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Today's Photo
About the Town
Local time in
09.03.2005: Maiakovs'koho street
23.04.2002: Shevchenko street
31.01.2019: Near the Central Market

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Found 1510 messages

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  3958   25.09.2004 08:57:51  
 NIna Omelchenko  <@>   

  3953   24.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Fernando / Mexico  <@>   
Hello :

I just came back to Mexico, I visit your beautiful town for more than a week. I was crying in the airport when I return...
People is friendly, and also I found my princess, my true love there ! Thanks kremenchuk for the hospitality, for the friends and family !!!!!
I will return in winter, I hope...

Fernando Arenas


  3947   23.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Roberto CUBA/Ireland    
Dlia 2536 Alex /Para 2536 Alex,
Oye, yo tambien estudie en KLUGA pero hasta el 87. Seguro tu llegastes cuando yo me fui, acaso terminastes la carrera? Dame tu e-mail y te escribo con mas clama. Yo tambien estoy aqui donde tu estas desde hace unos meses! Saludos, Roberto.

Priviet dlia cviex v kremenchugie!!! Azovietna dlia tiex ia vidiel v 2002 gody kogda iehal v kanikuli, mai druziax, Tokik, Vlado, cemia vciex!!! Poka. Roberto.

  3945   23.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Alex Miami USA/Cuba    
Could you please show a photo of KLUGA(aviation school) I went to that school from 1987-1990 I have so many good memories of kremenchug. I’m planning to visit the city again next summer.

  3940   22.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Zaslavsky Anatoly Germany  <@>   
Privet kremenchusane! Isu Druzei i odnoklasnikov
po 11 Skole Zakonzil 8 klassov v 1970 godu Klassnij Rukovoditel Skripnik Zoja Petrovna.
Krjukovskij Masinostroitenij Technikum Zakonzil v 1974
godu po spezialnosti" Stanki i Instrumenti".
Nas "Politech" v 1982g
Budu Rad Obseniju i Vozmoznosti Uvidetsja
Privet i Nizkij poklon vsem kremenzuzanam i Rodnomu Gorodu

  3926   17.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Roberto / CUBA / Ireland    
Priviet everybody!!!
kremenchuk is getting prettier and prettier each day! Beautiful pictures of the City this Summer. Well done! kremenchuchiany, keep turning that city around for a better quality life for all of you and for your future generations. You all deserve it! Although I miss the time I lived in kremenchuk old times are well in the past and I am sure kremenchuk is now a proud City of Poltava County and of Ukraine. Alway was! Still have in my mind those great memories while becoming a pilot in your skies, nice and “bisioly” friendly people, beautiful women and wonderful places. Keep up the good job!
My very best regards to everyone over there. Poka!


  3907   11.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Anatoly, Germany  <@>   
Bolsoi privet Vsem kto menja Znaet i Pomnit i voobse vsem
kremenzuzanam.Foto rodnogo goroda radujut i navodjat grust
Zdorovja i Szastja Vsem!

  3901   09.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Zaslavsky Germany  <@>   
Privetstvuju vseh kremenzuzan

  3897   06.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Daniel, Netherlands  <@>   
Hello everybody, why is my message not on the site? I visited Ukraine now 5 times and I love the country. My girlfriend in kremenchuk needs a little help with work.
Maybe somebody here could contact me in English?
Nice site!

  3895   06.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Zaslavsky , Germany  <@>   
Isu odnoklasnikov, zakonzivsih v 1970 godu 8 klassov
11 skoli (klassnij rukovoditel Skripnik Zoja Petrovna),
v 1974 godu Krükovskij Masinostroitelnij tehnikum po Spezialnosti 0501 "Stanki i Instrumenti", v 1982 godu
Filial politehnizeskogo po Spezialnosti "Tehnologija Masinostroenija". Budu Ozen Rad Uznat o Vasih Sudbah i nametit vstrezu.Nizkij poklon Vsem kremenzuzanam i Rodnomu
Gorodu.Do boli Skuzaju Anatoly

  3888   03.09.2004 08:57:50  
 Kelli, USA    
Alex, I was not a student at school #11, I have taught English there for the past three summers and love kremenchuk very much. I write in English because I am an American and know very little Russian. :)

  3882   02.09.2004 08:57:50  
Elene iz Germanii:
V kremenchuge prozivaet priblizitelno 240000 ludey

  3880   02.09.2004 08:57:50  
 Elena,Germanija  <@>   
kremenchug priwet!Kto snaet kakoe naselenie kremenchuga?

  3870   30.08.2004 08:57:50  
 Gary, USA    
I recently spent two weeks in kremenchuk and found it to be a city full of nice people. Your photos bring back fond memories. Keep up the good work guys!

  3863   29.08.2004 08:57:50  
 Sasha  <@>   
Dlya 2451
Aga est’ malen’ko .

  3859   28.08.2004 08:57:50  
 Sasha  <@>   
Dlya 2447 : Женя Израиль
Ya jil na shevchenko i ya 79 goda vipuska

  3854   27.08.2004 08:57:50  
 sasha israel  <@>   
Dlya 2443 : Luba
Privet ! Kak bilo v kremne ? Kak dela ?

  3853   27.08.2004 08:57:50  
 sasha  <@>   
Dlya 2441 : Женя Израиль
Klevo . a ya na maaravite

  3852   26.08.2004 08:57:50  
dlua natashi anhimovoy:
privet ?Natasha, ya nadeyus ti mnnya pomnish, ya jila s borisenkoy v odnom dome, esli v spomnish budu rada
ya tolko 4to vernulas s kremenchuga, i natashka mne skazala 4to ti toje uehala, i nado je takoe sovpadenie:)
mapishi mne , budu rada s toboy poobshatsa:)
nomer moey aski 282752678

  3848   26.08.2004 08:57:50  
 sasha  <@>   
Dlya 2435 : Женя Израиль
ya vot toje jivu v Karmiele . ti v kakoj shhune ?

  3846   25.08.2004 08:57:50  
 GOGA USA  <@>   
Misha Ostrover>> ya bil v kremne v konce july. iskal y vsex kak tebya naiti
napishi mne, bydy v kieve v konce september

  3842   24.08.2004 08:57:50  
 Bob from the USA    
Nice website. You should put a street map of kremenchuk. Maybe show some nice tourist attractions as well on the map.

  3841   24.08.2004 08:57:50  
 IJ - USA  <@>   
Privet kremenchug!
Mne bylo ochen priyatno uvidet rodnoy gorod 2 mesyatsa nazad.
A kto nibud uchilsya v 21 shkole?

  3838   24.08.2004 08:57:50  
 sasha  <@>   
S Prazdnikom dorogie kremen4ujane !!!!

  3837   24.08.2004 08:57:50  
 sasha  <krem 22@walla.co.il>   
a iy iz naharii toje kstati shprinzak

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