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About the Town
Local time in
12.06.2017: Near the Palace of Culture “KrAZ”
08.11.2005: In Kotsiubyns'kyi street
27.12.2018: In the yard of 6 Peremohy street

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

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  7189   28.03.2008 00:41:22  
 Alex  Canada  
This is a reply to message 7186

Hi David,
I believe, you are going to work with some group of people from Ukraine on your project. It is a good idea to ask your colleagues from Kremenchug to help you in this case. They can find a nice apartment for you or an appropriate hotel and help you to organize excellent care about your wife. If you are going to do it by yourself, it can be challenging and even expensive for many reasons. Ask your future or present coo-workers from Kremenchug and they will be happy in helping you.
Alex (a former habitant of Kremenchuk)

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