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Today's Photo
About the Town
Local time in
07.11.2019: In the yard of 7 Vatutin street
17.12.2002: Near the confectionery factory
16.09.2003: Zhovtneva street

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Found 1510 messages

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  6022   08.05.2006 23:52:26  
 Derrik  <@> USA  
Aleksandr, po4emu ne meniaete Cegodnyahsnyjy fotografiju kremen4uga, pocledniaja fotografija uzhe visit tam 3 dnia, uzhe bi nado ee nazvat pozav4erashniaya fotografija kremen4uga, ne poriadok, mi zhe zhdem novix fotografij kak vtorogo prishectvija. Kstati, zemlyakam, prozhivajushtim v USA ckoro edy domoj, v konze etogo mesyaza, esli komu 4to nado v kremne peredat, obrawajtec, takzhe mogy sdelat fotografii, esli komu nado, Bashix lubimix mest, pishite mne na moi email

In reply to this message: 6031

  6009   30.04.2006 17:08:07  
 angela  <@> usa  
to Tanya.... ia zanu chto otlichno rabotaet kyrerskaia slyjba dostavki, mejdy ykrainoy i mnogimi drygimi stranami, eto Fed Ex. iz usa do ykraini eto doxodit za 5 rebochix dney, vse dokymenti v soxrannosti. problem s Fedexom nebilo, vo vsiakom slychae y menia. otdelenie Fedex v kremenchyge naxoditsia vozle centralnogo otdeleniia pochti. eto nebol'shoe dvyxetajnoe sdanie, nado proiti vo vnytrenniy dvorik i v etom zdanii Fedex na vtorom etaje. esli est y tebia rodnie ili dryzia v kremenchyge, kto mojet yznat dlia tebia v etom ofisse, rabotaet li Fedex mejdy ykrainoy i izrailem? ydachi i xoroshego dnia.

  6001   22.04.2006 10:10:44  
 Elena Kirichenko  <@> Kremenchuk  
I wish to know if there is anyone who knows Elena Kirichenko. I am an old friend and have lost contact with her and wish to speak with her. Elena went to USA but I believe that she has returned to kremenchuk or at least I wish to know. She has a son named Maxim and two sisters, Tanya and Lucia. If anyone has any information please let me know. My email is svet2222@yahoo.com
Thank you.

  5999   21.04.2006 14:32:20  
 Marek Grzeskowiak  <@> Alaska  
This is a reply to message 5977

My name is Marek I live in Alaska in March I was in kremenchuk be visiting in July operate commercial vessel in Alaska depends on the size of that vessel most likely be different regulations you have a nice trip.

  5998   20.04.2006 20:33:13  
 alena  <@> dubai  
i ochen skychau za moim gorodom.za shkoloi 15.spasibo za foto lubimogo kremenchuga.

  5997   20.04.2006 20:27:07  
 alena  <@> dubai  
privet kremnchug.Malenkaia moia i za toboi ochen skychay i lybly.

In reply to this message: 6088

  5993   19.04.2006 00:47:02  
 Natasha Khvostovaya  <@> New York, USA  
Hi Everyone!!! My name is Natasha Khvostovaya, I was born in kremenchug na ulitse Krasnaya Gorka 37. In 1996 My mom and I left Ukraine, now we live in New York. My brother still lives in kremechug on ulitsa Kievskaya dom 42, his name is Zhenya Reut, if anyone knows him please let me know. Or if anyone knows me,( I went to school #15) please contact me. I love this site, I look at your pictures all the time. Thank you very much.
Love Natasha :)

In reply to this message: 7287

  5990   16.04.2006 23:27:46  
 milo  <@> Zuerich  
Qualcuno mi può gentilmente aiutare? Ho bisogno di sapere l'indirizzo di uffici a kremenchug che eseguono traduzioni e legalizzazioni di documenti per un cittadino straniero che vuole sposarsi in Ucraina.

In reply to this message: 7640

  5976   07.04.2006 16:36:34  
 BULENT GUNER  <@> Istanbul/Turkey  
Dear Ladies/Sirs,
I am looking for the people to be in contact in kremenchuk
for business and relationships.
I will be glad , if you write to me.

  5966   27.03.2006 14:10:08  
 Martyn Gomersall  <@> London  
I like your website, it was recommended to me by a friend in your city. I especially like the wonderful photographs showing your city. Maybe I will visit kremenchuk one day and be able to see your city through my own eyes.
To those people who work hard to bring this website to the eys of the world - Thank You

  5965   25.03.2006 05:06:22  
 Marek Grzeskowiak  <@> Alaska  
Just god back to alaska from kremenchuk wonderful city what plesasant visit will return in summer wonderful web-site

  5964   22.03.2006 17:28:40  

In reply to this message: 5968

  5937   25.02.2006 01:59:53  
 Igor Litvinenko  <@> Macedonia Skopje  
I need to call Me somebody-Litvinenko from kremencug to see, Do I have some relativs-family from My Grandfather "Aleksandar Litvinenko" who died in 1990 in Ukrain.

  5934   21.02.2006 04:20:58  
 Yuliya  <@> USA  
Horosho, navernoe, chto est' u nas takoy site.Prosmatrivaesh foto rodnogo goroda, sledish za sobytiyami i ... uznaesh veselye i grustnye novosti. Svetlaya pamyat' Igoryu Zolotorevu, moemu byvshemu sosedu i drugu v kremenchuge v 80-e gody.... Ochen' jal', chto tak rano ushel... ved' dovolno molod eshe byl.Kak-budto kakaya-to chast' ot detstva/yunosti otorvalas. Glubokie sobaleznovaniya ego mame, bratu, synu i rodnym. Spasibo za soobshenie.

  5930   19.02.2006 13:39:04  
 Solniwko  <@> Parma  
ia ne zivu v kremen4uge i nikogda ne zila i daze nikogda ne bila v nem, no v etom zame4atel'nom gorode zivet odin 4elovek kotorogo ia lublu!!!
Milii ia lublu tebia, o4en' sku4au i zdu s neterpeniem leto 4tob vstretitsia s toboi!!!
Dlia Nikiti

  5929   19.02.2006 01:38:31  
 Eduardo Rodríguez Escalona  <@> Caracas, Venezuela  
A todos mis hermanos amigos cubanos que de una forma u otra tenemos parte de nuestras vidas en kremenchuk, les deseo muchos exitos en este año, Gracias a kremenchuk por nuestra preparación y a los diseñadores de este webside por de alguna forma podernos comunicar.
Octavio lucha por tu hija, yo estoy en las misma situación tuya, pero por lo menos puedo hablar muy a menudo con ella.
Saludos mis hermanos.
Un abrazo a todos.
Eddy (curso 1987-1991) Kluga

  5922   14.02.2006 18:09:11  
 Александр Дзюбенко  <@>   
This is a reply to message 5921

Разумеется, на фото 13.02.2006 - десятая школа. Я, кстати, в ней учился! То была опечатка. Дима, а 13-я школа и так довольно часто бывает (чаще многих других). Поройся по архиву.

  5911   10.02.2006 01:34:39  
 Julia  <@> UK  
Privet Vsem!
kremenchuzhane iz Anglii OTZOVITES'!

In reply to this message: 5924

  5910   09.02.2006 13:44:25  
 Micky Boom  <@> England  
I am a friend of kremenchuk, and have visited Ukraine twice to see friends... I am also an `old` man of 68... I speak German as well as English...
If you are interested in writing, whatever your age/sex I promise to answer...
I am a Soccer Referee and have been since 1969 but only referee kids now because of my age...
Best wishes

  5900   07.02.2006 03:27:24  
 Roberto  Miami  
C DNIOM RACHDENIA INNA V kremENCHUGIE!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY INNA!!!(Doch Oktavio / Octavio's daughter - 5892) Tvoi papa ckuchaet za tavoi i ochen liubit tevia! On stradaet viez tivia i ochen miechtaet bit s tovoi ichio raz! Pichi emu pachaulsta!!! Chizni tolko adna!!!
Octavio's friend
PD Octavio, mis mas grades saludos para ti y tiempo al tiempo que estoy seguro de alguna forma podras sentir la manito de tu hija otra ves! Un abrazo.

  5897   06.02.2006 03:06:52  
 oksana  <@> Germany  
This is a reply to message 5890

privet-kremenchuk i luba

  5893   05.02.2006 17:04:25  
 Juliya  <@> USA  
Vsem uchenikam (byvshim i nastoyashim) schooll # 30 g. kremenchuga iskrennie sobaleznovaniya po povodu vnezapnogo uhoda iz jizni directora shkoly Shevchenko Niny Nikolaevny.
Tak je dlya vseh, kto znal Ninu Nikolaevnu, lubil i do sih por pomnit. Zemlya ey puhom.

In reply to this message: 5896

  5891   05.02.2006 12:06:19  
 Shelby  <@> USA  
Nice pictures. I see many areas in your pictures that I remember when I was in kremenchuk in past time. I will soon visit kremenchuk again this summer.

  5868   25.01.2006 15:24:30  
 Erik weydahl  <@> Norway  
i visit my girlfriend Iryna,in kremenchug jan 20-23. nice people. I had a good time, but wery cold. i will be back in february. I love the food and the beer.And of course my girlfriend.
Erik. Norway.

  5862   23.01.2006 22:53:21  
 ROBERTO  <@> Italy  
I was in kremenchug at the beginning of January. Nice town and nice people. A friendly greeting to Elena. Roberto

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