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Today's Photo
About the Town
Local time in
20.04.2016: At the Victory Square
16.10.2006: Near the confectionery
07.10.2006: Crossroads of Lenin street and Shevchenko street

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

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  6280   25.08.2006 15:29:13  
 Alex  <@> Izrail  
Zdravstvuyte pomogite pojaluysta nayti mne moih odnoklasnikov .Ya uehal v Izrail i tak polu4ilas 4to mi vse poteryalis.Ya u4ilsya v Sredney shkole № 25 klas Г vipusniki 1993 goda. Odnoklasniki kavo pomnyu eto Gerasimenko slava jil na na molodyojnom. Esho ischu odnu jenshinu ona vishla zamuj a devichya familiya eyo Garchkova A.C Sey4as ona Nikolaeva A.C Do Zamujestva jila po adresu ulica Tel'mana 38 kv 56. Budu blagodaren esli mne pomojete ili podskajete na kakom sayte poiskat'. Zaranie spasibo .Shnurok Izrail

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