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Darren < > |
Michigan, USA |
Hello, I enjoyed my recent visit to kremenhcuk (in August) and it is nice to see photos posted of familiar sites I was able to visit while there.
A live web-cam placed downtown would be pretty neat to see... Thanks for the photos.
Ochen krasivi fotos! Spasibo bolshoi! I am going to visit kremenchyk soon (October 2007) because my lovely girl lives there, and I was very interested to look a her town. Is there a web camera anywhere in kremenchyk? Prekrasna dien. Dosvidania. Jean Louis.
It is a great place to see and feel modern
kremenchug. Thank you for photos.
In reply to this message: 6980
Natalia < > |
Israel Haifa |
This is a reply to message 6952
skajite nomer..i chto skazat..ia pozvany....mojno napisat na mail
s ydovolstviem pomogy tak kak sama ishy lydei projivayshix v
Sveta < > |
This is a reply to message 6934
Hello Elena,
I can help if you need. I have friends in
kremenchuk that I can write. What is your sir name? Write to me on my email address please.
Koster < > |
Zdravctvuite yvaazhaemie
kremen4uzhane bivshie i nactoajshtie. Oen lublu etot cajt, cpacibo ego cozdateliam. cam zhivy v Amerike i po rodnomu
kremen4ygy o4en i o4en cky4aju, xotia kazaloc bi tolko nedavno ottuda vernulcia. Yvazhaemie posetiteli etoi goctevoi knigi, ocobenno te, kto proshivaet v Izraele, pomogi pozhalujcta cviazatza c odnim 4elovekom. Menia ludi v
kremen4uge poprocili yznat kak na mobilnij telefon v Izraele mozhno poclat SMS coobwenie 4erez internet. ja ckazal, 4to ne znaju cmogy li pomo4, no poprobyju, vot ja i obrawajuc na etoj ctranzie. Nomer telefona kotorij mne dali na4inetza ziframi 972, xotia ja tak ponial eto kod ctrani. mozhet kto 4em pomozhet, zaranee cpacibo!!!!!! privet vcem
In reply to this message: 6955,
Peter Stevens < > |
England |
Can someone pse help me? Hopefully in the not to distant future I will be moving to Ukraine from England permanently. I need info regarding customs etc as I will be taking lots of tools, woodworking machinery etc. Also a decent road route if possible as far as kremenchuk Cheers
Andriy Skorokhod < > |
Jemison |
I would like to send my hi to my friend doctor from ICU hospital #3 Golocshapov German.
Rick Johnston < > |
Canada |
Can someone please tell me if the bridge in
kremenchug is closed for repairs and if so, how long is it expected to remain closed?
This must be a major inconvenience for the people being the only bridge between the two parts of the city.
Thank you
In reply to this message: 6949
Елена < > |
Кременчуг |
This is a reply to message 6936
Здравствуйте Виктория, меня зовут Лена я работаю в санстанции на В.Бойка, 18, может помогу вам найти нужного человека. Наш имэйл
kremen-gorses@, пишите буду рада помочь.
Ksenia. < > |
Ludwigshafen. |
This is a reply to message 6853
A ja bila tam 6 nedel i vse bilo v poriadke:i v Borispole,i v
helljoe08 < > |
usa |
Sdelaite pozhaluista fotografiyu dvora,tam gde seichas nahoditsiya tsentr zaniyatosti.Adress:proezd arsenal'niy 5 i 7.Ochen' proshu!!!
helljoe08 < > |
Jamison,USA |
Spasibo sozdatelyam etogo saita za to,chto ya mogy smotret' za zhizn'u svoego goroda.Bydychi daleko za ego predelami,eto ochen' vazhno.Kogda ya zhil v kremenchuge,ya ne mog sebe predtavit',chto bydy kogda-to za nim skychat'.
elena < > |
usa |
I am looking for car rental in
kremenchuk.plz respond.ty
In reply to this message: 6953
Vitaliy < > |
MIami |
Tisya4i lyudey uegdgayut is kremen4uga...I kagdiy iz nas potom is4et rodinu i smotrit na foto...svoego prowlogo...NAprimer ya kagdiy noviy den zahogu 4to b posmotret novuyu fotku...mog 4to to s molodegnogo...Togda duwa vzmivaet k nebesam...SPASIBO...
Sergey < > |
Kremenchuk |
You can find here a very good hotel. Actually there is a wide variety of the hotels in kremenchuk.
Ontario (about100- 130$ per night) and lower but the level of servise is also lower. I believe you will have a nice stay here. If you will need an interpreter here please leave your message here.
povilas < > |
Lithuania |
hello, I am planing to have a month holidays in kremwnchuk. which hotel you can suggest?
Rick Johnston < > |
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada |
I had the great pleasure of visiting your beautiful City of kremenchuk on August 16 and 17th of this year, (2007) I love how friendly the people are in the Ukraine. I am planning a return trip before the end of the year and I am very much looking forward to spending most of my vacation time in kremenchuk. Thank you so much for maintaining this site. I have never found anything like it before on the web and it helps me stay in touch with your local weather and local sites. Keep up the good work.
olivier < > |
Busco , recherhce |
HOLA , busco alien que conoce Tatyana TOPOROVA de kremenchuck y actualemente vive en Barcelona .
Gracias anticipado para los respuestas posibles , y constetare a todos .
alejandro kornijenko < > |
Santiago de Chile |
Please, would you send me the mails of kremenchuk cementeries list?. Im searching for my grand-mother resting.
Very kind of you.
igor < > |
skopje macedonia |
My grenfather is from
kremencug.His name is Aleksandar Litvinenko. He was rojal solgier and he came to Macedonia in 1918.He was maried here and he back in Ukrain- I don t now the eyer-he died there.I need information for My relatives there and oll about him.I`m Igor Litvinenko and I have 36 years. Sorry for my bad englis.
In reply to this message: 7181,
Vika < > |
Izrail |
YuriyN : Ya ne privukla dogaduvatsa, ili kak Vu govorite "dopyskat". Ya slavam ne very i otnoshys k tem lydam kotorue schitayt chto lytshe 1 raz yvidet chem 100 raz yslushat. I ya toze bula v kremenchyge mesas nazad i toze posle dolgoi otlychki, i yvidela vse svoimi glazami. Da ya ne spory, zuzn nemnogo ylytshulas, no vse ze ne do takoi stepeni kak vam pokazalos na pervui vzglad (podrobnei ya yze pisala v etoi gostevoi knige s mesas nazad - mozete pochitat ). Obchalas ya i s lydmi dla kotorux eti 7-10 let nichego ne prinesli.Kak vam semiya v kotoroi mat zaslyzennui vrach Ykrainu i detam nechego est? No vu ze skazali chto bizness zabil na politiky, znachit tolko tot kto v biznese stal zut lytshe i bolshe nikto. A rabotaem mu v Izraile kak i vezde, nichem ne otlichaetsa ot lyboi drygoi stranu.
Ydachi :-)
Vika < > |
Izrail |
YuriyN : Ya ochen rada za vas chto vu xorosho otdoxnyli. No y vas takie vpechatleniya imenno potomy chto vu priexali pogylat, i vse prelesti
kremenchyga smogli sebe pozvolit ( ya seichas otnoshys k takim ze kak i vu). A kak naschet mestnogo BOLSHUNSTVA kotoroe perebivaetsa s vodu na xleb i v vash rasxvalennui masnoi magazin daze ne zaxodit, chtobu ot zapaxa ne ypast v obmorok? Na nix to vu i zabuli obratit vnimanie kogda posechali lybimui gorod... Vprochem nicheta ne tak privlekaet glaz kak krasota masnux lavok, ved pravda?
In reply to this message: 6905
alvaro < > |
cardiff |
a supermarket as good as you can find anywhere else in europe and america , called Prostor where you can buy anything you may think of in just one shop. There is two main public markets , one for food recently refurbished to ver good standards and the other is for clothes and all short of household items. Beware that imported items are as expensive, if not more than in the UK and in particular whisky and champagne can reach astronomical prices but if you stick with Vodka(much better than over here , particularly Nemirof and Olimp) beer and local champagne you will not be dissapointed.
Also beware before travelling to kremenchuk that you are going to an industrial city ,the town centre is very beautiful and full of options but the outskirts are full of factories as you are not in Crimea. I certainly have travelled a lot over there and do not believe at all that it is a dirty city and people are welcoming (if you behave with respect to them because it is their town where you are visiting) , certainly I do not have nothing negative to say about ukrainians in general and kremenchuk in particular.I marry my wife over there and we like to get back as much as we can ,and we enjoy visiting there every time. If you need any specific information, feel free to ask and we will like to help if we can
alvaro < > |
cardiff |
Hi Porky
If you are going to be there on a middle-long term basis , I believe that the option of a hotel is going to be expensive to you. At the town centre, there are three main hotels, one is called the kremin which I shall not recomend anyone.... then a budget option very close to the train station called Dniprosky Zory and a top endo hotel which I never tried because was very expensive for me called Ontario.
Please beware that the Ukraine is not an english speaking country , though there are some people that speak english people over there do comunicate mainly in russian and ukarinian which is very useful for everyday life over there. If you are not familiar with the language , you shall seek help at least to set things up to your taste or othewise you will be dissapointed.
About going out, the town centre is full of options and there are places like the Liverpool , Chinese restaurant Pekin and others that have a menu in english. Others like Eden, Pelikan , Ukraina do not have it but they are as good as the others if not better and you will be quite pleased if you go with a local.
Shopping in kremenchuk has also plenty of choice , as previous people have informed you there is a market for food and other for clothes and household items. There is at Maladiosny (outside of the town centre)
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