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Today's Photo
About the Town
Local time in
23.05.2000: At the Central Market
31.03.2016: On Hor'kyi street
15.04.2004: Near the school № 2

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Found 1510 messages

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  7847   12.09.2011 23:34:08  
 Сергій Дзюбенко  <@> Кременчук  
This is a reply to message 7846


  7846   12.09.2011 05:19:59  
 Anders Jorgensen  <@> Denmark  
Can anybody help me with this address in kremenchug:
Where is it on a map?

In reply to this message: 7847

  7843   11.09.2011 09:02:36  
 B. Roman  <@> Stow, Ohio U.S.A.  
Looking for a lady lawyer, "Maria" (she is 6 ft tall)in kremenchuk. She works as a prosecutor in the city. Would appreciate a photo of city hall and perhaps where the prosecutors office is located. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Love all the photos (have seen over 400).

  7838   01.09.2011 00:08:40  
 Jennifer  <@> Virginia  
Hi, Looking for information on relatives from kremenchuk - Wolf (William) Lombard and wife Mary Lombard (nee Brodski, daughter of Abram Brodski), immigrated to the U.S. in 1906 and 1907 with 3 children.

  7837   01.09.2011 00:05:15  
 Jennifer  <@> Virginia  
This is a reply to message 5915

Hi - I came across your message in a Google search. My great-grandfather was William (Wulf) Lombard from kremenchug. He immigrated to the U.S. in 1906, followed by his family in 1907. His brother's name was Boruch. According to immigration records, all of them reported going to his uncle's house, Solomon Epstein, on 121st. St. Any relation?

  7836   29.08.2011 12:58:08  
 Vlad  <@> Israel  
Found the web site by mistake and I'm glad it happened. I was born in kremenchuk, but nearly all my life I live in Israel. Actually, I forgot how beautiful this town is! T.y. for the effort you put in this site! Great work!

  7832   17.08.2011 01:00:16  
 fiorella  <@> ravenna  
i like kremnechuk, i put your last photo in my desk, i would like to see in live

  7830   14.08.2011 20:10:10  
 Otto  <@> Germany  
Hello, can you give me the name and location of the place "Koropowka" today. It should be near kremenchug. My father, a German soldier, must have been killed near that place on Nov.3 1943. This is the only information we have. I now have a map with Ukrainian letters and Latin letters of the place so I could find the place which I would like to visit.
Thank you so much

In reply to this message: 7834, 7831

  7822   27.07.2011 14:16:42  
 Natasha  <@> Michigan, USA  
Привет, дорогие Кременчужане. Я родом из Кременчуга, живу в Америке уже 7 лет. Откликнитесь пожалуйста те, кто тоже живет в штате Мичиган, но родом из Кременчуга. будет здорово иметь земляков!
Удачи всем!

  7818   24.07.2011 06:40:01  
This is a reply to message 5820


  7816   21.07.2011 05:20:05  
 guille  la habana.  
hola, amigos yo estudie en kremenchug del 84 al 88, me gustaría saber si alguien ha sabido de la Profesora de ruso eleonora paulona espicula.
saludos a todos guille.

  7812   14.07.2011 15:13:18  
 Svitlana  <@> San Deigo  
Privet kremenchuzanam!!!! Lublu svoy gorod ochen', vot tol'ko priexala, esdila s dochkoy na 3 nedeli v gosti k scoim, u vot opiat' xochet'sia, tianet na rodiny!! Ushy kremenchuzan sdec' v San Diego, ili drygom gorode v Amerike...otkliknites', davaite snakomit'sia u obshat'sia!!! Svetlana Ostroushko (Mantanona)

  7808   06.07.2011 04:08:46  
 Ryan Partee  <@> Fairway, Kansas USA  
I really enjoy your the pictures of kremenchuk! A beautiful city. I am helping a friend that has had Visa issues from the Ukraine to the USA and back. Is there anyone from kremenchuk that would like to be a language partner so I can learn more about the languages of kremenchuk and Ukraine? Thank you.

  7807   05.07.2011 15:21:41  
 Jonathan Gainer  <@> Kremenchug  
Hello. I really like your site! Nice work. I'm an American Living in kremenchug teaching english.

  7800   20.06.2011 14:27:46  
 Kim Harcey  <@> Cambridge, MN  
Trying to find an address or phone number for some friends that we have in kremenchuk.....Pasha & Tanya Karatynov?

  7799   19.06.2011 08:35:32  
 Dieter Busch  <@> Deutschland  
Viele Grüße aus der Lausitz. Ich war von 1975 bis 1979 auch in krementschug. Ich liebe Eure Stadt!

  7798   18.06.2011 00:29:27  
 Gary  USA  
Thank you for this detailed look at kremenchuk. I enjoy seeing the daily life of your city. Please continue posting the daily photos.

  7793   19.05.2011 06:01:26  
 Jenny  <@> USA  
What a beautiful place! My husband and I are traveling to kremenchuk in July to adopt a little boy. We are excited at the prospect of visiting such a lovely place. We will be traveling to Baby House 18. Have there ever been any pictures posted of that area in kremenchuk?

In reply to this message: 7794

  7787   24.04.2011 03:07:53  
 josephine  <@> Ireland  
This is a reply to message 7780

Hi Catherine,
I hope you have a wonderful adoption trip,we adopted from kremenchuk baby house, Batonna st,in 2006,I have been looking through this site on rgurlar basis but have never came across pictures of orphanages.
Is this the orphanage you are travelling to ?

  7780   13.04.2011 10:44:36  
 Catherine  <@> Atlanta, GA, USA  
We are traveling to kremenchuk to adopt in May. Do you have any pictures of the orphanage. Your site is wonderful!!!
Thank you,

In reply to this message: 7787

  7772   24.03.2011 03:15:14  
 Дейв  <@> Росомаха озера USA  
This is a reply to message 7672

Привет Александр.
Я не мог согласиться с вашего ответа больше по красоте Кременчуг's. Когда я стал пенсионером за многие годы, я надеюсь на пенсию есть часть года с моей любимой жены из Кременчуга, а другая часть года здесь, в США. Жизнь в современном городе рядом с водой требование для меня. На мой взгляд, современные средства высокоскоростной доступ в Интернет. Кременчуг был Интернете много лет назад. Даже сегодня, не все из США это. У меня есть много друзей рода в Кременчуге сейчас.
Hi Alexander.
I could not agree with your reply more on kremenchug's beauty. When I become pensioner in many years, I hope to retire there part of the year with my Lovely wife from kremenchug, and the other part of the year here in USA. Living in modern city next to water is a requirement for me. To me, modern means high speed internet. kremenchug had internet many years ago. Even today, not all of USA has this. I have many kind friend in kremenchug now.

  7771   24.03.2011 03:01:34  
 Дейв  <@> Росомаха озера USA  
Кто-нибудь слышал новости о строительстве гражданского аэропорта в Кременчуге?
Has anyone heard news on construction of civilian airport in kremenchug ?

  7766   11.03.2011 10:51:10  
 M.K.  <@> USA  
My mother's emigrated to the US from Kiev and kremenchuk in the early years of the 20th century. I'm uncertain if my grandfather or grandmother came from kremenchuk. My grandfather's last name was SHOLKOF. My grandmother's last name was LANDSMAN.
If there are any families with either of these names living in kremenchuk, would you please contact me?
Thank you!

  7763   05.03.2011 01:05:10  
 Ronald Coleman  Dallas, Texas  
We really appreciate the pictures! We are leaving for kremenchuk today. I visit twice a year and have many wonderful friends there. My wife and I always love our trips to kremenchuk

  7762   04.03.2011 07:54:45  
 Люба  <@> Кременчук  
This is a reply to message 7746

I guess, I have sort of bad news for you. In 1959-1961 after the construction of the kremenchuk HES the population of the city was evacuated to Svitlovodsk as its territory has been flooded. Some parts of the city that stayed on the higher lands were preserved and transformed into the village of Nahirne (today in Svitlovodsk Raion). This info is from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novogeorgievsk

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