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steve england < > |
hi 2 all you visiters this summer/winter meeting a new love
yep kremenchuk is best 2 visit in the summer & the peoples are real friendly but this applys 2 all ukraine not just this city i know so well
1 city i have just lived in lutsk & the around the crimea so make sure when you go 2 ukraine you travel around
renting a room/apartment in crimea is easy, just drive down & talk with the locals by the road-side renting out rooms or at the local rail/bus stations
2 finish i would remind you that kremenchuk is the capital city in ukraine for scammers & they use every-trick in the book 2 departure you of your hard earned cash............
ie keep your brains in your head & not in your pants
best of luck k
To 2417
I lived in kremenchug for a while. The company I worked for paid me U$ 17 per day for food. Hotel extra. I had money left at the end of the day!If you arevisiting aperson you think you want to marry, try to visit the local bazaars with her then ypu will get a pretty good idea... Do not forget most people do not earn more than $80/$100 per month. If you are visiting someone do not forget our old saying:IN ROME DO LIKE ROMANS DO. On the other hand you can stay at the Hotel Ontario and spend over U$400 per day between meals and accomodation.
To 2417 : Hi Sandy/Ireland! How’s Ireland? After many years left Dublin in March and miss the green a bit (from Swords). Still raining? How’s summer over there this year? Was also in kremenchug around the 80’s and recently visited the city on holydays.
Compering price for me prices were cheap taking in account that changed from Euros to Grivens. Any way, good luck to Mike/USA on his kremenchug price search.
Keep these Guinness pints going!
So long,
sasha israel < > |
Dlya 2410 : Лена КременьЛукойл
Napishi ,Bud’ laska , na etot adress :
Gonzalez (2398) y de donde tu eres? Estudiastes en kremenchuk?
sasha israel < > |
2404 : Лена, Кремень <>
Privet Lena ! Ne mogu vspomnit’ vse vertitsya 4to to a ..........
Izvini , napomni mne staromu
sasha israel < > |
Vsem privet !!! Kak tam jizn’ v rodimom gorode ?
vovka freydin < > |
bil v kremenchyge tolko v avgyste, vse ponravilos a ludi vse teshe a gorod vse tot zhe
napishite mne svoi otzivi bydy zhdat
Hey Mike,
So, you will be traveling to kremenchuk in next week. Hope you enjoy your stay over there.
Well... Say hello to one of the warmest cities in the whole world. (I was there for seven years). If you want I can give you list of places to visit, where to spend your leisure time, etc.
Thanks to all who responded to my question regarding cashing of traveler’s checks. My fiancee has found out that Aval Bank in kremenchuk does cash and there is no waiting period. Aagin thanks to all of you. I look forward to arrival next week!!! I am so excited !!!
ura, 4erez neskolko 4asov ya edu v kremenchug, jdu ne dojdus!!!!!!!!!!! prymo ne veritsa, 4to zavtra ego uviju!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
RICHARD T. U.S.A. < > |
i visited kremenchuk in june of 2004 and found the most wonderful and beautifulest woman i know.i plan on bring her to the u.s.a marring her.kremenchuk is a very beautiful city and i found its people to be very warm.i hope to return to kremenchuk in the near future to bring my future wife and daughter back to the u.s.a. best regards kremenchuk.i will be back!!! richard t.
To 2369
Mike, Unless you are taking a large sum of money, just take cash. I didn’t have much of a hassle cashing traveler’s checks at the Western Union shops in Kiev or kremenchuk but just make sure they are signed EXACTLY as your passport is signed.
You can exchange travel checks in kremenchuk, but not in all banks. I don’t remember exactly which bank does this, probably AVAL or Pravex, but I’m not sure.
Dla Badima ( 2348 ). Xorosho, sida v yutmom kresle, posle vkysnogo yzina, pit koniyak i rassyzdat o prelestax kremensygskogo plaza, dengax i nostalgii. Dymay te kto ostalis na "Rodine" i ne vidili vsego togo, sto videl tu, tak ne dymayt. Kogda tebe xosetsa EST, to na teba ne proizvodit vpesatlenie nisego rodnoe, ono razdrazaet, poetomy mnogie yexav, naevshis, vspominayt o rodnom gorode i nostalgii.
Poetomy ne dymay, sto nado davat lydam takix sovetov, mu na eto ( naxodasiesa za bygrom, sutue ) ne imeem pravo. Ne darom sysestvyet poslovisa : snasala xleba, potom zrelish!
Komy na Rodine xorosho, on i tak ne dymaet ob yezde. A vot ya bula v rodnom gorode spysta 4 goda polse yezda i deistvitelno polysila ogromnoe ydovolstvie. No ya prekrasno ponimay, sto eto potomy, sto priexala s dengami otduxat, a vot pogryzitsa opat v "bydni Rodnogo goroda" ne xotela bu, xota mnogo xoroshego, detstvo i ynost proshli imenno zdes, v kremensyge. Zelay vsem teplogo i solnesnogo leta. Spasibo sozdatelam saita za vozmoznost izdaleka probezatsa po rodnum ylisam.
England < > |
Spasibo za sozdanie etogo websita. Moj myz prosmatrivaet ego na protjzenii 2 let. I kazduj raz , kogda v kremenchuge, sprashivaet, mozem li mu yvidet’ sozdatelej sajta.I chasto zagljduvaj k nemy na raboty, y nego vsegda foto kremenchyga na ekrane komp’jtera.
Vitaliy Portugal < > |
Ola para todos! Eu sou Vital, e eu ja viveu nesta sedade kremenchug. para agora eu estou em Portugal, e para mem muito prazer ver meu sedade em net....
Mick Boom < > |
I have not looked at this site for a while now... but tonight I have! I remember with affection my two visits to friends in kremenchuk just two years ago, and hope in the future to visit again... Any of you who would like to improve your English, or ask any questions about England or myself, please email me, and I will always find the time to answer. Best wishes...
Alex USA < > |
Spasibo za to chto vi sozdali etot sayt. Was ya v USA i ochen’ skuchayu za rodnim kremenchugom.
Pogaluysta, rekonstruiruyte sayt ne tak chasto, a to inogda hochetsja vzgljanut’ na kartinki, a ih net:-(
Marina, CA, USA < > |
ya iz shkoli # 11, klassnuu rukovoditel’nitsu zvali Galina Ivanovna (vela ukrainskiy yazik), esli kto menya usnaet, to pishite na moi email... ya ochn’ skuchau po kremenchugu i vsem znakomim! Marina (Mishanina)
richard u.s.a. < > |
hello kremenchuk i was in kremenchuk this past june and i think it is a beautiful city.i meant and fell deeply in love with my future wife in kremenchuk.i will be back in the near future,so until then i keep in touch with kremenchuk by this web page so keep up the good photos as i will be back to get my regards richard t.
Terje A. Gudmundsson < > |
Great page of krementchuk. I was visting the town 30.4 - 8.5.2004 together with me wife. Larysa Babishchuk. I ike it very much. Big difference to Oslo there we live. Enormous photo archive you`we got. Keep up the good work!
Red about our visit of Ukraine, at (sorry it still in Norwegian - but it will come in russian also).
James Nielsen / US < > |
I met my wife in Kiev. Her name is Alyona Fedorova. She was raised in Pishana. I’ve been to Krmenchuk many times now and always have a good time. We stay at her families
home in Pishana and go to kremenchuk clubs and shops for fun. I just got home from there and Alyona is there
for another month. She’s going to go to Yalta when she
finds a break in the weather. I love kremenchuk since
I’ve found so much happiness there. I intend to buy property there and possibly retire to there in my old age.
Thanks for such a nice website. I appreciate it. James
Netherlands < > |
Privet vsem! Privet kremenchug! Ishu znakomih, zhila na Lenina 25, uchilas v shkole 11,god vipuska 97. Zovut menja Zhanna. Kto menja pomnit pishite na e-mail.
David Mackay Canada < > |
Love your site I was in kremenchug last summer I am Not Ukrainian but you have a beautiful country , city and the people are so nice
Thanks David Mackay
Toronto Canada
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