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Today's Photo
About the Town
Local time in
02.12.2003: In Zhovtneva street
05.05.2000: Respublikans'ka street
06.11.2011: Avtokrazivs'kyi Blv.

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

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  491   03.06.2001 20:27:10  
 Jim Dunbar  <@> rhode island, usa  
I am so grateful for your site! Thanks to Gena Mikhanosha for telling me about it. I am one of the VERY, VERY fortunate people in the world who visited Kremenchug----1978-1980. It was a wonderful experience and easily the most exciting time in my life. I met my wife, Olga, in the park in Kremenchug; we spent many glorious days there, shopping, riding the trams, dining and dancing in the Kremen restaurant and others..... We were so young and full of energy and interest in those days, and the Cold War just made the time more special. Olga and I were married in Kremenchug and have been together for 22 years. The people of Kremenchug were so friendly and interesting; I have wonderful memories of splendid evenings around tables, drinking, eating, and talking. Thank you Kremenchug! I want so much to see you again.

© 1999—2025 DzSoft Ltd, Alexander & Sergey Dzyubenko    
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