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Today's Photo
About the Town
Local time in
07.02.2001: The crossroad of Shevchenko and Lenin streets
23.09.2012: On Butyrina street
02.07.2005: In Krasina street

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

If you are seeking somebody or asking somebody to contact you, please be sure to enter your email address, or the message may not be posted. To contact a specific person, please use email if possible.

Reply to message 4069:

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  4069   10.10.2004 08:57:51  
 The Netherlands  <@>   
Hello my friends,
I am very glad thatI found your website. I have several nephews and cousins living in Kremenchuk. My family lived in the periolok Wagonnii. Maybe there is a photo of this place. I was in Kremenchuk fifteen years ago.
I woud like to hear something of my family. After the dying of my parents and my uncle (in Kremnechuk) the communication is bad because of the language. I should like that this guestbook is a new start. The family name is Moskalenko. I hope that I shall hear something.
Greetings, Max Verhoeven. (Rijswijk The Netherlands)

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