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Today's Photo
About the Town
Local time in
25.12.2009: At the Myru Park
09.03.2015: On Shevchenko street
22.04.2000: At the fair

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

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  3536   07.06.2004 08:57:35  
 Frank (Isle of Jersey, England)    
Please do let the rantings of Steve from England bother you. He is a lonely, poor and nasty guy who deserves our pity more than anger. To make my point, take a look at his earlier postings of #1145, #1156 and #1286 to get a better understanding of his bottom sucking point of view.

However I do have a question for those posting on this site. If you miss Kremenchuk so very much, why do you not return to visit??? While I realize that it is difficult for many Ukrainians to leave their country, it is not that difficult for an exPat to visit unless you are living in the host country illegally and will not be able to return. For those who endlessly write how you miss Kremenchuk, please consider a Kiev / Yalta / Kremenchuk holiday this Summer!!!

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