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Today's Photo
About the Town
Local time in
06.12.2001: Shevchenko street
30.01.2002: In the shop “Okovyta” at Molodizhnyi
26.07.2001: The crossroad of Hohol' and Peremohy streets

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

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  1183   28.06.2002 17:22:36  
 Michael A  <@> any where, usa  
Hi Tommy, I wonder can you email me to: waiting4ugirl@hotmail.com about Marina Kharchenko ,Kremenchug because I might know someone with that name and her son is Egor. My girlfriend’s sister in law is that Marina Kharchenko who is blue eyes blonde and that description you described. Please write to me: waiting4ugirl@hotmail.com and send me some letters and pictures if you got from her. I would like to know about her as much as possible. Is there a chance to having the same first and last name, the same son’s name...living in the same city...and doing things you described...horrible. Thanks so much. Your good friend Michael in America. We need to weed out these parasites because I can’t stand to see people get ripped off.

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