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Today's Photo
About the Town
Local time in
06.12.2008: On Khalameniuka street
31.05.2015: Babayev Square
05.08.2000: The monument to Stalin repressions victims

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Found 1510 messages

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  8173   08.04.2015 00:55:37  
 Mike  <@> USA  
Happy Palm Sunday to all my friends in kremenchug

  8172   06.04.2015 21:53:24  
 Mary Sayers  <@> UK  
Looking for information on ancestors. Rebecca Troshanski (b kremenchuk c 1879) married Nathan Saevitz, probably in kremenchuk, and two of their children, Herschel and Louis, were born in the suburb of Kriukov. Nathan and his family moved to London c 1905.
Any information gratefully received.

  8165   18.02.2015 00:16:11  
 Олександр Дзюбенко  <@>   
This is a reply to message 8164

Центр допомоги пересленцям м.Кременчук: https://www.facebook.com/centrkremen . Якщо є якісь конкретні потреби, то пишіть нам на email, чим зможемо - допоможемо.

  8163   11.02.2015 03:47:30  
 Jenny  <@> FL, USA  
I would love to see some pictures from Betonna St near the baby house. My son was adopted from there 3 years ago. kremenchuk is always in my heart.

  8159   06.02.2015 02:25:18  
 Олександр Дзюбенко  <@>   
Хочу знов нагадати (у тому числі і для аноніма із Нікополя), що гостьова книга - не форум, важкі епістолярні баталії вона не вміщує. Також нагадаю, що сайт є особистим проектом "для душі", він робиться на власні кошти і відображає особисті патріотичні і релігійні почуття авторів. Відвідувачі, які це не приймають, не є бажаними на цьому сайті. За кількісними показниками відвідування сайту ми не женемось: краще хай на нього заходять сто патріотів, ніж тисяча ватників.

In reply to this message: 8160

  8154   02.02.2015 22:25:37  
 Александр Дзюбенко  <@>   
This is a reply to message 8153

Мне жаль, Эдуард, что вы попали под влияние путинской пропаганды. Приезжайте к нам в гости в Кременчуг - только не на танках и без оружия - и вы многое поймёте.

  8146   30.10.2014 19:29:34  
 Peter Hee  <@> Kremenchuk  
Hi, I have been staying here in kremenchuk for the last one year on a company's assignment. I will be here for the next 3 to 5 years depending on the speed of the local company meeting the schedule of production.
I would like to make some local friends (M/F)
Also. photography is my hobby and I have lots of beautiful "kremenchuk" pictures to share with whoever wants it.
Can someone advise, please..Thank you..

  8144   22.10.2014 21:31:21  
 Vladimir Moreno  <@> La Habana , Cuba  
Estudie en kremenchuyk , del 83 al 86 , vole durante 26 anos los helicopetrois MI-8 , 17 y 24.
Soy del grupo de Brigido y Roberto Ruiz

In reply to this message: 8174

  8143   10.10.2014 19:35:09  
 Francesco Bonacolsi  <@> Italy  
I am again here. I look for Ninel: she lives in kremenchuk, is 55 y.o. , is blonde, blue eyes, is about 1.60 cm . Help me.

  8128   07.07.2014 23:16:13  
 Francesco Bonacolsi  <@> Italy  
Please, help me... where is Ninel? Now she's 55 y.o. and lately lived in kremenchuk.

  8116   23.05.2014 19:38:13  
 Mykola  <@> Kremenchuk  
Hi everybody! Im from the US, was born in kremenchuk, can speak English, German, Ukrainian and Russian. If anybody is in kremenchuk now, who needs some translation help, I'm always for you guys here. Have a good one to all of you !!!!!
Слава Украiнi!!!!

  8111   08.05.2014 01:30:42  
This is a reply to message 8110

webcam kremenchuk

  8110   06.05.2014 14:11:00  
 nom  <@> iher  
Why no web cameras for kremenchuk

In reply to this message: 8111

  8075   28.02.2014 06:38:07  
 Magne  <@> Norway  
I hope all my friends in kremenchuk is ok.
Best wishes
Magne from Norway.

  8054   18.02.2014 17:00:10  
 Francesco Bonacolsi  <@> Italia  
Oggi scrivo nella mia bella lingua italiana: qualcuno dei lettori conosce Ninel? E' una donna di kremenchuk,nata nel 1959, alta metri 1,60 con gli occhi blu, i capelli biondi e io continuo ad amarla. Per sempre.

  8037   14.02.2014 20:47:32  
 HolodarZoja  <@> Таганрог  
Всех влюблённых и любимых www.kremenchuk.org, а больше всех одного единственного поздравляю c Днём святого Валентина!
Я верю в колдовство любви,<br>В её таинственную силу, и в день святого Валентина Тебе шлю импульсы свои.

  8005   06.01.2014 18:03:33  
 Barry  <@> Las Vegas Nevada USA  
A very happy Christmas on January 7th to all in kremenchug from sunny Las Vegas.

  7991   04.11.2013 18:56:45  
 Peter Hee  <@> Kremenchuk  
I am from Singapore but posted here to kremenchuk for the next 2 years. This place though small compared to Kiev, is still a lovely place to be in. The people are friendlier d life is at a much more control pace. Love this place...

  7980   27.08.2013 01:44:55  
 Barry  <@> Las Vegas USA  
A very happy Independence Day for Ukraine! I love this city! My relationship with a lady who lives in kremenchuk has ended after 8 years,but I have no regrets.I will return to buy a house or flat in 2014,and I will reside there for at least 3 and up to 6 months of the year under current Ukraine Visa laws. I hope to have good neighbors and make new friends in kremenchuk soon! Good luck everyone I will see you next year!

  7977   24.07.2013 00:20:06  
 bonacolsi  <@> italy  
Women of kremenchuk, shame on those of you who cause suffering to the men that sincerely love them.

  7975   10.07.2013 22:16:47  
 david  <@> BADAJOZ (SPAIN)  

  7973   16.06.2013 18:12:28  
 Kerry Fritz II  <@> Kremenchug  
This is a reply to message 7954

I arrived in Ukraine last Sunday and came to kremenchug to meet two girls I was chatting with while in Los Angeles. It seems to be a nice enough and large city but not speaking the language is a definite hindrance. I would not believe the stories you hear about Ukrainian women looking for foreign men. I find the women to be just as indifferent to men and seems to be dressing more to impress each other than to attract and keep a man. Good luck though. I came from Dnepropetrovsk on the slow train - 176 km took five hours to cover - left at 6:50 p.m. and arrived at midnight. It appears as though from Kiev the distance is about the same. The kremin Hotel and others are not expensive but no one seems to know where a laundry-mat is and the language barrier inadvertently made me pay 57.00 USd for a simple load of laundry, lol. Live and learn I guess. Oh yeah if you stay at the kremin Hotel do get the free breakfast option. It is also very loud with kids (and drunks)hanging out nearby and people in general walking back and forth (talking loud and clicking high heels) to the beach bars. Local buses are cheap (3 grivnas = about .30 cents) but it is difficult to know where many of them actually go other than eventually to some downtown central location.

  7970   24.05.2013 22:17:01  
 Admin  Kremenchuk  
This is a reply to message 7969


  7969   24.05.2013 01:29:49  
 Mark  <@> Boston, MA  
I cant believe I came across this site. Me and friend lived in kremechuk in 1996 for 9 months at a time when there were almost no foreigners and certainly no other Americans. I have zero contacts left from my time there, which is sad since we met so many nice people. I love all the pictures that are posted but could not find any of the street we lived on which is Ulitza Pabeda 22. Anyone have any photos? Please share with me!

In reply to this message: 7970

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