02.2021      Pushkina blv.
15.02.2021      At the yard of 19 Igor Serdyuk
14.02.2021      1905 roku street
13.02.2021      Peremohy street
12.02.2021      On Soborna street
11.02.2021      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
10.02.2021      Trinity street
09.02.2021      On Myru street
08.02.2021      Near “Horhaz”
07.02.2021      Ivan Mazepa Street
06.02.2021      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
05.02.2021      The “Centre” bus stop
04.02.2021      Pershotravneva street
03.02.2021      Kvartal'na street
02.02.2021      On Major Borishchak street
01.02.2021      At the park near the Dnipro

January 2021
31.01.2021      Near the crossroad of Maslov and Soborna streets
30.01.2021      Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
29.01.2021      On Heneral Zhadov street
28.01.2021      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
27.01.2021      On Trinity street
26.01.2021      At the yard of 7Б 29 Veresnia street
25.01.2021      Victory Square
24.01.2021      Near the dairy plant
23.01.2021      At the yard of 24/2 Peremohy
22.01.2021      On Kyivs'ka street
21.01.2021      Shevchenko street
20.01.2021      Ivan Mazepa Street
19.01.2021      On Pershotravneva street
18.01.2021      Babayev Square
17.01.2021      Peremohy street
16.01.2021      At the park near the Dnipro
15.01.2021      At the Babayev Square
14.01.2021      Happy “Old” New Year!
13.01.2021      On Trinity street
12.01.2021      The crossroad of Ivan Mazepa and Shevchenko streets
11.01.2021      Sums'ka street
10.01.2021      Lieutenant Pokladov Street
09.01.2021      At the Victory Square
08.01.2021      At the Babayev Square
07.01.2021      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2021      Near the club “Zebra”
05.01.2021      On Pershotravneva street
04.01.2021      At the park near the Dnipro
03.01.2021      At the Victory Square
02.01.2021      Soborna street
01.01.2021      Happy New Year!

December 2020
31.12.2020      At the Victory Square
30.12.2020      Bank of the Dnipro
29.12.2020      Near the tobacco factory
28.12.2020      Igor Serdyuk Street
27.12.2020      At the Victory Square
26.12.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
25.12.2020      On Svoboda Avenue
24.12.2020      Near the Flight College
23.12.2020      Kvartal'na street
22.12.2020      On Hor'kyi street
21.12.2020      Near the house of trade
20.12.2020      At the Babayev Square
19.12.2020      At the Victory Square
18.12.2020      Shevchenko street
17.12.2020      Near the school №10
16.12.2020      On Ivan Mazepa Street
15.12.2020      The crossroad of Nebesnoi Sotni and Soborna streets
14.12.2020      The Dnipro
13.12.2020      On Shevchenko street
12.12.2020      Sofiyevs'ka Street
11.12.2020      Babayev Square
10.12.2020      Sums'ka street
09.12.2020      Near the Museum of regional ethnography
08.12.2020      On Kyivs'ka street
07.12.2020      Near the house of trade
06.12.2020      Near the “Kozatska” bus stop
05.12.2020      29 Veresnia street
04.12.2020      On Trinity street
03.12.2020      Near the hotel «Kremin'»
02.12.2020      In the yard of 19 Pushkin Blv.
01.12.2020      At the park near the Dnipro

November 2020
30.11.2020      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
29.11.2020      At the Indepebdence Square
28.11.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
27.11.2020      Khorols'ka street
26.11.2020      At the Victory Square
25.11.2020      On 1905 roku street
24.11.2020      The crossroad of Lieutenant Pokladov and Mazepa streets
23.11.2020      (This photo has no English caption)
22.11.2020      Pushkina blv.
21.11.2020      Hor'kyi street
20.11.2020      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
19.11.2020      Hoholia street
18.11.2020      Near the Shopping Center “Galaktyka”
17.11.2020      At Molodizhny
16.11.2020      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
15.11.2020      Near the crossroad of Academician Maslov and Mazepa streets
14.11.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
13.11.2020      At the Myru Park
12.11.2020      Near the “Vadyma Boika” bus stop
11.11.2020      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
10.11.2020      On Sofiyevs'ka street
09.11.2020      Kyivs'ka street
08.11.2020      On Academician Maslov street
07.11.2020      On Trinity street
06.11.2020      Vlasivs'ka Dam
05.11.2020      On Kotsiubyns'kyi street
04.11.2020      Hoholia street
03.11.2020      The crossroad of Soborna and Nebesnoi Sotni streets
02.11.2020      Soborna street
01.11.2020      Babayev Square

October 2020
31.10.2020      In the yard oof 4/8 Hoholia street
30.10.2020      On M. Kuchmy street
29.10.2020      Near entertainment center Europe
28.10.2020      Babayev Square
27.10.2020      Peremohy street
26.10.2020      Myru street
25.10.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
24.10.2020      Near the Trinity Church
23.10.2020      Bank of the Dnipro
22.10.2020      On Peremohy street
21.10.2020      Igor Serdyuk Street
20.10.2020      Near the “Vadyma Boika” bus stop
19.10.2020      On Pershotravneva street
18.10.2020      Betonna street
17.10.2020      On Trinity street
16.10.2020      On Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho street
15.10.2020      On Igor Serdyuk Street
14.10.2020      On Yarmarkova street
13.10.2020      Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho street
12.10.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
11.10.2020      Sums'ka street
10.10.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
09.10.2020      On Peremohy street
08.10.2020      On Trinity street
07.10.2020      On Haharina street
06.10.2020      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
05.10.2020      Near the Independence Square
04.10.2020      Trinity street
03.10.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
02.10.2020      Near the power station
01.10.2020      The Museum of regional etnography

September 2020
30.09.2020      At the Babayev Square
29.09.2020      On 29 Veresnia street
28.09.2020      On Khorol's'ka street
27.09.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
26.09.2020      The Dnipro
25.09.2020      Khalameniuka street
24.09.2020      On Pushkin blv.
23.09.2020      In the yard of 51 Pershotravneva street
22.09.2020      Near the confectionery
21.09.2020      On Hor'kyi street
20.09.2020      Near the Art Gallery
19.09.2020      At the yard of 75a Heroyiv Bresta
18.09.2020      On Shevchenko street
17.09.2020      At the Babayev Square
16.09.2020      Cheliuskintsiv provulok
15.09.2020      On Pershotravneva street
14.09.2020      On Shevchenko street
13.09.2020      The Dnipro
12.09.2020      Near the 1 Pershotravneva street
11.09.2020      At the yard of 85 Heroyiv Bresta
10.09.2020      Near the Peremohy Square
09.09.2020      Tkachenka street
08.09.2020      Kvartal'na street
07.09.2020      On Shevchenko street
06.09.2020      Near the River Station
05.09.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
04.09.2020      Near the Museum of regional ethnography
03.09.2020      Near the house of trade
02.09.2020      In the yard of Haharin 26 street
01.09.2020      School 19

August 2020
31.08.2020      Near the Central Market
30.08.2020      Bank of the Dnipro
29.08.2020      Ilovaisk Tragedy Memorial Day
28.08.2020      THe crossroad of Haharin and Pershotravneva streets
27.08.2020      The Dnipro
26.08.2020      The crossroad of Sofiyevs'ka and Academician Maslov streets
25.08.2020      On Pushkin blv.
24.08.2020      The Independence Day of Ukraine
23.08.2020      Championship of Ukraine in cycling
22.08.2020      Near the Peremohy Square
21.08.2020      Near the power station
20.08.2020      Khorols'ka street
19.08.2020      On Trinity street
18.08.2020      Kremenchuk Polytechnic University
17.08.2020      On Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho street
16.08.2020      Triathlon competition
15.08.2020      At the Indepebdence Square
14.08.2020      On Teatralna Street
13.08.2020      On Trinity street
12.08.2020      On Ivan Mazepa Street
11.08.2020      At the Palace of culture “Kredmash”
10.08.2020      On Trinity street
09.08.2020      Near the park near the Dnipro
08.08.2020      The Dnipro
07.08.2020      In the yard of the school №19
06.08.2020      At the yard of 7 Hor'kyi street
05.08.2020      On 29 Veresnia street
04.08.2020      Near the Independence Square
03.08.2020      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
02.08.2020      At the yard of 40/2 Soborna street
01.08.2020      In the yard of 1 1905 roku street

July 2020
31.07.2020      Near the dairy plant
30.07.2020      Near “Khalameniuka” bus stop
29.07.2020      On Pushkin blv.
28.07.2020      At the yard of 19 Academician Maslov street
27.07.2020      Near the children's library
26.07.2020      At the River Station
25.07.2020      In the yard of 27 Shevchenko street
24.07.2020      On Teatralna Street
23.07.2020      The Dnipro
22.07.2020      “Center” bus stop
21.07.2020      In the yard of 8 Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv. street
20.07.2020      At the Babayev Square
19.07.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
18.07.2020      Ivan Mazepa Street
17.07.2020      The crossroad of Nebesnoi Sotni and Serdyuk streets
16.07.2020      The main beach
15.07.2020      Academician Maslov Street
14.07.2020      Trinity street
13.07.2020      In the yard of 19 Igor Serdyuk street
12.07.2020      The Dnipro
11.07.2020      On Lieutenant Pokladov Street
10.07.2020      Pershotravneva street
09.07.2020      Near the power station
08.07.2020      Trinity street
07.07.2020      At the yard of 55 Nebesnoi Sotni
06.07.2020      Bank of the Dnipro
05.07.2020      On Soborna street
04.07.2020      Day of Dnipro
03.07.2020      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
02.07.2020      Hor'kyi street
01.07.2020      Near the children's library

June 2020
30.06.2020      At the Myru Park
29.06.2020      Near the hotel «Reikartz»
28.06.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
27.06.2020      Pidgirna Street
26.06.2020      Near the “Dniprovski Zori” hotel
25.06.2020      On Sofiyevs'ka street
24.06.2020      On Ivan Mazepa Street
23.06.2020      On Haharina street
22.06.2020      On 1905 roku street
21.06.2020      On Hoholia street
20.06.2020      The hospital №1
19.06.2020      At the Indepebdence Square
18.06.2020      Trinity street
17.06.2020      At the Babayev Square
16.06.2020      Near “Court” bus stop
15.06.2020      1905 roku street
14.06.2020      The Dnipro
13.06.2020      On Soborna street
12.06.2020      School 19
11.06.2020      On Lieutenant Pokladov Street
10.06.2020      in the City Gardens
09.06.2020      On Peremohy street
08.06.2020      Near the confectionery
07.06.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
06.06.2020      Cemetery at Molodizhny
05.06.2020      Near the River Station
04.06.2020      On Pushkin blv.
03.06.2020      Near Vodokanal
02.06.2020      On Doctor O. Bogayevs'kyi street
01.06.2020      At the yard of 10 Peremohy street

May 2020
31.05.2020      On Ivan Mazepa Street
30.05.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
29.05.2020      Near the Troyits'kyi market
28.05.2020      Near “Khalameniuka” bus stop
27.05.2020      At the Babayev Square
26.05.2020      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
25.05.2020      On Svoboda Avenue
24.05.2020      In the yard of 33 Pershotravneva street
23.05.2020      On Pershotravneva street
22.05.2020      Near the Bus Station
21.05.2020      in the City Gardens
20.05.2020      At the Babayev Square
19.05.2020      On Pershotravneva street
18.05.2020      Near the “Heroyiv Chornobyl'” bus stop
17.05.2020      Bank of the Dnipro
16.05.2020      Near the monument to repressions victims
15.05.2020      On Khorol's'ka street
14.05.2020      On Trinity street
13.05.2020      On Peremohy street
12.05.2020      The crossroad of Ivan Mazepa and 29 Veresnia streets
11.05.2020      Near the house of trade
10.05.2020      The crossroad of Kotsiubyns'kyi and 1905 roku streets
09.05.2020      Victory day
08.05.2020      Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation
07.05.2020      Pushkina blv.
06.05.2020      Academician Maslov Street
05.05.2020      At the Babayev Square
04.05.2020      Hotel “Kremin”
03.05.2020      On Soborna street
02.05.2020      Nebesnoi Sotni street
01.05.2020      On Academician Maslov street

April 2020
30.04.2020      In the yard of 22/9 Ivan Mazepa street
29.04.2020      In the yard of 24 Peremohy street
28.04.2020      Babayev Square
27.04.2020      The crossroad of Mazepa and Academician Maslov streets
26.04.2020      In the yard of 6/20 Major Borishchak street
25.04.2020      On Peremohy street
24.04.2020      Trinity street
23.04.2020      Babayev Square
22.04.2020      In the yard of 27 Nebesnoi Sotni street
21.04.2020      On Peremohy street
20.04.2020      On Academician Maslov Street
19.04.2020      Easter
18.04.2020      Soborna street
17.04.2020      On Ivan Mazepa Street
16.04.2020      In the yard of 7 Igor Serdyuk street
15.04.2020      Hoholia street
14.04.2020      In the yard of 4/15 Ivan Mazepa street
13.04.2020      On Soborna street
12.04.2020      Palm Sunday
11.04.2020      Babayev Square
10.04.2020      In the yard of 15 Peremohy street
09.04.2020      At the yard of 10/24 29 Veresnia street
08.04.2020      Academician Maslov Street
07.04.2020      On Trinity street
06.04.2020      In the yard of 10 Pushkin Blv.
05.04.2020      Soborna street
04.04.2020      Lieutenant Pokladov Street
03.04.2020      At the yard of 13 29 Veresnia street
02.04.2020      “Center” bus stop
01.04.2020      On Ivan Mazepa Street

March 2020
31.03.2020      At the Babayev Square
30.03.2020      On 29 Veresnia street
29.03.2020      Pushkina blv.
28.03.2020      Pershotravneva street
27.03.2020      On Kvartal'na street
26.03.2020      At the yard of 19 Pushkin Blv.
25.03.2020      In the yard of 13/9 Academician Maslov street
24.03.2020      On Shevchenko street
23.03.2020      On Sofiyevs'ka street
22.03.2020      On Hor'kyi street
21.03.2020      At the yard of 66 Sofiyevs'ka street
20.03.2020      On Peremohy street
19.03.2020      Heneral Zhadov street
18.03.2020      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
17.03.2020      The crossroad of Trinity and Hor'kyi streets
16.03.2020      1905 roku street
15.03.2020      The House of trade
14.03.2020      Bank of the Dnipro
13.03.2020      On Haharina street
12.03.2020      In the yard of 61/52 Trinity street
11.03.2020      The crossroad of Sofiyevs'ka and Peremohy streets
10.03.2020      On Svoboda Avenue
09.03.2020      On Trinity street
08.03.2020      Near the Central Market
07.03.2020      Near the Novoivanivs'kyi market
06.03.2020      In the yard of children's hospital
05.03.2020      Near the River Station
04.03.2020      On Svoboda Avenue
03.03.2020      Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho street
02.03.2020      Near the Shopping Center “Galaktyka”
01.03.2020      At the Victory Square

February 2020
29.02.2020      Maslenitsa
28.02.2020      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
27.02.2020      Near the “Kozatska” bus stop
26.02.2020      Sofiyevs'ka Street
25.02.2020      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
24.02.2020      On Igor Serdyuk Street
23.02.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
22.02.2020      At the Myru Park
21.02.2020      Svoboda Avenue
20.02.2020      On Hor'kyi street
19.02.2020      On Igor Serdyuk Street
18.02.2020      On Soborna street
17.02.2020      The bus stop near the Palace of Culture
16.02.2020      Bank of the Dnipro
15.02.2020      Near the school №10
14.02.2020      Soborna street
13.02.2020      Leonov street
12.02.2020      On Kyivs'ka street
11.02.2020      Flight College
10.02.2020      Trinity street
09.02.2020      At the park near the Dnipro
08.02.2020      In the yard of 8 Pushkin Blv.
07.02.2020      On Shevchenko street
06.02.2020      On Svoboda Avenue
05.02.2020      Peremohy street
04.02.2020      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
03.02.2020      On Trinity street
02.02.2020      Pershotravneva street
01.02.2020      At the park near the Dnipro

January 2020
31.01.2020      Near the School of Art
30.01.2020      The bridge over the Dnipro
29.01.2020      On Sofiyevs'ka street
28.01.2020      Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
27.01.2020      Near the River Station
26.01.2020      At the yard of 21 Myru
25.01.2020      On Haharina street
24.01.2020      In the yard of 3 Kvartal 101
23.01.2020      On Trinity street
22.01.2020      “Central Market” bus stop
21.01.2020      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
20.01.2020      In the area of “Kerchens'ka” bus stop
19.01.2020      Blessing of water at the Dnipro river
18.01.2020      “Vodokanal” bus stop
17.01.2020      On Trinity street
16.01.2020      On Pushkin blv.
15.01.2020      On Svoboda Avenue
14.01.2020      Happy “Old” New Year!
13.01.2020      Soborna street
12.01.2020      At the Victory Square
11.01.2020      On Peremohy street
10.01.2020      Near Hvardiys'ka street
09.01.2020      Trinity street
08.01.2020      On Kyivs'ka street
07.01.2020      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2020      Near the park near the Dnipro
05.01.2020      At the Babayev Square
04.01.2020      Peremohy street
03.01.2020      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Soborna streets
02.01.2020      At the Myru Park
01.01.2020      At the Victory Square

December 2019
31.12.2019      Happy New Year!
30.12.2019      Near the school №10
29.12.2019      Near the “Plant of Road Mashines” bus stop
28.12.2019      In the shopping center “Mega”
27.12.2019      On Svoboda Avenue
26.12.2019      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
25.12.2019      In the Shopping Center “Galaktyka”
24.12.2019      At the Central Market
23.12.2019      Near the Palace of Culture “Naftokhimik”
22.12.2019      Kotsiubyns'kyi street
21.12.2019      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
20.12.2019      Sums'ka street
19.12.2019      At the Victory Square
18.12.2019      On 29 Veresnia street
17.12.2019      In the shop “Pryntsyp”
16.12.2019      Academician Maslov Street
15.12.2019      Lieutenant Pokladov Street
14.12.2019      On Peremohy street
13.12.2019      At the Babayev Square
12.12.2019      Near the “Avrora” bus stop
11.12.2019      Near the Leonov street
10.12.2019      Shevchenko street
09.12.2019      At the Victory Square
08.12.2019      At the yard of 4 Nagirna street
07.12.2019      On Igor Serdyuk Street
06.12.2019      Pushkina blv.
05.12.2019      At the yard of 6 Soborna street
04.12.2019      Novoivanivs'kyi market
03.12.2019      Near the crossroad of Nebesnoi Sotni and Trinity streets
02.12.2019      Near the brewery
01.12.2019      Academician Maslov Street

November 2019
30.11.2019      Near the Polytechnic University
29.11.2019      Hoholia street
28.11.2019      Soborna street
27.11.2019      Prykhod'ko street
26.11.2019      On Igor Serdyuk Street
25.11.2019      At the Victory Square
24.11.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
23.11.2019      Holodomor Remembrance Day
22.11.2019      Trinity street
21.11.2019      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
20.11.2019      The Central Market
19.11.2019      Near the school №10
18.11.2019      On Lieutenant Pokladov Street
17.11.2019      Bank of the Dnipro
16.11.2019      On Pushkin blv.
15.11.2019      The crossroad of Academician Maslov and Igor Serdyuk streets
14.11.2019      Near the school №30
13.11.2019      At the Babayev Square
12.11.2019      Kyivs'ka street
11.11.2019      Pershotravneva street
10.11.2019      On 29 Veresnia street
09.11.2019      The crossroad of Trinity and Peremohy streets
08.11.2019      The crossroad of Haharin and Soborna streets
07.11.2019      In the yard of 7 Vatutin street
06.11.2019      On Maiakovs'kyi street
05.11.2019      On Peremohy street
04.11.2019      “Central Market” bus stop
03.11.2019      Cat show in the Palace of Culture
02.11.2019      Myru street
01.11.2019      On Academician Maslov Street

October 2019
31.10.2019      Cemetery at Molodizhny
30.10.2019      The crossroad of Major Borishchak and Shevchenko streets
29.10.2019      Near Vodokanal bus stop
28.10.2019      On Pushkin blv.
27.10.2019      In the yard of 7 Igor Serdyuk street
26.10.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
25.10.2019      On Trinity street
24.10.2019      In Prykhod'ka street
23.10.2019      Near the clothes factory
22.10.2019      Near the yard of 25 Heroyiv Bresta
21.10.2019      In the yard of 61 Kyivs'ka street
20.10.2019      Near the yard of 3в 1905 roku street
19.10.2019      At the yard of 3 Voyiniv Internatsionalistiv
18.10.2019      Near the Shopping Center “Galaktyka”
17.10.2019      Ivan Mazepa Street
16.10.2019      In Vadyma Boika street
15.10.2019      Igor Serdyuk Street
14.10.2019      Defender of Ukraine Day
13.10.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
12.10.2019      29 Veresnia street
11.10.2019      On Soborna street
10.10.2019      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
09.10.2019      The crossroad of Nebesnoi Sotni and Pershotravneva streets
08.10.2019      The “Centre” bus stop
07.10.2019      In the yard of 38 Svoboda Avenue
06.10.2019      On Peremohy street
05.10.2019      On Soborna street
04.10.2019      At the Indepebdence Square
03.10.2019      At the yard of 17 Hor'kyi street
02.10.2019      Lieutenant Pokladov Street
01.10.2019      1905 roku street

September 2019
30.09.2019      “Kozatska” bus stop
29.09.2019      76th Anniversary of the Liberation of Kremenchuk
28.09.2019      The Dnipro
27.09.2019      Near the Peremohy Square
26.09.2019      Babayev Square
25.09.2019      In the yard of 27 Pershotravneva street
24.09.2019      In the area of housing complex
23.09.2019      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
22.09.2019      “Lyceum №4” bus stop
21.09.2019      The Dnipro
20.09.2019      Near Vodokanal bus stop
19.09.2019      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
18.09.2019      On Kyivs'ka street
17.09.2019      Near the Central Market
16.09.2019      The crossroad of Trinity and Lieutenant Pokladov streets
15.09.2019      The Dnipro
14.09.2019      On Trinity street
13.09.2019      The crossroad of Ivan Mazepa and Peremohy streets
12.09.2019      In the yard of the school №19
11.09.2019      The crossroad of Peremohy and 1905 roku streets
10.09.2019      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
09.09.2019      On Pershotravneva street
08.09.2019      On Soborna street
07.09.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
06.09.2019      Crossroads of Svoboda Avenue and Heroyiv Bresta streets
05.09.2019      Sofiyevs'ka Street
04.09.2019      Near the Shopping Center “Galaktyka”
03.09.2019      On Peremohy street
02.09.2019      School 19
01.09.2019      At the yard of 23 Myru

August 2019
31.08.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
30.08.2019      The crossroad of Ivan Mazepa and Academician Maslov streets
29.08.2019      Near the Central Market
28.08.2019      At the Sosnovyi Square
27.08.2019      On Hor'kyi street
26.08.2019      In the Shopping Center “Amstor”
25.08.2019      Near the hotel «Kremin'»
24.08.2019      The Independence Day of Ukraine
23.08.2019      Near the palace of culture
22.08.2019      Kvartal'na street
21.08.2019      Near the beach
20.08.2019      Near the “Avrora” bus stop
19.08.2019      Near the yard of 2 1905 roku street
18.08.2019      On Peremohy street
17.08.2019      On Shevchenko street
16.08.2019      At the Indepebdence Square
15.08.2019      Railway station
14.08.2019      On Soborna street
13.08.2019      On Kyivs'ka street
12.08.2019      Near the power station
11.08.2019      At the Myru Park
10.08.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
09.08.2019      Near the Polytechnic University
08.08.2019      In the shopping center “Mega”
07.08.2019      At the yard of 50/15 Sums'ka
06.08.2019      In Prykhod'ka street
05.08.2019      On Trinity street
04.08.2019      Near the Peremohy Square
03.08.2019      On Igor Serdyuk Street
02.08.2019      From Odesa to Geneva
01.08.2019      At the Central Market

July 2019
31.07.2019      The crossroad of Kyivs'ka and Vadim Pugachev streets
30.07.2019      Sums'ka street
29.07.2019      On Svoboda Avenue
28.07.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
27.07.2019      Near the beach
26.07.2019      Near the “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
25.07.2019      On Trinity street
24.07.2019      At the Central Market
23.07.2019      Near Vodokanal
22.07.2019      At the Babayev Square
21.07.2019      Polling station №531060
20.07.2019      Near the power station
19.07.2019      At the bridge over the Dnipro
18.07.2019      On Shevchenko street
17.07.2019      The crossroad of Nebesnoi Sotni and Serdyuk streets
16.07.2019      Hranitna street
15.07.2019      “Central Market” bus stop
14.07.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
13.07.2019      Cheliuskintsiv provulok
12.07.2019      Near the school №19
11.07.2019      THe crossroad of Haharin and Pershotravneva streets
10.07.2019      Pershotravneva street
09.07.2019      Near the “Avrora”
08.07.2019      Near the «Kriukivchanka» market
07.07.2019      The Dnipro
06.07.2019      On Soborna street
05.07.2019      “Roksolana” bus stop
04.07.2019      “Central Market” bus stop
03.07.2019      The hospital №1
02.07.2019      On Soborna street
01.07.2019      The “Centre” bus stop

June 2019
30.06.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
29.06.2019      Near the Central Market
28.06.2019      At the Victory Square
27.06.2019      At the yard of 89 Heroyiv Bresta
26.06.2019      In a trolleybus
25.06.2019      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
24.06.2019      Trinity street
23.06.2019      The Dnipro
22.06.2019      Near the Independence Square
21.06.2019      In Vadyma Boika street
20.06.2019      At the Ponomarenko Square
19.06.2019      On Haharina street
18.06.2019      Near the house of trade
17.06.2019      Khalameniuka street
16.06.2019      The Dnipro
15.06.2019      Crossroads of Pershotravneva street and Haharina street
14.06.2019      Near the Shopping Center “Galaktyka”
13.06.2019      On Soborna street
12.06.2019      The crossroad of Hor'kyi and Major Borishchak streets
11.06.2019      Near the Troyits'kyi market
10.06.2019      Crossroads of Svoboda Avenue and O. Bogayevs'kyi streets
09.06.2019      On Peremohy street
08.06.2019      Near the Independence Square
07.06.2019      On Trinity street
06.06.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
05.06.2019      Lesya Ukrainka Avenue
04.06.2019      At the Central Market
03.06.2019      At the River Station
02.06.2019      At the Babayev Square
01.06.2019      At the Indepebdence Square

May 2019
31.05.2019      On Pushkin blv.
30.05.2019      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
29.05.2019      Near the beach
28.05.2019      The crossroad of Hor'kyi and Trinity streets
27.05.2019      Near the children's library
26.05.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
25.05.2019      In Prykhod'ka street
24.05.2019      At School 10
23.05.2019      Near the yard of 75a Heroyiv Bresta
22.05.2019      On Pershotravneva street
21.05.2019      In the yard of 51 Lesya Ukrainka Avenue
20.05.2019      On Pershotravneva street
19.05.2019      The Dnipro
18.05.2019      “Bus Station” bus stop
17.05.2019      In memory of Holodomor victims and political repressions
16.05.2019      Kyivs'ka street
15.05.2019      Near the park near the Dnipro
14.05.2019      Near the “Vadyma Boika” bus stop
13.05.2019      The Central Market
12.05.2019      The Dnipro
11.05.2019      Babayev Square
10.05.2019      Ivan Mazepa Street
09.05.2019      Victory day
08.05.2019      Near the confectionery factory
07.05.2019      Trinity street
06.05.2019      Evropeys'ka Street
05.05.2019      Nebesnoi Sotni street
04.05.2019      On Peremohy street
03.05.2019      Near Poltava avenue
02.05.2019      Railway station
01.05.2019      Near the maternity hospital

April 2019
30.04.2019      Near the River Station
29.04.2019      At the Myru Park
28.04.2019      Orthodox Easter
27.04.2019      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
26.04.2019      At the Babayev Square
25.04.2019      On 29 Veresnia street
24.04.2019      Near the hospital №1
23.04.2019      Chernysha street
22.04.2019      Kyivs'ka street
21.04.2019      In a gulf
20.04.2019      In the yard of 7 Igor Serdyuk street
19.04.2019      In the yard of 23/8 Nebesnoi Sotni street
18.04.2019      On Shevchenko street
17.04.2019      In the yard of 23 Pershotravneva street
16.04.2019      Near the brewery
15.04.2019      In Vadyma Boika street
14.04.2019      Peremohy street
13.04.2019      On Soborna street
12.04.2019      Near Khorols'ka street
11.04.2019      In the yard of 30 Svoboda Avenue
10.04.2019      On Hor'kyi street
09.04.2019      Near the “Vichno Zhyvym” Memorial
08.04.2019      On Trinity street
07.04.2019      At the Central Market
06.04.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
05.04.2019      Kozachiy blind alley
04.04.2019      Poltava avenue
03.04.2019      Square near the railway station
02.04.2019      In the yard of 27 Shevchenko street
01.04.2019      Nebesnoi Sotni street

March 2019
31.03.2019      Presidential elections
30.03.2019      in the City Gardens
29.03.2019      On Haharina street
28.03.2019      On Pershotravneva street
27.03.2019      Near the brewery
26.03.2019      Pushkina blv.
25.03.2019      At the yard of 4/15 Academician Maslov
24.03.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
23.03.2019      On Shevchenko street
22.03.2019      On Peremohy street
21.03.2019      Near the Bus Station
20.03.2019      On Igor Serdyuk Street
19.03.2019      Shevchenko street
18.03.2019      Railway station
17.03.2019      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
16.03.2019      On Pershotravneva street
15.03.2019      Soborna street
14.03.2019      Kokhnivske cemetery
13.03.2019      On Igor Serdyuk Street
12.03.2019      Soborna street
11.03.2019      Near the hotel «Reikartz»
10.03.2019      Maslenitsa
09.03.2019      At the Victory Square
08.03.2019      On Academician Maslov Street
07.03.2019      Near the “Avrora”
06.03.2019      In the yard of 14 Pushkin Blv.
05.03.2019      At the Victory Square
04.03.2019      On Kyivs'ka street
03.03.2019      Near the crossroad of Nebesnoi Sotni and Igor Serdyuk streets
02.03.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
01.03.2019      Crossroads of Pershotravneva street and Haharina street

February 2019
28.02.2019      On Peremohy street
27.02.2019      Near the dairy plant
26.02.2019      On Pershotravneva street
25.02.2019      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Igor Serdyuk streets
24.02.2019      The Dnipro
23.02.2019      At the yard of 23 Heroyiv Bresta
22.02.2019      On Svoboda Avenue
21.02.2019      At Rakovka
20.02.2019      Hor'kyi street
19.02.2019      On Academician Maslov Street
18.02.2019      Near the “Vichno Zhyvym” Memorial bus stop
17.02.2019      At the park near the Dnipro
16.02.2019      On Myru street
15.02.2019      On Haharina street
14.02.2019      Near the Central Market
13.02.2019      Near the power station
12.02.2019      On 29 Veresnia street
11.02.2019      Svoboda Avenue
10.02.2019      On Pershotravneva street
09.02.2019      Near the Troyits'kyi market
08.02.2019      “Center” bus stop
07.02.2019      Soborna street
06.02.2019      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
05.02.2019      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
04.02.2019      In Prykhod'ka street
03.02.2019      In the yard of 51 Shevchenko street
02.02.2019      Igor Serdyuk Street
01.02.2019      Shevchenko street

January 2019
31.01.2019      Near the Central Market
30.01.2019      At Molodizhny
29.01.2019      Near the Flight College
28.01.2019      On Kyivs'ka street
27.01.2019      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
26.01.2019      Sofiyevs'ka Street
25.01.2019      On Shevchenko street
24.01.2019      Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
23.01.2019      29 Veresnia street
22.01.2019      1905 roku street
21.01.2019      In the area of housing complex
20.01.2019      Pershotravneva street
19.01.2019      Blessing of water at the Dnipro river
18.01.2019      At the yard of 69 Heroyiv Bresta
17.01.2019      Victory Square
16.01.2019      Teatralna Street
15.01.2019      On Ivan Mazepa Street
14.01.2019      On Pershotravneva street
13.01.2019      Happy “Old” New Year!
12.01.2019      At the yard of 51 Heroyiv Bresta
11.01.2019      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
10.01.2019      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
09.01.2019      On Academician Maslov Street
08.01.2019      Igor Serdyuk Street
07.01.2019      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2019      Market at Vadim Pugachev
05.01.2019      At the Central Market
04.01.2019      Kotsiubyns'kyi street
03.01.2019      At the first Zanasyp
02.01.2019      in the City Gardens
01.01.2019      Soborna street

December 2018
31.12.2018      Happy New Year!
30.12.2018      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
29.12.2018      Peremohy street
28.12.2018      In the yard of 70 Svoboda Avenue
27.12.2018      In the yard of 6 Peremohy street
26.12.2018      On Trinity street
25.12.2018      At the Victory Square
24.12.2018      Babayev Square
23.12.2018      At the Victory Square
22.12.2018      At the yard of 105 Heroyiv Bresta
21.12.2018      On Haharina street
20.12.2018      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
19.12.2018      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
18.12.2018      On Trinity street
17.12.2018      Near the railway station
16.12.2018      Victory Square
15.12.2018      Near the Palace of Culture “Naftokhimik”
14.12.2018      On Academician Maslov Street
13.12.2018      Haharin street
12.12.2018      Near the children's library
11.12.2018      The crossroad of Nebesnoi Sotni and Trinity streets
10.12.2018      In the kindergarten
09.12.2018      On Khalameniuka street
08.12.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
07.12.2018      The crossroad of Soborna and Shevchenko streets
06.12.2018      Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
05.12.2018      Igor Serdyuk Street
04.12.2018      The crossroad of Shevchenko and pershotravneva streets
03.12.2018      At the Victory Square
02.12.2018      At the Myru Park
01.12.2018      Near the hotel «Kremin'»

November 2018
30.11.2018      278 Kvartal (Between the Brewery and Molodizhnyi)
29.11.2018      In the yard of 6/20 Major Borishchak street
28.11.2018      Near the Peremohy Square
27.11.2018      On Shevchenko street
26.11.2018      Hoholia street
25.11.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
24.11.2018      Hor'kyi street
23.11.2018      The crossroad of Trinity and Peremohy streets
22.11.2018      At the yard of 4/23 Soborna
21.11.2018      At the yard of 29 Myru
20.11.2018      On Trinity street
19.11.2018      At Molodizhny
18.11.2018      Near the River Station
17.11.2018      The park near the Dnipro
16.11.2018      On Kyivs'ka street
15.11.2018      Soborna street
14.11.2018      At the “Railway station” bus stop
13.11.2018      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
12.11.2018      The crossroad of Sofiyevs'ka and Nebesnoi Sotni streets
11.11.2018      Pushkina blv.
10.11.2018      Near the River Station
09.11.2018      Near the Ponomarenko Square
08.11.2018      Lieutenant Pokladov Street
07.11.2018      On Trinity street
06.11.2018      Near the school №19
05.11.2018      At the yard of 45 Heroyiv Bresta
04.11.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
03.11.2018      Babayev Square
02.11.2018      On 29 Veresnia street
01.11.2018      The crossroad of Soborna and Nebesnoi Sotni streets

October 2018
31.10.2018      On Sofiyevs'ka street
30.10.2018      Svoboda Avenue
29.10.2018      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
28.10.2018      A view to the Peremohy Square
27.10.2018      Near the Central Market
26.10.2018      Hotel «Kremin'» bus stop
25.10.2018      On Shevchenko street
24.10.2018      Near Hvardiys'ka street
23.10.2018      Academician Maslov Street
22.10.2018      Shevchenko street
21.10.2018      The Dnipro
20.10.2018      At the Myru Park
19.10.2018      On Ivan Mazepa Street
18.10.2018      Trinity street
17.10.2018      On Soborna street
16.10.2018      In the yard of 9 Nebesnoi Sotni street
15.10.2018      On Evropeys'ka Street
14.10.2018      Defender of Ukraine Day
13.10.2018      Near the children's hospital
12.10.2018      Cemetery at Molodizhny
11.10.2018      On Shevchenko street
10.10.2018      Peremohy street
09.10.2018      Major Borishchak Street
08.10.2018      Khorols'ka street
07.10.2018      Babayev Square
06.10.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
05.10.2018      On Pershotravneva street
04.10.2018      Heneral Zhadov street
03.10.2018      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
02.10.2018      Trinity street
01.10.2018      Lesya Ukrainka Avenue

September 2018
30.09.2018      Bank of the Dnipro
29.09.2018      75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Kremenchuk
28.09.2018      At the Sosnovyi Square
27.09.2018      Leonov street
26.09.2018      On Peremohy street
25.09.2018      “Center” bus stop
24.09.2018      Major Borishchak Street
23.09.2018      The Day of the town
22.09.2018      At the Indepebdence Square
21.09.2018      On Soborna street
20.09.2018      Tkachenka street
19.09.2018      In the yard of the school № 5
18.09.2018      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
17.09.2018      Khalameniuka street
16.09.2018      Bank of the Dnipro
15.09.2018      On Pershotravneva street
14.09.2018      Soborna street
13.09.2018      In Vadyma Boika street
12.09.2018      Babayev Square
11.09.2018      On Igor Serdyuk Street
10.09.2018      On Academician Maslov Street
09.09.2018      Sofiyevs'ka Street
08.09.2018      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
07.09.2018      In the yard of 24 Peremohy street
06.09.2018      Near the Central Market
05.09.2018      Near Khalameniuka bus stop
04.09.2018      At Rakovka
03.09.2018      The first bell in the school 20
02.09.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
01.09.2018      Pershotravneva street

August 2018
31.08.2018      Lesya Ukrainka Avenue
30.08.2018      “Center” bus stop
29.08.2018      Ilovaisk Tragedy Memorial Day
28.08.2018      Soborna street
27.08.2018      On Shevchenko street
26.08.2018      At the Myru Park
25.08.2018      On Pershotravneva street
24.08.2018      The Independence Day of Ukraine
23.08.2018      Near the “Dniprovski Zori” hotel
22.08.2018      Near the school №10
21.08.2018      On Kyivs'ka street
20.08.2018      29 Veresnia street
19.08.2018      The Dnipro
18.08.2018      At the yard of 40/2 Soborna street
17.08.2018      On Kyivs'ka street
16.08.2018      At the main beach
15.08.2018      Near the school №27
14.08.2018      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
13.08.2018      On the river Sukhyi Kahamlyk
12.08.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
11.08.2018      Near the Central Market
10.08.2018      On Soborna street
09.08.2018      The Independence Square
08.08.2018      On Kyivs'ka street
07.08.2018      Pavlivs'ka Street
06.08.2018      Trinity street
05.08.2018      At the Babayev Square
04.08.2018      The Dnipro
03.08.2018      “Center” bus stop
02.08.2018      Igor Serdyuk Street
01.08.2018      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop

July 2018
31.07.2018      On Haharina street
30.07.2018      Ivan Mazepa Street
29.07.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
28.07.2018      On Soborna street
27.07.2018      On Trinity street
26.07.2018      At the yard of 6 Pavlov street
25.07.2018      On Ivan Mazepa Street
24.07.2018      On Soborna street
23.07.2018      At the Indepebdence Square
22.07.2018      Bank of the Dnipro
21.07.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
20.07.2018      The crossroad of Nebesnoi Sotni and Soborna streets
19.07.2018      On Sofiyevs'ka street
18.07.2018      Kyivs'ka street
17.07.2018      Haharin street
16.07.2018      At the Babayev Square
15.07.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
14.07.2018      Near the Central Market
13.07.2018      On 29 Veresnia street
12.07.2018      The crossroad of Haharin and Soborna streets
11.07.2018      Near the “Ontario” hotel
10.07.2018      Peremohy street
09.07.2018      At the bridge over the Dnipro
08.07.2018      At the stadium of the Flight College
07.07.2018      Near the park near the Dnipro
06.07.2018      “Kozatska” bus stop
05.07.2018      “Vodokanal” bus stop
04.07.2018      Pushkina blv.
03.07.2018      Near the confectionery
02.07.2018      Nebesnoi Sotni street
01.07.2018      At the Victory Square

June 2018
30.06.2018      Bank of the Dnipro
29.06.2018      Near the polyclinic №4
28.06.2018      On Peremohy street
27.06.2018      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
26.06.2018      Haharin street
25.06.2018      “Center” bus stop
24.06.2018      The Dnipro
23.06.2018      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
22.06.2018      Academician Maslov Street
21.06.2018      At the Babayev Square
20.06.2018      “Khalamenuika” bus stop
19.06.2018      1905 roku street
18.06.2018      Lesya Ukrainka Avenue
17.06.2018      At the Babayev Square
16.06.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
15.06.2018      Igor Serdyuk Street
14.06.2018      On Pershotravneva street
13.06.2018      29 Veresnia street
12.06.2018      In Prykhod'ka street
11.06.2018      At the yard of 10 Peremohy
10.06.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
09.06.2018      On Soborna street
08.06.2018      On Trinity street
07.06.2018      Near the “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
06.06.2018      On Soborna street
05.06.2018      On Hoholia street
04.06.2018      Ivan Mazepa Street
03.06.2018      Peremohy street
02.06.2018      At the Myru Park
01.06.2018      On Pershotravneva street

May 2018
31.05.2018      Near the “Heroyiv Ukraine” bus stop
30.05.2018      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
29.05.2018      Near the children's library
28.05.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
27.05.2018      The Dnipro
26.05.2018      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Trinity street
25.05.2018      Near Khorols'ka street
24.05.2018      Peremohy street
23.05.2018      Svoboda Avenue
22.05.2018      At the Babayev Square
21.05.2018      Near the Central Market
20.05.2018      The crossroad of Peremohy and Pershotravneva streets
19.05.2018      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
18.05.2018      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
17.05.2018      Near the house of trade
16.05.2018      Khalameniuka street
15.05.2018      Kvartal'na street
14.05.2018      Shevchenko street
13.05.2018      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
12.05.2018      In the yard of 17/2 Pershotravneva street
11.05.2018      In the area of housing complex
10.05.2018      Soborna street
09.05.2018      Victory day
08.05.2018      At the yard of 4/23 Soborna
07.05.2018      On Igor Serdyuk Street
06.05.2018      Near the River Station
05.05.2018      At the yard of 16 Voyiniv Internatsionalistiv
04.05.2018      Babayev Square
03.05.2018      Near the palace of culture
02.05.2018      Near the brewery
01.05.2018      On Svoboda Avenue

April 2018
30.04.2018      Babayev Square
29.04.2018      Bank of the Dnipro
28.04.2018      On Pushkin blv.
27.04.2018      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
26.04.2018      At the Babayev Square
25.04.2018      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
24.04.2018      Khorols'ka street
23.04.2018      Myru street
22.04.2018      At the Victory Square
21.04.2018      On Shevchenko street
20.04.2018      At the yard of 4 1905 roku
19.04.2018      At the yard of 29 Veresnia, 13
18.04.2018      At the Babayev Square
17.04.2018      On Pershotravneva street
16.04.2018      Igor Serdyuk Street
15.04.2018      Fabrychnyi provulok
14.04.2018      Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
13.04.2018      In the yard of 22/13 Nebesnoi Sotni street
12.04.2018      Near the Central Market
11.04.2018      The crossroad of Trinity and 29 Veresnia streets
10.04.2018      The crossroad of Soborna and Academician Maslov streets
09.04.2018      Pushkina blv.
08.04.2018      in the City Gardens
07.04.2018      On Kyivs'ka street
06.04.2018      On Trinity street
05.04.2018      In the yard of Evropeys'ka 70 street
04.04.2018      Near the River Station
03.04.2018      Near Vodokanal bus stop
02.04.2018      Near the Bus Station
01.04.2018      Khalameniuka street

March 2018
31.03.2018      Lesya Ukrainka Avenue
30.03.2018      On Haharina street
29.03.2018      At the Victory Square
28.03.2018      Ivan Mazepa Street
27.03.2018      Major Borishchak Street
26.03.2018      On Svoboda Avenue
25.03.2018      The Dnipro
24.03.2018      Igor Serdyuk Street
23.03.2018      On Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho street
22.03.2018      Near the “Vadyma Boika” bus stop
21.03.2018      On Academician Maslov Street
20.03.2018      Vadim Pugachev street
19.03.2018      At the yard of 45 Heroyiv Bresta
18.03.2018      On Igor Serdyuk Street
17.03.2018      Pershotravneva street
16.03.2018      On Svoboda Avenue
15.03.2018      In the yard of Haharin 34/32 street
14.03.2018      29 Veresnia street
13.03.2018      Soborna street
12.03.2018      Near the Central Market
11.03.2018      At the Babayev Square
10.03.2018      Near the hotel «Kremin'»
09.03.2018      Near the Independence Square
08.03.2018      On Academician Maslov Street
07.03.2018      In the yard of 55 Svoboda Avenue
06.03.2018      1905 roku street
05.03.2018      Near the railway station
04.03.2018      Near the Troyits'kyi market
03.03.2018      At the Babayev Square
02.03.2018      In the yard of 2/34 Ivan Mazepa street
01.03.2018      On Shevchenko street

February 2018
28.02.2018      Khorols'ka street
27.02.2018      In the yard of 9 Nebesnoi Sotni street
26.02.2018      On Kyivs'ka street
25.02.2018      Soborna street
24.02.2018      On Heneral Zhadov street
23.02.2018      Voyiniv Internatsionalistiv street
22.02.2018      On Pershotravneva street
21.02.2018      Peremohy street
20.02.2018      Heavenly Hundred memorial day
19.02.2018      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
18.02.2018      Maslenitsa
17.02.2018      At the Victory Square
16.02.2018      Shevchenko street
15.02.2018      In the yard of 18 Peremohy street
14.02.2018      On Igor Serdyuk Street
13.02.2018      Shevchenko street
12.02.2018      At Rakovka
11.02.2018      At the Myru Park
10.02.2018      At the yard of 5 Academician Maslov
09.02.2018      Poltava avenue
08.02.2018      Ivan Mazepa Street
07.02.2018      At the yard of 87 Heroyiv Bresta
06.02.2018      On Soborna street
05.02.2018      On Doctor O. Bogayevs'kyi street
04.02.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
03.02.2018      On Pershotravneva street
02.02.2018      Near the hospital №1
01.02.2018      On Svoboda Avenue

January 2018
31.01.2018      Peremohy street
30.01.2018      On Trinity street
29.01.2018      L.Tolstoy provulok
28.01.2018      “The River Station” bus stop
27.01.2018      Khorols'ka street
26.01.2018      Street of the doctor O. Bogayevs'koho
25.01.2018      29 Veresnia street
24.01.2018      Svoboda Avenue
23.01.2018      Major Borishchak Street
22.01.2018      Day of Ukraine
21.01.2018      Victory Square
20.01.2018      Nebesnoi Sotni street
19.01.2018      Blessing of water at the Dnipro river
18.01.2018      On Ivan Mazepa Street
17.01.2018      Haharin street
16.01.2018      Near the market at Hvardiys'ka
15.01.2018      The “Centre” bus stop
14.01.2018      Happy “Old” New Year!
13.01.2018      On Soborna street
12.01.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
11.01.2018      At the yard of 75a Heroyiv Bresta
10.01.2018      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
09.01.2018      On Svoboda Avenue
08.01.2018      The Shopping Center “Amstor”
07.01.2018      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2018      At the park near the Dnipro
05.01.2018      “Rynok” bus stop
04.01.2018      On Svoboda Avenue
03.01.2018      In Prykhod'ka street
02.01.2018      At the Victory Square
01.01.2018      Near the Plant of Road Mashines

December 2017
31.12.2017      Happy New Year!
30.12.2017      Near the Central Market
29.12.2017      On Igor Serdyuk Street
28.12.2017      Fur-tree market
27.12.2017      Railway Car Plant
26.12.2017      Near the power station
25.12.2017      Soborna street
24.12.2017      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
23.12.2017      At the Victory Square
22.12.2017      On Haharina street
21.12.2017      In the courtyard of the veterans hospital
20.12.2017      In the kindergarten
19.12.2017      At the Victory Square
18.12.2017      “Avrora” bus stop
17.12.2017      Academician Maslov Street
16.12.2017      On Soborna street
15.12.2017      “Vichno Zhyvym” Memorial bus stop
14.12.2017      Ivan Mazepa Street
13.12.2017      Trinity street
12.12.2017      On 29 Veresnia street
11.12.2017      Near the Plant of Road Machines
10.12.2017      The House of trade
09.12.2017      A view to the Peremohy Square
08.12.2017      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
07.12.2017      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Soborna streets
06.12.2017      On Mykolayivsʹka street
05.12.2017      The crossroad of Soborna and Kvartal'na streets
04.12.2017      On Pushkin blv.
03.12.2017      At the Victory Square
02.12.2017      On Myru street
01.12.2017      Near the Central Market

November 2017
30.11.2017      Hor'kyi street
29.11.2017      Nebesnoi Sotni street
28.11.2017      At the first Zanasyp
27.11.2017      Evropeys'ka Street
26.11.2017      Peremohy street
25.11.2017      Shevchenko street
24.11.2017      On Haharina street
23.11.2017      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
22.11.2017      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
21.11.2017      Ivan Mazepa Street
20.11.2017      At the first Zanasyp
19.11.2017      Pushkina blv.
18.11.2017      On Pershotravneva street
17.11.2017      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
16.11.2017      Soborna street
15.11.2017      On Doctor O. Bogayevs'kyi street
14.11.2017      On Haharina street
13.11.2017      On Myru street
12.11.2017      At the Babayev Square
11.11.2017      Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
10.11.2017      Near the Peremohy Square
09.11.2017      Ivan Mazepa Street
08.11.2017      At the yard of 68a Evropeys'ka
07.11.2017      At the yard of 66 Svoboda Avenue
06.11.2017      Pushkina blv.
05.11.2017      Cat show in the Palace of Culture
04.11.2017      At Molodizhny
03.11.2017      On 29 Veresnia street
02.11.2017      On Dnipro Embankment
01.11.2017      At the Central Market

October 2017
31.10.2017      On Trinity street
30.10.2017      Vadym Boika street
29.10.2017      Sofiyevs'ka Street
28.10.2017      Near Vodokanal bus stop
27.10.2017      At the park near the Dnipro
26.10.2017      Academician Maslov Street
25.10.2017      At the Babayev Square
24.10.2017      Trinity street
23.10.2017      At the Babayev Square
22.10.2017      Near the palace of culture “Kredmash”
21.10.2017      On Kyivs'ka street
20.10.2017      At the yard of 37 Myru
19.10.2017      On Ivan Mazepa Street
18.10.2017      At the yard of 18 Haharina
17.10.2017      Lieutenant Pokladov Street
16.10.2017      On Trinity street
15.10.2017      At the park near the Dnipro
14.10.2017      Defender of Ukraine Day
13.10.2017      Near the Kotlov palace of culture
12.10.2017      At the yard of 11 Myru
11.10.2017      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
10.10.2017      Lesya Ukrainka Avenue
09.10.2017      Near the School of Art
08.10.2017      On Peremohy street
07.10.2017      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
06.10.2017      The crossroad of Kvartal'na and Soborna streets
05.10.2017      At the Babayev Square
04.10.2017      Near Vodokanal bus stop
03.10.2017      On Soborna street
02.10.2017      Pershotravneva street
01.10.2017      Bank of the Dnipro

September 2017
30.09.2017      On Peremohy street
29.09.2017      74th anniversary of the expulsion of the Nazi occupation of Ukraine
28.09.2017      Near the “Vadyma Boika” bus stop
27.09.2017      Teatralna Street
26.09.2017      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
25.09.2017      Crossroads of Henerala Zhadov street and Pershotravneva street
24.09.2017      The Day of the town
23.09.2017      At the Victory Square
22.09.2017      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
21.09.2017      At the Myru Park
20.09.2017      In the yard of 16 Pushkin Blv.
19.09.2017      The crossroad of Ivan Mazepa and Lieutenant Pokladov streets
18.09.2017      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
17.09.2017      At the park near the Dnipro
16.09.2017      Near the Troyits'kyi market
15.09.2017      On Igor Serdyuk Street
14.09.2017      Near the power station
13.09.2017      Ivan Mazepa Street
12.09.2017      On Shevchenko street
11.09.2017      Near Vodokanal
10.09.2017      At the park near the Dnipro
09.09.2017      The crossroad of Ivan Mazepa and Academician Maslov streets
08.09.2017      On Soborna street
07.09.2017      On Kyivs'ka street
06.09.2017      In the yard of 23 Trinity street
05.09.2017      Near the Central Market
04.09.2017      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
03.09.2017      The Dnipro
02.09.2017      Near the palace of culture “Kredmash”
01.09.2017      In the yard of 16 Peremohy street

August 2017
31.08.2017      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Major Borishchak streets
30.08.2017      In the yard of 18 Pushkin Blv.
29.08.2017      Sofiyevs'ka Street
28.08.2017      Near the brewery
27.08.2017      At the Babayev Square
26.08.2017      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
25.08.2017      On Igor Serdyuk Street
24.08.2017      The Independence Day of Ukraine
23.08.2017      Soborna street
22.08.2017      On Khalameniuka street
21.08.2017      Teatralna Street
20.08.2017      The crossroad of Academician Maslov and Soborna streets
19.08.2017      The crossroad of Peremohy and Pershotravneva streets
18.08.2017      The crossroad of Ivan Mazepa and Shevchenko streets
17.08.2017      Academician Maslov Street
16.08.2017      Near the “Vichno Zhyvym” Memorial bus stop
15.08.2017      Leonov street
14.08.2017      At the Babayev Square
13.08.2017      At the park near the Dnipro
12.08.2017      On Soborna street
11.08.2017      Near the railway station
10.08.2017      “Rynok” bus stop
09.08.2017      Igor Serdyuk Street
08.08.2017      Pishchanyi provulok
07.08.2017      On Kvartal'na street
06.08.2017      At the park near the Dnipro
05.08.2017      Academician Maslov Street
04.08.2017      Sofiyevs'ka Street
03.08.2017      Near Vodokanal bus stop
02.08.2017      Near the Troyits'kyi market
01.08.2017      On Soborna street

July 2017
31.07.2017      On Peremohy street
30.07.2017      At the Babayev Square
29.07.2017      Igor Serdyuk Street
28.07.2017      Near the confectionery “Lukas”
27.07.2017      Svoboda Avenue
26.07.2017      Near the Oil-processing Plant
25.07.2017      In Prykhod'ka street
24.07.2017      Near the Central Market
23.07.2017      Near the house of trade
22.07.2017      Peremohy street
21.07.2017      On Pershotravneva street
20.07.2017      At the yard of 9 Myru
19.07.2017      Near the children's hospital
18.07.2017      In the yard of 39 Pershotravneva street
17.07.2017      Lesya Ukrainka Avenue
16.07.2017      On Soborna street
15.07.2017      Near the brewery
14.07.2017      At the Babayev Square
13.07.2017      On Doctor O. Bogayevs'kyi street
12.07.2017      The crossroad of Kvartal'na and Igor Serdyuk streets
11.07.2017      Trinity street
10.07.2017      “Vodokanal” bus stop
09.07.2017      The Dnipro
08.07.2017      At the Myru Park
07.07.2017      The “Centre” bus stop
06.07.2017      In the yard of 44a Pravoberezhna street
05.07.2017      On Svoboda Avenue
04.07.2017      Near the “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
03.07.2017      On Ivan Mazepa Street
02.07.2017      Near the railway station
01.07.2017      At the park near the Dnipro

June 2017
30.06.2017      Street of the doctor O. Bogayevs'koho
29.06.2017      Shevchenko street
28.06.2017      At the yard of 105 Heroyiv Bresta
27.06.2017      1905 roku street
26.06.2017      Teatralna Street
25.06.2017      At the park near the Dnipro
24.06.2017      On Soborna street
23.06.2017      Rock-climbing championship of Ukraine
22.06.2017      Pershotravneva street
21.06.2017      At Molodizhny
20.06.2017      Prykhod'ko street
19.06.2017      On Pushkin blv.
18.06.2017      Peremohy street
17.06.2017      On Pershotravneva street
16.06.2017      At the Babayev Square
15.06.2017      Near Vodokanal
14.06.2017      Pershotravneva street
13.06.2017      “Vodokanal” bus stop
12.06.2017      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
11.06.2017      “The River Station” bus stop
10.06.2017      Babayev Square
09.06.2017      Near the Central Market
08.06.2017      The crossroad of Trinity and Nebesnoi Sotni streets
07.06.2017      Near the Plant of Road Machines
06.06.2017      Lesya Ukrainka Avenue
05.06.2017      At the Victory Square
04.06.2017      At the bank of the Dnipro
03.06.2017      On 29 Veresnia street
02.06.2017      Academician Maslov Street
01.06.2017      On Khorol's'ka street

May 2017
31.05.2017      in the City Gardens
30.05.2017      Near entertainment center Europe
29.05.2017      Teatralna Street
28.05.2017      At the park near the Dnipro
27.05.2017      The crossroad of Nebesnoi Sotni and Igor Serdyuk streets
26.05.2017      On Soborna street
25.05.2017      The crossroad of Peremohy and Igor Serdyuk streets
24.05.2017      Svoboda Avenue
23.05.2017      Leonov street
22.05.2017      Haharin street
21.05.2017      At the bank of the Dnipro
20.05.2017      At the Babayev Square
19.05.2017      Trinity street
18.05.2017      At Rakovka
17.05.2017      Khalameniuka street
16.05.2017      Near the “Kerchens'ka” bus stop
15.05.2017      Near the Central Market
14.05.2017      At the park near the Dnipro
13.05.2017      Trinity street
12.05.2017      Igor Serdyuk Street
11.05.2017      At the yard of 97 Heroyiv Bresta
10.05.2017      Pershotravneva street
09.05.2017      Veterans of World War II
08.05.2017      Kotsiubyns'kyi street
07.05.2017      Kyivs'ka street
06.05.2017      Victory Square
05.05.2017      On Igor Serdyuk Street
04.05.2017      Evropeys'ka Street
03.05.2017      Academician Maslov Street
02.05.2017      On Peremohy street
01.05.2017      At the Myru Park

April 2017
30.04.2017      At the park near the Dnipro
29.04.2017      On Pushkin blv.
28.04.2017      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
27.04.2017      Svoboda Avenue
26.04.2017      Reyivka
25.04.2017      Sofiyevs'ka Street
24.04.2017      Commemoration Day
23.04.2017      The Dnipro
22.04.2017      On Kyivs'ka street
21.04.2017      The crossroad of Academician Maslov and Hoholia streets
20.04.2017      At the Babayev Square
19.04.2017      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
18.04.2017      Near Khalameniuka bus stop
17.04.2017      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
16.04.2017      Orthodox Easter
15.04.2017      Evropeys'ka Street
14.04.2017      At the Babayev Square
13.04.2017      On Pershotravneva street
12.04.2017      At the yard of 101 Heroyiv Bresta
11.04.2017      Academician Maslov Street
10.04.2017      Pershotravneva street
09.04.2017      At the Victory Square
08.04.2017      In the yard of 17 Pushkin Blv.
07.04.2017      Kotsiubyns'kyi street
06.04.2017      Near the “Avrora”
05.04.2017      Sums'ka street
04.04.2017      The “Centre” bus stop
03.04.2017      Teatralna Street
02.04.2017      At the Babayev Square
01.04.2017      In the yard of 10 Peremohy street

March 2017
31.03.2017      Ivan Mazepa Street
30.03.2017      Svoboda Avenue
29.03.2017      In the yard of 21 Vadim Pugachev street
28.03.2017      On Haharina street
27.03.2017      Respublikans'ka street
26.03.2017      Soborna street
25.03.2017      Pushkina blv.
24.03.2017      At the yard of 2/132 Svoboda Avenue
23.03.2017      Trinity street
22.03.2017      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
21.03.2017      On Igor Serdyuk Street
20.03.2017      Sofiyevs'ka Street
19.03.2017      Pershotravneva street
18.03.2017      Svoboda Avenue
17.03.2017      On Peremohy street
16.03.2017      Lesya Ukrainka Avenue
15.03.2017      Svoboda Avenue
14.03.2017      At the Indepebdence Square
13.03.2017      1905 roku street
12.03.2017      On Kyivs'ka street
11.03.2017      At the park near the Dnipro
10.03.2017      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
09.03.2017      L.Tolstoy provulok
08.03.2017      On Soborna street
07.03.2017      On Ivan Mazepa Street
06.03.2017      Vadim Pugachev street
05.03.2017      At the yard of 4/23 Soborna
04.03.2017      Pushkina blv.
03.03.2017      Sums'ka street
02.03.2017      The crossroad of 29 Veresnia and Sofiyevs'ka streets
01.03.2017      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”

February 2017
28.02.2017      Near the confectionery
27.02.2017      On Svoboda Avenue
26.02.2017      At the Victory Square
25.02.2017      Maslenitsa
24.02.2017      Heneral Zhadov street
23.02.2017      Lesya Ukrainka Avenue
22.02.2017      On Khalameniuka street
21.02.2017      On Soborna street
20.02.2017      At the Myru Park
19.02.2017      Near the club “Zebra”
18.02.2017      At the Car Market
17.02.2017      Pershotravneva street
16.02.2017      Kyivs'ka street
15.02.2017      Near the brewery
14.02.2017      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
13.02.2017      On Peremohy street
12.02.2017      The crossroad of Soborna and Shevchenko streets
11.02.2017      Near the Troyits'kyi market
10.02.2017      Koshevyi provulok
09.02.2017      Hor'kyi street
08.02.2017      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
07.02.2017      Shevchenko street
06.02.2017      Kvartal'na street
05.02.2017      In the area of “Kerchens'ka” bus stop
04.02.2017      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
03.02.2017      On Haharina street
02.02.2017      Trinity street
01.02.2017      Soborna street

January 2017
31.01.2017      On Kyivs'ka street
30.01.2017      On Pershotravneva street
29.01.2017      Babayev Square
28.01.2017      On Peremohy street
27.01.2017      Lieutenant Pokladov Street
26.01.2017      Near the market at Hvardiys'ka
25.01.2017      The “Centre” bus stop
24.01.2017      On Doctor O. Bogayevs'kyi street
23.01.2017      Trinity street
22.01.2017      Soborna street
21.01.2017      Igor Serdyuk Street
20.01.2017      Near the monument to T.H. Shevchenko
19.01.2017      Blessing of water at the Dnipro river
18.01.2017      Sofiyevs'ka Street
17.01.2017      Myru street
16.01.2017      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
15.01.2017      Pushkina blv.
14.01.2017      On Heneral Zhadov street
13.01.2017      Happy “Old” New Year!
12.01.2017      Babayev Square
11.01.2017      Khorols'ka street
10.01.2017      On Peremohy street
09.01.2017      Pershotravneva street
08.01.2017      On Ivan Mazepa Street
07.01.2017      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2017      Christmas Eve
05.01.2017      In the shopping center “Mega”
04.01.2017      Pushkina blv.
03.01.2017      In Prykhod'ka street
02.01.2017      Pershotravneva street
01.01.2017      At the Victory Square

December 2016
31.12.2016      Happy New Year!
30.12.2016      Nebesnoi Sotni street
29.12.2016      At the Central Market
28.12.2016      Near the Palace of Culture “Naftokhimik”
27.12.2016      At the Sosnovyi Square
26.12.2016      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
25.12.2016      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
24.12.2016      At the Myru Park
23.12.2016      Vadim Pugachev street
22.12.2016      Near the Central Market
21.12.2016      At the yard of 5 Myru
20.12.2016      In the yard of 6/20 Major Borishchak street
19.12.2016      Evropeys'ka Street
18.12.2016      At the Victory Square
17.12.2016      On Svoboda Avenue
16.12.2016      Igor Serdyuk Street
15.12.2016      On Soborna street
14.12.2016      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
13.12.2016      On Ivan Mazepa Street
12.12.2016      Shevchenko street
11.12.2016      Victory Square
10.12.2016      At Molodizhny
09.12.2016      Igor Serdyuk Street
08.12.2016      At the yard of 72 Sofiyevs'ka street
07.12.2016      Near the power station
06.12.2016      Trinity street
05.12.2016      Pushkina blv.
04.12.2016      Kotsiubyns'kyi street
03.12.2016      On Hoholia street
02.12.2016      On Kyivs'ka street
01.12.2016      Igor Serdyuk Street

November 2016
30.11.2016      On Haharina street
29.11.2016      Peremohy street
28.11.2016      Near the brewery
27.11.2016      Holodomor Remembrance Day
26.11.2016      Sums'ka street
25.11.2016      Svoboda Avenue
24.11.2016      At the Victory Square
23.11.2016      Near the polyclinic №1
22.11.2016      The crossroad of Evropeys'ka and Svoboda streets
21.11.2016      On Ivan Mazepa Street
20.11.2016      Babayev Square
19.11.2016      Pershotravneva street
18.11.2016      On Shevchenko street
17.11.2016      Svoboda Avenue
16.11.2016      On Hor'kyi street
15.11.2016      Lieutenant Pokladov Street
14.11.2016      “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
13.11.2016      Nebesnoi Sotni street
12.11.2016      On Khalameniuka street
11.11.2016      Haharin street
10.11.2016      At the yard of 9 Myru
09.11.2016      On Kvartal'na street
08.11.2016      Nebesnoi Sotni street
07.11.2016      On Shevchenko street
06.11.2016      Soborna street
05.11.2016      On Pushkin blv.
04.11.2016      On Pershotravneva street
03.11.2016      Svoboda Avenue
02.11.2016      On Ivan Mazepa Street
01.11.2016      Trinity street

October 2016
31.10.2016      Near the house of trade
30.10.2016      The park near the Dnipro
29.10.2016      Soborna street
28.10.2016      At the Central Market
27.10.2016      In Prykhod'ka street
26.10.2016      On Khorol's'ka street
25.10.2016      Teatralna Street
24.10.2016      Near the power station
23.10.2016      Near the “Avrora”
22.10.2016      On Soborna street
21.10.2016      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
20.10.2016      The crossroad of Evropeys'ka and Khorol's'ka streets
19.10.2016      Near the Central Market
18.10.2016      Pushkina blv.
17.10.2016      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
16.10.2016      Trinity street
15.10.2016      On Peremohy street
14.10.2016      The Palace of culture “Kredmash”
13.10.2016      At the Babayev Square
12.10.2016      On Hoholia street
11.10.2016      The crossroad of 29 Veresnia and Ivan Mazepa streets
10.10.2016      On Kotsiubyns'kyi street
09.10.2016      Street of the doctor O. Bogayevs'koho
08.10.2016      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
07.10.2016      Igor Serdyuk Street
06.10.2016      At the Babayev Square
05.10.2016      On Peremohy street
04.10.2016      Near the market at Hvardiys'ka
03.10.2016      On Khorol's'ka street
02.10.2016      Near the Central Market
01.10.2016      The Dnipro

September 2016
30.09.2016      Svoboda Avenue
29.09.2016      In memory of soldiers fallen in the Donbass war
28.09.2016      Near Kredmash bus stop
27.09.2016      Igor Serdyuk Street
26.09.2016      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
25.09.2016      On Soborna street
24.09.2016      The Day of the town
23.09.2016      in the City Gardens
22.09.2016      Near “Railway station” bus stop
21.09.2016      In Hvardiys'ka street
20.09.2016      On Pershotravneva street
19.09.2016      On Kyivs'ka street
18.09.2016      On Peremohy street
17.09.2016      Academician Maslov Street
16.09.2016      Near Vodokanal bus stop
15.09.2016      Near the confectionery factory
14.09.2016      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
13.09.2016      Sofiyevs'ka Street
12.09.2016      At the yard of 107 Heroyiv Bresta
11.09.2016      At the Myru Park
10.09.2016      Lieutenant Dniprov street
09.09.2016      On Soborna street
08.09.2016      “Heroyiv Stalinhradu” bus stop
07.09.2016      Trinity street
06.09.2016      Near the power station
05.09.2016      Lesya Ukrainka Avenue
04.09.2016      At the park near the Dnipro
03.09.2016      On Myru street
02.09.2016      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
01.09.2016      The first bell in the school 10

August 2016
31.08.2016      The crossroad of Igor Serdyuk and Shevchenko streets
30.08.2016      At the Central Market
29.08.2016      “Vichno Zhyvym” Memorial bus stop
28.08.2016      Leonov street
27.08.2016      Near the house of trade
26.08.2016      At the Victory Square
25.08.2016      At Molodizhny
24.08.2016      25 years of Independence of Ukraine
23.08.2016      Day of the National Flag
22.08.2016      On Soborna street
21.08.2016      The crossroad of Soborna and Nebesnoi Sotni streets
20.08.2016      On Myru street
19.08.2016      At the Indepebdence Square
18.08.2016      At the yard of 7 Igor Serdyuk
17.08.2016      On Pershotravneva street
16.08.2016      Svoboda Avenue
15.08.2016      In Prykhod'ka street
14.08.2016      Near the railway station
13.08.2016      On Soborna street
12.08.2016      Near the hotel «Kremin'»
11.08.2016      On Svoboda Avenue
10.08.2016      The crossroad of Nebesnoi Sotni and Igor Serdyuk streets
09.08.2016      1905 roku street
08.08.2016      On Pershotravneva street
07.08.2016      At the Palace of culture “Kredmash”
06.08.2016      Lesya Ukrainka Avenue
05.08.2016      Soborna street
04.08.2016      At the “Kozatska” bus stop
03.08.2016      Igor Serdyuk Street
02.08.2016      Evropeys'ka Street
01.08.2016      On Ivan Mazepa Street

July 2016
31.07.2016      Soborna street
30.07.2016      On Nebesnoi Sotni street
29.07.2016      Near Vodokanal bus stop
28.07.2016      On Pushkin blv.
27.07.2016      In the shop Vodafone
26.07.2016      Leonov street
25.07.2016      Vadim Pugachev street
24.07.2016      On Soborna street
23.07.2016      Babayev Square
22.07.2016      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
21.07.2016      At the Victory Square
20.07.2016      Nebesnoi Sotni street
19.07.2016      Near the maternity hospital
18.07.2016      At the yard of 17 Heroyiv Bresta
17.07.2016      Near the railway station
16.07.2016      At the main beach
15.07.2016      Near Hvardiys'ka street
14.07.2016      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
13.07.2016      On Khalameniuka street
12.07.2016      Near Vodokanal
11.07.2016      On Pershotravneva street
10.07.2016      Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho street
09.07.2016      At the Indepebdence Square
08.07.2016      Academician Maslov Street
07.07.2016      On Soborna street
06.07.2016      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
05.07.2016      On Hor'kyi street
04.07.2016      On Svoboda Avenue
03.07.2016      At the Babayev Square
02.07.2016      At the park near the Dnipro
01.07.2016      Ivan Mazepa Street

June 2016
30.06.2016      Trinity street
29.06.2016      Voyiniv Internatsionalistiv street
28.06.2016      On Soborna street
27.06.2016      Lebedyna street
26.06.2016      Soborna street
25.06.2016      The Dnipro
24.06.2016      Near the shop “1000 dribnyts”
23.06.2016      On Haharina street
22.06.2016      L.Tolstoy provulok
21.06.2016      Near the Novoivanivs'kyi market
20.06.2016      At the yard of 34 Nebesnoi Sotni
19.06.2016      The Dnipro
18.06.2016      On Myru street
17.06.2016      Near the power station
16.06.2016      On Haharina street
15.06.2016      In the yard of 18 Pushkin Blv.
14.06.2016      At Rakovka
13.06.2016      Major Borishchak Street
12.06.2016      Near the hotel «Kremin'»
11.06.2016      Near the Central Market
10.06.2016      Near the children's hospital
09.06.2016      Ivan Mazepa Street
08.06.2016      Near the brewery
07.06.2016      Pavlivs'ka Street
06.06.2016      On Shevchenko street
05.06.2016      At the park near the Dnipro
04.06.2016      On Peremohy street
03.06.2016      Nebesnoi Sotni street
02.06.2016      Near the Kozatska street
01.06.2016      On Soborna street

May 2016
31.05.2016      Academician Maslov Street
30.05.2016      1905 roku street
29.05.2016      At the yard of 5 Myru
28.05.2016      At the Victory Square
27.05.2016      Pershotravneva street
26.05.2016      On M. Kuchmy street
25.05.2016      Khalameniuka street
24.05.2016      Near Vodokanal bus stop
23.05.2016      Near the confectionery factory
22.05.2016      In the cafe “Color it”
21.05.2016      At the Victory Square
20.05.2016      On 29 Veresnia street
19.05.2016      On Moskovs'ka street
18.05.2016      At the Myru Park
17.05.2016      On Kyivs'ka street
16.05.2016      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
15.05.2016      At the Babayev Square
14.05.2016      Svoboda Avenue
13.05.2016      Soborna street
12.05.2016      Sadova street
11.05.2016      On Ivan Mazepa Street
10.05.2016      Commemoration Day
09.05.2016      Victory day
08.05.2016      Memorial “Vichno zhyvym”
07.05.2016      Near the club “Zebra”
06.05.2016      Svoboda Avenue
05.05.2016      On Proletars'ka street
04.05.2016      At the park near the Dnipro
03.05.2016      Soborna street
02.05.2016      On Kyivs'ka street
01.05.2016      Easter

April 2016
30.04.2016      Near the Independence Square
29.04.2016      The monument to Pushkin
28.04.2016      The crossroad of Igor Serdyuk and Shevchenko streets
27.04.2016      Pershotravneva street
26.04.2016      On Khorol's'ka street
25.04.2016      At Molodizhny
24.04.2016      On Soborna street
23.04.2016      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
22.04.2016      Near the Central Market
21.04.2016      Soborna street
20.04.2016      At the Victory Square
19.04.2016      On Proletars'ka street
18.04.2016      Near the club “Zebra”
17.04.2016      The crossroad of Soborna and Proletars'ka streets
16.04.2016      At the park near the Dnipro
15.04.2016      Lieutenant Pokladov Street
14.04.2016      Near the market at Hvardiys'ka
13.04.2016      Svoboda Avenue
12.04.2016      On Pushkin blv.
11.04.2016      Soborna street
10.04.2016      Ivan Mazepa Street
09.04.2016      At the yard of 27B Proletars'ka street
08.04.2016      At the railway station
07.04.2016      Pershotravneva street
06.04.2016      Near Vodokanal bus stop
05.04.2016      On Shevchenko street
04.04.2016      On Peremohy street
03.04.2016      Soborna street
02.04.2016      On Proletars'ka street
01.04.2016      L.Tolstoy provulok

March 2016
31.03.2016      On Hor'kyi street
30.03.2016      At the Babayev Square
29.03.2016      Teatralna Street
28.03.2016      In the area of “Kerchens'ka” bus stop
27.03.2016      On Peremohy street
26.03.2016      29 Veresnia street
25.03.2016      On M. Kuchmy street
24.03.2016      On Haharina street
23.03.2016      Dmitro Tiomkin Lane
22.03.2016      On Moskovs'ka street
21.03.2016      Maternity Hospital
20.03.2016      Lieutenant Pokladov Street
19.03.2016      At the park near the Dnipro
18.03.2016      Sofiyevs'ka Street
17.03.2016      Prykhod'ko street
16.03.2016      Ivan Mazepa Street
15.03.2016      Street of the doctor O. Bogayevs'koho
14.03.2016      Svoboda Avenue
13.03.2016      At the Indepebdence Square
12.03.2016      Soborna street
11.03.2016      Babayev Square
10.03.2016      Igor Serdyuk Street
09.03.2016      Evropeys'ka Street
08.03.2016      At the yard of 17 Myru
07.03.2016      On Khalameniuka street
06.03.2016      At the Indepebdence Square
05.03.2016      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
04.03.2016      Svoboda Avenue
03.03.2016      Teatralna Street
02.03.2016      Pavlivs'ka Street
01.03.2016      Major Borishchak Street

February 2016
29.02.2016      Svoboda Avenue
28.02.2016      Igor Serdyuk Street
27.02.2016      Near the monument to T.H. Shevchenko
26.02.2016      Academician Maslov Street
25.02.2016      On Pershotravneva street
24.02.2016      Sofiyevs'ka Street
23.02.2016      Ivan Mazepa Street
22.02.2016      Lesya Ukrainka Avenue
21.02.2016      Trinity street
20.02.2016      At the yard of 15 Myru
19.02.2016      Soborna street
18.02.2016      At the Indepebdence Square
17.02.2016      On Pushkin blv.
16.02.2016      On Kvartal'na street
15.02.2016      Near the power station
14.02.2016      Near Hvardiys'ka street
13.02.2016      At the first Zanasyp
12.02.2016      Pershotravneva street
11.02.2016      On Chapaiev street
10.02.2016      Leonov street
09.02.2016      Near the Troyits'kyi market
08.02.2016      The crossroad of Moskovs'ka and Kyivs'ka streets
07.02.2016      On Lenin street
06.02.2016      The Dnipro
05.02.2016      Tsiurupy street
04.02.2016      On Butyrina street
03.02.2016      At the Indepebdence Square
02.02.2016      On Radians'ka street
01.02.2016      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”

January 2016
31.01.2016      Near the Central Market
30.01.2016      On Pershotravneva street
29.01.2016      In the yard of 8 Pushkin Blv.
28.01.2016      On Butyrina street
27.01.2016      “Dniprovski Zori” hotel
26.01.2016      On Peremohy street
25.01.2016      Near the “Heroyiv Stalinhradu” bus stop
24.01.2016      On Butyrina street
23.01.2016      In the yard of 7 Pushkin Blv.
22.01.2016      Near the Memorial of Heavenly Hundred Heroes
21.01.2016      Krasin street
20.01.2016      Near the Central Market
19.01.2016      Blessing of water at the Dnipro river
18.01.2016      On Lenin street
17.01.2016      On Proletars'ka street
16.01.2016      On Chapaiev street
15.01.2016      In the yard of the kindergarten 25
14.01.2016      Happy “Old” New Year!
13.01.2016      On Pershotravneva street
12.01.2016      At the Babayev Square
11.01.2016      Near the Troyits'kyi market
10.01.2016      At the Babayev Square
09.01.2016      Near Hvardiys'ka street
08.01.2016      At the “Vodokanal” bus stop
07.01.2016      Saint Trinity Church
06.01.2016      Orthodox Christmas
05.01.2016      Pushkina blv.
04.01.2016      On Proletars'ka street
03.01.2016      At the Sosnovyi Square
02.01.2016      The crossroad of Lenin and Shevchenko streets
01.01.2016      At the Myru Park

December 2015
31.12.2015      Happy New Year!
30.12.2015      On Lenin street
29.12.2015      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
28.12.2015      K. Marksa street
27.12.2015      Near the Plant of Road Machines
26.12.2015      Near the Central Market
25.12.2015      On Proletars'ka street
24.12.2015      29 Veresnia street
23.12.2015      Near the power station
22.12.2015      Zhovtneva street
21.12.2015      At the yard of 29 Myru
20.12.2015      At the Indepebdence Square
19.12.2015      On Pershotravneva street
18.12.2015      At the Babayev Square
17.12.2015      Krasin street
16.12.2015      On Proletars'ka street
15.12.2015      On Shevchenko street
14.12.2015      Near the Radians'ka Armiya bus stop
13.12.2015      On Peremohy street
12.12.2015      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
11.12.2015      Babayev Square
10.12.2015      Kyivs'ka street
09.12.2015      On Khalameniuka street
08.12.2015      On Chapaiev street
07.12.2015      Near the power station
06.12.2015      On Lenin street
05.12.2015      Near the house of trade
04.12.2015      On Peremohy street
03.12.2015      Near the Central Market
02.12.2015      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
01.12.2015      Cheliuskintsiv provulok

November 2015
30.11.2015      On Khorol's'ka street
29.11.2015      Butyrina street
28.11.2015      On Haharina street
27.11.2015      Near the “Vadyma Boika” bus stop
26.11.2015      On Tsiurupy street
25.11.2015      The Independence Square
24.11.2015      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
23.11.2015      Zhovtneva street
22.11.2015      Near the railway station
21.11.2015      On Proletars'ka street
20.11.2015      Near Khalameniuka bus stop
19.11.2015      On Proletars'ka street
18.11.2015      On Lenin street
17.11.2015      Near the Troyits'kyi market
16.11.2015      V. Boika street
15.11.2015      Near the hotel «Kremin'»
14.11.2015      On Shchorsa street
13.11.2015      Pushkina blv.
12.11.2015      At Rakovka
11.11.2015      On Pershotravneva street
10.11.2015      Near the School of Art
09.11.2015      In the yard of 27 Proletars'ka street
08.11.2015      On Peremohy street
07.11.2015      Near the railway station
06.11.2015      On Hoholia street
05.11.2015      Butyrina street
04.11.2015      Near the Troyits'kyi market
03.11.2015      At Molodizhny
02.11.2015      K. Marksa street
01.11.2015      On Peremohy street

October 2015
31.10.2015      Near the Car market
30.10.2015      Prykhod'ko street
29.10.2015      On 29 Veresnia street
28.10.2015      72th anniversary of the expulsion of the Nazi occupation of Ukraine
27.10.2015      Zhovtneva street
26.10.2015      On Haharina street
25.10.2015      In the area of the Flight College
24.10.2015      On Shevchenko street
23.10.2015      Near the “Heroyiv Stalinhradu” bus stop
22.10.2015      Butyrina street
21.10.2015      On Proletars'ka street
20.10.2015      On Tsiurupy street
19.10.2015      Near Vodokanal bus stop
18.10.2015      At the Indepebdence Square
17.10.2015      The Dnipro
16.10.2015      On Proletars'ka street
15.10.2015      Shevchenko street
14.10.2015      Day of the defender of Ukraine
13.10.2015      On Proletars'ka street
12.10.2015      On Zhovtneva street
11.10.2015      At the Babayev Square
10.10.2015      On Lenin street
09.10.2015      Wedding
08.10.2015      Radians'ka street
07.10.2015      On Proletars'ka street
06.10.2015      Pereiaslavs'ka street
05.10.2015      In 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
04.10.2015      At the park near the Dnipro
03.10.2015      Near the Central Market
02.10.2015      Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
01.10.2015      Near the Palace of Culture

September 2015
30.09.2015      On Pershotravneva street
29.09.2015      71th Anniversary of the Liberation of Kremenchuk
28.09.2015      In the yard of 9 Chkalov street
27.09.2015      At the Victory Square
26.09.2015      On Pushkin blv.
25.09.2015      Kvartal'na street
24.09.2015      On 29 Veresnia street
23.09.2015      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
22.09.2015      Near the quarry
21.09.2015      On Krasina street
20.09.2015      At the Babayev Square
19.09.2015      At the Indepebdence Square
18.09.2015      On Zhovtneva street
17.09.2015      Near the Supermarket “New Line”
16.09.2015      Near Vodokanal
15.09.2015      On Zhovtneva street
14.09.2015      Leonov street
13.09.2015      At the Babayev Square
12.09.2015      Babayev Square
11.09.2015      On Proletars'ka street
10.09.2015      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
09.09.2015      On Lenin street
08.09.2015      Near the Central Market
07.09.2015      Near Vodokanal bus stop
06.09.2015      Near the cafe “Skazka”
05.09.2015      On Khorol's'ka street
04.09.2015      On Zhovtneva street
03.09.2015      On Shevchenko street
02.09.2015      On Peremohy street
01.09.2015      The first bell in the school 20

August 2015
31.08.2015      On Lenin street
30.08.2015      On Pershotravneva street
29.08.2015      Babayev Square
28.08.2015      On Zhovtneva street
27.08.2015      On Krasina street
26.08.2015      On Pershotravneva street
25.08.2015      Near the “Avrora”
24.08.2015      The Independence Day of Ukraine
23.08.2015      Memorial of Heavenly Hundred Heroes
22.08.2015      In the yard of housing complex
21.08.2015      On Pershotravneva street
20.08.2015      At Rakovka
19.08.2015      Tsiurupy street
18.08.2015      On Shevchenko street
17.08.2015      On Proletars'ka street
16.08.2015      At the park near the Dnipro
15.08.2015      In 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
14.08.2015      The main oil pipeline near the Dnipro
13.08.2015      At the first Zanasyp
12.08.2015      On Vorovs'koho street
11.08.2015      On Pershotravneva street
10.08.2015      On Makarenko street
09.08.2015      On Lenin street
08.08.2015      On Proletars'ka street
07.08.2015      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
06.08.2015      Near the Troyits'kyi market
05.08.2015      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Vorovs'koho streets
04.08.2015      On Zhovtneva street
03.08.2015      Near the main oil pipeline near thte Dnipro
02.08.2015      Near the Bus Station
01.08.2015      Babayev Square

July 2015
31.07.2015      In the yard of 4/15 Butyrina street
30.07.2015      In the yard of 14a Koshevyi provulok
29.07.2015      On Zhovtneva street
28.07.2015      On Butyrina street
27.07.2015      On Shevchenko street
26.07.2015      On Proletars'ka street
25.07.2015      On Haharina street
24.07.2015      29 Veresnia street
23.07.2015      On Pershotravneva street
22.07.2015      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
21.07.2015      Near the Palace of Culture “Naftokhimik”
20.07.2015      Near the house of trade
19.07.2015      On Zhovtneva street
18.07.2015      At Kryukiv
17.07.2015      On Khorol's'ka street
16.07.2015      K. Marksa street
15.07.2015      On Lenin street
14.07.2015      On Pushkin blv.
13.07.2015      Pereiaslavs'ka street
12.07.2015      On Kyivs'ka street
11.07.2015      On Shevchenko street
10.07.2015      On Tsiurupy street
09.07.2015      At Molodizhny
08.07.2015      Prykhod'ko street
07.07.2015      Near the “Heroyiv Stalinhradu” bus stop
06.07.2015      On Proletars'ka street
05.07.2015      At the Babayev Square
04.07.2015      On Pershotravneva street
03.07.2015      On Lenin street
02.07.2015      On Zhovtneva street
01.07.2015      On Haharina street

June 2015
30.06.2015      Monument of famine and political repressions victims
29.06.2015      Near the “Vadyma Boika” bus stop
28.06.2015      On Heneral Zhadov street
27.06.2015      At the Babayev Square
26.06.2015      60 rokiv Zhovtnia street
25.06.2015      On Lenin street
24.06.2015      In the area of housing complex
23.06.2015      Poltava avenue
22.06.2015      On Shevchenko street
21.06.2015      At the Victory Square
20.06.2015      In the yard of 32а Shevchenko street
19.06.2015      On Proletars'ka street
18.06.2015      In the area of “Kerchens'ka” bus stop
17.06.2015      Moskovs'ka street
16.06.2015      On Lenin street
15.06.2015      On Proletars'ka street
14.06.2015      The Dnipro
13.06.2015      On Haharina street
12.06.2015      On Shchorsa street
11.06.2015      Babayev Square
10.06.2015      Svierdlov street
09.06.2015      On Lenin street
08.06.2015      Near Vodokanal
07.06.2015      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
06.06.2015      The Central Market
05.06.2015      Near the River Station
04.06.2015      On Shevchenko street
03.06.2015      Near Vodokanal
02.06.2015      On Kyivs'ka street
01.06.2015      At the Indepebdence Square

May 2015
31.05.2015      Babayev Square
30.05.2015      At the Indepebdence Square
29.05.2015      At School 10
28.05.2015      Near the power station
27.05.2015      On Zhovtneva street
26.05.2015      “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
25.05.2015      In the yard of 17 Butyrina street
24.05.2015      On Peremohy street
23.05.2015      Near the palace of culture “Kredmash”
22.05.2015      On Shevchenko street
21.05.2015      On Khalameniuka street
20.05.2015      On Peremohy street
19.05.2015      Babayev Square
18.05.2015      On Zhovtneva street
17.05.2015      On Lenin street
16.05.2015      At the park near the Dnipro
15.05.2015      Near the confectionery factory
14.05.2015      On Proletars'ka street
13.05.2015      Pushkina Blv.
12.05.2015      Near the “Horhaz”
11.05.2015      Babayev Square
10.05.2015      On Peremohy street
09.05.2015      Victory day
08.05.2015      Near the Memorial “Vichno Zhyvym”
07.05.2015      On Proletars'ka street
06.05.2015      Near the power station
05.05.2015      On Shchorsa street
04.05.2015      Babayev Square
03.05.2015      At the bank of the Dnipro
02.05.2015      On Lenin street
01.05.2015      At the “Vodokanal” bus stop

April 2015
30.04.2015      On Proletars'ka street
29.04.2015      In Prykhod'ka street
28.04.2015      Near the house of trade
27.04.2015      On Lenin street
26.04.2015      At the Victory Square
25.04.2015      On Khorol's'ka street
24.04.2015      On Khalameniuka street
23.04.2015      The crossroad of Chapaiev and Proletars'ka streets
22.04.2015      On Kyivs'ka street
21.04.2015      Commemoration Day
20.04.2015      Near the Reyivs'ke cemetery
19.04.2015      Babayev Square
18.04.2015      Leonov street
17.04.2015      On Chapaiev street
16.04.2015      At the yard of 21 Myru
15.04.2015      On Zhovtneva street
14.04.2015      On Pershotravneva street
13.04.2015      K. Marksa street
12.04.2015      Easter
11.04.2015      At Molodizhny
10.04.2015      At the yard of 55 Heroyiv Bresta
09.04.2015      Near the Central Market
08.04.2015      In the yard of 78 Krasina street
07.04.2015      On Zhovtneva street
06.04.2015      Near Vodokanal
05.04.2015      Palm Sunday
04.04.2015      At the “Centre” bus stop
03.04.2015      Near the River Station
02.04.2015      “Railway station” bus stop
01.04.2015      On Pushkin blv.

March 2015
31.03.2015      At the yard of 23 Heroyiv Bresta
30.03.2015      On Pershotravneva street
29.03.2015      On Krasina street
28.03.2015      On Shevchenko street
27.03.2015      Babayev Square
26.03.2015      Manaharov street
25.03.2015      On Zhovtneva street
24.03.2015      On Kyivs'ka street
23.03.2015      On Peremohy street
22.03.2015      Babayev Square
21.03.2015      On Krasina street
20.03.2015      On Khalameniuka street
19.03.2015      In the yard of 6/20 Tsiurupy street
18.03.2015      Near the Central Market
17.03.2015      On Vorovs'koho street
16.03.2015      On Kyivs'ka street
15.03.2015      School 4
14.03.2015      In the yard of housing complex
13.03.2015      Near Hvardiys'ka street
12.03.2015      On Khalameniuka street
11.03.2015      On Pershotravneva street
10.03.2015      Near the Troyits'kyi market
09.03.2015      On Shevchenko street
08.03.2015      On Radians'ka street
07.03.2015      Betonna street
06.03.2015      On Proletars'ka street
05.03.2015      On Pershotravneva street
04.03.2015      Farewell to a Hero
03.03.2015      Near the “Avrora”
02.03.2015      At the yard of 32/29 Haharina
01.03.2015      On Proletars'ka street

February 2015
28.02.2015      Near the hospital №1
27.02.2015      In the yard of 7 Zhovtneva street
26.02.2015      At Molodizhny
25.02.2015      On Kyivs'ka street
24.02.2015      On Hor'kyi street
23.02.2015      On Chapaiev street
22.02.2015      At the Indepebdence Square
21.02.2015      Babayev Square
20.02.2015      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
19.02.2015      At Rakovka
18.02.2015      On Peremohy street
17.02.2015      Near the railway station
16.02.2015      On Krasina street
15.02.2015      On Zhovtneva street
14.02.2015      In the yard of 11 Peremohy street
13.02.2015      Near the house of trade
12.02.2015      On Krasina street
11.02.2015      On Chapaiev street
10.02.2015      Near Vodokanal
09.02.2015      On Vorovs'koho street
08.02.2015      On Proletars'ka street
07.02.2015      On Krasina street
06.02.2015      On Haharina street
05.02.2015      On Radians'ka street
04.02.2015      At Kryukiv
03.02.2015      On Lenin street
02.02.2015      On Kvartal'na street
01.02.2015      On Shevchenko street

January 2015
31.01.2015      Shchorsa street
30.01.2015      At Molodizhny
29.01.2015      Near the Printing house
28.01.2015      On Butyrina street
27.01.2015      Babayev Square
26.01.2015      Tsiurupy street
25.01.2015      At the Indepebdence Square
24.01.2015      On Lenin street
23.01.2015      On Pershotravneva street
22.01.2015      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
21.01.2015      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
20.01.2015      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
19.01.2015      Blessing of water at the Dnipro river
18.01.2015      On Shevchenko street
17.01.2015      On Butyrina street
16.01.2015      On 29 Veresnia street
15.01.2015      On Lenin street
14.01.2015      In the area of housing complex
13.01.2015      On Chapaiev street
12.01.2015      Near Vodokanal
11.01.2015      At the Indepebdence Square
10.01.2015      Near the club “Zebra”
09.01.2015      A view to the Independence Square
08.01.2015      On Moskovs'ka street
07.01.2015      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2015      K. Marksa street
05.01.2015      Pushkina Blv.
04.01.2015      In the yard of 41/3 Pershotravneva street
03.01.2015      At the park near the Dnipro
02.01.2015      The House of trade
01.01.2015      Happy New Year!

December 2014
31.12.2014      At the stadium “Kredmash”
30.12.2014      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
29.12.2014      Near the power station
28.12.2014      On Proletars'ka street
27.12.2014      A view from the upland part of the town
26.12.2014      Near the railway station
25.12.2014      In the shopping center “Mega”
24.12.2014      At the Indepebdence Square
23.12.2014      On Khorol's'ka street
22.12.2014      Near the Central Market
21.12.2014      The Dnipro
20.12.2014      On Lenin street
19.12.2014      At the yard of 83 Heroyiv Bresta
18.12.2014      At Kryukiv
17.12.2014      The Independence Square
16.12.2014      On Lenin street
15.12.2014      Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
14.12.2014      On Pushkin blv.
13.12.2014      At the park near the Dnipro
12.12.2014      On Shevchenko street
11.12.2014      On Proletars'ka street
10.12.2014      Near the club “Zebra”
09.12.2014      Near the Troyits'kyi market
08.12.2014      School 10
07.12.2014      On Chapaiev street
06.12.2014      Near the railway station
05.12.2014      In the yard of 16 Pushkin Blv.
04.12.2014      In the yard of 13 Proletars'ka street
03.12.2014      On Lenin street
02.12.2014      Supermarket “New Line”
01.12.2014      On Proletars'ka street

November 2014
30.11.2014      On Zhovtneva street
29.11.2014      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
28.11.2014      In the yard oof 4/8 Hoholia street
27.11.2014      On Kyivs'ka street
26.11.2014      Shchorsa street
25.11.2014      The Independence Square
24.11.2014      Near the “A. Koval'ova” bus stop
23.11.2014      Near the monument to the Stalin's repressions victims
22.11.2014      In the yard of 15 Peremohy street
21.11.2014      On Zhovtneva street
20.11.2014      On Kyivs'ka street
19.11.2014      Koshevyi provulok
18.11.2014      On Khorol's'ka street
17.11.2014      On Butyrina street
16.11.2014      At the park near the Dnipro
15.11.2014      In the yard of 13 Peremohy street
14.11.2014      On Shevchenko street
13.11.2014      On Proletars'ka street
12.11.2014      In the yard of 10 Heneral Zhadov street
11.11.2014      On Butyrina street
10.11.2014      On Proletars'ka street
09.11.2014      On Myru street
08.11.2014      The House of trade
07.11.2014      On Pushkin blv.
06.11.2014      Pereiaslavs'ka street
05.11.2014      On Proletars'ka street
04.11.2014      On Lenin street
03.11.2014      Sums'ka street
02.11.2014      K. Marksa street
01.11.2014      Near the Museum of regional ethnography

October 2014
31.10.2014      Near the dairy plant
30.10.2014      The crossroad of 29 Veresnia and Krasin streets
29.10.2014      At the yard of 2 Poshtovyi provulok
28.10.2014      Near the Flight College
27.10.2014      On Shevchenko street
26.10.2014      On Lenin street
25.10.2014      On Peremohy street
24.10.2014      In the yard of 17 Butyrina street
23.10.2014      In the yard of 30 Butyrina street
22.10.2014      At the Victory Square
21.10.2014      At the yard of 35 Myru
20.10.2014      In the yard of 3 Topolevyi lane
19.10.2014      On Lenin street
18.10.2014      Hoholia street
17.10.2014      Near the hotel «Kremin'»
16.10.2014      On Krasina street
15.10.2014      In the yard of 27 Proletars'ka street
14.10.2014      At the park near the Dnipro
13.10.2014      On Peremohy street
12.10.2014      On Krasina street
11.10.2014      Zhovtnevyi Square
10.10.2014      Kvartal'na street
09.10.2014      Fabrychnyi provulok
08.10.2014      The “Centre” bus stop
07.10.2014      Near the Troyits'kyi market
06.10.2014      On Radians'ka street
05.10.2014      Near the “Heroyiv Stalinhradu” bus stop
04.10.2014      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
03.10.2014      In the yard of 4 Peremohy street
02.10.2014      On Proletars'ka street
01.10.2014      At Molodizhny

September 2014
30.09.2014      Near the Central Market
29.09.2014      In hospital of veterans
28.09.2014      The Day of the town
27.09.2014      At the Victory Square
26.09.2014      Poshtovyi provulok
25.09.2014      On Butyrina street
24.09.2014      “Vichno Zhyvym” Memorial bus stop
23.09.2014      On Peremohy street
22.09.2014      Near the railway station
21.09.2014      At the park near the Dnipro
20.09.2014      On Lenin street
19.09.2014      At the yard of 3 Myru
18.09.2014      On Proletars'ka street
17.09.2014      On Zhovtneva street
16.09.2014      At the Indepebdence Square
15.09.2014      Pushkina Blv.
14.09.2014      Pershotravneva street
13.09.2014      On Haharina street
12.09.2014      Near the power station
11.09.2014      Near Vodokanal
10.09.2014      Near the Flight College
09.09.2014      On Proletars'ka street
08.09.2014      Zhovtneva street
07.09.2014      Kvartal'na street
06.09.2014      At the park near the Dnipro
05.09.2014      At the Sosnovyi Square
04.09.2014      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
03.09.2014      In the yard of 31/6 Pershotravneva street
02.09.2014      On Shevchenko street
01.09.2014      The first bell

August 2014
31.08.2014      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
30.08.2014      On Radians'ka street
29.08.2014      On Lenin street
28.08.2014      Near Hvardiys'ka street
27.08.2014      Near the beach
26.08.2014      On Butyrina street
25.08.2014      At the park near the Dnipro
24.08.2014      The Independence Day of Ukraine
23.08.2014      Near the Palace of Culture
22.08.2014      K. Marksa street
21.08.2014      On Pushkin Blv.
20.08.2014      Near the Shopping Center “Galaktyka”
19.08.2014      On Peremohy street
18.08.2014      Tsiurupy street
17.08.2014      Near the “Vichno Zhyvym” Memorial
16.08.2014      On Lenin street
15.08.2014      On Peremohy street
14.08.2014      Kotsiubyns'kyi street
13.08.2014      On 29 Veresnia street
12.08.2014      Near the Central Market
11.08.2014      On Peremohy street
10.08.2014      At the park near the Dnipro
09.08.2014      On Proletars'ka street
08.08.2014      On Lenin street
07.08.2014      On Pushkin Blv.
06.08.2014      Near the Troyits'kyi market
05.08.2014      On Lenin street
04.08.2014      Near Vodokanal bus stop
03.08.2014      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
02.08.2014      Zhovtnevyi Square
01.08.2014      On Pushkin Blv.

July 2014
31.07.2014      On Khalameniuka street
30.07.2014      On Peremohy street
29.07.2014      Near the Palace of Culture
28.07.2014      On Pushkin Blv.
27.07.2014      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
26.07.2014      In the yard of 12 Khalameniuka street
25.07.2014      In the yard of 9 Chkalov street
24.07.2014      In the yard of 9 Pushkin Blv.
23.07.2014      At the yard of 3 50 rokiv Zhovtnia
22.07.2014      On Proletars'ka street
21.07.2014      Kvartal'na street
20.07.2014      At the park near the Dnipro
19.07.2014      Near the “Heroyiv Stalinhradu” bus stop
18.07.2014      On Pershotravneva street
17.07.2014      On Chapaiev street
16.07.2014      Zhovtneva street
15.07.2014      Railway station
14.07.2014      At Molodizhny
13.07.2014      At the park near the Dnipro
12.07.2014      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
11.07.2014      On Radians'ka street
10.07.2014      On Lenin street
09.07.2014      On Pershotravneva street
08.07.2014      On Radians'ka street
07.07.2014      Near “Railway station” bus stop
06.07.2014      The main beach
05.07.2014      In the yard of 3 Peremohy street
04.07.2014      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
03.07.2014      On Lenin street
02.07.2014      On Peremohy street
01.07.2014      At the Zhovtnevyi Square

June 2014
30.06.2014      On Pushkin Blv.
29.06.2014      At the yard of 2 Radians'ka
28.06.2014      Near the brewery
27.06.2014      On Pershotravneva street
26.06.2014      On Zhovtneva street
25.06.2014      At the park near the Dnipro
24.06.2014      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
23.06.2014      On Vorovs'koho street
22.06.2014      At the Victory Square
21.06.2014      On Pershotravneva street
20.06.2014      On Kyivs'ka street
19.06.2014      On Pershotravneva street
18.06.2014      K. Marksa street
17.06.2014      On Lenin street
16.06.2014      On Khalameniuka street
15.06.2014      At the Indepebdence Square
14.06.2014      On Proletars'ka street
13.06.2014      Near the Troyits'kyi market
12.06.2014      Near the power station
11.06.2014      On Peremohy street
10.06.2014      Victory Square
09.06.2014      On Kyivs'ka street
08.06.2014      At the bank of the Dnipro
07.06.2014      On Radians'ka street
06.06.2014      On Butyrina street
05.06.2014      On Proletars'ka street
04.06.2014      At Molodizhny
03.06.2014      On Lenin street
02.06.2014      Voyiniv Internatsionalistiv street
01.06.2014      On Lenin street

May 2014
31.05.2014      At the park near the Dnipro
30.05.2014      Hoholia street
29.05.2014      On Vorovs'koho street
28.05.2014      On Kyivs'ka street
27.05.2014      On Peremohy street
26.05.2014      Near the house of trade
25.05.2014      Everybody goes to the Presidential elections
24.05.2014      On Moskovs'ka street
23.05.2014      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
22.05.2014      On Pershotravneva street
21.05.2014      The crossroad of Radians'ka and Lenin streets
20.05.2014      At the Myru Park
19.05.2014      Near the Central Market
18.05.2014      At the Sosnovyi Square
17.05.2014      At the park near the Dnipro
16.05.2014      The crossroad of Lenin and Shevchenko streets
15.05.2014      Near Khalameniuka bus stop
14.05.2014      On Pushkin Blv.
13.05.2014      On Peremohy street
12.05.2014      On 29 Veresnia street
11.05.2014      On Heneral Zhadov street
10.05.2014      On Pershotravneva street
09.05.2014      Victory day
08.05.2014      At the Victory Square
07.05.2014      On Proletars'ka street
06.05.2014      On Lenin street
05.05.2014      Near the Bus Station
04.05.2014      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
03.05.2014      On Pershotravneva street
02.05.2014      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
01.05.2014      On Lenin street

April 2014
30.04.2014      On Peremohy street
29.04.2014      Khalameniuka street
28.04.2014      Commemoration Day
27.04.2014      On the Reyivs'kyi cemetery
26.04.2014      At the Indepebdence Square
25.04.2014      The hospital №1
24.04.2014      On Lenin street
23.04.2014      Near the Independence Square
22.04.2014      On Pershotravneva street
21.04.2014      In the yard of 13 Pushkin Blv.
20.04.2014      Easter
19.04.2014      Consecration of paskas
18.04.2014      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
17.04.2014      At Molodizhny
16.04.2014      Near the Vlasivs'ka dam
15.04.2014      In the yard of 4 Peremohy street
14.04.2014      On Kyivs'ka street
13.04.2014      On Radians'ka street
12.04.2014      Near the Kotlov palace of culture
11.04.2014      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
10.04.2014      In the yard of 20 Kyivs'ka street
09.04.2014      On Peremohy street
08.04.2014      On Makarenko street
07.04.2014      Near the power station
06.04.2014      Khalameniuka street
05.04.2014      In the yard of 19 Pushkin Blv.
04.04.2014      On Pershotravneva street
03.04.2014      On Radians'ka street
02.04.2014      On Khorol's'ka street
01.04.2014      Kyivs'ka street

March 2014
31.03.2014      In the yard of 1 Peremohy street
30.03.2014      278 Kvartal
29.03.2014      On Khorol's'ka street
28.03.2014      Transfiguration Church
27.03.2014      On Pushkin Blv.
26.03.2014      On Krasina street
25.03.2014      101 Kvartal
24.03.2014      Shchorsa street
23.03.2014      On Lenin street
22.03.2014      Near the Palace of Culture
21.03.2014      The crossroad of Zhovtneva and Radians'ka streets
20.03.2014      In the yard of 41 Moskovs'ka street
19.03.2014      On Pershotravneva street
18.03.2014      At the park near the Dnipro
17.03.2014      On 29 Veresnia street
16.03.2014      At the Indepebdence Square
15.03.2014      On Moskovs'ka street
14.03.2014      In the area of Koshevyi provulok
13.03.2014      On Radians'ka street
12.03.2014      Near the house of trade
11.03.2014      Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
10.03.2014      Near the power station
09.03.2014      Near the monument to T.H. Shevchenko
08.03.2014      On Zhovtneva street
07.03.2014      “Railway station” bus stop
06.03.2014      On Pershotravneva street
05.03.2014      On Pushkin Blv.
04.03.2014      Near the hospital №1
03.03.2014      In the yard of 7 Peremohy street
02.03.2014      No to War!
01.03.2014      On Pershotravneva street

February 2014
28.02.2014      In the yard of housing complex
27.02.2014      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
26.02.2014      Near the Palace of Culture
25.02.2014      At the Victory Square
24.02.2014      Monument to Lenin
23.02.2014      Viche
22.02.2014      On Lenin street
21.02.2014      In memory of Maidan heroes
20.02.2014      On Pershotravneva street
19.02.2014      In 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
18.02.2014      Near the hotel «Kremin'»
17.02.2014      Butyrina street
16.02.2014      Near Hvardiys'ka street
15.02.2014      In the yard of 51 Shevchenko street
14.02.2014      In the yard of 5 Heneral Zhadov street
13.02.2014      On Shevchenko street
12.02.2014      On Lenin street
11.02.2014      Near the Flight College
10.02.2014      On Proletars'ka street
09.02.2014      Near “Railway station” bus stop
08.02.2014      On Peremohy street
07.02.2014      Sums'ka street
06.02.2014      Near the Troyits'kyi market
05.02.2014      On Proletars'ka street
04.02.2014      Near the Bus Station
03.02.2014      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
02.02.2014      On Pushkin Blv.
01.02.2014      Honoring the memory of fallen heroes

January 2014
31.01.2014      At Molodizhny
30.01.2014      On Zhovtneva street
29.01.2014      On Proletars'ka street
28.01.2014      On Krasina street
27.01.2014      Establishing of a Narodna Rada in Kremenchuk
26.01.2014      Peremohy street
25.01.2014      On Lenin street
24.01.2014      On Pushkin Blv.
23.01.2014      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
22.01.2014      Peremohy street
21.01.2014      On Moskovs'ka street
20.01.2014      Shchorsa street
19.01.2014      Blessing of water at the Dnipro river
18.01.2014      At the Indepebdence Square
17.01.2014      On 29 Veresnia street
16.01.2014      Cheliuskintsiv provulok
15.01.2014      On Krasina street
14.01.2014      Happy “Old” New Year
13.01.2014      Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho street
12.01.2014      At the Indepebdence Square
11.01.2014      On Kyivs'ka street
10.01.2014      On Shevchenko street
09.01.2014      Near the Central Market
08.01.2014      Near the Troyits'kyi market
07.01.2014      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2014      Near the River Station
05.01.2014      Near Vodokanal
04.01.2014      On Pushkin Blv.
03.01.2014      The Central Market
02.01.2014      On Lenin street
01.01.2014      Happy New Year!

December 2013
31.12.2013      At the Indepebdence Square
30.12.2013      Near the carriage plant
29.12.2013      At the Indepebdence Square
28.12.2013      On 29 Veresnia street
27.12.2013      On Lenin street
26.12.2013      Palace of culture “Naftokhimik”
25.12.2013      Near the confectionery factory
24.12.2013      On Kyivs'ka street
23.12.2013      Near the Central Market
22.12.2013      At the Indepebdence Square
21.12.2013      At Molodizhny
20.12.2013      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
19.12.2013      At the Indepebdence Square
18.12.2013      At the park near the Dnipro
17.12.2013      In the yard of 33 Pershotravneva street
16.12.2013      On Lenin street
15.12.2013      At the Indepebdence Square
14.12.2013      Shchorsa street
13.12.2013      On Heneral Zhadov street
12.12.2013      On Zhovtneva street
11.12.2013      On Krasina street
10.12.2013      Butyrina street
09.12.2013      K. Marksa street
08.12.2013      Euromaidan
07.12.2013      Vatutin street
06.12.2013      On Butyrina street
05.12.2013      On Proletars'ka street
04.12.2013      On Khorol's'ka street
03.12.2013      On Pershotravneva street
02.12.2013      At the Victory Square
01.12.2013      On Zhovtneva street

November 2013
30.11.2013      On Lenin street
29.11.2013      At the park near the Dnipro
28.11.2013      On Zhovtneva street
27.11.2013      In the yard of 47 Moskovs'ka street
26.11.2013      At Molodizhny
25.11.2013      Peremohy street
24.11.2013      Near the market at Hvardiys'ka
23.11.2013      Holodomor Remembrance Day
22.11.2013      At the Central Market
21.11.2013      Near Khalameniuka bus stop
20.11.2013      At the yard of 69 Heroyiv Bresta
19.11.2013      Respublikans'ka street
18.11.2013      On Lenin street
17.11.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
16.11.2013      Near the brewery
15.11.2013      In the yard of the school № 10
14.11.2013      Near the children's hospital
13.11.2013      On Pershotravneva street
12.11.2013      The monument of Ostap Bender
11.11.2013      Near the confectionery factory
10.11.2013      On Shevchenko street
09.11.2013      At the yard of 17 Myru
08.11.2013      On Butyrina street
07.11.2013      Near the power station
06.11.2013      On Pushkin Blv.
05.11.2013      K. Marksa street
04.11.2013      At Molodizhny
03.11.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
02.11.2013      On Chapaiev street
01.11.2013      The “Centre” bus stop

October 2013
31.10.2013      At the park near the Dnipro
30.10.2013      At Kryukiv
29.10.2013      On Kotsiubyns'kyi street
28.10.2013      Flight College
27.10.2013      Near the “Apteka” bus stop
26.10.2013      The Palace of culture “KrAZ”
25.10.2013      On Myru street
24.10.2013      On Lenin street
23.10.2013      In the yard of 37 Moskovs'ka street
22.10.2013      On Zhovtneva street
21.10.2013      1905 roku street
20.10.2013      On Pershotravneva street
19.10.2013      In V. Boika street
18.10.2013      Peremohy street
17.10.2013      On Butyrina street
16.10.2013      On Pushkin Blv.
15.10.2013      On Peremohy street
14.10.2013      Poshtovyi provulok
13.10.2013      In the area of Moskovs'ka bus stop
12.10.2013      At the dog's exibition
11.10.2013      At the park near the Dnipro
10.10.2013      On Krasina street
09.10.2013      Zhovtneva street
08.10.2013      On Pushkin Blv.
07.10.2013      Near the hotel «Helicopter»
06.10.2013      Leonov street
05.10.2013      Hoholia street
04.10.2013      Near Vodokanal
03.10.2013      In the yard of 15 Pushkin Blv.
02.10.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
01.10.2013      Shchorsa street

September 2013
30.09.2013      On Shevchenko street
29.09.2013      70th anniversary of liberation of Kremenchuk
28.09.2013      At the Victory Square
27.09.2013      On Proletars'ka street
26.09.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
25.09.2013      At Kryukiv
24.09.2013      On Vorovs'koho street
23.09.2013      On Pershotravneva street
22.09.2013      Moskovs'ka street
21.09.2013      At the Victory Square
20.09.2013      Near Hvardiys'ka street
19.09.2013      On Peremohy street
18.09.2013      Near the Polytechnic University
17.09.2013      On Kyivs'ka street
16.09.2013      On Proletars'ka street
15.09.2013      Near the “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
14.09.2013      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
13.09.2013      Beside the park near the Dnipro
12.09.2013      At the first Zanasyp
11.09.2013      On Pershotravneva street
10.09.2013      Near the Central Market
09.09.2013      Shchorsa street
08.09.2013      On Radians'ka street
07.09.2013      At the Myru Park
06.09.2013      On Kyivs'ka street
05.09.2013      In the yard of 17 Pushkin Blv.
04.09.2013      Near the tobacco factory
03.09.2013      On Kyivs'ka street
02.09.2013      Knowlegde Day
01.09.2013      Heroyiv Bresta provulok

August 2013
31.08.2013      At the railway station
30.08.2013      On Kvartal'na street
29.08.2013      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
28.08.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
27.08.2013      On Pershotravneva street
26.08.2013      Square near the station
25.08.2013      Near Moskovs'ka bus stop
24.08.2013      The Independence Day of Ukraine
23.08.2013      The park near the Dnipro
22.08.2013      Near the Novoivanivs'kyi market
21.08.2013      Near “Railway station” bus stop
20.08.2013      Kvartal'na street
19.08.2013      On Zhovtneva street
18.08.2013      The Dnipro
17.08.2013      At Comsomolsky park
16.08.2013      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
15.08.2013      At the Central Market
14.08.2013      Viyskova street
13.08.2013      In a trolleybus
12.08.2013      At the first Zanasyp
11.08.2013      Near the River Station
10.08.2013      On Zhovtneva street
09.08.2013      On Pershotravneva street
08.08.2013      On Shevchenko street
07.08.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
06.08.2013      Near Vodokanal
05.08.2013      On Lenin street
04.08.2013      On Proletars'ka street
03.08.2013      On Moskovs'ka street
02.08.2013      The monument to Pushkin
01.08.2013      At Molodizhny

July 2013
31.07.2013      On Pershotravneva street
30.07.2013      Radians'ka street
29.07.2013      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
28.07.2013      At the yard of 60 rokiv Zhovtnia,110
27.07.2013      Near Hvardiys'ka street
26.07.2013      On Pershotravneva street
25.07.2013      On Butyrina street
24.07.2013      Tsiurupy street
23.07.2013      On 29 Veresnia street
22.07.2013      On Krasina street
21.07.2013      Near Hvardiys'ka street
20.07.2013      On Moskovs'ka street
19.07.2013      At the “Vodokanal” bus stop
18.07.2013      On Zhovtneva street
17.07.2013      On Peremohy street
16.07.2013      On Zhovtneva street
15.07.2013      At the first Zanasyp
14.07.2013      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
13.07.2013      At the Ponomarenko Square
12.07.2013      At Molodizhny
11.07.2013      The crossroad of Lenin and Shevchenko streets
10.07.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
09.07.2013      On Chapaiev street
08.07.2013      The crossroad of Shchorsa and 60 rokiv Zhovtnia streets
07.07.2013      In the yard of 24 L.Tolstoy provulok
06.07.2013      Near the “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
05.07.2013      Near the power station
04.07.2013      Near the “Avrora”
03.07.2013      At Kryukiv
02.07.2013      On Proletars'ka street
01.07.2013      Lenin street

June 2013
30.06.2013      Near the Central Market
29.06.2013      Market at Moskovs'ka
28.06.2013      On Peremohy street
27.06.2013      Near the Troyits'kyi market
26.06.2013      On Pushkin Blv.
25.06.2013      Bank of the Dnipro
24.06.2013      On Pershotravneva street
23.06.2013      Kirov street
22.06.2013      In the yard of 92 Moskovs'ka street
21.06.2013      On Proletars'ka street
20.06.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
19.06.2013      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Vorovs'koho streets
18.06.2013      Near the Plant of Road Maсhines
17.06.2013      Near the hotel «Kremin'»
16.06.2013      Near the Bus Station
15.06.2013      Near the Central Market
14.06.2013      At the first Zanasyp
13.06.2013      On Heneral Zhadov street
12.06.2013      Manaharov street
11.06.2013      On Shevchenko street
10.06.2013      On Zhovtneva street
09.06.2013      On Khalameniuka street
08.06.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
07.06.2013      Near the Troyits'kyi market
06.06.2013      On Pushkin Blv.
05.06.2013      On Lenin street
04.06.2013      Near the palace of culture “Kredmash”
03.06.2013      On Pershotravneva street
02.06.2013      In the Saint Trinity Church
01.06.2013      On Moskovs'ka street

May 2013
31.05.2013      On Pershotravneva street
30.05.2013      On Shevchenko street
29.05.2013      On Peremohy street
28.05.2013      The main beach
27.05.2013      On Kyivs'ka street
26.05.2013      Kuybisheva street
25.05.2013      Moskovs'ka street
24.05.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
23.05.2013      On Proletars'ka street
22.05.2013      On 29 Veresnia street
21.05.2013      On Shevchenko street
20.05.2013      On Pershotravneva street
19.05.2013      “Vodokanal” bus stop
18.05.2013      Hvardiys'kyi provulok
17.05.2013      The crossroad of 60 rokiv Zhovtnia and Shchorsa streets
16.05.2013      On Lenin street
15.05.2013      At the first Zanasyp
14.05.2013      Peremohy street
13.05.2013      Cemetery at Molodizhny
12.05.2013      On the Reyivs'kyi cemetery
11.05.2013      In the area of Moskovs'ka street
10.05.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
09.05.2013      Victory day
08.05.2013      Near the shop “1000 dribnyts”
07.05.2013      On Proletars'ka street
06.05.2013      Near the hotel «Kremin'»
05.05.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
04.05.2013      Consecration of paskas
03.05.2013      Not far from the “Heroyiv Stalinhradu” bus stop
02.05.2013      Pushkina Blv.
01.05.2013      At the Indepebdence Square

April 2013
30.04.2013      On Khorol's'ka street
29.04.2013      On Lenin street
28.04.2013      Kirov street
27.04.2013      Near Vodokanal
26.04.2013      At the yard of 4/23 Lenin street
25.04.2013      Pushkina Blv.
24.04.2013      At the yard of 15 Myru
23.04.2013      On Peremohy street
22.04.2013      At the yard of 12 Hoholia
21.04.2013      On Khorol's'ka street
20.04.2013      THe crossroad of Proletars'ka and Butyrina streets
19.04.2013      At the park near the Dnipro
18.04.2013      Leonov street
17.04.2013      On Proletars'ka street
16.04.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
15.04.2013      Radians'ka street
14.04.2013      Near the “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
13.04.2013      Matrosova street
12.04.2013      Pershotravnevyi provulok
11.04.2013      On Heneral Zhadov street
10.04.2013      On Shevchenko street
09.04.2013      At the first Zanasyp
08.04.2013      Near the Troyits'kyi market
07.04.2013      On Peremohy street
06.04.2013      On Moskovs'ka street
05.04.2013      In the yard of 44 Pershotravneva street
04.04.2013      Leonov street
03.04.2013      The House of trade
02.04.2013      At the yard of 37 Myru
01.04.2013      Katerynynska street

March 2013
31.03.2013      On Chapaiev street
30.03.2013      On Radians'ka street
29.03.2013      K. Marksa street
28.03.2013      Near the market at Hvardiys'ka
27.03.2013      60 rokiv Zhovtnia street
26.03.2013      At the yard of 5/9 Lenin street
25.03.2013      On Zhovtneva street
24.03.2013      Near Hvardiys'ka street
23.03.2013      Near the power station
22.03.2013      On Lenin street
21.03.2013      1905 roku street
20.03.2013      The crossroad of Karnaukhova and 50 rokiv Zhovtnia streets
19.03.2013      On Peremohy street
18.03.2013      On 29 Veresnia street
17.03.2013      60 rokiv Zhovtnia street
16.03.2013      On Khorol's'ka street
15.03.2013      On Krasina street
14.03.2013      The crossroad of Tsiurupy and Shevchenko streets
13.03.2013      On Pershotravneva street
12.03.2013      At the first Zanasyp
11.03.2013      Near the Bus Station
10.03.2013      Near the Troyits'kyi market
09.03.2013      On Pushkin Blv.
08.03.2013      At Rakovka
07.03.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
06.03.2013      On Haharina street
05.03.2013      Not far from the “Kerchens'ka” bus stop
04.03.2013      Respublikans'ka street
03.03.2013      On Peremohy street
02.03.2013      Near the power station
01.03.2013      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Pershotravneva st.

February 2013
28.02.2013      On Vorovs'koho street
27.02.2013      At Molodizhny
26.02.2013      On Khalameniuka street
25.02.2013      On Lenin street
24.02.2013      On Kyivs'ka street
23.02.2013      On Butyrina street
22.02.2013      K. Marksa street
21.02.2013      On Zhovtneva street
20.02.2013      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
19.02.2013      Pushkina Blv.
18.02.2013      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
17.02.2013      Near the Plant of Road Maсhines
16.02.2013      In 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
15.02.2013      On Proletars'ka street
14.02.2013      On Krasina street
13.02.2013      Near the Central Market
12.02.2013      At the first Zanasyp
11.02.2013      Tsiurupy street
10.02.2013      On Myru street
09.02.2013      At Kryukiv
08.02.2013      THe crossroad of Lenin and Haharina streets
07.02.2013      Near Vodokanal
06.02.2013      Near “Railway station” bus stop
05.02.2013      Kvartal'na street
04.02.2013      In Prykhod'ka street
03.02.2013      In the yard of 30 K. Marksa street
02.02.2013      Butyrina street
01.02.2013      On Pushkin Blv.

January 2013
31.01.2013      60 rokiv Zhovtnia street
30.01.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
29.01.2013      On Kotsiubyns'kyi street
28.01.2013      In the yard of 19 Pushkin Blv.
27.01.2013      On Pershotravneva street
26.01.2013      On Radians'ka street
25.01.2013      At Kryukiv
24.01.2013      Near the Central Market
23.01.2013      On Makarenko street
22.01.2013      At the first Zanasyp
21.01.2013      On Pershotravneva street
20.01.2013      “Center” bus stop
19.01.2013      Water-christening
18.01.2013      At an ice rink
17.01.2013      On Khorol's'ka street
16.01.2013      Near the school №10
15.01.2013      On Proletars'ka street
14.01.2013      In the yard of 23 Pershotravneva street
13.01.2013      Happy “Old” New Year
12.01.2013      On Kvartal'na street
11.01.2013      At the “Centre” bus stop
10.01.2013      At the first Zanasyp
09.01.2013      Pushkina Blv.
08.01.2013      Near the Museum of regional ethnography
07.01.2013      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
06.01.2013      Near the shop “Sudar”
05.01.2013      In the shop “M'yasna Lavka”
04.01.2013      On Pershotravneva street
03.01.2013      On Peremohy street
02.01.2013      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
01.01.2013      Happy New Year!

December 2012
31.12.2012      At the Indepebdence Square
30.12.2012      At the “Vodokanal” bus stop
29.12.2012      Near the shopping center “Mega”
28.12.2012      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
27.12.2012      Shevchenko street
26.12.2012      On Lenin street
25.12.2012      On Haharina street
24.12.2012      Near Vodokanal bus stop
23.12.2012      On Tsiurupy street
22.12.2012      On Kyivs'ka street
21.12.2012      Khorols'ka street
20.12.2012      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
19.12.2012      Near the Myru Park
18.12.2012      In the yard of 20 Pushkin Blv.
17.12.2012      On Lenin street
16.12.2012      On Butyrina street
15.12.2012      Near Vodokanal bus stop
14.12.2012      Near the Flight College
13.12.2012      On Proletars'ka street
12.12.2012      Near the Grain factory(Zanasyp)
11.12.2012      A view to the Independence Square
10.12.2012      On Myru street
09.12.2012      On Butyrina street
08.12.2012      On Krasina street
07.12.2012      On Lenin street
06.12.2012      Near the market at Hvardiys'ka
05.12.2012      On Haharina street
04.12.2012      At the park near the Dnipro
03.12.2012      Near the “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
02.12.2012      On Zhovtneva street
01.12.2012      Near the hotel «Kremin'»

November 2012
30.11.2012      On Kyivs'ka street
29.11.2012      On Moskovs'ka street
28.11.2012      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
27.11.2012      On Lenin street
26.11.2012      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
25.11.2012      Shevchenko street
24.11.2012      On Proletars'ka street
23.11.2012      K. Marksa street
22.11.2012      Pishchanyi provulok
21.11.2012      Heneral Zhadov street
20.11.2012      On Radians'ka street
19.11.2012      On Lenin street
18.11.2012      On Chapaiev street
17.11.2012      On Moskovs'ka street
16.11.2012      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
15.11.2012      At the first Zanasyp
14.11.2012      On Pershotravneva street
13.11.2012      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
12.11.2012      On Shevchenko street
11.11.2012      On Myru street
10.11.2012      In 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
09.11.2012      Near the Central Market
08.11.2012      Near the house of trade
07.11.2012      On Zhovtneva street
06.11.2012      Near Vodokanal
05.11.2012      On Butyrina street
04.11.2012      On Peremohy street
03.11.2012      On Hor'kyi street
02.11.2012      On Zhovtneva street
01.11.2012      Heneral Zhadov street

October 2012
31.10.2012      On Lenin street
30.10.2012      On Pershotravneva street
29.10.2012      On Moskovs'ka street
28.10.2012      On Krasina street
27.10.2012      The main beach
26.10.2012      On Peremohy street
25.10.2012      Near the Palace of Culture
24.10.2012      At the Myru Park
23.10.2012      On Butyrina street
22.10.2012      On Kyivs'ka street
21.10.2012      On Myru street
20.10.2012      In the yard of 27B Proletars'ka street
19.10.2012      On Pershotravneva street
18.10.2012      K. Marksa street
17.10.2012      In the area of “Kerchens'ka” bus stop
16.10.2012      Near Vodokanal
15.10.2012      On Krasina street
14.10.2012      On Zhovtneva street
13.10.2012      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
12.10.2012      On Hoholia street
11.10.2012      At the first Zanasyp
10.10.2012      Near the brewery
09.10.2012      Near the Central Market
08.10.2012      On Pershotravneva street
07.10.2012      On Proletars'ka street
06.10.2012      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
05.10.2012      At the first Zanasyp
04.10.2012      On Vorovs'koho street
03.10.2012      Near the Polytechnic University
02.10.2012      At the “Centre” bus stop
01.10.2012      Near the club “Zebra”

September 2012
30.09.2012      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
29.09.2012      The Day of the town
28.09.2012      On Lenin street
27.09.2012      Near the brewery
26.09.2012      Near Vodokanal bus stop
25.09.2012      The park near the Dnipro
24.09.2012      On Shevchenko street
23.09.2012      On Butyrina street
22.09.2012      At the Indepebdence Square
21.09.2012      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
20.09.2012      On Moskovs'ka street
19.09.2012      Near the children's polyclinic
18.09.2012      Near the brewery
17.09.2012      At the first Zanasyp
16.09.2012      Near the railway station
15.09.2012      Near the Central Market
14.09.2012      At the park near the Dnipro
13.09.2012      In the “Fozzy” supermarket
12.09.2012      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
11.09.2012      THe crossroad of Butyrin and Radins'ka streets
10.09.2012      The crossroad of Shchorsa and 60 rokiv Zhovtnia streets
09.09.2012      At the park near the Dnipro
08.09.2012      At the Myru Park
07.09.2012      On Butyrina street
06.09.2012      On Haharina street
05.09.2012      On Peremohy street
04.09.2012      On Proletars'ka street
03.09.2012      Near the brewery
02.09.2012      At the yard of 5 Heroyiv Stalinhradu
01.09.2012      Vatutin street

August 2012
31.08.2012      Near the school №13
30.08.2012      In Hvardiys'ka street
29.08.2012      On Lenin street
28.08.2012      In the area of Moskovs'ka bus stop
27.08.2012      The crossroad of Butyrin and Shevchenko streets
26.08.2012      Near the shoe factory
25.08.2012      In Prykhod'ka street
24.08.2012      The Independence Day of Ukraine
23.08.2012      The crossroad of Zhovtneva and Hor'kyi streets
22.08.2012      On Lenin street
21.08.2012      Proletars'ka street
20.08.2012      Near Vodokanal bus stop
19.08.2012      Near the Polytechnic University
18.08.2012      On 29 Veresnia street
17.08.2012      Near the school №20
16.08.2012      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
15.08.2012      On Pershotravneva street
14.08.2012      Near the hotel “Kremin'”
13.08.2012      At the first Zanasyp
12.08.2012      On Hor'kyi street
11.08.2012      On Shevchenko street
10.08.2012      On Heneral Zhadov street
09.08.2012      At Kryukiv
08.08.2012      On Pushkin Blv.
07.08.2012      K. Marksa street
06.08.2012      On Pershotravneva street
05.08.2012      On Kyivs'ka street
04.08.2012      Near Hvardiys'ka street
03.08.2012      The crossroad of Butyrin and Proletars'ka streets
02.08.2012      Near the crossroad of 60 rokiv Zhovtnia and Shchorsa streets
01.08.2012      Near the house of trade

July 2012
31.07.2012      On Lenin street
30.07.2012      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
29.07.2012      In the Voiniv Internatsionalistiv park
28.07.2012      The “Centre” bus stop
27.07.2012      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
26.07.2012      In the area of Moskovs'ka street
25.07.2012      On Shevchenko street
24.07.2012      In Prykhod'ka street
23.07.2012      Near the polyclinic №1
22.07.2012      At the park near the Dnipro
21.07.2012      Near the Palace of Culture “Naftokhimik”
20.07.2012      In V. Boika street
19.07.2012      At Kryukiv
18.07.2012      In the yard of 6 Peremohy street
17.07.2012      Cheliuskintsiv provulok
16.07.2012      Near the Central Market
15.07.2012      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
14.07.2012      On Proletars'ka street
13.07.2012      On Hor'kyi street
12.07.2012      At the first Zanasyp
11.07.2012      On Radians'ka street
10.07.2012      On Butyrina street
09.07.2012      On Peremohy street
08.07.2012      On Shevchenko street
07.07.2012      On Krasina street
06.07.2012      Artema street
05.07.2012      Near Vodokanal bus stop
04.07.2012      On Tsiurupy street
03.07.2012      On Pershotravneva street
02.07.2012      At the park near the Dnipro
01.07.2012      Near Hvardiys'ka street

June 2012
30.06.2012      Near the railway station
29.06.2012      On Peremohy street
28.06.2012      On Lenin street
27.06.2012      In the Palace of Culture
26.06.2012      Night club “Zebra”
25.06.2012      Near the power station
24.06.2012      “Apteka” bus stop
23.06.2012      Youth Day
22.06.2012      At the Myru Park
21.06.2012      On Pershotravneva street
20.06.2012      On Maiakovs'kyi street
19.06.2012      At Kryukiv
18.06.2012      The Pedagogical College
17.06.2012      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
16.06.2012      Near Vodokanal
15.06.2012      In a trolleybus
14.06.2012      At the park near the Dnipro
13.06.2012      At the first Zanasyp
12.06.2012      A view to the power station
11.06.2012      On Shchorsa street
10.06.2012      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
09.06.2012      At the Radians'ka Armiya bus stop
08.06.2012      On Khalameniuka street
07.06.2012      On Pushkin Blv.
06.06.2012      The crossroad of Lenin and Proletars'ka streets
05.06.2012      At Molodizhny
04.06.2012      Near the Central Market
03.06.2012      On Kyivs'ka street
02.06.2012      On Peremohy street
01.06.2012      At the park near the Dnipro

May 2012
31.05.2012      On Vorovs'koho street
30.05.2012      Pereiaslavs'ka street
29.05.2012      On Pershotravneva street
28.05.2012      Victory Square
27.05.2012      On Pushkin Blv.
26.05.2012      Near the Plant of Road Machines
25.05.2012      On Peremohy street
24.05.2012      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
23.05.2012      Pushkina Blv.
22.05.2012      On Pershotravneva street
21.05.2012      Moskovs'ka street
20.05.2012      At the “Centre” bus stop
19.05.2012      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
18.05.2012      On Khalameniuka street
17.05.2012      At Molodizhny
16.05.2012      On Lenin street
15.05.2012      At the first Zanasyp
14.05.2012      On Shchorsa street
13.05.2012      Near Khalameniuka bus stop
12.05.2012      On Peremohy street
11.05.2012      On Krasina street
10.05.2012      Near the Bus Station
09.05.2012      Victory Day
08.05.2012      The monument to soldiers and liberators
07.05.2012      The main beach
06.05.2012      In 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
05.05.2012      At the park near the Dnipro
04.05.2012      At the yard of 17 Pushkina Blv.
03.05.2012      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
02.05.2012      Near the Plant of Road Maсhines
01.05.2012      At the Zhovtnevyi Square

April 2012
30.04.2012      On Lenin street
29.04.2012      In 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
28.04.2012      On Zhovtneva street
27.04.2012      At the Victory Square
26.04.2012      Near the Novoivanivs'kyi market
25.04.2012      At the railway station
24.04.2012      On Butyrina street
23.04.2012      Commemoration Day
22.04.2012      Petrovs'koho street
21.04.2012      On Shevchenko street
20.04.2012      Sums'ka street
19.04.2012      Khorols'ka street
18.04.2012      On Pershotravneva street
17.04.2012      Near the automobile plant
16.04.2012      Saint John the Warrior Church
15.04.2012      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
14.04.2012      Consecration of paskas
13.04.2012      On Proletars'ka street
12.04.2012      On Pershotravneva street
11.04.2012      On Butyrina street
10.04.2012      At the first Zanasyp
09.04.2012      On Pershotravneva street
08.04.2012      On Khalameniuka street
07.04.2012      On Shevchenko street
06.04.2012      The crossroad of Radians'ka and Жовтневої streets
05.04.2012      Makhorkova street
04.04.2012      On Proletars'ka street
03.04.2012      Near the Polytechnic University
02.04.2012      On Moskovs'ka street
01.04.2012      A view to Vorovs'koho street

March 2012
31.03.2012      Near the Plant of Road Machines
30.03.2012      Near the Central Market
29.03.2012      Near the house of 8/18 Zhovtneva street
28.03.2012      On Kyivs'ka street
27.03.2012      Postysheva provulok
26.03.2012      At the bank of the Dnipro
25.03.2012      Near the shoe factory
24.03.2012      On Lenin street
23.03.2012      On Zhovtneva street
22.03.2012      On Lenin street
21.03.2012      In the yard of 4 Peremohy street
20.03.2012      Near the Bus Station
19.03.2012      On Redutna street
18.03.2012      On Hoholia street
17.03.2012      Near the Central Market
16.03.2012      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Vorovs'koho streets
15.03.2012      On Heneral Zhadov street
14.03.2012      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
13.03.2012      At the first Zanasyp
12.03.2012      On Pershotravneva street
11.03.2012      Sums'ka street
10.03.2012      Near Vodokanal
09.03.2012      On Proletars'ka street
08.03.2012      Near the house of trade
07.03.2012      At Molodizhny
06.03.2012      On Butyrina street
05.03.2012      Pushkina Blv.
04.03.2012      At the “Centre” bus stop
03.03.2012      On Haharina street
02.03.2012      On Proletars'ka street
01.03.2012      On Pershotravneva street

February 2012
29.02.2012      Khorol'ska street
28.02.2012      On Vorovs'koho street
27.02.2012      The crossroad of Radins'ka and Butyrina streets
26.02.2012      In the yard of 10 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
25.02.2012      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
24.02.2012      On Lenin street
23.02.2012      Near the railway station
22.02.2012      On Peremohy street
21.02.2012      Near the River Station
20.02.2012      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
19.02.2012      In 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
18.02.2012      On Zhovtneva street
17.02.2012      At the Central Market
16.02.2012      At the first Zanasyp
15.02.2012      On Shevchenko street
14.02.2012      Near the Central Market
13.02.2012      In the yard of 7 Zhovtneva street
12.02.2012      On Pershotravneva street
11.02.2012      At the Myru Park
10.02.2012      K. Marksa street
09.02.2012      Near the hotel “Kremin'”
08.02.2012      On Hoholia street
07.02.2012      On Peremohy street
06.02.2012      In the yard of 53 Pershotravneva street
05.02.2012      In 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
04.02.2012      On Kyivs'ka street
03.02.2012      On Zhovtneva street
02.02.2012      1905 roku street
01.02.2012      On Shevchenko street

January 2012
31.01.2012      Pushkina Blv.
30.01.2012      In the yard of 28 Butyrina street
29.01.2012      The “Centre” bus stop
28.01.2012      On Radians'ka street
27.01.2012      At the first Zanasyp
26.01.2012      On Lenin street
25.01.2012      At the park near the Dnipro
24.01.2012      On Pershotravneva street
23.01.2012      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
22.01.2012      At the Myru Park
21.01.2012      Near the Bus Station
20.01.2012      On Pershotravneva street
19.01.2012      Water-christening near the Saint Trinity Church
18.01.2012      At the first Zanasyp
17.01.2012      On Lenin street
16.01.2012      On Kyivs'ka street
15.01.2012      Sums'ka street
14.01.2012      Happy “Old” New Year
13.01.2012      On Shtabna street
12.01.2012      On Krasina street
11.01.2012      In the yard of the school № 8
10.01.2012      The crossroad of Butyrina and Shevchenko streets
09.01.2012      The crossroad of Shchorsa and 60 rokiv Zhovtnia streets
08.01.2012      On Zhovtneva street
07.01.2012      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2012      At the Indepebdence Square
05.01.2012      On Lenin street
04.01.2012      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
03.01.2012      Near the Plant of Road Maсhines
02.01.2012      Near the railway station
01.01.2012      Happy New Year!

December 2011
31.12.2011      On Lenin street
30.12.2011      In the yard of 22/9 Butyrina street
29.12.2011      In the yard of 41/49 Shevchenko street
28.12.2011      Near the carriage plant
27.12.2011      New Year's holiday in the kindergarten
26.12.2011      On Lenin street
25.12.2011      Near the Central Market
24.12.2011      On Shevchenko street
23.12.2011      Opening of the Christmas Tree
22.12.2011      On Moskovs'ka street
21.12.2011      On Zhovtneva street
20.12.2011      At the yard of 21 Myru
19.12.2011      Betonna street
18.12.2011      Near the Troyits'kyi market
17.12.2011      On Lenin street
16.12.2011      On Shevchenko street
15.12.2011      At the first Zanasyp
14.12.2011      On Peremohy street
13.12.2011      At the yard of 21 Pushkina Blv.
12.12.2011      On Kyivs'ka street
11.12.2011      Near the railway station
10.12.2011      Near the confectionery
09.12.2011      Lenin street
08.12.2011      On Krasina street
07.12.2011      On Shevchenko street
06.12.2011      On Pershotravneva street
05.12.2011      Near the house of trade
04.12.2011      K. Marksa street
03.12.2011      On Pushkin Blv.
02.12.2011      At the yard of 53 Proletars'ka street
01.12.2011      Heneral Zhadov street

November 2011
30.11.2011      Near Betonna street
29.11.2011      On Proletars'ka street
28.11.2011      On Pershotravneva street
27.11.2011      In 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
26.11.2011      On Shevchenko street
25.11.2011      Between the Brewery and Molodizhnyi
24.11.2011      On Kyivs'ka street
23.11.2011      On Butyrina street
22.11.2011      The crossroad of Peremohy and Жовтневої streets
21.11.2011      At the yard of 59 Heroyiv Bresta
20.11.2011      On Tsiurupy street
19.11.2011      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Krasina streets
18.11.2011      At the first Zanasyp
17.11.2011      Near Poltava avenue
16.11.2011      Svierdlov street
15.11.2011      On Lenin street
14.11.2011      The House of trade
13.11.2011      Near Vodokanal
12.11.2011      The “Centre” bus stop
11.11.2011      On Krasina street
10.11.2011      “Khalamenuika” bus stop
09.11.2011      At Kryukiv
08.11.2011      On Peremohy street
07.11.2011      The crossroad of Radians'ka and Жовтневої streets
06.11.2011      Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
05.11.2011      K. Marksa street
04.11.2011      At Kryukiv
03.11.2011      On Pershotravneva street
02.11.2011      Topolevyi lane
01.11.2011      On Butyrina street

October 2011
31.10.2011      At the yard of 47 Heroyiv Bresta
30.10.2011      In the shop “Gurman”
29.10.2011      In the area of housing complex
28.10.2011      On Peremohy street
27.10.2011      K. Marksa street
26.10.2011      On Lenin street
25.10.2011      Near the “Palace of Culture” bust stop
24.10.2011      On Haharina street
23.10.2011      Near Vodokanal
22.10.2011      On Myru street
21.10.2011      On Peremohy street
20.10.2011      On Proletars'ka street
19.10.2011      At the yard of 23 Myru
18.10.2011      On Tsiurupy street
17.10.2011      On Pushkin Blv.
16.10.2011      At the yard of 49 Heroyiv Bresta
15.10.2011      On Lenin street
14.10.2011      Near the brewery
13.10.2011      On Radians'ka street
12.10.2011      Near Moskovs'ka bus stop
11.10.2011      In the yard of 22 Peremohy street
10.10.2011      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
09.10.2011      On Krasina street
08.10.2011      On 29 Veresnia street
07.10.2011      On Vorovs'koho street
06.10.2011      On Pershotravneva street
05.10.2011      On Haharina street
04.10.2011      At the yard of 8 Pushkina Blv.
03.10.2011      On Shevchenko street
02.10.2011      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
01.10.2011      On Krasina street

September 2011
30.09.2011      On Zhovtneva street
29.09.2011      At Molodizhny
28.09.2011      On Butyrina street
27.09.2011      On Kvartal'na street
26.09.2011      On Lenin street
25.09.2011      The Day of the Town
24.09.2011      At Kryukov Railway Car Building Works
23.09.2011      Near Khorols'ka street
22.09.2011      On Proletars'ka street
21.09.2011      Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
20.09.2011      Near the tobacco factory
19.09.2011      Vorovs'koho street
18.09.2011      On Proletars'ka street
17.09.2011      At the yard of 9 Shevchenko street
16.09.2011      Near the palace of culture “Kredmash”
15.09.2011      On Shchorsa street
14.09.2011      Near Poltava avenue
13.09.2011      Crossroads of Pershotravneva street and Haharina street
12.09.2011      Near the confectionery
11.09.2011      On Hor'kyi street
10.09.2011      Cemetery near Revenko street
09.09.2011      Near the Flight College
08.09.2011      Near the railway station
07.09.2011      At the yard of 4 Voyiniv Internatsionalistiv
06.09.2011      Entrance to Kryukiv
05.09.2011      Near the Central Market
04.09.2011      On Kyivs'ka street
03.09.2011      L.Dniprov street
02.09.2011      Sums'ka street
01.09.2011      The first bell in the school 5

August 2011
31.08.2011      On Butyrina street
30.08.2011      Near the Palace of Culture
29.08.2011      Near the Central Market
28.08.2011      On Moskovs'ka street
27.08.2011      Near the shop “Kashtan”
26.08.2011      The monument to T.H. Shevchenko
25.08.2011      On Radians'ka street
24.08.2011      20 years of Independence of Ukraine
23.08.2011      Near the Polytechnic University
22.08.2011      Near the house of trade
21.08.2011      On Shevchenko street
20.08.2011      “Pyvzavod” bus stop
19.08.2011      On Lenin street
18.08.2011      At the park near the Dnipro
17.08.2011      Near Poltava avenue
16.08.2011      On Lenin street
15.08.2011      Near the Troyits'kyi market
14.08.2011      In 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
13.08.2011      Near the shoe factory
12.08.2011      Near Hvardiys'ka street
11.08.2011      Near the Palace of Culture
10.08.2011      The crossroad of Peremohy and Pershotravneva streets
09.08.2011      On Kyivs'ka street
08.08.2011      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
07.08.2011      Respublikans'ka street
06.08.2011      On Krasina street
05.08.2011      Near the railway station
04.08.2011      Manaharov street
03.08.2011      On Radians'ka street
02.08.2011      On Chapaiev street
01.08.2011      On Proletars'ka street

July 2011
31.07.2011      Near the Polytechnic University
30.07.2011      “Vodokanal” bus stop
29.07.2011      The crossroad of Lenin and Proletars'ka streets
28.07.2011      On 29 Veresnia street
27.07.2011      On Peremohy street
26.07.2011      On Moskovs'ka street
25.07.2011      On Lenin street
24.07.2011      On Zhovtneva street
23.07.2011      Near the Plant of Road Machines
22.07.2011      On Kvartal'na street
21.07.2011      At the yard of 4 Kotsiubyns'kyi
20.07.2011      At the yard of 53 Heroyiv Bresta
19.07.2011      On Pershotravneva street
18.07.2011      Near the brewery
17.07.2011      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
16.07.2011      In 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
15.07.2011      On Peremohy street
14.07.2011      At Molodizhny
13.07.2011      Poshtovyi provulok
12.07.2011      On Pershotravneva street
11.07.2011      Near the house of trade
10.07.2011      On Pershotravneva street
09.07.2011      On Haharina street
08.07.2011      In the area of “Kerchens'ka” bus stop
07.07.2011      On Radians'ka street
06.07.2011      The Bus Station
05.07.2011      Shevchenko street
04.07.2011      On Lenin street
03.07.2011      1905 roku street
02.07.2011      Near the Memorial “Vichno Zhyvym”
01.07.2011      On Proletars'ka street

June 2011
30.06.2011      At the Central Market
29.06.2011      On Pushkin Blv.
28.06.2011      On Zhovtneva street
27.06.2011      Thre crossroad of Hor'kyi and Krasin streets
26.06.2011      On Butyrina street
25.06.2011      At the yard of 65 Krasina
24.06.2011      On Lenin street
23.06.2011      At Kryukiv
22.06.2011      Near Vodokanal
21.06.2011      Peremohy street
20.06.2011      The “Centre” bus stop
19.06.2011      On Zhovtneva street
18.06.2011      Near Poltava avenue
17.06.2011      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
16.06.2011      Near the brewery
15.06.2011      Near the School of Art
14.06.2011      On Peremohy street
13.06.2011      Near the power station
12.06.2011      Saint Trinity Church
11.06.2011      At the Myru Park
10.06.2011      On Hoholia street
09.06.2011      Hvardiys'kyi provulok
08.06.2011      At the main beach
07.06.2011      On Moskovs'ka street
06.06.2011      Near the shoe factory
05.06.2011      Near the power station
04.06.2011      On Lenin street
03.06.2011      On Pershotravneva street
02.06.2011      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Pershotravneva streets
01.06.2011      At the park near the Dnipro

May 2011
31.05.2011      On Pushkin Blv.
30.05.2011      Yarmarkova street
29.05.2011      Near the brewery
28.05.2011      In the chess club
27.05.2011      On Zhovtneva street
26.05.2011      Near Poltava avenue
25.05.2011      On Butyrina street
24.05.2011      On Hor'kyi street
23.05.2011      On Hoholia street
22.05.2011      At the Myru Park
21.05.2011      At the park near the Dnipro
20.05.2011      On Peremohy street
19.05.2011      On Pershotravneva street
18.05.2011      On Lenin street
17.05.2011      On Proletars'ka street
16.05.2011      The hospital №3
15.05.2011      On Krasina street
14.05.2011      At the Indepebdence Square
13.05.2011      Near the school №10
12.05.2011      On Pershotravneva street
11.05.2011      On 29 Veresnia street
10.05.2011      The Medical College
09.05.2011      Victory day
08.05.2011      On Moskovs'ka street
07.05.2011      On Pershotravneva street
06.05.2011      In Prykhod'ka street
05.05.2011      On Shevchenko street
04.05.2011      On Vorovs'koho street
03.05.2011      Near the River Station
02.05.2011      Commemoration Day
01.05.2011      Reyivka

April 2011
30.04.2011      At the park near the Dnipro
29.04.2011      At the Victory Square
28.04.2011      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
27.04.2011      Khorols'ka street
26.04.2011      On Pushkin Blv.
25.04.2011      In the yard of 7 Myru Street
24.04.2011      Near the shoe plant
23.04.2011      On Butyrina street
22.04.2011      Near Vodokanal
21.04.2011      The Dnipro
20.04.2011      On Proletars'ka street
19.04.2011      On Kvartal'na street
18.04.2011      Near the “Avrora”
17.04.2011      In the yard of 11 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
16.04.2011      At the park near the Dnipro
15.04.2011      The crossroad of Lenin and Peremohy street
14.04.2011      On Haharina street
13.04.2011      On Radians'ka street
12.04.2011      Khorol's'ka street
11.04.2011      On Kotsiubyns'kyi street
10.04.2011      On Chapaiev street
09.04.2011      On Krasina street
08.04.2011      On Lenin street
07.04.2011      Near the railway station
06.04.2011      In the yard of 1 Heneral Zhadov street
05.04.2011      Near Hvardiys'ka street
04.04.2011      On Pershotravneva street
03.04.2011      In 40 rokiv Zhovtnia street
02.04.2011      In the yard of 25 Peremohy street
01.04.2011      On Lenin street

March 2011
31.03.2011      At Molodizhny
30.03.2011      At the park near the Dnipro
29.03.2011      School 10
28.03.2011      On Lenin street
27.03.2011      Near the school №19
26.03.2011      At the yard of 17 Hor'kyi street
25.03.2011      The crossroad of Lenin street and Proletars'ka street
24.03.2011      Near the shop “Kashtan”
23.03.2011      The market near the Dnipro
22.03.2011      On Lenin street
21.03.2011      A view to Haharina street
20.03.2011      At the park near the Dnipro
19.03.2011      On Shevchenko street
18.03.2011      On Khalameniuka street
17.03.2011      In a trolleybus
16.03.2011      On Lenin street
15.03.2011      Near the “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
14.03.2011      Near the Palace of Culture
13.03.2011      Bank of the Dnipro
12.03.2011      Near the club “Zebra”
11.03.2011      The crossroad of Butyrin and Peremohy streets
10.03.2011      At the yard of 60 rokiv Zhovtnia,57
09.03.2011      On Peremohy street
08.03.2011      On Radians'ka street
07.03.2011      Near the Flight College
06.03.2011      At the park near the Dnipro
05.03.2011      On Pershotravneva street
04.03.2011      On Lenin street
03.03.2011      At the yard of 9 Kvartal'na street
02.03.2011      Near Khalameniuka bus stop
01.03.2011      Near the Central Market

February 2011
28.02.2011      Near the 25 Pershotravneva street
27.02.2011      On Proletars'ka street
26.02.2011      L.Tolstoi street
25.02.2011      On 29 Veresnia street
24.02.2011      Near the school №27
23.02.2011      On Radians'ka street
22.02.2011      Near the railway station
21.02.2011      On Butyrina street
20.02.2011      On Pushkin Blv.
19.02.2011      Near the shop “Sudar”
18.02.2011      Heneral Zhadov street
17.02.2011      Near the confectionery
16.02.2011      At the yard of 22/13 Proletars'ka street
15.02.2011      On Zhovtneva street
14.02.2011      On Shevchenko street
13.02.2011      On Krasina street
12.02.2011      On Myru street
11.02.2011      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
10.02.2011      On Peremohy street
09.02.2011      On Kyivs'ka street
08.02.2011      On Zhovtneva street
07.02.2011      Near the hotel “Kremin'”
06.02.2011      Near the house of trade
05.02.2011      On Khalameniuka street
04.02.2011      On Pershotravneva street
03.02.2011      At the first Zanasyp
02.02.2011      On Peremohy street
01.02.2011      On Proletars'ka street

January 2011
31.01.2011      “Druha likarnia” bus stop
30.01.2011      On Proletars'ka street
29.01.2011      Khorol's'ka street
28.01.2011      On 29 Veresnia street
27.01.2011      On Pushkin Blv.
26.01.2011      On Pershotravneva street
25.01.2011      At the Myru Park
24.01.2011      Near the power station
23.01.2011      On Chapaiev street
22.01.2011      On Krasina street
21.01.2011      Near the Plant of Road Machines
20.01.2011      In the yard of 6 Peremohy street
19.01.2011      Blessing of water at the Dnipro river
18.01.2011      On Lenin street
17.01.2011      On Shevchenko street
16.01.2011      Near Hvardiys'ka street
15.01.2011      Kirov street
14.01.2011      On Butyrina street
13.01.2011      On Lenin street
12.01.2011      Near the railway station
11.01.2011      On Pushkin Blv.
10.01.2011      At the first Zanasyp
09.01.2011      On Shevchenko street
08.01.2011      “Vodokanal” bus stop
07.01.2011      Church of Saint Pantaleon
06.01.2011      On Pershotravneva street
05.01.2011      A view to the Independence Square
04.01.2011      Near the Palace of Culture
03.01.2011      In the Palace of Culture “Naftokhimik”
02.01.2011      Near the Plant of Road Maсhines
01.01.2011      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”

December 2010
31.12.2010      Happy New Year!
30.12.2010      On Shevchenko street
29.12.2010      At the Central Market
28.12.2010      On Lenin street
27.12.2010      In the Pedagogical College
26.12.2010      On Peremohy street
25.12.2010      On Lenin street
24.12.2010      At the park near the Dnipro
23.12.2010      On Peremohy street
22.12.2010      The Shopping Center “Amstor”
21.12.2010      In the yard of 10 Pushkin Blv.
20.12.2010      Near the railway station
19.12.2010      On Chapaiev street
18.12.2010      On Krasina street
17.12.2010      On Kvartal'na street
16.12.2010      On Hor'kyi street
15.12.2010      On Peremohy street
14.12.2010      Near the Central Market
13.12.2010      On Proletars'ka street
12.12.2010      Near the shoe factory
11.12.2010      On Pushkin Blv.
10.12.2010      On Krasina street
09.12.2010      On Kvartal'na street
08.12.2010      In the Uspens'ka Church
07.12.2010      On Lenin street
06.12.2010      Near “Centre” bus stop
05.12.2010      On Krasina street
04.12.2010      Chapaiev street
03.12.2010      On Zhovtneva street
02.12.2010      THe crossroad of Haharin and Pershotravneva streets
01.12.2010      On Proletars'ka street

November 2010
30.11.2010      Chkalov street
29.11.2010      On Peremohy street
28.11.2010      On Proletars'ka street
27.11.2010      On Lenin street
26.11.2010      Kremenchuk Polytechnic University
25.11.2010      Near the house of trade
24.11.2010      On Pershotravneva street
23.11.2010      On Zhovtneva street
22.11.2010      The Dnipro
21.11.2010      On Proletars'ka street
20.11.2010      Near the shop “Sudar”
19.11.2010      At the park near the Dnipro
18.11.2010      On Lenin street
17.11.2010      On Pershotravneva street
16.11.2010      Crossroads of Zhovtneva street and Shevchenko street
15.11.2010      On 29 Veresnia street
14.11.2010      In a gulf
13.11.2010      Near the Central Market
12.11.2010      Hranitna street
11.11.2010      Heneral Zhadov street
10.11.2010      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
09.11.2010      On Proletars'ka street
08.11.2010      The hospital №1
07.11.2010      On Krasina street
06.11.2010      On Radians'ka street
05.11.2010      Koshevyi provulok
04.11.2010      At the yard of 6 Lenin street
03.11.2010      On Vorovs'koho street
02.11.2010      On Shevchenko street
01.11.2010      Near the house of trade

October 2010
31.10.2010      On Kyivs'ka street
30.10.2010      In the yard of 7 Peremohy street
29.10.2010      At the Victory Square
28.10.2010      On Moskovs'ka street
27.10.2010      On Butyrina street
26.10.2010      Near Vodokanal bus stop
25.10.2010      Poshtovyi provulok
24.10.2010      On Pershotravneva street
23.10.2010      Near the Central Market
22.10.2010      Zhovtneva street
21.10.2010      In the yard of 27/B Proletars'ka street
20.10.2010      Pushkina Blv.
19.10.2010      Near the school №10
18.10.2010      On 29 Veresnia street
17.10.2010      On Krasina street
16.10.2010      K. Marksa street
15.10.2010      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
14.10.2010      On Peremohy street
13.10.2010      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
12.10.2010      Near the palace of culture
11.10.2010      At the park near the Dnipro
10.10.2010      On Proletars'ka street
09.10.2010      On Lenin street
08.10.2010      On Pershotravneva street
07.10.2010      On Proletars'ka street
06.10.2010      On Peremohy street
05.10.2010      On Krasina street
04.10.2010      On Vorovs'koho street
03.10.2010      At the Young Technicians Station
02.10.2010      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
01.10.2010      On Pershotravneva street

September 2010
30.09.2010      At the “Centre” bus stop
29.09.2010      “Rynok” bus stop
28.09.2010      On Pushkin Blv.
27.09.2010      Poshtovyi provulok
26.09.2010      67th Anniversary of the Liberation of Kremenchuk
25.09.2010      On Peremohy street
24.09.2010      On Butyrina street
23.09.2010      Zhovtneva street
22.09.2010      On Radians'ka street
21.09.2010      On Pershotravneva street
20.09.2010      Near the Plant of Road Maсhines
19.09.2010      Chapaiev street
18.09.2010      At Kryukiv
17.09.2010      Near the power station
16.09.2010      Near the Troyits'kyi market
15.09.2010      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
14.09.2010      Near the confectionery
13.09.2010      Near the Palace of Culture
12.09.2010      On Lenin street
11.09.2010      The Palace of culture “Kredmash”
10.09.2010      Near the Troyits'kyi market
09.09.2010      On Proletars'ka street
08.09.2010      Near the dairy plant
07.09.2010      On Butyrina street
06.09.2010      Near the Memorial “Vichno Zhyvym”
05.09.2010      On Shchorsa street
04.09.2010      On 29 Veresnia street
03.09.2010      On Khalameniuka street
02.09.2010      On Krasina street
01.09.2010      The first bell in the Flight College

August 2010
31.08.2010      On Peremohy street
30.08.2010      Near the brewery
29.08.2010      At the first Zanasyp
28.08.2010      Sums'ka street
27.08.2010      On Lenin street
26.08.2010      K. Marksa street
25.08.2010      On Proletars'ka street
24.08.2010      On Shevchenko street
23.08.2010      On Lenin street
22.08.2010      On Proletars'ka street
21.08.2010      Chapaiev street
20.08.2010      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
19.08.2010      On Pushkin Blv.
18.08.2010      Maiakovs'koho street
17.08.2010      Near the brewery
16.08.2010      On Pershotravneva street
15.08.2010      On Peremohy street
14.08.2010      On Krasina street
13.08.2010      At Molodizhny
12.08.2010      Sums'ka street
11.08.2010      On Myru street
10.08.2010      Near the Troyits'kyi market
09.08.2010      Near the power station
08.08.2010      Near the confectionery
07.08.2010      At the railway station
06.08.2010      On Krasina street
05.08.2010      Poltava avenue
04.08.2010      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
03.08.2010      On Moskovs'ka street
02.08.2010      Near the brewery
01.08.2010      On Krasina street

July 2010
31.07.2010      Near the Central Market
30.07.2010      On Kyivs'ka street
29.07.2010      Near the Novoivanivs'kyi market
28.07.2010      Near “Centre” bus stop
27.07.2010      On Peremohy street
26.07.2010      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
25.07.2010      On Proletars'ka street
24.07.2010      On Hor'kyi street
23.07.2010      Kremenchuk Children's Hospital
22.07.2010      Near the “Horhaz”
21.07.2010      The crossroad of Zhovtneva and Proletars'ka streets
20.07.2010      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
19.07.2010      Near Vodokanal
18.07.2010      Zaliznychna street
17.07.2010      On Pershotravneva street
16.07.2010      On Radians'ka street
15.07.2010      On Kvartal'na street
14.07.2010      At Kryukiv
13.07.2010      On Pushkin Blv.
12.07.2010      In the area of the firs Zanasyp
11.07.2010      Near the shoe plant
10.07.2010      The crossroad of Krasina and Peremohy streets
09.07.2010      Near Vodokanal
08.07.2010      At Rakovka
07.07.2010      On Zhovtneva street
06.07.2010      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
05.07.2010      On Butyrina street
04.07.2010      On Krasina street
03.07.2010      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
02.07.2010      Near the Troyits'kyi market
01.07.2010      Flight College 50 years celebration

June 2010
30.06.2010      On Proletars'ka street
29.06.2010      Near the house of trade
28.06.2010      On Khalameniuka street
27.06.2010      At the Victory Square
26.06.2010      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
25.06.2010      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
24.06.2010      Near Vodokanal
23.06.2010      On Butyrina street
22.06.2010      On Peremohy street
21.06.2010      The Dnipro
20.06.2010      At the Myru Park
19.06.2010      Darwin blind alley
18.06.2010      Supermarket “New Line”
17.06.2010      On Lenin street
16.06.2010      Respublikans'ka street
15.06.2010      On Tsiurupy street
14.06.2010      In the area of Radians'ka Armiya bus stop
13.06.2010      At the “Centre” bus stop
12.06.2010      On Lenin street
11.06.2010      Near the Kotlov palace of culture
10.06.2010      Near the “A. Koval'ova” bus stop
09.06.2010      Near Poltava avenue
08.06.2010      The monument to Pushkin
07.06.2010      Between the Brewery and Molodizhnyi
06.06.2010      On Peremohy street
05.06.2010      Near the 1 Pershotravneva street
04.06.2010      Moskovs'ka street
03.06.2010      At Kryukiv
02.06.2010      Near the brewery
01.06.2010      Betonna street

May 2010
31.05.2010      On Shevchenko street
30.05.2010      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
29.05.2010      On Lenin street
28.05.2010      At School 19
27.05.2010      On Revenko street
26.05.2010      On Butyrina street
25.05.2010      Near Hvardiys'ka street
24.05.2010      At the square near the railway station
23.05.2010      The crossroad of Moskovs'ka and Kyivs'ka streets
22.05.2010      Near the Car market
21.05.2010      At Molodizhny
20.05.2010      Cooperatyvna street
19.05.2010      Leonov street
18.05.2010      In 40 rokiv DAI street
17.05.2010      The monument to Stalin's repressions victims
16.05.2010      On Krasina street
15.05.2010      On Proletars'ka street
14.05.2010      On Kyivs'ka street
13.05.2010      A view from the bridge over the Dnipro
12.05.2010      Moskovs'ka street
11.05.2010      On 29 Veresnia street
10.05.2010      At the Myru Park
09.05.2010      Victory day
08.05.2010      Memorial “Vichno zhyvym”
07.05.2010      Near the monument to soldiers and liberators
06.05.2010      Near the Plant of Road Maсhines
05.05.2010      Near the Central Market
04.05.2010      On Proletars'ka street
03.05.2010      Sums'ka street
02.05.2010      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
01.05.2010      On Lenin street

April 2010
30.04.2010      At Kryukiv
29.04.2010      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Zhovtneva streets
28.04.2010      On Pershotravneva street
27.04.2010      In the yard of 34/47 Butyrina street
26.04.2010      Near the Chornobyl Victims Monument
25.04.2010      Near the Palace of Culture “Naftokhimik”
24.04.2010      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
23.04.2010      On Pershotravneva street
22.04.2010      At Molodizhny
21.04.2010      On Krasina street
20.04.2010      On Kotsiubyns'kyi street
19.04.2010      On Radians'ka street
18.04.2010      On Shevchenko street
17.04.2010      On Proletars'ka street
16.04.2010      At Molodizhny
15.04.2010      The crossroad of Lenin street and Proletars'ka street
14.04.2010      Near the Independence Square
13.04.2010      Near the Central Market
12.04.2010      Commemoration Day
11.04.2010      On the Reyivs'kyi cemetery
10.04.2010      On Shevchenko street
09.04.2010      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
08.04.2010      On Krasina street
07.04.2010      Near the shoe factory
06.04.2010      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
05.04.2010      In the yard of the school № 19
04.04.2010      Saint Trinity Church
03.04.2010      Near the power station
02.04.2010      On Lenin street
01.04.2010      On Butyrina street

March 2010
31.03.2010      At the yard of 87 Heroyiv Bresta
30.03.2010      On Proletars'ka street
29.03.2010      At the yard of 32 Haharina
28.03.2010      On O. Petrusenko Street
27.03.2010      On Krasina street
26.03.2010      On Pershotravneva street
25.03.2010      Near the palace of culture “Kredmash”
24.03.2010      On Zhovtneva street
23.03.2010      On Kyivs'ka street
22.03.2010      At Kryukiv
21.03.2010      In the “New Line” supermarket
20.03.2010      On Shevchenko street
19.03.2010      On Proletars'ka street
18.03.2010      On Vorovs'koho street
17.03.2010      In the kindergarten
16.03.2010      On Haharina street
15.03.2010      Pushkina Blv.
14.03.2010      Near Vodokanal
13.03.2010      Near the shoe plant
12.03.2010      On Peremohy street
11.03.2010      At Molodizhny
10.03.2010      On Lenin street
09.03.2010      On Pershotravneva street
08.03.2010      K. Marksa street
07.03.2010      On Proletars'ka street
06.03.2010      On Krasina street
05.03.2010      On Proletars'ka street
04.03.2010      Near the power station
03.03.2010      On Peremohy street
02.03.2010      Khorol's'ka street
01.03.2010      At the yard of 33 Shevchenko

February 2010
28.02.2010      On Pushkin Blv.
27.02.2010      On Pershotravneva street
26.02.2010      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
25.02.2010      On Kotsiubyns'kyi street
24.02.2010      Near the brewery
23.02.2010      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
22.02.2010      The crossroad of Pershotravneva and Shevchenko streets
21.02.2010      On Proletars'ka street
20.02.2010      Bank of the Dnipro
19.02.2010      At the park near the Dnipro
18.02.2010      On Lenin street
17.02.2010      At the Ponomarenko Square
16.02.2010      On Shevchenko street
15.02.2010      Near Vodokanal
14.02.2010      On Tkachenka street
13.02.2010      Near the brewery
12.02.2010      On Shevchenko street
11.02.2010      On Krasina street
10.02.2010      The crossroad of K. Marksa and Zhovtneva streets
09.02.2010      Near the automobile plant
08.02.2010      On Haharina street
07.02.2010      On Proletars'ka street
06.02.2010      Near Vodokanal
05.02.2010      The crossroad of Zhovtneva and Proletars'ka streets
04.02.2010      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
03.02.2010      On Peremohy street
02.02.2010      On Butyrina street
01.02.2010      In Prykhod'ka street

January 2010
31.01.2010      On Proletars'ka street
30.01.2010      On Lenin street
29.01.2010      Near the Central Market
28.01.2010      Chapaiev street
27.01.2010      On Lenin street
26.01.2010      On Kyivs'ka street
25.01.2010      A view to crossroad of Butyrin and Radins'ka streets
24.01.2010      On Krasina street
23.01.2010      On Zhovtneva street
22.01.2010      At the Myru Park
21.01.2010      Near the shop “Palianyts'a”
20.01.2010      K. Marksa street
19.01.2010      Water-christening near the Saint Trinity Church
18.01.2010      On Zhovtneva street
17.01.2010      A polling station for the presidential election at School 13
16.01.2010      On Radians'ka street
15.01.2010      1905 roku street
14.01.2010      Happy “Old” New Year
13.01.2010      On Pershotravneva street
12.01.2010      On Proletars'ka street
11.01.2010      On Pushkin Blv.
10.01.2010      The “Centre” bus stop
09.01.2010      Near the Shopping Center “Amstor”
08.01.2010      At the square near the railway station
07.01.2010      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2010      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
05.01.2010      On Lenin street
04.01.2010      At the railway station
03.01.2010      In the shop “Sudar”
02.01.2010      Near the Plant of Road Maсhines
01.01.2010      At the Indepebdence Square

December 2009
31.12.2009      Happy New Year!
30.12.2009      Near the Palace of Culture “Naftokhimik”
29.12.2009      Railway Car Plant
28.12.2009      On Radians'ka street
27.12.2009      Near the shoe plant
26.12.2009      Near the Central Market
25.12.2009      At the Myru Park
24.12.2009      On Lenin street
23.12.2009      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
22.12.2009      At the park near the Dnipro
21.12.2009      On 29 Veresnia street
20.12.2009      On Zhovtneva street
19.12.2009      On Kotsiubyns'kyi street
18.12.2009      On Haharina street
17.12.2009      On Pershotravneva street
16.12.2009      Manaharov street
15.12.2009      On Proletars'ka street
14.12.2009      Near the Supermarket “Prostor”
13.12.2009      On Hor'kyi street
12.12.2009      Near Vodokanal
11.12.2009      On Krasina street
10.12.2009      Crossroads of Lenin street and Shevchenko street
09.12.2009      On Shchorsa street
08.12.2009      On Vorovs'koho street
07.12.2009      Near the brewery
06.12.2009      On Peremohy street
05.12.2009      On Lenin street
04.12.2009      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
03.12.2009      Pereiaslavs'ka street
02.12.2009      Near Vodokanal
01.12.2009      On Proletars'ka street

November 2009
30.11.2009      Night club “Zebra”
29.11.2009      Heneral Zhadov street
28.11.2009      On Pershotravneva street
27.11.2009      In Prykhod'ka street
26.11.2009      On Butyrina street
25.11.2009      On Krasina street
24.11.2009      On Pushkin Blv.
23.11.2009      At Kryukiv
22.11.2009      On Lenin street
21.11.2009      Near Vodokanal bus stop
20.11.2009      Near the carriage plant
19.11.2009      Chapaiev street
18.11.2009      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
17.11.2009      On Peremohy street
16.11.2009      On Zhovtneva street
15.11.2009      On Lenin street
14.11.2009      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
13.11.2009      The Bus Station
12.11.2009      On Kotsiubyns'kyi street
11.11.2009      Svierdlov street
10.11.2009      Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho street
09.11.2009      On Proletars'ka street
08.11.2009      On Peremohy street
07.11.2009      At the yard of 24 Radians'ka
06.11.2009      Near the Central Market
05.11.2009      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Zhovtneva streets
04.11.2009      1905 roku street
03.11.2009      On Hoholia street
02.11.2009      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
01.11.2009      On Pershotravneva street

October 2009
31.10.2009      A view from the bridge over the Dnipro
30.10.2009      The plant “Kredmash”
29.10.2009      On Kyivs'ka street
28.10.2009      Near the house of trade
27.10.2009      Near the “Poshta” bus stop at Kriukiv
26.10.2009      On Makarenko street
25.10.2009      The Dnipro
24.10.2009      On Peremohy street
23.10.2009      Near the Polytechnic University
22.10.2009      A view from the upland part of the town
21.10.2009      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
20.10.2009      On Pershotravneva street
19.10.2009      Pishchanyi provulok
18.10.2009      The Palace of culture “Kredmash”
17.10.2009      On Peremohy street
16.10.2009      At the Central Market
15.10.2009      At Rakovka
14.10.2009      At the yard of 12 Proletars'ka
13.10.2009      On Lenin street
12.10.2009      Chapaieva street
11.10.2009      At the Victory Square
10.10.2009      On Peremohy street
09.10.2009      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
08.10.2009      Svierdlov street
07.10.2009      Near the Palace of Culture
06.10.2009      On Pershotravneva street
05.10.2009      Near the “Kerchens'ka” bus stop
04.10.2009      At the park near the Dnipro
03.10.2009      On Lenin street
02.10.2009      On Zhovtneva street
01.10.2009      Near the Radians'ka Armiya bus stop

September 2009
30.09.2009      Near the railway station
29.09.2009      The monument to soldiers and liberators
28.09.2009      Near the “Avrora”
27.09.2009      On Lenin street
26.09.2009      On Peremohy street
25.09.2009      Memorial “Vichno zhyvym”
24.09.2009      Near Vodokanal
23.09.2009      On Pershotravneva street
22.09.2009      On Butyrina street
21.09.2009      The “Centre” bus stop
20.09.2009      The Dnipro
19.09.2009      On Heneral Zhadov street
18.09.2009      Near the River Station
17.09.2009      On Zhovtneva street
16.09.2009      On Shevchenko street
15.09.2009      At the first Zanasyp
14.09.2009      Near the Central Market
13.09.2009      At the park near the Dnipro
12.09.2009      Near the hotel “Kremin'”
11.09.2009      On 29 Veresnia street
10.09.2009      Near the power station
09.09.2009      On Zhovtneva street
08.09.2009      Near the shoe plant
07.09.2009      On Lenin street
06.09.2009      The Dnipro
05.09.2009      Near the River Station
04.09.2009      On Pershotravneva street
03.09.2009      Pushkina Blv.
02.09.2009      On Proletars'ka street
01.09.2009      The first bell in the school 1

August 2009
31.08.2009      In Hvardiys'ka street
30.08.2009      At the park near the Dnipro
29.08.2009      K. Marksa street
28.08.2009      At the Central Market
27.08.2009      On Proletars'ka street
26.08.2009      On Hor'kyi street
25.08.2009      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
24.08.2009      Near the hospital №1
23.08.2009      At the park near the Dnipro
22.08.2009      On Kvartal'na street
21.08.2009      On Butyrina street
20.08.2009      1905 roku street
19.08.2009      On Proletars'ka street
18.08.2009      Near the railway station
17.08.2009      On Tsiurupy street
16.08.2009      At the park near the Dnipro
15.08.2009      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
14.08.2009      Leonov street
13.08.2009      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Krasina streets
12.08.2009      Near the club “Zebra”
11.08.2009      Near the Memorial “Vichno Zhyvym”
10.08.2009      Near the Troyits'kyi market
09.08.2009      The Dnipro
08.08.2009      On Haharina street
07.08.2009      On Vorovs'koho street
06.08.2009      “Center” bus stop
05.08.2009      THe crossroad of Haharin and Pershotravneva streets
04.08.2009      On Lenin street
03.08.2009      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
02.08.2009      On Myru street
01.08.2009      In the area of H. Bresta provulok

July 2009
31.07.2009      At the yard of 30 Peremohy
30.07.2009      On Shevchenko street
29.07.2009      At Molodizhny
28.07.2009      On Butyrina street
27.07.2009      Near the house of trade
26.07.2009      Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho street
25.07.2009      At the park near the Dnipro
24.07.2009      Pushkina Blv.
23.07.2009      At the main beach
22.07.2009      On Khalameniuka street
21.07.2009      Cross Procession
20.07.2009      Near the “Kerchens'ka” bus stop
19.07.2009      At the park near the Dnipro
18.07.2009      On Peremohy street
17.07.2009      The “Centre” bus stop
16.07.2009      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Pershotravneva streets
15.07.2009      On Lenin street
14.07.2009      On Shevchenko street
13.07.2009      On Proletars'ka street
12.07.2009      Near the Troyits'kyi market
11.07.2009      At the Victory Square
10.07.2009      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
09.07.2009      On Radians'ka street
08.07.2009      At Kryukiv
07.07.2009      On Pershotravneva street
06.07.2009      In the Shopping Center “Amstor”
05.07.2009      At the Central Market
04.07.2009      Near the Automobile Plant
03.07.2009      The Dnipro
02.07.2009      On Pershotravneva street
01.07.2009      In the cafe “Dom kofie”

June 2009
30.06.2009      On Proletars'ka street
29.06.2009      At the park near the Dnipro
28.06.2009      At the Victory Square
27.06.2009      On Proletars'ka street
26.06.2009      On Khalameniuka street
25.06.2009      On Kyivs'ka street
24.06.2009      On Radians'ka street
23.06.2009      On Shevchenko street
22.06.2009      At the yard of 4/23 Lenin street
21.06.2009      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
20.06.2009      Near the Central Market
19.06.2009      Near Hvardiys'ka street
18.06.2009      At Kryukiv
17.06.2009      On Lenin street
16.06.2009      Near the cafe “Skazka”
15.06.2009      On Peremohy street
14.06.2009      At the Indepebdence Square
13.06.2009      Near the Polytechnic University
12.06.2009      Svierdlov street
11.06.2009      On Proletars'ka street
10.06.2009      The “Centre” bus stop
09.06.2009      Near the brewery
08.06.2009      Near the railway station
07.06.2009      Near the River Station
06.06.2009      On Krasina street
05.06.2009      Near the Central Market
04.06.2009      On Shevchenko street
03.06.2009      On Proletars'ka street
02.06.2009      The Dnipro
01.06.2009      At the park near the Dnipro

May 2009
31.05.2009      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
30.05.2009      Near the Central Market
29.05.2009      On Lenin street
28.05.2009      On 29 Veresnia street
27.05.2009      On Pershotravneva street
26.05.2009      At the Myru Park
25.05.2009      “Khalamenuika” bus stop
24.05.2009      On Radians'ka street
23.05.2009      Near the club “Zebra”
22.05.2009      “Rynok” bus stop
21.05.2009      On Haharina street
20.05.2009      Near the “Vichno Zhyvym” Memorial
19.05.2009      At Molodizhny
18.05.2009      On Proletars'ka street
17.05.2009      Kyivs'ka street
16.05.2009      On Lenin street
15.05.2009      On Peremohy street
14.05.2009      At Molodizhny
13.05.2009      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
12.05.2009      On Pershotravneva street
11.05.2009      Voyiniv Internatsionalistiv street
10.05.2009      At the park near the Dnipro
09.05.2009      Victory day
08.05.2009      On Zhovtneva street
07.05.2009      On Proletars'ka street
06.05.2009      In the yard of 4/15 Butyrina street
05.05.2009      On Pushkin Blv.
04.05.2009      On Peremohy street
03.05.2009      At the dog's exibition
02.05.2009      Near Vodokanal
01.05.2009      At the park near the Dnipro

April 2009
30.04.2009      On Lenin street
29.04.2009      On Pershotravneva street
28.04.2009      On Proletars'ka street
27.04.2009      At Molodizhny
26.04.2009      On the Reyivs'kyi cemetery
25.04.2009      On Shevchenko street
24.04.2009      Sums'ka street
23.04.2009      On Hor'kyi street
22.04.2009      At the yard of 27 Proletars'ka
21.04.2009      “Vodokanal” bus stop
20.04.2009      In the yard of 17 Butyrina street
19.04.2009      Near the house of trade
18.04.2009      On Krasina street
17.04.2009      On Radians'ka street
16.04.2009      Near the carriage plant
15.04.2009      On Zhovtneva street
14.04.2009      The Dnipro
13.04.2009      Near H. Bresta provulok
12.04.2009      On Peremohy street
11.04.2009      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Pershotravneva streets
10.04.2009      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
09.04.2009      At Kryukiv
08.04.2009      At Molodizhny
07.04.2009      On Pershotravneva street
06.04.2009      At the Central Market
05.04.2009      On Butyrina street
04.04.2009      On Peremohy street
03.04.2009      Crossroads of Lenin street and Shevchenko street
02.04.2009      “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
01.04.2009      Moskovs'ka street

March 2009
31.03.2009      On Zhovtneva street
30.03.2009      Near the automobile plant
29.03.2009      At the market near the Dnipro
28.03.2009      On Krasina street
27.03.2009      On Vorovs'koho street
26.03.2009      THe crossroad of Proletars'ka and Lenin streets
25.03.2009      K. Marksa street
24.03.2009      On Kyivs'ka street
23.03.2009      On Zhovtneva street
22.03.2009      Near Vodokanal
21.03.2009      On Hor'kyi street
20.03.2009      On Pushkin Blv.
19.03.2009      Khorol's'ka street
18.03.2009      Khalameniuka street
17.03.2009      Near “Horhaz”
16.03.2009      On Pershotravneva street
15.03.2009      On Lenin street
14.03.2009      In the "Caissa" chess club
13.03.2009      Near Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
12.03.2009      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
11.03.2009      K. Marksa street
10.03.2009      On Shevchenko street
09.03.2009      Near the power station
08.03.2009      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
07.03.2009      On 29 Veresnia street
06.03.2009      At the railway station
05.03.2009      On Lenin street
04.03.2009      On Pershotravneva street
03.03.2009      Not far from the “Heroyiv Stalinhradu” bus stop
02.03.2009      On Proletars'ka street
01.03.2009      On Krasina street

February 2009
28.02.2009      Near “Centre” bus stop
27.02.2009      Maternity Hospital
26.02.2009      Near the shop “Sudar”
25.02.2009      On Zhovtneva street
24.02.2009      Near the “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
23.02.2009      On Haharina street
22.02.2009      On 29 Veresnia street
21.02.2009      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
20.02.2009      Near the Flight College
19.02.2009      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
18.02.2009      Near Poltava avenue
17.02.2009      Near the shop “Palianyts'a”
16.02.2009      On Butyrina street
15.02.2009      In Prykhod'ko street
14.02.2009      Moskovs'ka street
13.02.2009      On Zhovtneva street
12.02.2009      Near Hvardiys'ka street
11.02.2009      Near the brewery
10.02.2009      At Kryukiv
09.02.2009      At the park near the Dnipro
08.02.2009      On Lenin street
07.02.2009      On Khalameniuka street
06.02.2009      On Proletars'ka street
05.02.2009      On Pershotravneva street
04.02.2009      At the area of Vodokanal
03.02.2009      Tsiurupy street
02.02.2009      Near the hotel “Kremin'”
01.02.2009      On Butyrina street

January 2009
31.01.2009      Chapaieva street
30.01.2009      On Zhovtneva street
29.01.2009      Near the Central Market
28.01.2009      On 29 Veresnia street
27.01.2009      On Lenin street
26.01.2009      At Molodizhny
25.01.2009      K. Marksa street
24.01.2009      At the yard of 1 Krasina
23.01.2009      60 rokiv Zhovtnia street
22.01.2009      Poltavskyi Avenue
21.01.2009      On Proletars'ka street
20.01.2009      Near the Museum of regional ethnography
19.01.2009      Water-christening near the Saint Trinity Church
18.01.2009      On Peremohy street
17.01.2009      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
16.01.2009      On Lenin street
15.01.2009      On Khalameniuka street
14.01.2009      Near Vodokanal bus stop
13.01.2009      Happy “Old” New Year
12.01.2009      On Shevchenko street
11.01.2009      On Lenin street
10.01.2009      A view to the Independence Square
09.01.2009      On Butyrina street
08.01.2009      On Haharina street
07.01.2009      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2009      Near the railway station
05.01.2009      At Molodizhny
04.01.2009      On Pershotravneva street
03.01.2009      The Dnipro
02.01.2009      Near the shop “1000 dribnyts”
01.01.2009      At the Myru Park

December 2008
31.12.2008      Happy New Year!
30.12.2008      Near the cafe “Skazka”
29.12.2008      Near Vodokanal
28.12.2008      Near the Central Market
27.12.2008      On Lenin street
26.12.2008      Near the Troyits'kyi market
25.12.2008      Near the Palace of Culture “Naftokhimik”
24.12.2008      Crossroads of Lenin street and Shevchenko street
23.12.2008      Kremenchuk Polytechnic University
22.12.2008      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
21.12.2008      On Peremohy street
20.12.2008      In the House of trade
19.12.2008      On Proletars'ka street
18.12.2008      At Kryukiv
17.12.2008      Moskovs'ka street
16.12.2008      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
15.12.2008      Near the school №30
14.12.2008      THe crossroad of Proletars'ka and Lenin streets
13.12.2008      On Kyivs'ka street
12.12.2008      Chapaiev street
11.12.2008      At Kryukiv
10.12.2008      On Butyrina street
09.12.2008      On Krasina street
08.12.2008      Near the “Palace of Culture” bust stop
07.12.2008      On Proletars'ka street
06.12.2008      On Khalameniuka street
05.12.2008      On Haharina street
04.12.2008      On Pershotravneva street
03.12.2008      In Prykhod'ko street
02.12.2008      At Molodizhny
01.12.2008      On Krasina street

November 2008
30.11.2008      At the Young Technicians Station
29.11.2008      At Molodizhny
28.11.2008      Near “Centre” bus stop
27.11.2008      On Butyrina street
26.11.2008      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
25.11.2008      Near the Central Market
24.11.2008      “Pyvzavod” bus stop
23.11.2008      On Krasina street
22.11.2008      At Molodizhny
21.11.2008      In V. Boika street
20.11.2008      On Hoholia street
19.11.2008      On Radians'ka street
18.11.2008      On Lenin street
17.11.2008      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
16.11.2008      At Molodizhny
15.11.2008      On Proletars'ka street
14.11.2008      Crossroads of Lenin street and Shevchenko street
13.11.2008      1905 roku street
12.11.2008      On Shevchenko street
11.11.2008      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
10.11.2008      Near the Troyits'kyi market
09.11.2008      In a trolleybus
08.11.2008      Near the Palace of Culture
07.11.2008      On Pershotravneva street
06.11.2008      On Lenin street
05.11.2008      In the yard of the school № 10
04.11.2008      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
03.11.2008      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
02.11.2008      On Proletars'ka street
01.11.2008      On Pershotravneva street

October 2008
31.10.2008      Near the polyclinic №1
30.10.2008      On Shchorsa street
29.10.2008      K. Marksa street
28.10.2008      On Pushkin Blv.
27.10.2008      In the kindergarten
26.10.2008      Manaharov street
25.10.2008      The Palace of culture “KrAZ”
24.10.2008      Near the power station
23.10.2008      At Kryukiv
22.10.2008      In the yard of the school № 19
21.10.2008      Near H. Bresta provulok
20.10.2008      The crossroad of Chapaiev and Hor'kyi streets
19.10.2008      At the Myru Park
18.10.2008      Sums'ka street
17.10.2008      On Butyrina street
16.10.2008      On Proletars'ka street
15.10.2008      Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
14.10.2008      Zhovtneva street
13.10.2008      On Lenin street
12.10.2008      On Peremohy street
11.10.2008      On Pershotravneva street
10.10.2008      At the first Zanasyp
09.10.2008      On Butyrina street
08.10.2008      Church of Saint Pantaleon
07.10.2008      Near the Central Market
06.10.2008      On Shevchenko street
05.10.2008      Khorol's'ka street
04.10.2008      Zhovtneva street
03.10.2008      Pushkina Blv.
02.10.2008      Near the Polytechnic University
01.10.2008      Near the Troyits'kyi market

September 2008
30.09.2008      On Kyivs'ka street
29.09.2008      The monument to soldiers and liberators
28.09.2008      65th Anniversary of the Liberation of Kremenchuk
27.09.2008      At the Victory Square
26.09.2008      Near the Plant of Road Maсhines
25.09.2008      On Kvartal'na street
24.09.2008      At Molodizhny
23.09.2008      On Lenin street
22.09.2008      On Vorovs'koho street
21.09.2008      At the area of Vodokanal
20.09.2008      At Molodizhny
19.09.2008      Near the Bus Station
18.09.2008      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
17.09.2008      On Pershotravneva street
16.09.2008      On Proletars'ka street
15.09.2008      On Lenin street
14.09.2008      Near the “Avrora”
13.09.2008      On Haharina street
12.09.2008      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
11.09.2008      “Railway station” bus stop
10.09.2008      Near the shop “1000 dribnyts”
09.09.2008      On Shevchenko street
08.09.2008      At Kryukiv
07.09.2008      On M. Kuchmy street
06.09.2008      At Molodizhny
05.09.2008      On Pershotravneva street
04.09.2008      On Krasina street
03.09.2008      On Pershotravneva street
02.09.2008      On Kvartal'na street
01.09.2008      The first bell

August 2008
31.08.2008      Sums'ka street
30.08.2008      At the Victory Square
29.08.2008      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
28.08.2008      Near the Avtopark
27.08.2008      On Hoholia street
26.08.2008      At the “Centre” bus stop
25.08.2008      On Hor'kyi street
24.08.2008      The Independence Day of Ukraine
23.08.2008      On Krasina street
22.08.2008      Near Vodokanal bus stop
21.08.2008      In the town centre
20.08.2008      On Kyivs'ka street
19.08.2008      On Myru street
18.08.2008      “The River Station” bus stop
17.08.2008      Moskovs'ka street
16.08.2008      At the park near the Dnipro
15.08.2008      At the yard of 11 Peremohy
14.08.2008      The Dnipro
13.08.2008      At the Central Market
12.08.2008      On Zhovtneva street
11.08.2008      On Vorovs'koho street
10.08.2008      At the Myru Park
09.08.2008      Near Hvardiys'ka street
08.08.2008      Chapaiev street
07.08.2008      At the first Zanasyp
06.08.2008      Near the railway station
05.08.2008      The main beach
04.08.2008      The crossroad of Chapaiev and 29 Veresnia streets
03.08.2008      At the park near the Dnipro
02.08.2008      Poshtovyi provulok
01.08.2008      The Dnipro

July 2008
31.07.2008      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
30.07.2008      Near the Troyits'kyi market
29.07.2008      On Krasina street
28.07.2008      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
27.07.2008      At the Victory Square
26.07.2008      In the area of Moskovs'ka street
25.07.2008      At the crossroad of Radians'ka and Lenin streets
24.07.2008      At Molodizhny
23.07.2008      On Shevchenko street
22.07.2008      On Pershotravneva street
21.07.2008      At the yard of 40 Krasina
20.07.2008      On Zhovtneva street
19.07.2008      On Butyrina street
18.07.2008      Cheliuskintsiv provulok
17.07.2008      “Rynok” bus stop
16.07.2008      On Radians'ka street
15.07.2008      Near the shoe plant
14.07.2008      Near the power station
13.07.2008      At Molodizhny
12.07.2008      On Pershotravneva street
11.07.2008      On Kyivs'ka street
10.07.2008      At the area of Vodokanal
09.07.2008      Near the Central Market
08.07.2008      At Kryukiv
07.07.2008      At Molodizhny
06.07.2008      On Peremohy street
05.07.2008      On Proletars'ka street
04.07.2008      “Khalamenuika” bus stop
03.07.2008      On Lenin street
02.07.2008      At Rakovka
01.07.2008      On Pershotravneva street

June 2008
30.06.2008      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
29.06.2008      At the park near the Dnipro
28.06.2008      At the Victory Square
27.06.2008      At the main beach
26.06.2008      On Khalameniuka street
25.06.2008      Near the Central Market
24.06.2008      A bus stop at Molodizhny
23.06.2008      Tsiurupy street
22.06.2008      The Dnipro
21.06.2008      On Lenin street
20.06.2008      At the final party of school №13
19.06.2008      On Zhovtneva street
18.06.2008      On Proletars'ka street
17.06.2008      On Kvartal'na street
16.06.2008      Near the house of trade
15.06.2008      At the park near the Dnipro
14.06.2008      On Peremohy street
13.06.2008      On Proletars'ka street
12.06.2008      Near the Troyits'kyi market
11.06.2008      Bank of the Dnipro
10.06.2008      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
09.06.2008      Near “Centre” bus stop
08.06.2008      On Myru street
07.06.2008      At Molodizhny
06.06.2008      On Peremohy street
05.06.2008      On Zhovtneva street
04.06.2008      Near the diary plant
03.06.2008      “Dniprovski Zori” hotel
02.06.2008      The crossroad of Vorovs'koho and Proletars'ka streets
01.06.2008      At the Indepebdence Square

May 2008
31.05.2008      At School 13
30.05.2008      Near the railway station
29.05.2008      Leonov street
28.05.2008      On Shevchenko street
27.05.2008      Near Kredmash bus stop
26.05.2008      Celebration of 1020 years since the Christianization of Kievan Rus'
25.05.2008      Near the Central Market
24.05.2008      Chapaiev street
23.05.2008      On Lenin street
22.05.2008      Near Khalameniuka bus stop
21.05.2008      At Rakovka
20.05.2008      On Shchorsa street
19.05.2008      On Haharina street
18.05.2008      Near Vodokanal
17.05.2008      On Proletars'ka street
16.05.2008      The crossroad of Krasina and Proletars'ka streets
15.05.2008      Near Hvardiys'ka street
14.05.2008      On Zhovtneva street
13.05.2008      At the area of Vodokanal
12.05.2008      On Pershotravneva street
11.05.2008      At the park near the Dnipro
10.05.2008      The Dnipro
09.05.2008      Victory day
08.05.2008      At the crossroad of Lenin and Radians'ka streets
07.05.2008      On Pushkin Blv.
06.05.2008      On Pershotravneva street
05.05.2008      Commemoration Day
04.05.2008      Near the Reyivs'ke cemetery
03.05.2008      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
02.05.2008      On Peremohy street
01.05.2008      On Kyivs'ka street

April 2008
30.04.2008      On Proletars'ka street
29.04.2008      On Krasina street
28.04.2008      Near the Troyits'kyi market
27.04.2008      On Zhovtneva street
26.04.2008      Saint Uspens'ka Church in Kriukiv
25.04.2008      Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho street
24.04.2008      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
23.04.2008      Near the Palace of Culture
22.04.2008      On Lenin street
21.04.2008      Near the oil-processing plant
20.04.2008      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
19.04.2008      On Radians'ka street
18.04.2008      Pushkina Blv.
17.04.2008      On Pershotravneva street
16.04.2008      At Molodizhny
15.04.2008      On Proletars'ka street
14.04.2008      On Shevchenko street
13.04.2008      On Krasina street
12.04.2008      Chervony Prov.
11.04.2008      On Proletars'ka street
10.04.2008      Betonna street
09.04.2008      K. Marksa street
08.04.2008      On Hor'kyi street
07.04.2008      1905 roku street
06.04.2008      On Pershotravneva street
05.04.2008      On Khalameniuka street
04.04.2008      Khorol's'ka street
03.04.2008      At Kryukiv
02.04.2008      On Lenin street
01.04.2008      On Proletars'ka street

March 2008
31.03.2008      On Peremohy street
30.03.2008      Near the Radians'ka Armiya bus stop
29.03.2008      Near the confectionery
28.03.2008      Near the Troyits'kyi market
27.03.2008      On Lenin street
26.03.2008      On Kvartal'na street
25.03.2008      Near the brewery
24.03.2008      On Proletars'ka street
23.03.2008      On Shchorsa street
22.03.2008      Tsiurupy street
21.03.2008      On Hoholia street
20.03.2008      Khorol's'ka street
19.03.2008      60 rokiv Zhovtnia street
18.03.2008      On Radians'ka street
17.03.2008      The crossroad of Artema street and Shevchenko street
16.03.2008      At the bus stop near the Palace of Culture
15.03.2008      On Khalameniuka street
14.03.2008      On 29 Veresnia street
13.03.2008      Near the Troyits'kyi market
12.03.2008      Chapaiev street
11.03.2008      At Kryukiv
10.03.2008      On Butyrina street
09.03.2008      At Molodizhny
08.03.2008      On Lenin street
07.03.2008      On Proletars'ka street
06.03.2008      On Krasina street
05.03.2008      Near the Central Market
04.03.2008      At the “Centre” bus stop
03.03.2008      K. Marksa street
02.03.2008      Near the brewery
01.03.2008      On Pershotravneva street

February 2008
29.02.2008      The crossroad of Chapaiev and Peremohy streets
28.02.2008      On Proletars'ka street
27.02.2008      On Myru street
26.02.2008      The crossroad of Pershotravneva and Shevchenko streets
25.02.2008      At Rakovka
24.02.2008      Moskovs'ka street
23.02.2008      On Pershotravneva street
22.02.2008      At the area of Vodokanal
21.02.2008      K. Marksa street
20.02.2008      On Krasina street
19.02.2008      On Pushkin Blv.
18.02.2008      On Lenin street
17.02.2008      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
16.02.2008      The Dnipro
15.02.2008      At the Central Market
14.02.2008      On Shevchenko street
13.02.2008      At Molodizhny
12.02.2008      On Proletars'ka street
11.02.2008      On Lenin street
10.02.2008      Near the dairy plant
09.02.2008      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
08.02.2008      On Zhovtneva street
07.02.2008      Near the Bus Station
06.02.2008      On Shchorsa street
05.02.2008      Near “Centre” bus stop
04.02.2008      On Peremohy street
03.02.2008      Near Khorols'ka street
02.02.2008      On Shevchenko street
01.02.2008      On 29 Veresnia street

January 2008
31.01.2008      On Haharina street
30.01.2008      At Kryukiv
29.01.2008      Chapaiev street
28.01.2008      On Pershotravneva street
27.01.2008      Hor'kyi street
26.01.2008      Khorol's'ka street
25.01.2008      On Krasina street
24.01.2008      On Zhovtneva street
23.01.2008      In the Shopping Center “Amstor”
22.01.2008      “Vodokanal” bus stop
21.01.2008      Kvartal'na street
20.01.2008      Pushkina Blv.
19.01.2008      Water christening in the Saint Uspens'ka Church
18.01.2008      Proletars'ka street
17.01.2008      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
16.01.2008      1905 roku street
15.01.2008      Near the power station
14.01.2008      Near the River Station
13.01.2008      On Proletars'ka street
12.01.2008      Thre crossroad of Krasin and Hor'kyi streets
11.01.2008      On Lenin street
10.01.2008      At Molodizhny
09.01.2008      On Pershotravneva street
08.01.2008      A view to the Dnipro
07.01.2008      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2008      Near the carriage plant
05.01.2008      At the Independence Square
04.01.2008      Near the railway station
03.01.2008      On Peremohy street
02.01.2008      At Kryukiv
01.01.2008      At the Independence Square

December 2007
31.12.2007      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
30.12.2007      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
29.12.2007      Near the Central Market
28.12.2007      On Haharina street
27.12.2007      Svierdlov street
26.12.2007      In the Shopping Center “Amstor”
25.12.2007      In the shopping center “Mega”
24.12.2007      On Butyrina street
23.12.2007      On Kyivs'ka street
22.12.2007      Pereiaslavs'ka street
21.12.2007      On Lenin street
20.12.2007      Crossroads of Pershotravneva street and Henerala Zhadov street
19.12.2007      At the Independence Square
18.12.2007      On Krasina street
17.12.2007      On Shchorsa street
16.12.2007      Near the railway station
15.12.2007      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
14.12.2007      On Pershotravneva street
13.12.2007      THe crossroad of Proletars'ka and Lenin streets
12.12.2007      Near Moskovs'ka bus stop
11.12.2007      On Butyrina street
10.12.2007      On Haharina street
09.12.2007      Hor'kyi street
08.12.2007      On Proletars'ka street
07.12.2007      Opening of the "Amstor" Shopping Center
06.12.2007      At the Central Market
05.12.2007      Yarmarkova street
04.12.2007      Near the power station
03.12.2007      Near Khalameniuka bus stop
02.12.2007      On Zhovtneva street
01.12.2007      On Peremohy street

November 2007
30.11.2007      At the Car Market
29.11.2007      On Shevchenko street
28.11.2007      Near the River Station
27.11.2007      On Lenin street
26.11.2007      Near the “Avrora”
25.11.2007      On Khalameniuka street
24.11.2007      Holodomor Remembrance Day
23.11.2007      On Pushkin Blv.
22.11.2007      In the shop “1000 dribnyts”
21.11.2007      Near the Troyits'kyi market
20.11.2007      Near the school №1
19.11.2007      On Kotsiubyns'kyi street
18.11.2007      Near the tobacco factory
17.11.2007      On Myru street
16.11.2007      Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho street
15.11.2007      The Central Market
14.11.2007      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
13.11.2007      Near the “Dniprovski Zori” hotel
12.11.2007      On 29 Veresnia street
11.11.2007      On Proletars'ka street
10.11.2007      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
09.11.2007      “A. Koval'ova” bus stop
08.11.2007      Tsiurupy street
07.11.2007      Leonov street
06.11.2007      K. Marksa street
05.11.2007      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Prshotravneva streets
04.11.2007      At the park near the Dnipro
03.11.2007      The crossroad of Zhovtneva and Radians'ka streets
02.11.2007      On Myru street
01.11.2007      At the Central Market

October 2007
31.10.2007      Saint Trinity Church
30.10.2007      On Proletars'ka street
29.10.2007      At Molodizhny
28.10.2007      A view to the Krasin street
27.10.2007      On Lenin street
26.10.2007      In the yard of the school № 12
25.10.2007      On Krasina street
24.10.2007      Crossroads of Lenin street and Shevchenko street
23.10.2007      In the shop “Sudar”
22.10.2007      On Shevchenko street
21.10.2007      Moskovs'ka street
20.10.2007      On Pushkin Blv.
19.10.2007      In supermarket “Prostor”
18.10.2007      Near the power station
17.10.2007      The Dnipro
16.10.2007      On Lenin street
15.10.2007      Near the Central Market
14.10.2007      On Peremohy street
13.10.2007      On Proletars'ka street
12.10.2007      On Pushkin Blv.
11.10.2007      Pereiaslavs'ka street
10.10.2007      Sorochyns'kyi provulok
09.10.2007      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
08.10.2007      Khorol's'ka street
07.10.2007      On Krasina street
06.10.2007      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Vorovs'koho streets
05.10.2007      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
04.10.2007      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
03.10.2007      Near the palace of culture “Kredmash”
02.10.2007      On Hor'kyi street
01.10.2007      K.Marksa street

September 2007
30.09.2007      Near the school №20
29.09.2007      Near the River Station
28.09.2007      At the Victory Square
27.09.2007      On Lenin street
26.09.2007      At the bus stop near the Palace of Culture
25.09.2007      At Molodizhny
24.09.2007      On Peremohy street
23.09.2007      In the Voiniv Internatsionalistiv park
22.09.2007      On Khalameniuka street
21.09.2007      At the first Zanasyp
20.09.2007      At the Central Market
19.09.2007      On Proletars'ka street
18.09.2007      Near the carriage plant
17.09.2007      On 29 Veresnia street
16.09.2007      At the Victory Square
15.09.2007      The Central Market
14.09.2007      Near the “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
13.09.2007      On Radians'ka street
12.09.2007      Near the railway station
11.09.2007      Near Vodokanal bus stop
10.09.2007      On Pershotravneva street
09.09.2007      K.Marksa street
08.09.2007      Bank of the Dnipro
07.09.2007      Near the Troyits'kyi market
06.09.2007      Near the confectionery
05.09.2007      At the School of Art
04.09.2007      On Butyrina street
03.09.2007      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
02.09.2007      At the Victory Square
01.09.2007      The first bell in the school 30

August 2007
31.08.2007      On Radians'ka street
30.08.2007      On Lenin street
29.08.2007      “Novoivanivka” bus stop
28.08.2007      At Kryukiv
27.08.2007      In the shopping center “Mega”
26.08.2007      Near the Flight College
25.08.2007      At the Central Market
24.08.2007      On Proletars'ka street
23.08.2007      Near the palace of culture
22.08.2007      Near the brewery
21.08.2007      A view to the Independence Square
20.08.2007      A view in the centre of the town
19.08.2007      On 29 Veresnia street
18.08.2007      At the main beach
17.08.2007      On Pershotravneva street
16.08.2007      Near the “Vichno Zhyvym” bus stop
15.08.2007      On Proletars'ka street
14.08.2007      At the first Zanasyp
13.08.2007      Near the Radians'ka Armiya bus stop
12.08.2007      At the Central Market
11.08.2007      At the park near the Dnipro
10.08.2007      On Hvardiys'ka street
09.08.2007      Church of Saint Pantaleon
08.08.2007      In the House of trade
07.08.2007      On Proletars'ka street
06.08.2007      Near the shoe plant
05.08.2007      Moskovs'ka street
04.08.2007      Bank of the Dnipro
03.08.2007      On Lenin street
02.08.2007      On the 3rd Zanasyp
01.08.2007      At the market near the Dnipro

July 2007
31.07.2007      At Molodizhny
30.07.2007      Pishchanyi provulok
29.07.2007      On Pershotravneva street
28.07.2007      Tsiurupy street
27.07.2007      Near H. Bresta provulok
26.07.2007      At the railway station
25.07.2007      Housing complex
24.07.2007      Zhovtnevyi Square
23.07.2007      Kozachiy provulok
22.07.2007      At the Central Market
21.07.2007      Wedding
20.07.2007      The Dnipro
19.07.2007      On Haharina street
18.07.2007      Near Hvardiys'ka street
17.07.2007      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
16.07.2007      On Lenin street
15.07.2007      On Proletars'ka street
14.07.2007      On Pershotravneva street
13.07.2007      Makhorkova street
12.07.2007      The main beach
11.07.2007      “Rynok” bus stop
10.07.2007      The upland part of the town
09.07.2007       In a route taxi
08.07.2007      On Pushkin Blv.
07.07.2007      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Tsiurupa streets
06.07.2007      On Kyivs'ka street
05.07.2007      On Proletars'ka street
04.07.2007      Near the Radians'ka Armiya bus stop
03.07.2007      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
02.07.2007      Near Vodokanal bus stop
01.07.2007      Near the “Avrora”

June 2007
30.06.2007      On Shevchenko street
29.06.2007      Near the Central Market
28.06.2007      At the Victory Square
27.06.2007      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
26.06.2007      Moskovs'ka street
25.06.2007      A bus stop at Molodizhny
24.06.2007      Youth Day
23.06.2007      “Khalamenuika” bus stop
22.06.2007      At the first Zanasyp
21.06.2007      On Krasina street
20.06.2007      “Railway station” bus stop
19.06.2007      Near the Troyits'kyi market
18.06.2007      Vatutin street
17.06.2007      Near the shop “Kashtan”
16.06.2007      On Proletars'ka street
15.06.2007      In the area of Vodokanal
14.06.2007      At the Central Market
13.06.2007      “Novoivanivka” bus stop
12.06.2007      Tsiurupy street
11.06.2007      Near the house of trade
10.06.2007      Memorial “Vichno Zhyvym”
09.06.2007      Near the hotel “Kremin'”
08.06.2007      On Haharina street
07.06.2007      At Molodizhny
06.06.2007      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
05.06.2007      Poltavskyi Avenue
04.06.2007      Near the “Heroyiv Stalinhradu” bus stop
03.06.2007      K.Marksa street
02.06.2007      On Shevchenko street
01.06.2007      On Vorovs'koho street

May 2007
31.05.2007      On Lenin street
30.05.2007      On Krasina street
29.05.2007      Khalameniuka bus stop
28.05.2007      Square near the station
27.05.2007      In the Saint Trinity Church
26.05.2007      At the Central Market
25.05.2007      On Heneral Zhadov street
24.05.2007      On Pershotravneva street
23.05.2007      On Butyrina street
22.05.2007      The crossroad of Peremohy and Zhovtneva streets
21.05.2007      Moskovs'ka street
20.05.2007      Near the Troyits'kyi market
19.05.2007      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
18.05.2007      Beside the market near the Dnipro
17.05.2007      Near H. Bresta provulok
16.05.2007      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
15.05.2007      Near “Centre” bus stop
14.05.2007      On Krasina street
13.05.2007      Near the brewery
12.05.2007      Near the “Apteka” bus stop
11.05.2007      On Peremohy street
10.05.2007      Leonov street
09.05.2007      Victory day
08.05.2007      On Proletars'ka street
07.05.2007      Near the Flight College
06.05.2007      On Shevchenko street
05.05.2007      “Vodokanal” bus stop
04.05.2007      At the Central Market
03.05.2007      On Pershotravneva street
02.05.2007      A view to Moskovs'ka street
01.05.2007      Shchorsa street

April 2007
30.04.2007      On Butyrina street
29.04.2007      On Lenin street
28.04.2007      On 29 Veresnia street
27.04.2007      At Molodizhny
26.04.2007      Fair “Chumats'kyi shliakh”
25.04.2007      At Kryukiv
24.04.2007      On Pershotravneva street
23.04.2007      Chapaiev street
22.04.2007      Near the power station
21.04.2007      At Molodizhny
20.04.2007      The crossroads of Proletars'ka and Butyrin streets
19.04.2007      Not far from the “Heroyiv Stalinhradu” bus stop
18.04.2007      On Khalameniuka street
17.04.2007      On Radians'ka street
16.04.2007      Commemoration Day
15.04.2007      On the Reyivs'kyi cemetery
14.04.2007      Market “Avrora”
13.04.2007      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
12.04.2007      In the area of Vodokanal
11.04.2007      On Radians'ka street
10.04.2007      On Pershotravneva street
09.04.2007      Near Hvardiys'ka street
08.04.2007      Khorol's'ka street
07.04.2007      In the Saint Trinity Church
06.04.2007      Tsiurupy street
05.04.2007      On Krasina street
04.04.2007      On Butyrina street
03.04.2007      Near the Troyits'kyi market
02.04.2007      On Pershotravneva street
01.04.2007      The crossroad of Vorovs'koho and Proletars'ka streets

March 2007
31.03.2007      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
30.03.2007      Near the school №30
29.03.2007      On Butyrina street
28.03.2007      Automobile Plant
27.03.2007      THe crossroad of Proletars'ka and Lenin streets
26.03.2007      On Krasina street
25.03.2007      In supermarket “Prostor”
24.03.2007      On Lenin street
23.03.2007      In the area of Vodokanal
22.03.2007      Near the Central Market
21.03.2007      In the shop “Telefonchik”
20.03.2007      On Shevchenko street
19.03.2007      At Kryukiv
18.03.2007      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
17.03.2007      At Molodizhny
16.03.2007      The Central Market
15.03.2007      The Memorial of Kotlov
14.03.2007      On Lenin street
13.03.2007      Near Khalameniuka bus stop
12.03.2007      On Proletars'ka street
11.03.2007      Crossroads of Shevchenko street and Lenin street
10.03.2007      At the park near the Dnipro
09.03.2007      On Shchorsa street
08.03.2007      Moskovs'ka street
07.03.2007      Celebrating women's day in a kindergarten
06.03.2007      On Zhovtneva street
05.03.2007      Kremenchuk Wheel Plant
04.03.2007      Near the Central Market
03.03.2007      Near the confectionery
02.03.2007      Heneral Zhadov street
01.03.2007      Memorial “Vichno Zhyvym”

February 2007
28.02.2007      On Radians'ka street
27.02.2007      At Molodizhny
26.02.2007      Near Vodokanal bus stop
25.02.2007      60 rokiv USSR street
24.02.2007      On Proletars'ka street
23.02.2007      On Myru street
22.02.2007      On Shevchenko street
21.02.2007      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
20.02.2007      1905 roku street
19.02.2007      Pushkina Blv.
18.02.2007      Near the River Station
17.02.2007      Near the power station
16.02.2007      At the area of Vodokanal
15.02.2007      On Kyivs'ka street
14.02.2007      Near the carriage plant
13.02.2007      Near the Central Market
12.02.2007      In the shop “Dyplomat”
11.02.2007      At the square near the railway station
10.02.2007      On Zhovtneva street
09.02.2007      Cheliuskintsiv provulok
08.02.2007      On Vorovs'koho street
07.02.2007      On Khalameniuka street
06.02.2007      At Kryukiv
05.02.2007      On Lenin street
04.02.2007      On Proletars'ka street
03.02.2007      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
02.02.2007      The Central Market
01.02.2007      Near the “Apteka” bus stop

January 2007
31.01.2007      In the shop “Akvabud”
30.01.2007      On Shevchenko street
29.01.2007      On Radians'ka street
28.01.2007      At Molodizhny
27.01.2007      On Proletars'ka street
26.01.2007      “Railway station” bus stop
25.01.2007      THe crossroad of Proletars'ka and Lenin streets
24.01.2007      At the Ponomarenko Square
23.01.2007      Near the Bus Station
22.01.2007      Near Hvardiys'ka street
21.01.2007      On Pershotravneva street
20.01.2007      Near the Novoivanivs'kyi market
19.01.2007      Water-christening near the Saint Trinity Church
18.01.2007      On Myru street
17.01.2007      On Kyivs'ka street
16.01.2007      At an ice rink
15.01.2007      At a kitchen furniture showroom
14.01.2007      Happy “Old” New Year
13.01.2007      On Peremohy street
12.01.2007      On Hor'kyi street
11.01.2007      On Pershotravneva street
10.01.2007      At Molodizhny
09.01.2007      On Shevchenko street
08.01.2007      Supermarket “Prostor”
07.01.2007      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2007      Trinity market
05.01.2007      At the Independence Square
04.01.2007      On Proletars'ka street
03.01.2007      On Lenin street
02.01.2007      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
01.01.2007      Happy New Year!

December 2006
31.12.2006      On the area of Vodokanal
30.12.2006      Near the Central Market
29.12.2006      In a university
28.12.2006      On Zhovtneva street
27.12.2006      New Year's holiday in the kindergarten
26.12.2006      The Pedagogical College
25.12.2006      In the area of “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
24.12.2006      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
23.12.2006      “Pyvzavod” bus stop
22.12.2006      Near the cafe “Skazka”
21.12.2006      In the shop “Vesna”
20.12.2006      In Haharina street
19.12.2006      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Zhovtneva streets
18.12.2006      4 Voyiniv Internatsionalistiv street
17.12.2006      Near Khalameniuka bus stop
16.12.2006      Near the clothes factory
15.12.2006      In Shevchenko street
14.12.2006      At Molodizhny
13.12.2006      At Rakovka
12.12.2006      In Radians'ka street
11.12.2006      In Proletars'ka street
10.12.2006      In the area of Vodokanal
09.12.2006      In V. Boika street
08.12.2006      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
07.12.2006      Near the Flight College
06.12.2006      Near the Central Market
05.12.2006      In Butyrina street
04.12.2006      At Molodizhny
03.12.2006      In Lenin street
02.12.2006      At Kryukiv
01.12.2006      In Shevchenko street

November 2006
30.11.2006      In Proletars'ka street
29.11.2006      In Hoholia street
28.11.2006      Tsiurupy street
27.11.2006      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
26.11.2006      At the Independence Square
25.11.2006      Holodomor Remembrance Day
24.11.2006      Descent to Khorol's'ka street
23.11.2006      Near the shoe factory
22.11.2006      In Hvardiys'ka street
21.11.2006      In Peremohy street
20.11.2006      In Kyivs'ka street
19.11.2006      In Butyrina street
18.11.2006      In Lenin street
17.11.2006      In Pershotravneva street
16.11.2006      In Myru Park
15.11.2006      Near the school №18
14.11.2006      At Molodizhny
13.11.2006      Near Vodokanal
12.11.2006      In Pershotravneva street
11.11.2006      In Lenin street
10.11.2006      At Kryukiv
09.11.2006      1905 roku street
08.11.2006      In Shevchenko street
07.11.2006      In Shchorsa street
06.11.2006      Pushkina Blv.
05.11.2006      In Krasina street
04.11.2006      K.Marksa street
03.11.2006      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Prshotravneva streets
02.11.2006      Poshtovyi provulok
01.11.2006      In Kyivs'ka street

October 2006
31.10.2006      At the first Zanasyp
30.10.2006      The crossroad of Hoholia and Radians'ka streets
29.10.2006      In the show-room
28.10.2006      Zhovtnevyi Square
27.10.2006      Memorial “Vichno zhyvym”
26.10.2006      Railway Car Plant
25.10.2006      In Vorovs'koho street
24.10.2006      Former ammunition depot
23.10.2006      Near the River Station
22.10.2006      At the park near the Dnipro
21.10.2006      In Lenin street
20.10.2006      In a gulf
19.10.2006      Near the Novoivanivs'kyi market
18.10.2006      In Shevchenko street
17.10.2006      In Butyrina street
16.10.2006      Near the confectionery
15.10.2006      In Proletars'ka street
14.10.2006      At the Central Market
13.10.2006      Leonov street
12.10.2006      Near Kremenchuk Wheel Plant
11.10.2006      At Kryukiv
10.10.2006      Near the brewery
09.10.2006      Near the power station
08.10.2006      “Center” bus stop
07.10.2006      Crossroads of Lenin street and Shevchenko street
06.10.2006      Chapaiev street
05.10.2006      In the Kotlov Park
04.10.2006      In the area of Vodokanal
03.10.2006      The Dnipro
02.10.2006      Near the School of Music
01.10.2006      Zhovtnevyi Square

September 2006
30.09.2006      In Lenin street
29.09.2006      The day of the town
28.09.2006      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
27.09.2006      Near the Flight College
26.09.2006      Near the power station
25.09.2006      L.Tolstoy provulok
24.09.2006      In the area of Vodokanal
23.09.2006      In Peremohy street
22.09.2006      In Proletars'ka street
21.09.2006      Heneral Zhadov street
20.09.2006      The crossroad of Butyrin and Proletars'ka streets
19.09.2006      Near the “Avrora”
18.09.2006      A view to the Shchorsa street
17.09.2006      Khorol's'ka street
16.09.2006      In the cafe “Dom kofie”
15.09.2006      Near the “Apteka” bus stop
14.09.2006      Near Vodokanal bus stop
13.09.2006      Leonov street
12.09.2006      Kremenchuk Children's Hospital
11.09.2006      In Shevchenko street
10.09.2006      At the Central Market
09.09.2006      In Butyrina street
08.09.2006      Near Khalameniuka bus stop
07.09.2006      In Pershotravneva street
06.09.2006      In Krasina street
05.09.2006      In Lenin street
04.09.2006      Near Hvardiys'ka street
03.09.2006      At the Independence Square
02.09.2006      In Proletars'ka street
01.09.2006      The first bell in the school 20

August 2006
31.08.2006      Near the Palace of culture “ KrAZ”
30.08.2006      At the first Zanasyp
29.08.2006      Beside the market near the Dnipro
28.08.2006      Near the brewery
27.08.2006      At the main beach
26.08.2006      Near the house of trade
25.08.2006      Near the power station
24.08.2006      Near the Independence Square
23.08.2006      In Pershotravneva street
22.08.2006      Checkpoint of the plant “KrAZ”
21.08.2006      Near the Bus Station
20.08.2006      In Lenin street
19.08.2006      In 29 Veresnia street
18.08.2006      At the Ponomarenko Square
17.08.2006      Near the Central Market
16.08.2006      At Molodizhny
15.08.2006      H.Bresta provulok
14.08.2006      In Peremohy street
13.08.2006      In Lenin street
12.08.2006      In Pushkin Blv.
11.08.2006      Near the Radians'ka Armiya bus stop
10.08.2006      In Zhovtneva street
09.08.2006      Maiakovs'koho street
08.08.2006      1905 roku street
07.08.2006      In Kyivs'ka street
06.08.2006      Near the Troyits'kyi market
05.08.2006      Near “Centre” bus stop
04.08.2006      In the area of Vodokanal
03.08.2006      Pereiaslavs'ka street
02.08.2006      In the area of “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
01.08.2006      In Proletars'ka street

July 2006
31.07.2006      Near the Novoivanivs'kyi market
30.07.2006      Near the Central Market
29.07.2006      In Proletars'ka street
28.07.2006      Near the Palace of culture “ KrAZ”
27.07.2006      In the MUD Park
26.07.2006      Near the brewery
25.07.2006      The Pedagogical College
24.07.2006      Near the “Novoivanivka” bus stop
23.07.2006      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
22.07.2006      In Shevchenko street
21.07.2006      The crossroad of Moskovs'ka and Kyivs'ka streets
20.07.2006      Near the carriage plant
19.07.2006      In Hvardiys'ka street
18.07.2006      At the square near the railway station
17.07.2006      In Kirov street
16.07.2006      In Lenin street
15.07.2006      The Acceptance Board of Kremenchuk Polytechnic University
14.07.2006      In the area of Vodokanal
13.07.2006      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
12.07.2006      Tsiurupy street
11.07.2006      Near the clothes factory
10.07.2006      In Proletars'ka street
09.07.2006      A bus stop at Molodizhny
08.07.2006      Near the River Station
07.07.2006      Near the quarry
06.07.2006      Crossroads of Lenin street and Peremohy street
05.07.2006      Near the “Apteka” bus stop
04.07.2006      At Molodizhny
03.07.2006      Chervonoarmiyska street
02.07.2006      Near the house of trade
01.07.2006      At the Central Market

June 2006
30.06.2006      On the river Sukhyi Kahamlyk
29.06.2006      Moskovs'ka street
28.06.2006      At the Victory Square
27.06.2006      At the final party of school №10
26.06.2006      In Proletars'ka street
25.06.2006      Youth Day
24.06.2006      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
23.06.2006      L.Tolstoy provulok
22.06.2006      At Molodizhny
21.06.2006      Near the shoe factory
20.06.2006      1905 roku street
19.06.2006      View to the Square near the station
18.06.2006      In Butyrina street
17.06.2006      Near Khalameniuka bus stop
16.06.2006      Sums'ka street
15.06.2006      Svierdlova street
14.06.2006      Pushkina Blv.
13.06.2006      At Kryukiv
12.06.2006      In Proletars'ka street
11.06.2006      In Myru Park
10.06.2006      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
09.06.2006      At Rakovka
08.06.2006      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
07.06.2006      Tsiurupy street
06.06.2006      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
05.06.2006      Near the housing complex
04.06.2006      Near Vodokanal bus stop
03.06.2006      In Pershotravneva street
02.06.2006      At the Victory Square
01.06.2006      Supermarket “Prostor”

May 2006
31.05.2006      A view to Proletars'ka street
30.05.2006      The last school bell
29.05.2006      In Haharina street
28.05.2006      Near Kredmash bus stop
27.05.2006      Crossroads of Lenin street and Shevchenko street
26.05.2006      Near the school №10
25.05.2006      Near the school №15
24.05.2006      Hor'kyi street
23.05.2006      Leonov street
22.05.2006      Tsiolkovs'koho street
21.05.2006      Near “Centre” bus stop
20.05.2006      At Zhovtnevyi Square
19.05.2006      Crossroads of Henerala Zhadov street and Pershotravneva street
18.05.2006      Near the automobile plant
17.05.2006      In railwaymen park
16.05.2006      Near the Central Market
15.05.2006      Sums'ka street
14.05.2006      In Poletars'ka street
13.05.2006      Near the Troyits'kyi market
12.05.2006      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
11.05.2006      In Kirovohrads'ka street
10.05.2006      In Radians'ka street
09.05.2006      Victory day
08.05.2006      In Krasina street
07.05.2006      Near Hvardiys'ka street
06.05.2006      In Peremohy street
05.05.2006      In Pershotravneva street
04.05.2006      In Lenin street
03.05.2006      Cherednyky
02.05.2006      The Dnipro
01.05.2006      Near the brewery

April 2006
30.04.2006      On the Reyivs'kyi cemetery
29.04.2006      At Zhovtnevyi Square
28.04.2006      Khalameniuka bus stop
27.04.2006      Reyivka
26.04.2006      The Memorial of Chornobyl Victims
25.04.2006      In the Voiniv Internatsionalistiv park
24.04.2006      Near Vodokanal bus stop
23.04.2006      Easter
22.04.2006      Chapaieva street
21.04.2006      Fair “Chumats'kyi shliakh”
20.04.2006      A view to the power station
19.04.2006      Near Kredmash bus stop
18.04.2006      School 18
17.04.2006      Near the tobacco factory
16.04.2006      Palm Sunday
15.04.2006      In Butyrina street
14.04.2006      The crossroad of Artema street and Shevchenko street
13.04.2006      Near the brewery
12.04.2006      Near Hvardiys'ka street
11.04.2006      In the yard of the school № 5
10.04.2006      At the park near the Dnipro
09.04.2006      Beside the market near the Dnipro
08.04.2006      At the Independence Square
07.04.2006      Bielins'kyi provulok
06.04.2006      Near the palace of culture
05.04.2006      Near the Polytechnic University
04.04.2006      In Myru Park
03.04.2006      Near the shoe factory
02.04.2006      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
01.04.2006      In Lenin street

March 2006
31.03.2006      In a gulf
30.03.2006      At Rakovka
29.03.2006      Tsiurupy street
28.03.2006      The Dnipro
27.03.2006      Pereiaslavs'ka street
26.03.2006      At the polling place in the School 13
25.03.2006      In Proletars'ka street
24.03.2006      Chapaieva street
23.03.2006      In Lenin street
22.03.2006      In Prykhod'ko street
21.03.2006      At Kryukiv
20.03.2006      Near the River Station
19.03.2006      A view to the Independence Square
18.03.2006      Near the power station
17.03.2006      At Molodizhnyi
16.03.2006      In Kyivs'ka street
15.03.2006      Cheliuskintsiv provulok
14.03.2006      Near the brewery
13.03.2006      Zhovtneva street
12.03.2006      At the Central Market
11.03.2006      In 29 Veresnia street
10.03.2006      At Molodizhnyi
09.03.2006      In Pershotravneva street
08.03.2006      In Proletars'ka street
07.03.2006      At the Victory Square
06.03.2006      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
05.03.2006      Krasina street
04.03.2006      In Lenin street
03.03.2006      Square near the station
02.03.2006      In Pershotravneva street
01.03.2006      Near the confectionery

February 2006
28.02.2006      In Peremohy street
27.02.2006      A view to the bridge over the Dnipro
26.02.2006      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
25.02.2006      The crossroad of Lenin and Shevchenko streets
24.02.2006      Near the shoe plant
23.02.2006      A view to the Shchorsa street
22.02.2006      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
21.02.2006      School 27
20.02.2006      In Pershotravneva street
19.02.2006      In the area of Vodokanal
18.02.2006      In Lenin street
17.02.2006      Butyrina street
16.02.2006      In Shevchenko street
15.02.2006      Near the tobacco factory
14.02.2006      A bus stop at Molodizhny
13.02.2006      Near the school №10
12.02.2006      “Center” bus stop
11.02.2006      “Novoivanivka” bus stop
10.02.2006      Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.
09.02.2006      Near the hotel “Kremin'”
08.02.2006      School 18
07.02.2006      Near the plant “KrAZ”
06.02.2006      A view to Peremohy street
05.02.2006       In a route taxi
04.02.2006      At Zhovtnevyi Square
03.02.2006      A view to Lenin street
02.02.2006      At Rakovka
01.02.2006      The Dnipro

January 2006
31.01.2006      In the area of Vodokanal
30.01.2006      In Proletars'ka street
29.01.2006      A view from the mountain
28.01.2006      At Zhovtnevyi Square
27.01.2006      In Proletars'ka street
26.01.2006      Near the school № 19
25.01.2006      In Khalameniuka street
24.01.2006      A view to the Peremohy Square
23.01.2006      In the area of Hvardiys'ka street
22.01.2006      In the shop “Megatel”
21.01.2006      Near Moskovs'ka bus stop
20.01.2006      Pereiaslavs'ka street
19.01.2006      Water-christening near the Saint Trinity Church
18.01.2006      In Vorovs'koho street
17.01.2006      At Molodizhnyi
16.01.2006      In Lenina street
15.01.2006      Vodokanal
14.01.2006      At the Independence Square
13.01.2006      At Kryukiv
12.01.2006      At the first Zanasyp
11.01.2006      Near the Flight College
10.01.2006      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Krasina streets
09.01.2006      In the shopping center “Fokstrot”
08.01.2006      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
07.01.2006      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2006      Fishermen at the Dnipro
05.01.2006      Near the Troyits'kyi market
04.01.2006      In Hoholia street
03.01.2006      Near the Polytechnic University
02.01.2006      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
01.01.2006      In Myru park

December 2005
31.12.2005      Happy New Year!
30.12.2005      At Kryukiv
29.12.2005      New Year's holiday in the kindergarten
28.12.2005      At Kryukiv
27.12.2005      At Molodizhnyi
26.12.2005      The plant “Kredmash”
25.12.2005      At the Independence Square
24.12.2005      Near the Troyits'kyi market
23.12.2005      In Radians'ka street
22.12.2005      Kvartal'na street
21.12.2005      In Shchorsa street
20.12.2005      In Pershotravneva street
19.12.2005      At Rakovka
18.12.2005      “Vodokanal” bus stop
17.12.2005      In Lenin street
16.12.2005      The crossroad of Butyrina and Peremohy streets
15.12.2005      In the area of Hvardiys'ka street
14.12.2005      At Molodizhnyi
13.12.2005      In Pershotravneva street
12.12.2005      In Kyivs'ka street
11.12.2005      At the market near the Dnipro
10.12.2005      In Proletars'ka street
09.12.2005      Cheliuskintsiv provulok
08.12.2005      In the new supermarket of electronics “Eldorado”
07.12.2005      K.Marksa street
06.12.2005      In Leonov street
05.12.2005      In a gulf
04.12.2005      In the area of Vodokanal
03.12.2005      Near the Central Market
02.12.2005      In Zhovtneva street
01.12.2005      Butyrina street

November 2005
30.11.2005      At Rakovka
29.11.2005      In Krasina street
28.11.2005      At Molodizhnyi
27.11.2005      The Palace of culture “KrAZ”
26.11.2005      Memory day of famine and political repressions victims
25.11.2005      In Proletars'ka street
24.11.2005      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
23.11.2005      Proyizd Heorhiya Pet'ka
22.11.2005      The crossroad of Hoholia and Radians'ka streets
21.11.2005      Near the Radians'ka Armiya bus stop
20.11.2005      In the area of Hvardiys'ka street
19.11.2005      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
18.11.2005      At the park near the Dnipro
17.11.2005      In Shchorsa street
16.11.2005      In Peremohy street
15.11.2005      In Karnaukhova street
14.11.2005      Moskovs'ka street
13.11.2005      Proletars'ka street
12.11.2005      Near the Troyits'kyi market
11.11.2005      In the area of Railway Car Plant
10.11.2005      In Pushkin Blv.
09.11.2005      In Haharin street
08.11.2005      In Kotsiubyns'kyi street
07.11.2005      The crossroad of Radians'ka and Chapaev streets
06.11.2005      Near the Plant of Road Machines
05.11.2005      Near the “Centre” bus stop
04.11.2005      In 29 Veresnia street
03.11.2005      Butyrina street
02.11.2005      In Khalameniuka street
01.11.2005      In Pushkin Blv.

October 2005
31.10.2005      In the area of Koshevyi provulok
30.10.2005      In the area of Vodokanal
29.10.2005      At the park near the Dnipro
28.10.2005      In Shevchenko street
27.10.2005      Sums'ka street
26.10.2005      Near the River Station
25.10.2005      At Kryukiv
24.10.2005      Railway station
23.10.2005      In Lenin street
22.10.2005      In Proletars'ka street
21.10.2005      In the area of Hvardiys'ka street
20.10.2005      In Vorovs'koho street
19.10.2005      304 Kvartal
18.10.2005      A view to the Independence Square
17.10.2005      Near the power station
16.10.2005      In Zhovtnevyi Square
15.10.2005      At the Central Market
14.10.2005      In a gulf
13.10.2005      Voyiniv Internatsionalistiv street
12.10.2005      In Proletars'ka street
11.10.2005      In Krasina street
10.10.2005      The bridge over the Dnipro
09.10.2005      At the Troyits'kyi market
08.10.2005      Near the house of trade
07.10.2005      In Hoholia street
06.10.2005      Near the Central Market
05.10.2005      In Shevchenko street
04.10.2005      Near the brewery
03.10.2005      At the first Zanasyp
02.10.2005      In Pershotravneva street
01.10.2005      In Radians'ka street

September 2005
30.09.2005      At Zhovtnevyi Square
29.09.2005      The day of the town
28.09.2005      At the railway station
27.09.2005      In Peremohy street
26.09.2005      “Vodokanal” bus stop
25.09.2005      In Lenin street
24.09.2005      At the Independence Square
23.09.2005      In Leonov street
22.09.2005      Entrance to the bridge from Kriukiv
21.09.2005      Near the railway station
20.09.2005      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
19.09.2005      Near the Plant of Road Machines
18.09.2005      Near the Troyits'kyi market
17.09.2005      THe crossroad of Proletars'ka and Lenin streets
16.09.2005      At Molodizhnyi
15.09.2005      At the Independence Square
14.09.2005      In Kyivs'ka street
13.09.2005      School 11
12.09.2005      In the area of Vodokanal
11.09.2005      Near the “Centre” bus stop
10.09.2005      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Zhovtneva streets
09.09.2005      Bank of the Dnipro
08.09.2005      At Molodizhnyi
07.09.2005      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
06.09.2005      In the area of Hvardiys'ka street
05.09.2005      In Hor'kyi street
04.09.2005      Khorol's'ka street
03.09.2005      In Proletars'ka street
02.09.2005      In Pershotravneva street
01.09.2005      The first bell in the school 10

August 2005
31.08.2005      In Haharina street
30.08.2005      1905 roku street
29.08.2005      In Shchorsa street
28.08.2005      In the shop “Dyplomat”
27.08.2005      In Proletars'ka street
26.08.2005      Near the Bus Station
25.08.2005      Near the market at Rakovka
24.08.2005      The Independence Day of Ukraine
23.08.2005      Near the Plant of Road Machines
22.08.2005      A view to the 40 rokiv DAI street
21.08.2005      Near the shoe plant
20.08.2005      New shop opening
19.08.2005      In Haharina street
18.08.2005      In the Pushkin blv.
17.08.2005      In Shevchenko street
16.08.2005      Near the fire station
15.08.2005      At Molodizhnyi
14.08.2005      A view to the Independence Square
13.08.2005      Near the Palace of Culture
12.08.2005      Near the Victory Square
11.08.2005      At Shchemylivka
10.08.2005      In the Myru park
09.08.2005      The crossroad of Khalameniuka and Lenin streets
08.08.2005      In Lenin street
07.08.2005      Thunderstorm over the town
06.08.2005      The Dnipro
05.08.2005      In Proletars'ka street
04.08.2005      A view to Kyiv'ska street
03.08.2005      Near the Troyits'kyi market
02.08.2005      Near the house of trade
01.08.2005      In Pershotravneva street

July 2005
31.07.2005      Near the River Station
30.07.2005      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Lenin streets
29.07.2005      Near the confectionery
28.07.2005      Near the Central Market
27.07.2005      At Rakovka
26.07.2005      In the area of Radians'ka Armiya bus stop
25.07.2005      Kvartal'na street
24.07.2005      In the area of Vodokanal
23.07.2005      At Zhovtnevyi Square
22.07.2005      Near the Railway Car Plant
21.07.2005      In Myru street
20.07.2005      Near the brewery
19.07.2005      In the area of housing complex
18.07.2005      Near the Central Market
17.07.2005      A bus stop at Molodizhny
16.07.2005      At the bank of the Dnipro
15.07.2005      The crossroad of Zhovtneva and Proletars'ka streets
14.07.2005      In Kyivs'ka street
13.07.2005      In Pershotravneva street
12.07.2005      In Tsiolkovs'kyi street
11.07.2005      At the railway station
10.07.2005      The Dnipro
09.07.2005      In Radians'ka street
08.07.2005      In Kyivs'ka street
07.07.2005      In Shchorsa street
06.07.2005      Near the confectionery
05.07.2005      In Kotsiubyns'kyi street
04.07.2005      Near the power station
03.07.2005      Near the hotel “Kremin'”
02.07.2005      In Krasina street
01.07.2005      K.Marksa street

June 2005
30.06.2005      In the area of Vodokanal
29.06.2005      THe crossroad of Haharin and Pershotravneva streets
28.06.2005      At the Central Market
27.06.2005      In Prykhod'ka street
26.06.2005      Youth Day
25.06.2005      In Lenin street
24.06.2005      Pushkin Blv.
23.06.2005      Heneral Zhadov street
22.06.2005      At Kryukiv
21.06.2005      Near the dairy plant
20.06.2005      In Proletars'ka street
19.06.2005      Near the shop “Kashtan”
18.06.2005      In Lenin street
17.06.2005      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
16.06.2005      Hor'kyi street
15.06.2005      Near Hoholia street
14.06.2005      Near the power station
13.06.2005      A view to Chkalova street
12.06.2005      Near the Troyits'kyi market
11.06.2005      The Central Market
10.06.2005      In the area of Hvardiys'ka street
09.06.2005      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
08.06.2005      In Proletars'ka street
07.06.2005      At Molodizhnyi street
06.06.2005      The River Station
05.06.2005      At the Independenca Square
04.06.2005      In the cafe “Dom kofie”
03.06.2005      In Pershotravneva street
02.06.2005      A view to the Dnipro
01.06.2005      In Kvartal'na street

May 2005
31.05.2005      Last bell in the school
30.05.2005      In Leonov street
29.05.2005      At the stadium “KrAZ”
28.05.2005      In Proletars'ka street
27.05.2005      At Rakovka
26.05.2005      In Shevchenka street
25.05.2005      Near the automobile plant
24.05.2005      Near the Troyits'kyi market
23.05.2005      In Peremohy street
22.05.2005      In Myru street
21.05.2005      In 29 Veresnia street
20.05.2005      Near the River Station
19.05.2005      In Shevchenka street
18.05.2005      Sums'ka street
17.05.2005      Near the Novoivanivs'kyi market
16.05.2005      In Hoholia street
15.05.2005      A wedding in the Saint Trinity Church
14.05.2005      Near the tobacco factory
13.05.2005      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Prshotravneva streets
12.05.2005      Chapaieva street
11.05.2005      The crossroad of Shchorsa and Chkalov streets
10.05.2005      Proletars'ka street
09.05.2005      Victory holiday
08.05.2005      At the Reyivs'ke cemetery
07.05.2005      The crossroad of Krasin and peremohy streets
06.05.2005      In Radians'ka street
05.05.2005      In Kyivs'ka street
04.05.2005      In V. Boika street
03.05.2005      In Proletars''ka street
02.05.2005      A view to the Victory Square
01.05.2005      Orthodox Easter

April 2005
30.04.2005      Descent to Khorol's'ka street
29.04.2005      In the Myru park
28.04.2005      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
27.04.2005      In Krasina street
26.04.2005      The Memorial of Chornobyl Victims
25.04.2005      In the area of Vodokanal
24.04.2005      Palm Sunday
23.04.2005      At the Central Market
22.04.2005      Moskovs'ka street
21.04.2005      Near the Palace of Culture
20.04.2005      Near the Polytechnic University
19.04.2005      At Rakovka
18.04.2005      Near the Plant of Road Machines
17.04.2005      At the Dnipro
16.04.2005      In Lenin street
15.04.2005      In the area of Vlasivs'ka dam
14.04.2005      School 10
13.04.2005      Tsiurupy street
12.04.2005      In Shchorsa street
11.04.2005      In H. Irinieieva street
10.04.2005      At the Independence Square
09.04.2005      Near the Central Market
08.04.2005      At Molodizhnyi
07.04.2005      In Khalameniuka street
06.04.2005      At Molodizhnyi
05.04.2005      Near the brewery
04.04.2005      School 19
03.04.2005      At Zhovtnevyi Square
02.04.2005      In Lenin street
01.04.2005      At Victory Square

March 2005
31.03.2005      In V. Boika street
30.03.2005      Near the power station
29.03.2005      At the Dnipro
28.03.2005      In Krasin street
27.03.2005      In Pushkin Blv.
26.03.2005      In Zhovtneva street
25.03.2005      A view to Haharina street
24.03.2005      At the first Zanasyp
23.03.2005      In the railway park
22.03.2005      The crossroad of Shchorsa and Chkalov streets
21.03.2005      At Kriukiv
20.03.2005      In Shevchenka street
19.03.2005      In Lenin street
18.03.2005      Moskovs'ka street
17.03.2005      Near the River Station
16.03.2005      In Proletars'ka street
15.03.2005      At 50 rokiv Zhovtnia avenue
14.03.2005      Near the diary plant
13.03.2005      In Shchorsa street
12.03.2005      In Proletars'ka street
11.03.2005      At Rakovka
10.03.2005      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
09.03.2005      Maiakovs'koho street
08.03.2005      At Zhovtnevyi Square
07.03.2005      In Krasin street
06.03.2005      In Pershotravneva street
05.03.2005      In Lenin street
04.03.2005      H.Bresta provulok
03.03.2005      Near the Khalameniuka bus stop
02.03.2005      K.Marksa street
01.03.2005      Rakovka

February 2005
28.02.2005      In Krasin street
27.02.2005      The crossroad of Shevchenko and pershotravneva streets
26.02.2005      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
25.02.2005      Near the Troyits'kyi market
24.02.2005      The crossroad of Butyrin and Hor'kyi streets
23.02.2005      Fishermen at the Dnipro
22.02.2005      In Krasin street
21.02.2005      In Kyivs'ka street
20.02.2005      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
19.02.2005      Near the Central Market
18.02.2005      Zhovtneva street
17.02.2005      In Radians'ka street
16.02.2005      At Molodizhnyi
15.02.2005      Kriukiv railway station
14.02.2005      In Vorovs'koho street
13.02.2005      At the “Vodokanal” bus stop
12.02.2005      in Krasin street
11.02.2005      Near the Central Market
10.02.2005      In Hohol' street
09.02.2005      On the 3rd Zanasyp
08.02.2005      On the second Zanasyp
07.02.2005      1905 roku street
06.02.2005      In Peremohy street
05.02.2005      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Lenin streets
04.02.2005      The Dnipro
03.02.2005      Near the railway station
02.02.2005      Chapaiev street
01.02.2005      In Pershotravneva street

January 2005
31.01.2005      In Myru park
30.01.2005      Near the “Kerchens'ka” bus stop
29.01.2005      In Lenin street
28.01.2005      A view from Deyivs'ka mountain
27.01.2005      In Butyrin street
26.01.2005      Novoivanivs'kyi market
25.01.2005      Kremenchuk Polytechnic University
24.01.2005      In Kyivs'ka street
23.01.2005      At the Independence Square
22.01.2005      In Proletars'ka street
21.01.2005      In the area of Radians'ka Armiya bus stop
20.01.2005      Kvartal'na street
19.01.2005      Water christening in the Saint Uspens'ka Church
18.01.2005      Upland part of the town
17.01.2005      The Bus Station
16.01.2005      In the area of Vodokanal
15.01.2005      The crossroad of Haharin and Pershotravneva streets
14.01.2005      Near the power station
13.01.2005      Shchorsa street
12.01.2005      Khalameniuka street
11.01.2005      The Dnipro
10.01.2005      Near the “Kredmash” bus stop
09.01.2005      Near Proletars'ka street
08.01.2005      At the Independence Square
07.01.2005      Orthodox Christmas
06.01.2005      At the park near the Dnipro
05.01.2005      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
04.01.2005      In Khalameniuka street
03.01.2005      At Kriukiv
02.01.2005      Near Kremenchuk Plant of Road Machines
01.01.2005      Happy New Year!

December 2004
31.12.2004      Palace of culture “Naftokhimik”
30.12.2004      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
29.12.2004      At Kryukiv
28.12.2004      Near the Troyits'kyi market
27.12.2004      In Shevchenko street
26.12.2004      Everybody goes to the Presidential elections
25.12.2004      Near the Central Market
24.12.2004      At Molodizhny
23.12.2004      At Kryukiv
22.12.2004      Meeting with Yanukovych In Kremenchuk
21.12.2004      At the park near the Dnipro
20.12.2004      Near the Palace of culture “KrAz”
19.12.2004      Near the House of trade
18.12.2004      Meeting in support of Yanukovych
17.12.2004      Kremenchuk Wheel Plant
16.12.2004      Bank of the Dnipro
15.12.2004      In Proletars'ka street
14.12.2004      In Zhovtneva street
13.12.2004      Saint Trinity Church
12.12.2004      In Proletars'ka street
11.12.2004      In Lenin street
10.12.2004      Near the River Station
09.12.2004      At Molodizhnyi
08.12.2004      Near the School 20
07.12.2004      At Kryukiv
06.12.2004      Near theTroyits'kyi market
05.12.2004      In Lenin street
04.12.2004      In Zhovtneva street
03.12.2004      The crossroad of 1905 roku street and Peremohe street
02.12.2004      Meeting in support of Yushchenko
01.12.2004      View to Haharina street

November 2004
30.11.2004      In Proletars'ka street
29.11.2004      At Kryukiv
28.11.2004      Meeting in support of Yushchenko
27.11.2004      The crossroad of Peremohy and Lenina streets
26.11.2004      Meeting in support of Yushchenko
25.11.2004      Meeting in support of Yushchenko
24.11.2004      Meeting in support of Yushchenko
23.11.2004      Meeting in support of Yushchenko
22.11.2004      In the area of Vodokanal
21.11.2004      A polling place at School 13
20.11.2004      “Center” bus stop
19.11.2004      Near the Central Market
18.11.2004      At Molodizhny
17.11.2004      In Pushkin Blv.
16.11.2004      The crossroads of Haharin and Pershotravneva streets
15.11.2004      In Lenin street
14.11.2004      In 29 Veresnia street
13.11.2004      At the Zhovtnevy Square
12.11.2004      Near the shop “Palianyts'a”
11.11.2004      In Butyrina street
10.11.2004      In Hvardiys'ka street
09.11.2004      Proletars'ka street
08.11.2004      In Kyivs'ka street
07.11.2004      In Radians'ka street
06.11.2004      A view to Haharina street
05.11.2004      Bank of the Dnipro
04.11.2004      Near the railway station
03.11.2004      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
02.11.2004      In Pushkin Blv.
01.11.2004      Near the River Station

October 2004
31.10.2004      In Krasin street
30.10.2004      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
29.10.2004      At Molodizhnyi
28.10.2004      At Victory Square
27.10.2004      Moskovs'ka street
26.10.2004      At the park near the Dnipro
25.10.2004      At the first Zanasyp
24.10.2004      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Lenin streets
23.10.2004      In Lenin street
22.10.2004      At Kryukiv
21.10.2004      Near the shoe plant
20.10.2004      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
19.10.2004      The Independence Square
18.10.2004      At the bank of the Dnipro
17.10.2004      In Lenin street
16.10.2004      In Kyivs'ka street
15.10.2004      At Rakovka
14.10.2004      Interdistrict registration examination branch
13.10.2004      Near the brewery
12.10.2004      In Krasin street
11.10.2004      In Kotsiubyns'kyi street
10.10.2004      At the park near the Dnipro
09.10.2004      Fabrychnyi provulok
08.10.2004      Thre crossroad of Krasin and Hor'kyi streets
07.10.2004      Near the “Vodokanal” bus stop
06.10.2004      Near the shop “Sudar'
05.10.2004      In Shevchenko street
04.10.2004      In Zhovtneva street
03.10.2004      At the Independence Square
02.10.2004      The crossroad of Lenin and Kvartal'na street
01.10.2004      Near the hospital №1

September 2004
30.09.2004      Peremohy street
29.09.2004      The monument to soldiers and liberators
28.09.2004      In Lenin street
27.09.2004      In the shop “Koroleva”
26.09.2004      At the Victory Square
25.09.2004      In Zhovtneva street
24.09.2004      K. Marksa street
23.09.2004      Near the River Station
22.09.2004      Near the Plant of Road Machines
21.09.2004      In Hor'kyi street
20.09.2004      Zhovtneva street
19.09.2004      At the Central Market
18.09.2004      In Proletars'ka street
17.09.2004      Railway Car Plant
16.09.2004      Bank of the Dnipro
15.09.2004      In Hoholia street
14.09.2004      At Molodizhnyi
13.09.2004      Shchorsa street
12.09.2004      In the Myru park
11.09.2004      On the crossroad of Lenin and Kvartal'na streets
10.09.2004      A view to the Krasin street
09.09.2004      The crossroad of Radians'ka and Chapaiev streets
08.09.2004      Near the Central Market
07.09.2004      On the river Sukhyi Kahamlyk
06.09.2004      At the Dnipro
05.09.2004      In Haharina street
04.09.2004      Zhovtneva street
03.09.2004      Pershotravneva street
02.09.2004      In Lenin street
01.09.2004      The first bell in school № 10

August 2004
31.08.2004      Heneral Zhadov street
30.08.2004      In Proletars'ka street
29.08.2004      Pushkin Blv.
28.08.2004      At the Independence Square
27.08.2004      Near the Bus Station
26.08.2004      The crossroad of Peremohy and Lenin streets
25.08.2004      Near the “Vodokanal” bus stop
24.08.2004      Independence Day of Ukraine
23.08.2004      In Pershotravneva street
22.08.2004      At the River Station
21.08.2004      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
20.08.2004      Near the Palace of Culture
19.08.2004      The Bus Station
18.08.2004      At Molodizhnyi
17.08.2004      Chkalov street
16.08.2004      In the park Myru
15.08.2004      In Zhovtneva street
14.08.2004      The bridge over the Dnipro
13.08.2004      Krasin street
12.08.2004      At the bank of the Dnipro
11.08.2004      At Molodizhnyi
10.08.2004      The crossroad of Peremohy and Lenin streets
09.08.2004      In Krasin street
08.08.2004      In Lenin street
07.08.2004      At the Zhovtnevyi Squre
06.08.2004      In the area of power station
05.08.2004      In V. Boika street
04.08.2004      In Pershotravneva street
03.08.2004      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Pershotravneva streets
02.08.2004      Near the “Kerchens'ka” bus stop
01.08.2004      Hospital №3

July 2004
31.07.2004      In Lenin street
30.07.2004      Sums'ka street
29.07.2004      A view to the Railway Car Plant
28.07.2004      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Tsiurupa streets
27.07.2004      The main beach
26.07.2004      Reyivka
25.07.2004      In Pershotravneva street
24.07.2004      Near the house of Trade
23.07.2004      A view to Peremohy street
22.07.2004      Chapaiev street
21.07.2004      In a gulf
20.07.2004      In the area of brewery
19.07.2004      Near the “Khalameniuka” bus stop
18.07.2004      At the park near the Dnipro
17.07.2004      Peremohy street
16.07.2004      At the first Zanasyp
15.07.2004      In Proletars'ka street
14.07.2004      In Pushkin Blv.
13.07.2004      Near the Automobile Plant
12.07.2004      The crossroad of Radians'ka and Pershotravneva streets
11.07.2004      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
10.07.2004      Near the “Centre” bus stop
09.07.2004      At the bank of the Dnipro
08.07.2004      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
07.07.2004      Near the children's hospital
06.07.2004      The crossroad of Vorovs'koho and Shevchenko streets
05.07.2004      Rakovka
04.07.2004      In Lenin street
03.07.2004      In the Uspens'ka Church
02.07.2004      Near the River Station
01.07.2004      A view to the upland part of the town

June 2004
30.06.2004      In Krasin street
29.06.2004      At the Dnipro
28.06.2004      In the House of trade
27.06.2004      Near the Central Market
26.06.2004      At The Zhovtnevyi Square
25.06.2004      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
24.06.2004      The crossroad of Lenin and Peremohy streets
23.06.2004      Pishchanyi provulok
22.06.2004      Kvartal'na street
21.06.2004      In a gulf
20.06.2004      At the park near the Dnipro
19.06.2004      In Lenin street
18.06.2004      Near the Uspens'ka Church
17.06.2004      The Independence Square
16.06.2004      Memorial “Vichno Zhyvym”
15.06.2004      In the area of Hvardiys'ka street
14.06.2004      Near the diary plant
13.06.2004      The market near the Dnipro
12.06.2004      In Peremohy street
11.06.2004      The park near the Dnipro
10.06.2004      In the show-room
09.06.2004      Near the carriage plant
08.06.2004      1905 roku street
07.06.2004      Heneral Zhadov street
06.06.2004      The crossroad of Zhovtneva and K. Marksa streets
05.06.2004      In Lenin street
04.06.2004      Near the power station
03.06.2004      Near the Palace of culture “Kredmash”
02.06.2004      Peremohy street
01.06.2004      Kriukiv railway station

May 2004
31.05.2004      In the Saint Trinity Church
30.05.2004      In Lenin street
29.05.2004      In the shop “Dyplomat”
28.05.2004      The last school bell
27.05.2004      In the area of Myru street
26.05.2004      In the first Zanasyp
25.05.2004      In Peremohy street
24.05.2004      Moskovs'ka street
23.05.2004      The monument to T.H. Shevchenko
22.05.2004      Near the Museum of regional ethnography
21.05.2004      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Chapaiev streets
20.05.2004      At Molodizhnyi
19.05.2004      Kotsiubyns'kyi street
18.05.2004      Moskovs'ka street
17.05.2004      In Kyivs'ka street
16.05.2004      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
15.05.2004      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Lenin streets
14.05.2004      In Haharin Str,
13.05.2004      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
12.05.2004      A View to Leonova street
11.05.2004      At Molodizhnyi
10.05.2004      Near the House of trade
09.05.2004      Victory day
08.05.2004      Near the club “Zebra”
07.05.2004      In Krasin street
06.05.2004      Near the palace of culture “Kredmash”
05.05.2004      Proletars'ka street
04.05.2004      In Lenin street
03.05.2004      Khorol's'ka street
02.05.2004      Near The Troyits'kyi market
01.05.2004      At the Peremohy street

April 2004
30.04.2004      K. Marksa street
29.04.2004      Near the River Station
28.04.2004      Pershotravneva street
27.04.2004      In the first Zanasyp
26.04.2004      Pushkin Blv.
25.04.2004      In Kotsiubyns'kyi street
24.04.2004      In Lenin street
23.04.2004      The crossroad of Vorovs'koho and Proletars'ka streets
22.04.2004      The fair “Chumatskyi shliakh”
21.04.2004      A view from the Deyivs'ka Mountain
20.04.2004      Hoholia street
19.04.2004      In Lenin street
18.04.2004      Commemoration Day
17.04.2004      In Krasin street
16.04.2004      Kyivs'ka street
15.04.2004      Near the school № 2
14.04.2004      In Butyrin street
13.04.2004      Rakovka
12.04.2004      Khorol's'ka street
11.04.2004      Easter
10.04.2004      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Pershotravneva streets
09.04.2004      Near the confectionery factory
08.04.2004      In the park Myru
07.04.2004      Near the Central Market
06.04.2004      In Proletars'ka street
05.04.2004      Near the power station
04.04.2004      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
03.04.2004      Near the Central Market
02.04.2004      In Vorovs'koho street
01.04.2004      Moskovs'ka street

March 2004
31.03.2004      Pushkin Blv.
30.03.2004      In Pershotravneva street
29.03.2004      At the bank of the Dnipro
28.03.2004      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Lenin street
27.03.2004      Opposite the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
26.03.2004      In Zhovtneva street
25.03.2004      Near the automobile plant
24.03.2004      Lenin street
23.03.2004      At Molodizhnyi
22.03.2004      At the park near the Dnipro
21.03.2004      In Pushkin Blv.
20.03.2004      In Radians'ka street
19.03.2004      Near the shoe plant
18.03.2004      The crossroad of 1905 roku and Proletars'ka streets
17.03.2004      In the shop “MKS”
16.03.2004      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Zhovtneva streets
15.03.2004      Near the “Dniprovski Zori” hotel
14.03.2004      In Proletars'ka street
13.03.2004      Bank of the Dnipro
12.03.2004      Near the hospital 1
11.03.2004      Near the River Station
10.03.2004      At the Pushkin Blv.
09.03.2004      Krasin street
08.03.2004      The Central Market
07.03.2004      In Pershotravneva Str/
06.03.2004      “Khalameniuka” bus stop
05.03.2004      “Druha likarnia” bus stop
04.03.2004      At the bank of the Dnipro
03.03.2004      In Proletars'ka street
02.03.2004      Near the brewery
01.03.2004      Near the clothes factory

February 2004
29.02.2004      In the yard of 26/37 Lenin street
28.02.2004      In 29 Veresnia street
27.02.2004      Voyiniv Internatsionalistiv street
26.02.2004      Near the plant “Amper”
25.02.2004      In Krasin street
24.02.2004      At the “Kredmash” bus stop
23.02.2004      Near the hospita № 3
22.02.2004      Radians'ka street
21.02.2004      In Proletars'ka Str
20.02.2004      In Zhovtneva street
19.02.2004      Fishermen at the Dnipro
18.02.2004      Near the school 19
17.02.2004      Near the cafe “Skazka”
16.02.2004      The crossroad of Haharin and Pershotravneva streets
15.02.2004      Khorol's'ka street
14.02.2004      In 29 Veresnia street
13.02.2004      Near the power station
12.02.2004      Kremenchuk Power Station
11.02.2004      At the bank of the Dnipro
10.02.2004      At the Ponomarenko Square
09.02.2004      In Kvartal'na street
08.02.2004      Near the Central Market
07.02.2004      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
06.02.2004      In Peremohy street
05.02.2004      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Zhovtneva streets
04.02.2004      In Radians'ka street
03.02.2004      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
02.02.2004      Near the brewery
01.02.2004      In Proletars'ka street

January 2004
31.01.2004      1905 roku street
30.01.2004      In Hohol street
29.01.2004      Shevchenko street
28.01.2004      Bank of the Dnipro
27.01.2004      K. Marksa street
26.01.2004      In the park Myru
25.01.2004      Near the Saint Mykolayiv Church
24.01.2004      In Haharin street
23.01.2004      In Peremohy street
22.01.2004      Shchorsa street
21.01.2004      In Hor'kyi street
20.01.2004      In Lenin street
19.01.2004      Near the cafe “Skazka”
18.01.2004      A view in the centre of the town
17.01.2004      In a gulf
16.01.2004      In Krasina street
15.01.2004      Chapaiev street
14.01.2004      In Lenin street
13.01.2004      Bank of the Dnipro
12.01.2004      Saint Trinity Church
11.01.2004      At the bus stop near the Palace of Culture
10.01.2004      In Lenin street
09.01.2004      At the park near the Dnipro
08.01.2004      At the Independence Square
07.01.2004      Merry Christmas!
06.01.2004      In the House of Trade
05.01.2004      In Proletars'ka street
04.01.2004      At the park near the Dnipro
03.01.2004      In Lenin street
02.01.2004      At the bank of the Dnipro
01.01.2004      Near the New Year Tree

December 2003
31.12.2003      Happy New Year
30.12.2003      Near the carriage plant
29.12.2003      Near the palace of Culture “KrAZ”
28.12.2003      At the Independence Square
27.12.2003      Near the Central Market
26.12.2003      At Kriukiv
25.12.2003      Near the school 20
24.12.2003      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
23.12.2003      In Khalameniuka street
22.12.2003      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
21.12.2003      In Lenin street
20.12.2003      Near the Troyits'kyi market
19.12.2003      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
18.12.2003      At Rakovka
17.12.2003      At Molodizhnyi
16.12.2003      In Butyrina street
15.12.2003      Near the River Station
14.12.2003      At Molodizhnyi
13.12.2003      The crossroad of Zhovtneva and Proletars'ka street
12.12.2003      In the yard of school №13
11.12.2003      In Proletars'ka street
10.12.2003      Pershotravneva street
09.12.2003      In Butyrin street
08.12.2003      Near the brewery
07.12.2003      The House of trade
06.12.2003      Bank of the Dnipro
05.12.2003      Near the Museum of regional ethnography
04.12.2003      Reyivka
03.12.2003      At Molodizhnyi
02.12.2003      In Zhovtneva street
01.12.2003      V. Boika street

November 2003
30.11.2003      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Krasin streets
29.11.2003      In Peremohy street
28.11.2003      Near “Horhaz”
27.11.2003      Entrance to the bridge from Kriukiv
26.11.2003      In the shop “Saks”
25.11.2003      In the area of Vodokanal
24.11.2003      At Molodizhny
23.11.2003      “Rynok” bus stop
22.11.2003      At the Central Market
21.11.2003      The Palace of culture “KrAZ”
20.11.2003      Near the railway station
19.11.2003      Near the Flight College
18.11.2003      At Molodizhny
17.11.2003      Rakovka
16.11.2003      In the shop “Vesna”
15.11.2003      Novoivanivka
14.11.2003      In Lenin street
13.11.2003      The crossroad of Zhovtneva and Proletars'ka street
12.11.2003      Near the River Station
11.11.2003      The power station
10.11.2003      Near the cafe “Skazka”
09.11.2003      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Sums'ka Streets
08.11.2003      Bohdana Khmel'nyts'koho street
07.11.2003      In Shchorsa street
06.11.2003      Kyivs'ka street
05.11.2003      The crossroad of Zhovtneva and Radians'ka streets
04.11.2003      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
03.11.2003      At the Dnipro
02.11.2003      In Proletars'ka street
01.11.2003      Near the Central Market

October 2003
31.10.2003      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Chapaiev streets
30.10.2003      In Hvardiys'ka street
29.10.2003      Near the brewery
28.10.2003      Maiakovs'kyi street
27.10.2003      Chapaiev street
26.10.2003      At Pushkin Blv.
25.10.2003      The Dnipro
24.10.2003      Lenin street
23.10.2003      In Proletars'ka street
22.10.2003      Entrance to the bridge over the Dnipro
21.10.2003      Near the hospital 3
20.10.2003      Beside the market near the Dnipro
19.10.2003      Near the House of trade
18.10.2003      At the park near the Dnipro
17.10.2003      In a gulf
16.10.2003      A view to the Dnipro
15.10.2003      In Shchorsa street
14.10.2003      In Proletars'ka street
13.10.2003      In 29 Veresnia street
12.10.2003      “Khalameniuka” bus stop
11.10.2003      The crossroad of Lenin and Peremohy streets
10.10.2003      Near the Central Market
09.10.2003      Near the cafe “Skazka”
08.10.2003      Peremohy street
07.10.2003      Near the Novoivanivs'kyi market
06.10.2003      In the area of “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
05.10.2003      Zhovtnevyi Square
04.10.2003      At the park near the Dnipro
03.10.2003      Near the Automobile Plant
02.10.2003      In Proletars'ka street
01.10.2003      V. Boika street

September 2003
30.09.2003      Near the power station
29.09.2003      Kriukiv railway station
28.09.2003      Day of the town
27.09.2003      In the Victory Square
26.09.2003      Near the Bus Station
25.09.2003      In the area of Vodokanal
24.09.2003      In a gulf
23.09.2003      Near the confectionery
22.09.2003      At the main beach
21.09.2003      Near the River Station
20.09.2003      In Pershotravneva street
19.09.2003      A view to Prykhod'ka street
18.09.2003      The power station
17.09.2003      Near the Polytechnic University
16.09.2003      Zhovtneva street
15.09.2003      Rakovka
14.09.2003      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
13.09.2003      At Kriukiv
12.09.2003      In the area of L.Dniprova street
11.09.2003      Christening in the Saint Uspens'ka Church
10.09.2003      In Permohy street
09.09.2003      At Molodizhnyi
08.09.2003      Near the brewery
07.09.2003      Pushkin Blv.
06.09.2003      At the first Zanasyp
05.09.2003      The crossroad of Khalameniuka and Lenina streets
04.09.2003      In Hoholia street
03.09.2003      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
02.09.2003      In Radians'ka street
01.09.2003      The first bell in the school 13

August 2003
31.08.2003      Novoivanivs'kyi market
30.08.2003      The shop “Vesna”
29.08.2003      The Reconstruction of the memorial “Vichno Zhyvym”
28.08.2003      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Lenin streets
27.08.2003      In Pershotravneva street
26.08.2003      Maiakovs'kyi street
25.08.2003      At the park near the Dnipro
24.08.2003      theIndependence Day of Ukraine
23.08.2003      A biew to the Automobile Plant
22.08.2003      Sunset in the centre of the town
21.08.2003      In Heneral Zhadov street
20.08.2003      At Rakovka
19.08.2003      Peremohy street
18.08.2003      In Proletars'ka street
17.08.2003      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
16.08.2003      At the Pushkin Blv.
15.08.2003      In the park Myru
14.08.2003      Near the computer club “Adonis”
13.08.2003      Near the Flight College
12.08.2003      In Kyivs'ka street
11.08.2003      On the river Sukhyi Kahamlyk
10.08.2003      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
09.08.2003      A view to the Krasin street
08.08.2003      Near the Kotlov palace of culture
07.08.2003      In Proletars'ka street
06.08.2003      Kyivs'ka street
05.08.2003      Near the school 20
04.08.2003      Near the Polytechnic University
03.08.2003      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
02.08.2003      Peremohy street
01.08.2003      In Leonov street

July 2003
31.07.2003      At the Pushkin Blv.
30.07.2003      The crossroad of Moskovs'ka and Kyivs'ka streets
29.07.2003      Entrance to the bridge over the Dnipro
28.07.2003      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
27.07.2003      Saint Mykolayiv Church
26.07.2003      Reyivka
25.07.2003      In Lenin street
24.07.2003      In the area of Hvardiys'ka street
23.07.2003      In 40 rokiv DAI street
22.07.2003      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Lenin streets
21.07.2003      Near the River Station
20.07.2003      In Lenin street
19.07.2003      Near the House of trade
18.07.2003      At the Dnipro
17.07.2003      Near the Central Market
16.07.2003      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
15.07.2003      At Rakovka
14.07.2003      In a gulf
13.07.2003      A view to the centre of the town
12.07.2003      Butyrin street
11.07.2003      At the Dnipro
10.07.2003      In Kyivs'kia street
09.07.2003      Near the shop “Kashtan”
08.07.2003      Shchorsa street
07.07.2003      Pershotravneva street
06.07.2003      Near the tobacco factory
05.07.2003      Shopping center “Foxtrot”
04.07.2003      Tsiurupy street
03.07.2003      The Bus Station
02.07.2003      In Pershotravneva street
01.07.2003      THe crossroad of Butyrin and Radins'ka streets

June 2003
30.06.2003      In Krasin streets
29.06.2003      Festival “Extreme 2003”
28.06.2003      At the Victory Square
27.06.2003      Near the Palace of Culture
26.06.2003      Hotel “Kremin”
25.06.2003      Lenin street
24.06.2003      H Bresta provulok
23.06.2003      Chapaiev street
22.06.2003      The monument to soldiers and liberators
21.06.2003      Bank of the Dnipro
20.06.2003      In the area of Hvardiys'ka street
19.06.2003      In the area of Kahamlyts'ka street
18.06.2003      Zhovtneva street
17.06.2003      The Dnipro
16.06.2003      In Proletars'ka street
15.06.2003      Saint Trinity Church
14.06.2003      The beer Day
13.06.2003      Kyivs'ka street
12.06.2003      In Hoholia street
11.06.2003      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
10.06.2003      In the area of Vatutina street
09.06.2003      At the park near the Dnipro
08.06.2003      In Proletars'ka street
07.06.2003      Lenin street
06.06.2003      In the area of power station
05.06.2003      Radians'ka street
04.06.2003      In Pershotravneva street
03.06.2003      At the third Zanasyp
02.06.2003      At Molodizhnyi
01.06.2003      At the dog's exibition

May 2003
31.05.2003      L.Tolstoy provulok
30.05.2003      The last school bell
29.05.2003      Near the brewery
28.05.2003      At Rakovka
27.05.2003      Near the diary plant
26.05.2003      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Butyrina streets
25.05.2003      The cafe “Staraia bashnia”
24.05.2003      A view to the Troyits'kyi market
23.05.2003      In Peremohy street
22.05.2003      Near the children's hospital
21.05.2003      In the area of Moskovs'ka street
20.05.2003      In Proletars'ka street
19.05.2003      At Kriukiv
18.05.2003      A view from the upland part of the town
17.05.2003      Near the shop “Vesna”
16.05.2003      At the sports-ground of the school 25
15.05.2003      Kotsiubyns'kyi street
14.05.2003      At the bank of the Dnipro
13.05.2003      Near the power station
12.05.2003      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
11.05.2003      In Radians'ka street
10.05.2003      At the Victory Square
09.05.2003      Victory Day
08.05.2003      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
07.05.2003      In the area of Hvardiys'ka street
06.05.2003      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
05.05.2003      Descent to the Khorol's'ka street
04.05.2003      Near the Reyivs'ke cemetery
03.05.2003      At the Central Market
02.05.2003      At the first Zanasyp
01.05.2003      Near the Central Market

April 2003
30.04.2003      Near the maternity home
29.04.2003      In Prykhod'ka street
28.04.2003      Heneral Zhadov street
27.04.2003      Easter!
26.04.2003      Near the monument to Chornobyl' victims
25.04.2003      In Lenin street
24.04.2003      A view from the Deyivs'ka mountain
23.04.2003      Peremohy street
22.04.2003      At Molodizhnyi
21.04.2003      Kyivs'ka street
20.04.2003      In 29 Veresnia street
19.04.2003      Shopping center “Fokstrot” opening
18.04.2003      Ponomarenko Square
17.04.2003      Fair “Chumats'kyi shliakh”
16.04.2003      Near the shoe plant
15.04.2003      Poltavskyi Avenue
14.04.2003      In the park Myru
13.04.2003      In Lenin street
12.04.2003      At the Dnipro
11.04.2003      At the sports-ground of school 16
10.04.2003      Near the Troyits'kyi market
09.04.2003      At the Victory Square
08.04.2003      The crossroad of Khalameniuka and Lenin streets
07.04.2003      In Proletars'ka street
06.04.2003      29 Veresnia street
05.04.2003      At the crossroad of Radians'ka and Lenin streets
04.04.2003      Fishermen at the Dnipro
03.04.2003      Checkpoint of the plant “KrAZ”
02.04.2003      At Rakovka
01.04.2003      In Hvardiys'ka street

March 2003
31.03.2003      Shevchenko street
30.03.2003      In Lenin street
29.03.2003      In the area of Tsiurupy street
28.03.2003      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
27.03.2003      At the Dnipro
26.03.2003      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
25.03.2003      H. Bresta provulok
24.03.2003      Near the hospital 2
23.03.2003      In Permohy street
22.03.2003      Near the railway station
21.03.2003      Chkalov street
20.03.2003      Haharin street
19.03.2003      In Kyivs'ka street
18.03.2003      In the area of Vodokanal
17.03.2003      In Proletars'ka street
16.03.2003      In the shop “Usatyi-polosatyi”
15.03.2003      In the yard of 40 Krasina
14.03.2003      Near the Palace of Culture
13.03.2003      At Rakovka
12.03.2003      At Molodizhnyi
11.03.2003      The crossroad of Khalameniuka and Lenin streets
10.03.2003      At Kriukiv
09.03.2003      A view to Hohol' street
08.03.2003      In the area of Moskovs'ka street
07.03.2003      In Pershotravneva street
06.03.2003      Shchorsa street
05.03.2003      Kvartal'na street
04.03.2003      In the area of Moskovs'ka street
03.03.2003      Entrance to the bridge over the Dnipro
02.03.2003      In Proletars'ka street
01.03.2003      Near the club “Zebra”

February 2003
28.02.2003      Leonov street
27.02.2003      “Centre” bus stop
26.02.2003      In Radians'ka street
25.02.2003      At the first Zanasyp
24.02.2003      In the area of Hvardiys'ka street
23.02.2003      Zhovtneva street
22.02.2003      In Krasin street
21.02.2003      A view to Butyrin street
20.02.2003      Near the shop “Palianytsia”
19.02.2003      The bridge over the Dnipro
18.02.2003      “Khalameniuka” bus stop
17.02.2003      In the area of “Kerchens'ka” bus stop
16.02.2003      In the centre of the town
15.02.2003      Fishermen at the Dnipro
14.02.2003      In zhovtneva street
13.02.2003      Kyivs'ka street
12.02.2003      A view to the Victory Square
11.02.2003      At Rakovka
10.02.2003      At the Independence Square
09.02.2003      a view to the Krasin street
08.02.2003      The crossroad of Krasin and Radians''ka streets
07.02.2003      Railway station
06.02.2003      Chapaiev street
05.02.2003      Between the Brewery and Molodizhnyi
04.02.2003      Near the Kriukiv Bridge
03.02.2003      At Kriukiv
02.02.2003      Near the shop “Try tovstuny”
01.02.2003      The crossroad Of Zhovtneva and K Marksa streets

January 2003
31.01.2003      At Molodizhnyi
30.01.2003      Near the school 11
29.01.2003      Novo-Skhidna street
28.01.2003      K. Marsa street
27.01.2003      Wheel factory
26.01.2003      In the shop “AuVid”
25.01.2003      The House of trade
24.01.2003      Near the “Horhaz”
23.01.2003      Shchorsa street
22.01.2003      Near the “Apteka” bus stop
21.01.2003      Pershotravneva street
20.01.2003      At the Dnipro
19.01.2003      Near the Trinity Church
18.01.2003      At Rakovka
17.01.2003      Pavlov street
16.01.2003      Leonov street
15.01.2003      Haharin street
14.01.2003      In a gulf
13.01.2003      1905 roku street
12.01.2003      Near the Troyits'kyi market
11.01.2003      In the Park Myru
10.01.2003      In Butyrina street
09.01.2003      At the park near the Dnipro
08.01.2003      At the Pushkin Blv.
07.01.2003      Merry Christmas!
06.01.2003      In the shop “Vesna”
05.01.2003      29 Veresnia street
04.01.2003      In Prykhod'ka street
03.01.2003      In The Area of Vatutin street
02.01.2003      Pershotravneva street
01.01.2003      Bank of the Dnipro

December 2002
31.12.2002      At the Independence Square
30.12.2002      At Kriukiv
29.12.2002      Near the Museum of regional ethnography
28.12.2002      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
27.12.2002      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
26.12.2002      Near the Central Market
25.12.2002      In the shop “Foxtrot”
24.12.2002      Near the power station
23.12.2002      At Molodizhnyi
22.12.2002      In Lenin street
21.12.2002      After the fire at the Kruikiv station
20.12.2002      Bank of the Dnipro
19.12.2002      Near the oil-processing plant
18.12.2002      In the park Myru
17.12.2002      Near the confectionery factory
16.12.2002      H. Bresta provulok
15.12.2002      Shevchenko street
14.12.2002      Market at Molodizhnyi
13.12.2002      School 5
12.12.2002      Near the brewery
11.12.2002      At Rakovka
10.12.2002      In Krasin street
09.12.2002      Near the “Khalameniuka” bus stop
08.12.2002      Bank of the Dnipro
07.12.2002      In Hor'kyi street
06.12.2002      The River Station
05.12.2002      The bus stop near the Palace of Culture
04.12.2002      In the area of Moskovs'ka street
03.12.2002      Maiakovs'kyi street
02.12.2002      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Lenin Streets
01.12.2002      Chapaiev street

November 2002
30.11.2002      At the First Zanasyp
29.11.2002      Moskovs'ka street
28.11.2002      Butyrin street
27.11.2002      At Rakovka
26.11.2002      Near Vodokanal
25.11.2002      Near the stadium “Kredmash”
24.11.2002      Prykhod'ko street
23.11.2002      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
22.11.2002      The monument to Stalin's repressions victims
21.11.2002      At the sports-ground of school 18
20.11.2002      At Kriukiv
19.11.2002      Vorovs'koho street
18.11.2002      Near the quarry
17.11.2002      Near the bookshop “Eureka”
16.11.2002      Bank of the Dnipro
15.11.2002      In the Palace of Culture “Naftokhimik”
14.11.2002      Near the Palace of culture “KrAZ”
13.11.2002      Near the tobacco factory
12.11.2002      Moskovs'ka street
11.11.2002      (This photo has no English caption)
10.11.2002      Hor'kyi street
09.11.2002      Heneral Zhadov street
08.11.2002      Near the plant “KrAZ”
07.11.2002      Kremenchuk dairy plant
06.11.2002      The crossroad of Kyivs'ka and Moskovs'ka streets
05.11.2002      At Kriukiv
04.11.2002      At the first Zanasyp
03.11.2002      Radians'ka street
02.11.2002      Hoholia street
01.11.2002      Near the school 30

October 2002
31.10.2002      Pershotravneva street
30.10.2002      Near the “Khalamenuika” bus stop
29.10.2002      In the area of Hvardiys'ka street
28.10.2002      The Palace of Culture
27.10.2002      A view to Pershotravneva street
26.10.2002      The Dnipro
25.10.2002      Maiakovs'kyi street
24.10.2002      Shevchenko street
23.10.2002      At the Pushkin Blv.
22.10.2002      A view to Kyivs'ka street
21.10.2002      A view to the school 4
20.10.2002      At the park near the Dnipro
19.10.2002      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
18.10.2002      Near the children's hospital
17.10.2002      At Rakovka
16.10.2002      At Molodizhnyi
15.10.2002      The bridge over the Dnipro
14.10.2002      A view to Leonov street
13.10.2002      Lenin street
12.10.2002      At the bank of the Dnipro
11.10.2002      Near the “Avrora”
10.10.2002      The upland part of the town
09.10.2002      At Molodizhnyi
08.10.2002      Near the Kotlov club
07.10.2002      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
06.10.2002      Chapaiev street
05.10.2002      Hohol' street
04.10.2002      At the stadium “Kredmash”
03.10.2002      Haharin street
02.10.2002      At Vodokanal
01.10.2002      In Pershotravneva street

September 2002
30.09.2002      “Krasina” bus stop
29.09.2002      The Day of the town
28.09.2002      In Lenin street
27.09.2002      School13
26.09.2002      In Proletars'ka street
25.09.2002      60 rokiv Zhovtnia street
24.09.2002      Opposite the palace of culture “KrAZ”
23.09.2002      1905 roku street
22.09.2002      In the shop “Vesna”
21.09.2002      Pershotravneva street
20.09.2002      Near the River Station
19.09.2002      Chemist's in Butyrina street
18.09.2002      At Rakovka
17.09.2002      At the stadium of the Polytechnic University
16.09.2002      Radians'ka street
15.09.2002      Near the House of trade
14.09.2002      In the centre
13.09.2002      School 18
12.09.2002      Chapaiev street
11.09.2002      Ukrsotsbank
10.09.2002      Near the “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
09.09.2002      In Lenin street
08.09.2002      Hotel “Kremin”
07.09.2002      In Peremohy street
06.09.2002      At the first Zanasyp
05.09.2002      Kotlov club
04.09.2002      Entrance to the bridge from the Kryikiv side
03.09.2002      The Dnipro
02.09.2002      The first bell in school №10
01.09.2002      Near the power station

August 2002
31.08.2002      Near the “Apteka” bus stop
30.08.2002      Near the Palace of Culture
29.08.2002      Khorol's'ka street
28.08.2002      Near the shop “Kashtan”
27.08.2002      Near the tobacco factory
26.08.2002      Near the polyclinic №1
25.08.2002      At the Pushkin Blv.
24.08.2002      At the park near the Dnipro
23.08.2002      The crossroad of Butyrin and Hor'kyi streets
22.08.2002      Near the railway station
21.08.2002      In the area of the Flight College
20.08.2002      Independence Square
19.08.2002      The crossroads of Shevchenko and Butyrin streets
18.08.2002      In Proletars'ka street
17.08.2002      In the area ob brewery
16.08.2002      At Molodizhnyi
15.08.2002      A view to the Pushkin Blv.
14.08.2002      In Kyivs'ka street
13.08.2002      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
12.08.2002      Peremohy street
11.08.2002      Near the Independence Square
10.08.2002      The state car inspection
09.08.2002      In Radians'ka street
08.08.2002      “Centre” bus stop
07.08.2002      In Proletars'ka street
06.08.2002      In pershotravneva street
05.08.2002      At the River Station
04.08.2002      Near the Bus Station
03.08.2002      At the park near the Dnipro
02.08.2002      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Krasin streets
01.08.2002      A view to the clothes factory

July 2002
31.07.2002      29 Veresnia street
30.07.2002      At the Central Market
29.07.2002      “Kremin” bus stop
28.07.2002      Sorochyns'kyi provulok
27.07.2002      In Lenin street
26.07.2002      Near the House of trade
25.07.2002      In the area of power station
24.07.2002      K. Marksa street
23.07.2002      1905 roku street
22.07.2002      Prykhod'ka street
21.07.2002      Near the brewery
20.07.2002      In agulf
19.07.2002      Pushkin Blv.
18.07.2002      Pershotravneva street
17.07.2002      Hrankarier
16.07.2002      Near the Central Market
15.07.2002      Between the Brewery and Molodizhnyi
14.07.2002      At the Dnipro
13.07.2002      At the main beach
12.07.2002      Reyivka
11.07.2002      At Molodizhnyi
10.07.2002      Peremohy street
09.07.2002      At the first Zanasyp
08.07.2002      Moskovs'ka street
07.07.2002      Near the 1 Pershotravneva street
06.07.2002      Near the “Khalameniuka” bus stop
05.07.2002      Near the Polytechnic University
04.07.2002      Near the Palace of Culture
03.07.2002      In Kyivs'ka street
02.07.2002      At the Dnipro
01.07.2002      Near the power station

June 2002
30.06.2002      Youth Day
29.06.2002      Avtomotoushow
28.06.2002      Near th Kriukiv bridge
27.06.2002      Market in the area of “Avrora”
26.06.2002      Krasin street
25.06.2002      Haharin street
24.06.2002      Walk on Trinity
23.06.2002      Saint Trinity Church
22.06.2002      Near the children's hospital
21.06.2002      In Pershotravneva street
20.06.2002      “Khalameniuka” bus stop
19.06.2002      The Central Market
18.06.2002      On Vlasivs'ka dam
17.06.2002      On the crossroads of Lenin and Kvartal'na Streets
16.06.2002      A view to the power station
15.06.2002      At the park near the Dnipro
14.06.2002      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
06.06.2002      Vorovs'koho street
05.06.2002      A view to Krasin street
04.06.2002      Peremohy street
03.06.2002      The Museum of A.S. Makarenko
02.06.2002      Chapaiev street
01.06.2002      At the park near the Dnipro

May 2002
31.05.2002      The last school bell
30.05.2002      Hor'kyi street
29.05.2002      At Rakovka
28.05.2002      The bridge over the Dnipro
27.05.2002      On the shop “Dali”
26.05.2002      Proletars'ka street
25.05.2002      Opposite the palace of culture “KrAZ”
24.05.2002      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
23.05.2002      Near the Polytechnic University
22.05.2002      Near the hospital №1
21.05.2002      Hohol' street
20.05.2002      Near the 1 Pershotravneva street
19.05.2002      Shchorsa street
18.05.2002      In Zhovtneva street
17.05.2002      Victory Square
16.05.2002      In Lenin street
15.05.2002      Proletars'ka street
14.05.2002      At the park near the Dnipro
13.05.2002      Commemoration Day
12.05.2002      In Kyivs'ka street
11.05.2002      Near the Flight College
10.05.2002      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Krasin streets
09.05.2002      Victory Day
08.05.2002      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
07.05.2002      Bank of the Dnipro
06.05.2002      The crossroad of Kyivs'ka And Moskovs'ka streets
05.05.2002      Easter
04.05.2002      Service in the Saint Uspens'ka Church
03.05.2002      Pershotravneva street
02.05.2002      At the Independence Square
01.05.2002      Peremohy street

April 2002
30.04.2002      In Radians'ka street
29.04.2002      Near the shoe plant
28.04.2002      Lenin street
27.04.2002      At the park near the Dnipro
26.04.2002      The monument to Chornobyl' victims
25.04.2002      The crossroad of Zhovtneva and Radians'ka streets
24.04.2002      In Pershotravneva street
23.04.2002      Shevchenko street
22.04.2002      Kotsiubyns'kyi street
21.04.2002      Peremohy street
20.04.2002      Proletars'ka street
19.04.2002      A view to the palace
18.04.2002      Fair “Chumats'kyi shliakh”
17.04.2002      In Leonov street
16.04.2002      In the yard of 40 Pershotravneva street
15.04.2002      AvtoKrAZ Bank
14.04.2002      At the bank of the Dnipro
13.04.2002      Krasin street
12.04.2002      Heneral Zhadov street
11.04.2002      Near the “Centre” bus stop
10.04.2002      In the railwaymen park
09.04.2002      Proletars'ka street
08.04.2002      In Kyivs'ka street
07.04.2002      “Rynok” bus stop
06.04.2002      “Ontario” hotel
05.04.2002      Near the cafe “Skazka”
04.04.2002      At the Dnipro
03.04.2002      Lenin street
02.04.2002      Shchorsa street
01.04.2002      Near the power station

March 2002
31.03.2002      At the polling place
30.03.2002      At the Pushkin Blv.
29.03.2002      At Kriukiv
28.03.2002      The crossroad of Lenin and Kvartal'na streets
27.03.2002      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
26.03.2002      In Lenin street
25.03.2002      A view to Leonov street
24.03.2002      29 Veresnia street
23.03.2002      Opening of a memorial at the Victory Square
22.03.2002      At the third Zanasyp
21.03.2002      Near the shop “Vesna”
20.03.2002      Ponomarenko Square
19.03.2002      Near the Central Market
18.03.2002      At Rakovka
17.03.2002      Krasin street
16.03.2002      At the Central Market
15.03.2002      Dnipro bay
14.03.2002      Heneral Zhadov street
13.03.2002      At the bank of the Dnipro
12.03.2002      In the House of trade
11.03.2002      At Vodokanal
10.03.2002      Near the railway station
09.03.2002      Kremenchuk Power Station
08.03.2002      In Lenin street
07.03.2002      Near the Palace of Culture
06.03.2002      In the shop “Sudar”
05.03.2002      Oil-processing Plant
04.03.2002      Radians'ka street
03.03.2002      In Peremohy street
02.03.2002      The bus stop near the Palace of Culture
01.03.2002      Bank of the Dnipro

February 2002
28.02.2002      “Pyvzavod” bus stop
27.02.2002      In Public telephone booth
26.02.2002      At the sports-ground of school 19
25.02.2002      A view to the River Station
24.02.2002      Peremohy street
23.02.2002      At the exhibition “Stroyim dom”
22.02.2002      In Lenin street
21.02.2002      Bank of the Dnipro
20.02.2002      Near the cafe “Skazka”
19.02.2002      Near the palace of culture “Kredmash”
18.02.2002      School 18
17.02.2002      Near H. Bresta provulok
16.02.2002      In Krasin street
15.02.2002      Opposite the palace of culture “KrAZ”
14.02.2002      The Dnipro
13.02.2002      Near the shop “Palianytsia”
12.02.2002      Kvartal'na street
11.02.2002      In Hvardiys'ka street
10.02.2002      Near the shop “Kashtan”
09.02.2002      H. Bresta provulok
08.02.2002      At Vodokanal
07.02.2002      Near the elevator
06.02.2002      In Peremohy street
05.02.2002      In school № 4
04.02.2002      School 20
03.02.2002      A view to the power station
02.02.2002      School 19
01.02.2002      In a gulf

January 2002
31.01.2002      Svierdlov street
30.01.2002      In the shop “Okovyta” at Molodizhnyi
29.01.2002      Zhovtneva street
28.01.2002      Shevchenko street
27.01.2002      The Dnipro
26.01.2002      Trainrepair depot
25.01.2002      Shchorsa street
24.01.2002      At the first Zanasyp
23.01.2002      At the Central Market
22.01.2002      Heneral Zhadov street
21.01.2002      At Reyivka
20.01.2002      The yard in Lenin street
19.01.2002      Water-christening in the Saint Uspens'ka Church
18.01.2002      Checkpoint of the dairy plant
17.01.2002      Heroyiv Stalinhrada street
16.01.2002      “Khalameniuka” bus stop
15.01.2002      Palace of culture “Naftokhimik”
14.01.2002      Near the “Poltava-bank”
13.01.2002      Market at Mplodizhnyi
12.01.2002      The shop “Stroitel”
11.01.2002      Near the 1 Pershotravneva
10.01.2002      Near the bridge over the Dnipro
09.01.2002      At the “Centre” bus stop
08.01.2002      At the Independence Square
07.01.2002      Merry Christmas!
06.01.2002      At the crossroad of Radians'ka and Lenin streets
05.01.2002      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
04.01.2002      At Rakovka
03.01.2002      Butyrin street
02.01.2002      At the main beach
01.01.2002      Happy New Year!

December 2001
31.12.2001      At the market near the Dnipro
30.12.2001      In the shop “Vesna”
29.12.2001      At the Dnipro
28.12.2001      Near the power station
27.12.2001      Near the shoe plant
26.12.2001      Church in Proleratars'ka street
25.12.2001      In the railwaymen park
24.12.2001      In Proletars'ka street
23.12.2001      Near the cafe “Khameleon”
22.12.2001      The tobacco factory
21.12.2001      Railway station
20.12.2001      The crossroad of Hor'kyi and Lenin streets
19.12.2001      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Zhovtneva streets
18.12.2001      Near the confectionery plant
17.12.2001      Fishermen at the Dnipro
16.12.2001      In Proletars'ka street
15.12.2001      The Palace of culture
14.12.2001      In the supermarke “Try tovstuny”
13.12.2001      Near the Troyits'kyi market
12.12.2001      In Kyivs'ka street
11.12.2001      At the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
10.12.2001      Near “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
09.12.2001      A view to the school 4
08.12.2001      Prykhod'ka street
07.12.2001      Near the Flight College
06.12.2001      Shevchenko street
05.12.2001      At the Independence Square
04.12.2001      At Molodizhnyi
03.12.2001      The crossroad of Lenin and Kvartal'na streets
02.12.2001      1905 roku street
01.12.2001      The clothes factory

November 2001
30.11.2001      Near the Victory factory
29.11.2001      At the bank of the Dnipro
28.11.2001      “Ontario” hotel
27.11.2001      Radians'ka street
26.11.2001      In Proletars'ka street
25.11.2001       The main oil pipeline near thte Dnipro
24.11.2001      Near the Central Market
23.11.2001      Zhovtneva street
22.11.2001      In Peremohy street
21.11.2001      Near the confectionery factory
20.11.2001      Near the shop “Yunyi tekhnik”
19.11.2001      In Lenin street
18.11.2001      Near the tobacco factory
17.11.2001      Hospital №1
16.11.2001      Near the “Kremin'” hotel
15.11.2001      Near the crossroad of Butyrin and Radians'ka streets
14.11.2001      Zhovtneva street
13.11.2001      Zhovtnevyi Square
12.11.2001      “Vodokanal” bus stop
11.11.2001      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
10.11.2001      At the Central Market
09.11.2001      Near the cafe “Tango”
08.11.2001      Night club “Zebra”
07.11.2001      Myru street
06.11.2001      In Pershotravneva street
05.11.2001      H. Bresta provulok
04.11.2001      A view to Moskovs'ka street
03.11.2001      K. Marksa street
02.11.2001      In Butyrin street
01.11.2001      Pushkin Blv.

October 2001
31.10.2001      In Lenin street
30.10.2001      29 Veresnia street
29.10.2001      THe officer's house
28.10.2001      Near the Victory Square
27.10.2001      Near the 1 Pershotravneva street
26.10.2001      Pershotravneva street
25.10.2001      Near the shoe plant
24.10.2001      Hohol' street
23.10.2001      A view to Chkalov street
22.10.2001      In Peremohy street
21.10.2001      At the park near the Dnipro
20.10.2001      Near the “Centre” bus stop
19.10.2001      In Kyivs'ka street
18.10.2001      In The yard of school 4
17.10.2001      The House of trade
16.10.2001      Heneral Zhadov street
15.10.2001      On the yard of school 30
14.10.2001      A view from “Troyits'kyi rynok” bus stop
13.10.2001      Near the Central Market
12.10.2001      Near the “Avtopark” bus stop
11.10.2001      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
10.10.2001      Near the maternity hospital
09.10.2001      The crossropad of Shevchenko and Lenin streets
08.10.2001      Zhovtneva street
07.10.2001      Near the cafe “Lakomka”
06.10.2001      In Proletars'ka street
05.10.2001      In Lenin street
04.10.2001      “Khalameniuka” bus stop
03.10.2001      Near the railway station
02.10.2001      Near the shop “Kashtan”
01.10.2001      The Plant of Road Mashines

September 2001
30.09.2001      Near the “Kremin” hotel
29.09.2001      Kremenchuk is 430 years old
28.09.2001      At the Pushkin Blv.
27.09.2001      At Vodokanal
26.09.2001      Zhovtneva street
25.09.2001      Kremenchuk Polytechnic University
24.09.2001      In Kotsiubyns'kyi street
23.09.2001      Bank of the Dnipro
22.09.2001      In Lenin street
21.09.2001      Independence Square
20.09.2001      Khorol's'ka street
19.09.2001      At the Pushkin Blv.
18.09.2001      Kremenchuk dairy plant
17.09.2001      Near the Central Market
16.09.2001      In Krasin street
15.09.2001      Tsiurupy street
14.09.2001      Near the Trinity Church
13.09.2001      Myru street
12.09.2001      Zhovtnevyi Square
11.09.2001      At the bank of the Dnipro
10.09.2001      Peremohy street
09.09.2001      In the area of H. Bresta provulok
08.09.2001      Near the hospital №1
07.09.2001      In Butyrin Str,
06.09.2001      Sums'ka street
05.09.2001      Near the “Khalameniuka” bus stop
04.09.2001      In Proletars'ka street
03.09.2001      At the “Centre” bus stop
02.09.2001      Betonna street
01.09.2001      Dedication in students in the Institite of economy and new technologies

August 2001
31.08.2001      Shevchenko street
30.08.2001      In Proletars'ka street
29.08.2001      Near the House of trade
28.08.2001      Kyivs'ka street
27.08.2001      Zhovtneva street
26.08.2001      At the Pushkin Blv.
25.08.2001      At the park near the Dnipro
24.08.2001      10 years of Independence of Ukraine
23.08.2001      At the crossroad of Radians'ka and Lenin streets
22.08.2001      Near the shop “Focus”
21.08.2001      Walk (950 years of Kyievo-Pechers'ka Lavra)
20.08.2001      Peremohy street
19.08.2001      At the park near the Dnipro
18.08.2001      The crossroad of Lenin and Peremohy streets
17.08.2001      The Institute of new technologies
16.08.2001      The Monument to Shevchenko
15.08.2001      The reconstruction of Proletars'ka street
14.08.2001      Bank of the Dnipro
13.08.2001      In Pershotravneva street
12.08.2001      Near the shop “Try tovstuny”
11.08.2001      Near the Trinity market
10.08.2001      A view to the River Station
09.08.2001      The shop “Vesna”
08.08.2001      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
07.08.2001      Pushkin Blv.
06.08.2001      Near the Public telephone booth
05.08.2001      Zhovtnevyi Square
04.08.2001      Near the Hvardiys'ka bus stop
03.08.2001      In Pershotravneva street
02.08.2001      Near the Victory Square
01.08.2001      Proletars'ka street

July 2001
31.07.2001      Krasin street
30.07.2001      On the bridge
29.07.2001      In Proletars'ka street
28.07.2001      Near the cafe “Skazka”
27.07.2001      Moskovs'ka street after the storm
26.07.2001      The crossroad of Hohol' and Peremohy streets
25.07.2001      Pershotravneva street
24.07.2001      Trinity market
23.07.2001      In the supermarket “Try tovstuny”
22.07.2001      Near the Central Market
21.07.2001      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
20.07.2001      In Heroyiv Bresta street
19.07.2001      Near the shop “Planeta”
18.07.2001      At the main beach
17.07.2001      Near the River Station
16.07.2001      At the Dnipro
15.07.2001      Summer cafe in the park
14.07.2001      Under the bridge
13.07.2001      Peremohy street
12.07.2001      At the “Poshta” bus stop at Kriukiv
11.07.2001      At the “Centre” bus stop
10.07.2001      The Dnipro
09.07.2001      Beside the market near the Dnipro
08.07.2001      In Pershotravneva street
07.07.2001      At the park near the Dnipro
06.07.2001      Between the palace of culture “KrAZ” and Vodokanal
05.07.2001      A view from the upland of the town
04.07.2001      In Lenin street
03.07.2001      Near the “Dniprovski Zori” hotel
02.07.2001      Leonov street
01.07.2001      At the Zhovtnevyi Square

June 2001
30.06.2001      Airshow over the Dnipro
29.06.2001      Near the Central Market
28.06.2001      Near the “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
27.06.2001      The crossroad of Butyrin and Radians'ka streets
26.06.2001      In Heneral Zhadov street
25.06.2001      60 rokiv Zhovtnia street
24.06.2001      Youth Day
23.06.2001      At the final party
22.06.2001      The memorial “Vichno zhyvym”
21.06.2001      Near the “Centre” bus stop
20.06.2001      Beside the park near the Dnipro
19.06.2001      Pershotravneva street
18.06.2001      Near the Pryvatbank
17.06.2001      Peremohy street
16.06.2001      The Dnipro
15.06.2001      H. Bresta provulok
14.06.2001      In the shop “Adam”
13.06.2001      Zhovtnevyi Square
12.06.2001      In the yard of Lenin street
11.06.2001      The Dnipro
10.06.2001      Opposite the MT-Bank
09.06.2001      Chapaiev street
08.06.2001      Shevchenko street
07.06.2001      Near the night club “Zebra”
06.06.2001      Children's playground in Radins'ka street
05.06.2001      In Proletars'ka street
04.06.2001      At the park near the Dnipro
03.06.2001      Trinity
02.06.2001      Lenin street
01.06.2001      Last school bell

May 2001
31.05.2001      The Museum of regional etnography
30.05.2001      Pershotravneva street
29.05.2001      Near the school 10
28.05.2001      In Radians'ka street
27.05.2001      Near the Central Market
26.05.2001      Near the kindergarten 29
25.05.2001      Leonov street
24.05.2001      “Dniprovski Zori” hotel
23.05.2001      Butyrina street
22.05.2001      Saint-Mykolayiv Church
21.05.2001      Near the monument to the Stalin repressions victims
20.05.2001      In Zhovtneva street
19.05.2001      The Square near the station
18.05.2001      Pershotravneva street
17.05.2001      Not far from the Trinity market
16.05.2001      A view to Ckalov street
15.05.2001      Entrance to Kryukiv
14.05.2001      Near the maternity hospital
13.05.2001      K.Marksa street
12.05.2001      In Butyrin street
11.05.2001      Near the shop “Try tovstuny”
10.05.2001      Lenin street
09.05.2001      Victory Day
08.05.2001      The crossroad of Butyrin and Proletars'ka streets
07.05.2001      Krasin street
06.05.2001      Near the power station
05.05.2001      Shchorsa street
04.05.2001      At the “Centre” bus stop
03.05.2001      In Proletars'ka street
02.05.2001      At the park near the Dnipro
01.05.2001      Near the River Station

April 2001
30.04.2001      The crossroad of Peremohy and Lenin streets
29.04.2001      Shevchenko street
28.04.2001      In Butyrina street
27.04.2001      Zhovtnevyi Square
26.04.2001      29 Veresnia street
25.04.2001      Near the MT-Bank
24.04.2001      Near the cafe “Levada”
23.04.2001      Commemoration Day
22.04.2001      At the “Chumats'kyi shliakh”
21.04.2001      Fair “Chumats'kyi shliakh”
20.04.2001      Proletars'ka street
19.04.2001      Not far from the “Kredmash” bus stop
18.04.2001      Heroiv Bresta provulok
17.04.2001      Chervonyi provulok
16.04.2001      Peremohy street
15.04.2001      In Proletars'ka street
14.04.2001      Consecration of paskas
13.04.2001      At the Pushkin Blv.
12.04.2001      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
11.04.2001      In the art interior
10.04.2001      Near the Radians'ka street
09.04.2001      Apricots blossom
08.04.2001      At the park near the Dnipro
07.04.2001      Near the “Rynok” bus stop
06.04.2001      “Kremin” hotel
05.04.2001      Hor'kyi street
04.04.2001      In Pershotravneva street
03.04.2001      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
02.04.2001      Bank of the Dnipro
01.04.2001      At the park near the Dnipro

March 2001
31.03.2001      Krasin street
30.03.2001      Grain factory at Zanasyp
29.03.2001      School 13
28.03.2001      At Molodizhnyi
27.03.2001      Butyrin street
26.03.2001      Lenin street
25.03.2001      Near the Palace of Culture
24.03.2001      At the park near the Dnipro
23.03.2001      Near School 5
22.03.2001      At Zanasyp
21.03.2001      The House of trade
20.03.2001      Pushkin Blv.
19.03.2001      Near the fire station
18.03.2001      Kvartal'na street
17.03.2001      At the market near the Dnipro
16.03.2001      Pershotravneva street
15.03.2001      Near the officer's house
14.03.2001      In Lenin street
13.03.2001      The Dnipro
12.03.2001      In Butyrin street
11.03.2001      Haharin street
10.03.2001      At the Central Market
09.03.2001      In Proletars'ka street
08.03.2001      A view to the power station
07.03.2001      Near the night club “Zebra”
06.03.2001      In the shop «ActiVox»
05.03.2001      Zhovtneva street
04.03.2001      Near the brewery
03.03.2001      The Central Market
02.03.2001      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Pershotravneva streets
01.03.2001      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop

February 2001
28.02.2001      Opposite the officer's house
27.02.2001      Near the Central Market
26.02.2001      Railway cars plant
25.02.2001      The palace of culture
24.02.2001      Near the “Mist” bus stop
23.02.2001      In Peremohy street
22.02.2001      Kvartal'na street
21.02.2001      Pushkin Blv.
20.02.2001      In Zhovtneva street
19.02.2001      Near the Flight College
18.02.2001      In the shop “Planeta”
17.02.2001      Near the shop “Planeta”
16.02.2001      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
15.02.2001      Near the “Apteka” bus stop
14.02.2001      Near the House of trade
13.02.2001      At the “Centre” bus stop
12.02.2001      Hranitna street
11.02.2001      Near the market at Rakovka
10.02.2001      Myru street
09.02.2001      A view to Lenin street
08.02.2001      Pushkin Blv.
07.02.2001      The crossroad of Shevchenko and Lenin streets
06.02.2001      Near the chemist's warehouse
05.02.2001      A view from Hranitna street
04.02.2001      Hohol'street
03.02.2001      Across the Central Market
02.02.2001      K. Marksa street
01.02.2001      Near the shop “Zhasmin”

January 2001
31.01.2001      The Dnipro
30.01.2001      At an exhibition of wax figures
29.01.2001      On a rise to Vodokanal
28.01.2001      Shop “Kashtan”
27.01.2001      Peremohy street
26.01.2001      “KrAZ” bus stop
25.01.2001      The clothes factory
24.01.2001      At the Central Market
23.01.2001      Pershotravneva street
22.01.2001      The Dnipro
21.01.2001      In the shop “Tsentral'nyi”
20.01.2001      Near the palace of culture “Kredmash”
19.01.2001      Epiphany
18.01.2001      In Proletars'ka street
17.01.2001      MT -Bank
16.01.2001      At the park near the Dnipro
15.01.2001      Near the “Palace of Culture” bust stop
14.01.2001      The last day of winterholidays
13.01.2001      The old New Year
12.01.2001      Near the night club “Zebra”
11.01.2001      Proletars'ka street
10.01.2001      In a cafe “Tango”
09.01.2001      In Haharin street
08.01.2001      At the “Vodokanal” bus stop
07.01.2001      Merry Christmas!
06.01.2001      Near the River Station
05.01.2001      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
04.01.2001      Opposite the railway station
03.01.2001      Near the “Center” bus stop
02.01.2001      Trinity market
01.01.2001      The fur-tree of the Plant of Road Mashine

December 2000
31.12.2000      Happy New Year
30.12.2000      In the House of trade
29.12.2000      “Ontario” hotel
28.12.2000      Near the power station
27.12.2000      Uspens'ka Church
26.12.2000      Fur-tree market
25.12.2000      New Year holidays begin
24.12.2000      Near the tobacco factory
23.12.2000      Olympiad on computer science
22.12.2000      In Peremohy street
21.12.2000      In the shop “Myr”
20.12.2000      Poshtovyi provulok
19.12.2000      Sums'ka street
18.12.2000      At Vodokanal
17.12.2000      Near the Printing house
16.12.2000      The railway car plant
15.12.2000      The bridge over the Dnipro
14.12.2000      “Mis'klikarnia №2” bus stop
13.12.2000      Installation of the New Year tree
12.12.2000      In Proletars'ka street
11.12.2000      Near the school 29
10.12.2000      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
09.12.2000      Near the shop “Planeta”
08.12.2000      Management of internal affairs
07.12.2000      In Zhovtneva street
06.12.2000      The crossroad of Chapaiev and Proletars'ka streets
05.12.2000      Kotsiubyns'kyi street
04.12.2000      Near the shop “Dnipro”
03.12.2000      Near the River Station
02.12.2000      In Butyrin street
01.12.2000      In 29 Veresnia street

November 2000
30.11.2000      At the Independence Square
29.11.2000      Vlasivs'ka Dam
28.11.2000      Entrance to the bridge from the Kryukiv side
27.11.2000      In the shop “Apogei”
26.11.2000      In Lenin street
25.11.2000      Butyrin street
24.11.2000      Pershotravneva street
23.11.2000      In the House of trade
22.11.2000      Near the railway station
21.11.2000      “Khalameniuka” bus stop
20.11.2000      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Lenin streets
19.11.2000      At the park near the Dnipro
18.11.2000      In Lenin street
17.11.2000      The Victory Square
16.11.2000      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
15.11.2000      At the “Vodokanal”bus stop
14.11.2000      In Kyivs'ka street
13.11.2000      In Kvartal'na street
12.11.2000      “Rynok” bus stop
11.11.2000      In the shop “Try tovstuny”
10.11.2000      Near the House of trade
09.11.2000      Shevchenko street
08.11.2000      The Dnipro
07.11.2000      Krasin street
06.11.2000      Pushkin Blv.
05.11.2000      At the park near the Dnipro
04.11.2000      Near the “Rynok” market
03.11.2000      near the communication center
02.11.2000      In the shop “Nebesa”
01.11.2000      At the Pushkin Blv.

October 2000
31.10.2000      At the park near the Dnipro
30.10.2000      In the yard of 26 Haharin street
29.10.2000      In Proletars'ka street
28.10.2000      Near the monument to Stalinism victims
27.10.2000      Hohol' street
26.10.2000      The main oil pipeline near the Dnipro
25.10.2000      In the shop “Daryna”
24.10.2000      Chapaiev street
23.10.2000      Descent to Khorol's'ka street
22.10.2000      The market near the Dnipro
21.10.2000      Cat show in the Palace of Culture
20.10.2000      In Shchorsa street
19.10.2000      Saint Mykolayiv Church
18.10.2000      At the crossroad of Shevchenko and Chapaiev streets
17.10.2000      Butyrin street
16.10.2000      Zhovtneva street
15.10.2000      Hohol' street
14.10.2000      Tsiurupy street
13.10.2000      Near the officer's house
12.10.2000      Near the Independence Square
11.10.2000      In Proletars'ka street
10.10.2000      Zhovtnevyi Square
09.10.2000      Kvartal'na street
08.10.2000      Vorovs'koho street
07.10.2000      In the shop “Podarunky”
06.10.2000      Near the River Station
05.10.2000      Near the hotel “Kremin”
04.10.2000      Near the “Ontario” hotel
03.10.2000      In Khalameniuka street
02.10.2000      In Pershotravneva street
01.10.2000      Near the Museum of regional etnography

September 2000
30.09.2000      In the Shop of jeans clothes
29.09.2000      Day of the town
28.09.2000      Peremohy street
27.09.2000      Near the Saint Trinity Church
26.09.2000      Near the Church of all sacred
25.09.2000      At the Pushkin Blv.
24.09.2000      Near the Palace of Culture
23.09.2000      At vodokanal
22.09.2000      The Dnipro
21.09.2000      At the “Centre” bus stop
20.09.2000      Near the Central Market
19.09.2000      «Volvo» at the Independence Square
18.09.2000      Near the House of trade
17.09.2000      In the computer showroom “KiT”
16.09.2000      Near the power station
15.09.2000      At the Central Market
14.09.2000      In Myru street
13.09.2000      Market at “vodokanal”
12.09.2000      Proletars'ka street
11.09.2000      Chapaiev street
10.09.2000      At the Pushkin Blv.
09.09.2000      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
08.09.2000      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
07.09.2000      Near the Independence Square
06.09.2000      “Khalamenuika” bus stop
05.09.2000      Lenin street
04.09.2000      Pershotravneva street
03.09.2000      Near the Palace of Culture
02.09.2000      1905 roku street
01.09.2000      At the Zhovtnevyi Square

August 2000
31.08.2000      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
30.08.2000      Peremohy street
29.08.2000      Zhovtneva street
28.08.2000      Proletars'ka street
27.08.2000      Shevchenko street
26.08.2000      The Dnipro
25.08.2000      At the park near the Dnipro
24.08.2000      The Independence Day of Ukraine
23.08.2000      Haharin street
22.08.2000      1 Pershotravneva street
21.08.2000      Khalameniuka street
20.08.2000      At the beach
19.08.2000      Near the Grain factory(Zanasyp)
18.08.2000      Near the Bus Station
17.08.2000      Near the Victory station
16.08.2000      Pushkin Blv.(near the district executive committee)
15.08.2000      29 Veresnia street
14.08.2000      The main oil pipeline near the Dnipro
13.08.2000      At the park near the Dnipro
12.08.2000      In the park Myru
11.08.2000      Opposite the palace of culture “KrAZ”
10.08.2000      Kyivs'ka street
09.08.2000      Near the restaurant “Ukraine”
08.08.2000      In the swimming-pool (kindergarten 78)
07.08.2000      Zhovtneva street
06.08.2000      The House of trade
05.08.2000      The monument to Stalin repressions victims
04.08.2000      Sorochyns'kyi provulok
03.08.2000      “Centre” bus stop
02.08.2000      Proletars'ka street
01.08.2000      Near the fountain

July 2000
31.07.2000      Independence Square
30.07.2000      The yard in the centre of the town
29.07.2000      Near the monument to soldiers and liberators
28.07.2000      On the beach
27.07.2000      Neart the brewery
26.07.2000      At the “Vodokanal” bus stop
25.07.2000      “Novoivanivka” bus stop
24.07.2000      In Proletars'ka street
23.07.2000      In Lenin street
22.07.2000      A view from the wheel of a review
21.07.2000      At the Central Market
20.07.2000      At “Kashtan”
19.07.2000      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
18.07.2000      Pershotravneva street
17.07.2000      Kyivs'ka street
16.07.2000      The centre of the town
15.07.2000      Opposite the brewery
14.07.2000      Near the “Ontario” hotel
13.07.2000      Zhovtneva street
12.07.2000      Shevchenko street
11.07.2000      Poltava avenue
10.07.2000      Near the shop «Adidas»
09.07.2000      In the shop “AuVid”
08.07.2000      At the brewery
07.07.2000      Near the “Kremin” hotel
06.07.2000      Prukhod'ko street
05.07.2000      L.Dniprov street
04.07.2000      Near the MT-bank
03.07.2000      Kotlov Club
02.07.2000      The Dnipro
01.07.2000      Release in the Flight College

June 2000
30.06.2000      Manaharov street
29.06.2000      At the river port
28.06.2000      At the Central Market
27.06.2000      Showroom
26.06.2000      At the stadium of the Flight College
25.06.2000      Youth Day
24.06.2000      Heneral Zhadov street
23.06.2000      To fishing
22.06.2000      In Proletars'ka street
21.06.2000      The crossroad of Kyivs'ka and Moskovs'ka streets
20.06.2000      Near Vodokanal
19.06.2000      Kyivs'ka street
18.06.2000      At the Zhovtnevyi Square
17.06.2000      At Vodokanal
16.06.2000      The fire station
15.06.2000      Military hospital
14.06.2000      Opposite the children's library
13.06.2000      In the shop “Bohdan”
12.06.2000      At the bank of the Dnipro
11.06.2000      At the concert ground
10.06.2000      In Radians'ka street
09.06.2000      In Proletars'ka street
08.06.2000      Vorovs'koho street
07.06.2000      29 Veresnia street
06.06.2000      Lenin street
05.06.2000      Swimming-pool “Neptun”
04.06.2000      Quake III competition in the Palace of Culture
03.06.2000      Kotsiubyns'kyi street
02.06.2000      The Dnipro
01.06.2000      At the Zhovtnevyi Square

May 2000
31.05.2000      Near the shop “Feniks”
30.05.2000      Peremohy street
29.05.2000      Im Hohol' street
28.05.2000      At the Independence Square
27.05.2000      At the market near the Dnipro
26.05.2000      Not far from the “Heroyiv Stalinhradu” bus stop
25.05.2000      At School 10
24.05.2000      The Dnipro
23.05.2000      At the Central Market
22.05.2000      Opposite the shop “Dnipro”
21.05.2000      Near the River Station
20.05.2000      A view to Heroyiv Brestu provulok
19.05.2000      In the park Myru
18.05.2000      Opposite the “House of trade”
17.05.2000      In Pershotravneva street
16.05.2000      Voyiniv Internatsionalistiv street
15.05.2000      At the park near the Dnipro
14.05.2000      Kvartal 278 (Between Molodizhnyi and Brewery)
13.05.2000      At molodizhnyi
12.05.2000      Krasin street
11.05.2000      Near “Centre” bus stop
10.05.2000      “Hvardiys'ka” bus stop
09.05.2000      55 years of Victory
08.05.2000      Commemoration Day
07.05.2000      At the park near the Dnipro
06.05.2000      Airshow over the Dnipro
05.05.2000      Respublikans'ka street
04.05.2000      Near School 25
03.05.2000      At the park near the Dnipro
02.05.2000      At the Indepebdence Square
01.05.2000      Avtokrazivs'kyi provulok

April 2000
30.04.2000      Proletars'ka street
29.04.2000      Saint Uspens'ka Church in Kriukiv
28.04.2000      Not far from the “Mist” bus stop
27.04.2000      Hvardiys'kyi provulok
26.04.2000      “Apteka” bus stop
25.04.2000      Butyrin street
24.04.2000      Near the Independence Square
23.04.2000      Pushkin Blv.
22.04.2000      At the fair
21.04.2000      Fair “Chumats'kyi shliakh”
20.04.2000      At an exhibition of computer technologies
19.04.2000      Exhibition of icons in the Museum of regional etnography
18.04.2000      Maternity Hospital
17.04.2000      School 19
16.04.2000      The crossroad of Krasin and Proletars'ka streets
15.04.2000      Hohol' street
14.04.2000      Pushkin Blv.
13.04.2000      Pishchanyi provulok
12.04.2000      The “Palace of Culture” bus stop
11.04.2000      Peremohy street
10.04.2000      “Centre” bus stop
09.04.2000      In the town centre
08.04.2000      Near the central chemist's
07.04.2000      Near the power station
06.04.2000      “Moskovs'ka” bus stop
05.04.2000      Butyrin street
04.04.2000      Near the cafe “Romantyka”
03.04.2000      Prykhod'ko street
02.04.2000      Opposite the market at Rakovka
01.04.2000      Spring in the town

March 2000
31.03.2000      Haharin street
30.03.2000      In the yard of the school 20
29.03.2000      Near the market at Rakovka
28.03.2000      The stadium of Railway Car Plant
27.03.2000      Near the “Druha likarnia” bus stop
26.03.2000      In Proletars'ka street
25.03.2000      In the internet-club
24.03.2000      “Rynok” bus stop
23.03.2000      Hor'kyi street
22.03.2000      Near the “Kremin” hotel
21.03.2000      Near the Museum of regional etnography
20.03.2000      Krasin street
19.03.2000      Near the shop “Focus”
18.03.2000      L.Tolstoi street
17.03.2000      School10
16.03.2000      Near the Institute of economy
15.03.2000      In Kyivs'ka street
14.03.2000      Zhovtnevyi Square
13.03.2000      Chapaiev street
12.03.2000      Lenin street
11.03.2000      Peremohy street
10.03.2000      Flight College
09.03.2000      Entrance to Kryukiv
08.03.2000      Near the Central Market
07.03.2000      Near the “Tysiacha dribnyts”
06.03.2000      The Dnipro
05.03.2000      School 2
04.03.2000      Khalameniuka street
03.03.2000      At the Pushkin Blv.
02.03.2000      In Pershotravneva street
01.03.2000      At the park near the Dnipro

February 2000
29.02.2000      Public telephone booth
28.02.2000      Betonna street
27.02.2000      Butyrin street
26.02.2000      Tsiurupy street
25.02.2000      Zhovtneva street
24.02.2000      At the Central Market
23.02.2000      Near the shop “Diamant”
22.02.2000      Entrance to the bridge over the Dnipro
21.02.2000      “Rynok” bus stop
20.02.2000      Zhovtnevyi Square
19.02.2000      Entrance to the town from the Kyiv line
18.02.2000      Memorial “Vichno zhyvym”
17.02.2000      Technical school 26
16.02.2000      The officer's House
15.02.2000      Lenin street
14.02.2000      The Palace of Automobile Plant
13.02.2000      Vadyma Boika street
12.02.2000      At the dairy plant
11.02.2000      The crossroad of Zhovtneva and Radians'ka streets
10.02.2000      Near the Kremenchuk Sanitary-and-epidemiologic station
09.02.2000      The Polytechnic University
08.02.2000      A view to the Dnipro from the River Station
07.02.2000      Butyri street
06.02.2000      Near the Palace of Culture
05.02.2000      Heroyiv Bresta provulok
04.02.2000      At the Central Market
03.02.2000      In the shop “Piter Pen”
02.02.2000      Moskovs'ka street
01.02.2000      “Centre” bus stop

January 2000
31.01.2000      Kyivstar
30.01.2000      At the Central Market
29.01.2000      K. Marksa street
28.01.2000      Near the shop “1000 dribnyts”
27.01.2000      29 Veresnia street
26.01.2000      Near the Museum of regional etnography
25.01.2000      The yard in the centre of the town
24.01.2000      In the shop “Yantar”
23.01.2000      In Proletars'ka street
22.01.2000      Winter fishermen at the Dnipro
21.01.2000      Dairy Plant
20.01.2000      School 14
19.01.2000      Water-christening near Saint Trinity Church
18.01.2000      Pershotravneva street
17.01.2000      Kremenchuk town executive committee
16.01.2000      In the showroom
15.01.2000      Car market
14.01.2000      1905 roku street
13.01.2000      In the yard of Krasina street
12.01.2000      School 1
11.01.2000      Near the power station
10.01.2000      Leonov street
09.01.2000      Zhovtnevyi Square
08.01.2000      Hranitna street
07.01.2000      2000 years since Christmas
06.01.2000      The monument to Pushkin
05.01.2000      At the park near the Dnipro
04.01.2000      Fishermen at the Dnipro
03.01.2000      The holiday proceeds
02.01.2000      Proletars'ka street
01.01.2000      The 1-st of Ganuary in 2000

December 1999
31.12.1999      Near the Plant of Road Mashines
30.12.1999      Near the palace of culture “KrAZ”
29.12.1999      The New Year tree in the park Myru
28.12.1999      Near the “Vichno Zhyvym” bus stop
27.12.1999      The New Year toys in the House of trade
26.12.1999      In the area of the firs Zanasyp
25.12.1999      Near the Registry office
24.12.1999      The New Year tree at the Independence Square
23.12.1999      Upland part of the town and Khorol's'ka street
22.12.1999      The market at Vodokanal
21.12.1999      school №4
20.12.1999      MT-BANK
19.12.1999      Market at Molodizhnyi
18.12.1999      On Vlasivs'ka Dam
17.12.1999      At the bridge over the Dnipro
16.12.1999      A building of the Polytechnic University
15.12.1999      At the Central Market
14.12.1999      Bus stop at Molodizhnyi
13.12.1999      View from the thirteenth floor
12.12.1999      Park Myru
11.12.1999      Market at Molodizhnyi
10.12.1999      Power station
09.12.1999      Investment bank
08.12.1999      The Palace of culture “Kredmash”
07.12.1999      Hor'koho street
06.12.1999      Zhovtnevyi Square
05.12.1999      Haharina street
04.12.1999      At the bus “Centre” stop
03.12.1999      The main beach in winter
02.12.1999      In Kyivs'ka street
01.12.1999      Book market in the centre of the town

November 1999
30.11.1999      Kremenchuck State Politechnic University
29.11.1999      Kotsiubyns'koho street
28.11.1999      Sums'ka street
27.11.1999      Vodokanal
26.11.1999      Near “Palianytsia”
25.11.1999      Bank of the Dnipro
24.11.1999      The Independence Square
23.11.1999      Housing complex
22.11.1999      Lenin street
21.11.1999      At the Central Market
20.11.1999      In the “Tykhyi centre”
19.11.1999      Children' sports school
18.11.1999      Butyrina street
17.11.1999      Night club “Zebra”
16.11.1999      Kvartal'na street
15.11.1999      Way to the market near the Dnipro
14.11.1999      The Dnipro
13.11.1999      The yard near the house in Myru Street
12.11.1999      In Kyivs'ka street
11.11.1999      At the market near the Dnipro
10.11.1999      Henerala Zhadova street
09.11.1999      Restaurant “Bashnia”
08.11.1999      Near the officer's house
07.11.1999      Krasina street (in the morning)
06.11.1999      Near the Central Market
05.11.1999      Myru Park
04.11.1999      Khorol's'ka street
03.11.1999      “Budynok torhivli”
02.11.1999      Near the Victory Square
01.11.1999      Near the tax inspection

October 1999
31.10.1999      The crossroad of Proletars'ka and Pershotravneva streets
30.10.1999      Shevchenko street
29.10.1999      The crossroad of Lenin street and Proletars'ka street
28.10.1999      Proletars'ka street
27.10.1999      Myru street
26.10.1999      Saint-Mykolayiv Cathedral
25.10.1999      Fabrychnyi provulok(Khorol's'ka street)
24.10.1999      The Dnipro
23.10.1999      Kotsiubyns'koho street
22.10.1999      Saint Trinity Church
21.10.1999      Near the Central Market
20.10.1999      Near 1 Pershotravneva street
19.10.1999      Pershotravneva street
18.10.1999      Peremohy street
17.10.1999      The Palace of Culture
16.10.1999      The brigde to Kryukiv
15.10.1999      The Dnipro
14.10.1999      Kvartal'na street
13.10.1999      The park near the Dnipro
12.10.1999      Museum of regional ethnography
11.10.1999      “Ontario” hotel
10.10.1999      Bank of the Dnipro
09.10.1999      “Centre” bus stop in Proletars'ka street
08.10.1999      At the market
07.10.1999      Butyrina street
06.10.1999      Near Khorols'ka street
05.10.1999      Zhovtnevyi Square
04.10.1999      Zhovtneva street
03.10.1999      Crossroad of Hoholia street and Peremogy street
02.10.1999      Zhovtnevyi Square
01.10.1999      Khalameniuka street

September 1999
30.09.1999      Pershotravneva street
29.09.1999      At the Independence Square
28.09.1999      The Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
27.09.1999      Haharin street
26.09.1999      Pushkin Blv.
25.09.1999      Peremohy street
24.09.1999      Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
23.09.1999      Shevchenko street
22.09.1999      Near the River Port
21.09.1999      Proletars'ka street
20.09.1999      Zhovtneva street
19.09.1999      Shevchenko street
18.09.1999      Lenin street
17.09.1999      Heroyiv Brestu street
16.09.1999      The Central Market
15.09.1999      The Independence Square

..      (This photo has no English caption)

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