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12.03.2000: Lenin street
21.06.2011: Peremohy street
06.10.2008: On Shevchenko street

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since 15.09.1999

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Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

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  6455   19.12.2006 06:21:37  
This is a reply to message 6444

Dear Roberto,
Thank you for the reply. I see your point of view and I first claim we are all children under God, which says it all. Tolerance should always be extended in any social atmosphere. We do have an immigration problem in America and it is reported everyday and argued in our Congress. The chaos I speak of is more than likely due to failure to have a legal immigration system that works, such as a true immigrant worker program. This would solve many conflicts case closed. I criticize no man or woman for wanting a better life. All I know is that the Country needs to be more unified or it will falter.
On the issue of Mexicans well my Aunt is from Mexico and married into our family and we love her as she should be loved and she would tell you so and my little cousins, case closed. Also, remember I live in Florida so if you think I haven’t dated many girls from Cuban decent well that would be wrong, case closed. And I have rarely dated a girl I wouldn’t marry, so that says enough in itself.
My issue is way to much conflict between cultures in our country and it needs to be addressed. We need to stand as Americans or we will fall. Fair wages for immigrants should also be a top priority. If you combine bad immigration laws with social economic resentment you have have the makings for chaos and to deny the criminal aspect happening in our streets is just flat out wrong. Pay people a fair wage and things always calm down, but big business doesn’t want that, which is the root problem.
Roberto maybe I will see you some time down in Florida, if you like salt water fishing I may someday. On Ukraine culture I have studied much about it (Mainly Cossack element). I look forward to traveling to Kremenchuk, hopefully I will find receptive peoples, and I believe I will if I extend a kind hand first.
Sincerely you’re Florida Neighbor,

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