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Victoria, Israel < > |
Privet rodnomy gorody! Bezzabotnum detstvom i ynostiy ya obazana imenno tebe, kremensyg.Yze 6 let proshlo kak ya yexala. Za eto vrema vsego 1 raz bula v gostax. Skysay po tebe,kremensyg, po nastoyasim dryziyam kotorux ostavila tam i osen tazelo oni priobretaytsa seisas zdes.
Bolshoe spasibo sozdatelam saita za vozmoznost vzglanyt glazkom na rodnue ylisu. Ya obnaryzila etot sait v nasale 2000 goda i s etogo vremeni posti kazdui den zagladuvay syda.
Ya ysilas v 4 shkole, "A" klasse s 1982 po 1992 godu. Zila po ylise 60 let Oktabra dom 20. Zakonsila nash politex(elektromexaniseskii fak.). Kto mena znaet, bydy rada poobsatsa, pishite.
Для 1113. Марина, попыталась отправить Вам сообщение на указанный e-mail, но что-то оно мне вернулось назад. Напишите мне, пожалуйста на
Хочу с Вами пообщаться! :-)
Sveta USAprivet < > |
privet kremenchyk---
Sveta USA < > |
Hi I love your pictures they are really cool. Ya shela na ulize Krasina 63/62 privet noshemy domy
ya oshen skyshau za kremechugom.
salvatore, Sardinia island of Italy < > |
Finally I found a site of the city of kremenchug, from comes Victoria a girl that had broken my heart and that I like to know. Victoria, is born in 1979 and she an psicologist, she’s have got the eyes more sweet of the world for me she’s the beautiful of Ukraina, unfortunatly for me is very difficult to have her address in order to knwo her and ask if she want to live here in Sardinia, my land for the rest of the life, I see Victoria in, to find Victoria is necessary to dial her code:45767 but to have her address is very complicated, in order to know Viktoria, so I’m thinking to have the address
of the city hall exactly the office of the register of the birth marriage and death, in order to have notice of Viktoria.
I hope that Viktoria could read this message, I would try to publish an advise in the principal daiary of the city if is it possible but...what the name? Viktoria if You read and people that know Viktoria and read this message please write me
TUBAL izrael < > |
mario maltese 24 year old guy < > |
well i am in a relationship with a nice lady from kremchung and i would like to know if there are any hotels near there because i would like to go and give her a surprise and then take her home with me to malta and give her the perfwct life.
Tanya N.,CO.USA < > |
Hello to My kremanchuk and all in USA. I would like to speak with others in USA from kremenchuk, but also My FREINDS I miss from Gazette at Kraz.
Privet vsem zemlyakam, kak zhivyete zdes v USA?
I just want to tell the whole world that I have the kindest, funniest and most loving man ever! My fiance and I are on the last leg of our fiance visa process. He will be in the USA in time for Thanksgiving. Spasibo kremenchuk for producing such a fine man! For my beloved fiance, "Ya tebya ochen ochen lyublyu!"
charles, America < > |
I am planning a trip to kremenchuk in November. If you are able to speak both English and Russian,Ukrainian, could you please write to me at ?
Thank you.
ДК "Дормаш" ive/index-ua.htm?02-02-19
Eduardo Rodrнguez Escalona Cuba < > |
Дмитрий/ Израиль < > |
выпускники сш 19- 1988 года.
буду рад всем кто напишет
А ВСЕХ Кременчужан, независимо от проживания, поздравляю с наступающим днем родного города.
laura usa < > |
I’m looking forward to visiting when I can. Thank you for the introduction to a beautiful city! Also, I’m looking for someone who lives in kremenchuk that will be able to deliver a message ro someone without email (my friend does not seem to be receiving the mail I sent).
Я ожидаю посещения, когда я могу. Спасибо за представление к красивому городу! Также, я ищу кого - то, кто живет в Кременчук, который будет способен поставить сообщение ро, кто - то без электронной почты (мой друг, кажется, не получает почту, которую я послал).
Roberto / Cuba/Ireland < > |
(Ref. message 1027 and 1015 from Eddy/Cuba)
Saludos Eddy,
Soy cubano y tambien estudie en kremenchug a finales de los 80s. Hoy vi tus mensajes aqui, los cuales te voy a responder desde mi direccion de correo electronico desde donde trabajo. Suerte con la busqueda de tu familia alla en kremenchug hermano. Espara mi mensaje pronto.
Priviet kremenchug!!!
Still missing you! Great pictures!!
Zdarova Alexander! A friend form Cuba, Eddy, wishes to see a picture of the Vasmova Marta ulitza (8th March St.) if possible please. Many thanks for keeping this web site with all these pictures bringing us tons of sweet memories of the city that was in the past the home for many Cubans while studying Aviation in kremenchug! Well done and keep up the good job with these pictures and the site!
Best regards and best wishes to everybody in kremenchuk.
Marina USA < > |
Privet vsem kremenchuzhanam!!! Hochu skazat cho vash sait prosto super!! Ya nedavno bila v kremenchuge i ochen skuchayu za nim. Peredayu privet vsem iz shkoli #19 i chastnoy shkoli "ADA". Yspehov, udachi!
S togo momenta kak ya nashla vash sait,pochti cashdiy den ego smotriu .Mne nraviatsa vse foto kremenchuga, jotia ya y ne ochen pomniu vse ego ulisi, a Rakovku ya znaiu vsiu, ot i do.I ya bila bi Ochen blagodarna esli bi vi snimali bolshe foto Rakovki,t.k.ya ochen po nei skuchaiu !
Cuba < > |
Quisiera publicaran fotos de la Calle 8 de Marzo, yo estudiй en kremenchug hasta el aсo 1991, allб tengo parte de mi vida, pues tengo a mi hija Janet, ella vive en Calle 8 de marzo #53/1, si pudieran enviarme una foto de ella se lo agradecerнa, pues hace aproximadamente 10 aсos no la veo.
katyushka <************************> |
Privet moi lyubimii gorod!!!kak ya zaviduyu lyudyam jivuwim v kremne,ya toje xo4u takayu je pogodu,ne jarko,marosit dojdik ex.....odnim slovom nastoyawaya osen,klass!sdelaite foto s opavwimi listyami,xot polyubuyus;)!
Dla 1001 ! Ti toshe iz kremenchuga ?
Eddy Cuba < > |
Hace 13 aсos yo estudie en la Escuela de Pilotos de Aviacion Civil, mi hija vive actualmente en kremenchug, en la calle 8 de Marzo # 53/1, se llama Janet y su mamб Elena, por favor si pudieran hacer una foto de ellas se lo agradecerнa con el alma, hace 10 aсos no veo a mi hija.
Eduardo Rodrнguez Escalona
BurtJohn USA < > |
Privet kremenchuk Citizens,
I enjoy the daily pictures, would some one please tell me what is the occasion for what seems like a celebration on this date 01 September 2003 in the picture title;(Перший дзвінок у школі №13).
Thank You
Paul Weston < > |
Thank you kremenchuk for giving me the chance to meet the loveliest woman in the universe.
No one is lovelier....
Lloyd, UK < > |
A message for Anna Gonchar; Anna, I am here for you! So glad I found you and this site. Will look forward to visiting kremenchuk soon.
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