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Yuliya < > |
Vsech kremen4ujan pozdravlyayu s Novim Goodom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
privet vsem!
ia saberayos letom vernucha jit v kremenchuk. hotela bi pagavarit skemto kto jivet v kremenchige.
pishiti budu jdat:)
poka vsem ana
Ira, Israel < > |
To: Zhenja 1367
Poprobuy na, po moemu tam est.
Absoljutno soglasna s Tat"janoj Nr1362. Ja sakonchila 20-u shkolu v 1978 godu i s blagodarnost"ju vspominaju Artemenko Viktora Markianovicha, Iorsh Allu Petrovnu i drugih ne menee uvazhaemyh Uchitelej. Sejchas moi deti hodjat v nemezkie shkoly, gde uchiteljam absoljutno besraslichno ih buduschee. Hotja ja slyshala, chto sejchas i na Ukraine, v chastnosti v kremenchuge takoe zhe otnoshenie k uchenikam A zhal"...
Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. < > |
I’m trying to find info about kremenchug, does anyone know of where I can find it? I’m mainly looking for hotel prices, I can’t find "anything" on the internet of this. Hopefully someone there can tell me. Thank you all.
Robert Corum
Anne de France < > |
Vsej kremenchushan ,a osobenno shiteley Rakovki,pozdravlaem s nastupaiushim Novim godom i Roshdestvom! Shelaem zdorovia ,udach,mira ilubvi.Xorosho vipit, zakusit i
poveselitsia v novogodniuu noch!
P.S.Lichno pozdravlaem liubimuiu babushku Zinu y semiu Kiseliovix-Sarakalat , a takshe semiu Baran-Suchkovix.
Dubinskaja Germany < > |
privetik vsem kremen4uschanamvot reschila pozdravit vas vsem s nastupajuschim novim godom!Schelaju vam 4tob ispolnjalis vse vaschi me4ti i mnogo mnogo zdorovja i ljubvi!pischite kto menja znajet!budu o4en rada!Dubinskaja Kristina(Dubinskij Oleg,Lena)
Hans, Germany < > |
Hello, this is a very good Idee, the Daily Picture of krementchuk. Thus i can see, how is the Weather there. I visit my Ukrainski Friends every year in Wlasovka in the near of krementchuk.2004 we plan a shipping to a Island of the Reservoir by krementchuk with bacon and Wodka and a specific
wanda sauna for two Days. That is great.
Many greetings to all Friends of the Ukraine.
england < > |
thank you very much, very interesting, ive just started to talk to a girl from kremenchuk, and it was nice to see were she lives, thanks again ron
Vsem bolwoi privet! Kostik, ya po4ti vaw(tvoi) sosed. Wivy v Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Kone4no ne tak blizko, no eto we ne Alaska!
Mowet ewe kto-to zdes iz kremen4yga wivet? Otzovites!
Dlay 1317, Vladimir ya to za, a vot kak sozdateli?
Kostik, USA < > |
Privem psem kremenchuzhanam!!! Kto nibud est iz kremenchuga kto zhivet seichas v Kolumbii, Yuzhnaya Karolina, USA ili v blizlezhashchem shtate? budu rad naiti rodnuyu dushu zdes poblizosti. Skuchayou po rodnomu yazyku. Vsem privet i budu rad poluchit ot kogo nibud vestochku.
H&#233;ctor Santana < > |
Hello dear friends !
I have seen many places and conner through you about kremenchuk. Thanks. It´s a very nice city, interesting to me I want to see other realities. Do you know a page to see Odessa o Kiev e.g. ? Thanks very much.Congratulation for your work. Happy holidays from Uruguay. Héctor.
Edik, Stasyukov < > |
Dlya:1320(Света,Германия). Ya toje iz kremnya i jivu v Kassele. napeshi mne na e-mail
Dlya 1311.
Ya za! Mi, te, kto ne v kremle, vse, ego 4ast. Tak 4to pokazat, gde mi vse naxodimsya-eto nado!
Yuliya, USA < > |
Hi everyone.
how is everybody’s live. (i hope it’s great)
I live in USA for about 1 1/2 i kind like, it but still I think live in kremenchuk was much better. If people would ask me where i want to live i would say kremenchuk. I think that kremenchuk is really beautiful.
I LOVE YOU kremENCHUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pryvit, Andriy!
Yak tam u Vas spravy ?
Vsem privet! Est’ kto s Rakovki? Otzovites:)
A lyudi s kremnysa v Sweden:)?
USA < > |
Hi Steve/Vlada/Zlata (myheart2ukraine)
I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying your visit To kremenchuk, I’ll be there this comming May 2004, tell Vlada and Zlata and her mom I said "hello"
Galina Norway <> |
Zdravstvyite Tanya !
K sogaleniyu ya ne givy v Sverige, no ochen’ priyatno bulo yvidet’ vashe soobshenie. Ya givy v Norway, vasha sosedka.
Do etogo ya gila v kremenchge.
Israel -kremenchug < > |
Charles USA < > |
Message To Bernie & Other Scammed People,
I am sorry for the heart ache that you have suffered in your search for a beloved. Sometimes it is like playing the lottery with the odds of finding a soulmate stacked against you, however if you try hard enough, keep your your eyes open and zipper shut, use extreem common sense and be be skeptical at all times, you have a chance to succeed. Also, please try to find a person who shares a common age group, goals, physical appearance and lifestyle (basicly, stay in your own league). Finally, one can not underestimate the value of communication, impact of family members and mutual respect & interests.
My Fiancee from kremenchuk has just joined me in America with her son and I could not be happier. When traveling to Kiev on vacation a year and half ago, she was my translator & tourguide. After three subsequent visits to Ukraine to be with her and her family, daily email letters and weekend phone calls, we allowed our love to flourish and got to know each other intimately. It was not a stranger who has joined me in America, but my best friend and partner - not a sex play toy, nanny for my kids nor trophy wife.
For your information, I have read on some other chat rooms that some very sincere ladies of the former Soviet Union are placing their free ads (profiles) on the dating web site Best of luck in your search for love!
steve england < > |
hi 2 bernie & scammed peoples
yep there are many honest girls here bernie so don`t give up ok!
i am at present here in krem & have been for 3 weeks now but i soon travel back 2 england
yes i have seen the girls coming 2 the many many internet clubs/cafe`s here turning up in very expencive clothes/mobil phones & some even have cars. such is the scammer (boris)busines here in krem. but from my experince i would say it`s 50 50, for 1 bad there`s 1 good
remember 2 that the men allso scam very very good here so beware
2 end put it in all in context they are modern day robin hoods here. taking from the rich & giving 2 the poor, only these poor scammers here i have seen here seem 2 be very very rich. & i mean very very rich with empty headed fools with there brains in there pants sending monies 2 scammers (boris`s)!!
krem has the beach (empty now!) many nice parks but the 1 thing i love about it is their bridge. its big big!, very very long! & when will it fall down??!!. just 2 walk across it & you make your life in peril!. such is the buzz of walking this tourist attraction 2 us they the people of krem no not of this tourist attraction!!
i will be back 2 krem that`s for sure soon k
ogromnij priwet rodnomu kremen4ugi iz germanii.rodnoj gorod zdi menja,ja skoro wernus
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