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About the Town
Local time in
25.02.2017: Maslenitsa
12.02.2019: On 29 Veresnia street
07.01.2012: Orthodox Christmas

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

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  5504   24.09.2005 13:35:00  
 beaver  <@> somewhere(icq 296689365)  
wy kak wsegda sporite ni o chem..i eto wigljadit newezhestwenno..nu kogda wy uzhe nakonez uswoite,chto mesto ne imeet nikakogo znacheniya,wed neschastnim ili schastliwim mozhno bit w odnom i tom zhe meste odnowremenno..ja wsetaki dumay,chto opredeljayshie znachenie imeyt lydi,kotorie rjadom s nami;kotorih my lybim,nenawidim,pomnim,ili prosto ne zamechaem..wot eti swjazi,-eto sol,a mesto gde eta sol ochen otnositelno..u menja est znakomie,kotorie schastliwi w Haife,w Kremenchuge,w Moskwe,i Sietle..no est tak zhe i drugie..poetomu dumaite sami..komu prosto budet interesno pogoworit,menja wsegda mozhno naiti w Icq..kazhdiy nowiy den,mozhet stat nezabiwaemim,esli konechno wy ne zabudete ego wstretit..

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