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yulia < > |
This is a reply to message 6212
Hey neighbour! Ty kto? Skol'ko tebe let? Ya voobche v Kanade zhyvu 8 let! U ehala iz
kremenchuga 1998 godu. Zhyla na Proletarskoy.. Pishy.
Irina < > |
München |
Privet!Xochy poddergat toge vsex vichodcev iz kremenchyga i voobsche iz bivshego Soiyza.Vam, givyschim tam v epicentre, seichas ochen" ne sladko.Blagodaria etomy saity ya nashla svoiy odnoklasnicy, ona givet pod Xaifoi.Kagdii den" gdy ot nee E-mail, chto vse normal"no!Nadeiys", chto tam "na verchy" naidyt vichod iz etogo pologeniya i vse bydet OK!!!DERGITES"!!!!!!!
Hi Yulia(6210), how are you doing? How long have you lived in Scarborough? I live in Toronto for three years. Are you a student? What are you doing in Scarborough? I did not hear that sombody from
kremenchug lived in this area of Toronto.It is interesting. Where did you live in
kremenchug? Bye now.
In reply to this message: 6225
Yulya < > |
toronto |
This is a reply to message 6183
Privet,Tanya. Menya zavut Yulya ya tozhe iz
kremenchuga. Zhyvu v Scarborough. Kak ty davno uehala ot tuda? Skol'ko tebe let .Mne 20 let.. elsi hochesh pishi.. tol'ko po druzheskimiotnosheniyami. Sposibo. Bye , pishy
In reply to this message: 6224
Mike < > |
Florida |
Way to go !!! English translations for the Pics of the Day. This helps tremendously since many english-speaking ppl like myself have visited kremenchuk. Keeop up the good work. Hello to all my friends in kremenchuk!!!
Great amateur web cam movie about kremenchuk. I have been to kremenchuk in 2001. You did awesome good job making the movie. Keep up the good work.
Roberto < > |
Miami |
kremenchuk as beautiful as always!!!
Thanks for the pictures Alexander!
Priviet vciem at Roberto (KLUGA 87)
This is a reply to message 6105
A kakoy nomer doma u tebya bil?
Ti seychas ne v
In reply to this message: 6147
Александр Дзюбенко < > |
Давайте переносить обсуждение цен на квартиры в форум, он больше для этого подходит. Должен заметить, что обсуждать действительно есть что.
12 tus $ odnokomnatnaya kvartira????? Sovsem obaldeli!!!!
Interesno pokypayt li po takoi sene ili eto tolko "xotat prodat"? Mu 3-x komnatnyy v 1999 gody na vodokanale prodali za 6.500$ a kak ya ponimay v kremne stalo zut tolko xyze s togo vremeni tak ot chego ze podnalis senu? I y kogo est dengi eto kypit? A skolko togda stoit 4 komnatnaya kvartira v sentre ili dom na Cherednikax?
Benny Svensson < > |
Olofström, Sweden |
I'm very interested of your town and just looking at the pictures tells me its a wonderful place! I also know a very wonderful lady in the city! :-) I think I will go to kremanchu for a visit soon!!!
Kindest regards / Benny Svensson, Olofström, Sweden
"Prostor"-eto ogromne'shi Supermarkt .On nachoditsya mejdu "Pivsavod" i "Molodejnim" .Po-moemu "Sovetskaya Armiya" nazivaetsya ostanovka.Eto pervi magazin v kremenchuge visokogo urovnya s takimi je cenami:-) On v Marte mesyace otkrilsya.
Nastya < > |
In reply to this message: 6123
Arie de Ronde < > |
The Netherlands |
I live in the Netherlands and the last two years, I look almost everyday to your site. And it's amazing, now I have a lovely girlfriend in your city and I come friday for the very first time to her and to kremenchuk. Here I come!!!!!
I have enjoyed your website for many years now. My wife is from your city and we now enjoy the "map" that accompanies each photo..Great idea...Keep up the great work..We look forward to our next trip to kremENCHUK !!!!!!
lecha < > |
ulm |
This is a reply to message 6085
a otkuda ti s
krementschuga i gde ziwesch w deutschlande
alena < > |
dubai |
kremnchug. vsem lubvi i schastia!devochka moia i tebia ochen lublu,byd ymnithei i y nas vse bydet horosho.
In reply to this message: 6321,
Zdarvstvuyte moi rodniye jivut v kremenchuke v rayone Cheredniki ulica pivnichnaya, hochu imet podrujku kotoraya nahodetsa redijkom , osobenno ya hotela bi fotki s ulici kagamlickaya i pivnichnaya! Mi ochen drujnaya semeya!
Vlada < > |
CA |
I am from kremenchuk.
I am living in CA right now.
Thanks for photo of kremenchuk.
Стас < > |
Киев, Кременчуг |
This is a reply to message 6065
А поисковые машины для чего созданы?
irina < > |
israel |
cpacibo za xorochyu raboty, professionalu cvoego dela zamechatelnomu cheloveku Svetochke c ''Dmitriy'' v kremne privet ot Irini c Komcomolska
Iam and christian orthodox live in usa, with greek origin ethnic background, and my wife is from kremenchug. we wish you good luck, and hope one day you have many children.
Good luck or ( kali tixi =greek language)
Tali4ka < > |
Israel Haifa |
gde to videla karty
kremenchyga...s nazvaniami yliz... kto znae skajite plizz...srochno nado
zaranee spasibo
In reply to this message: 6070
Olga < > |
Roma |
privet vsem kto znaet Awramenko(Petrosyan)Olgu.Se4as ya daleko nahojus za predelami Ukraini,kremen4uga,kak je ya lyublyu etot gorod.Vse kto menya znaet,budet priyatno poobschatsya.Ciao
DimoN < > |
Israel |
Zdravstvuyte vsem k
kremen4uzhanyam bivshim i nastoyashimmmm..koro4e o4en sosku4ilsya i xo4u uslishat novogo..zaxodite na asku:237633914 ili na mail..(ukazan)
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