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Today's Photo
About the Town
Local time in
11.07.2019: THe crossroad of Haharin and Pershotravneva streets
26.10.2003: At Pushkin Blv.
31.05.2016: Academician Maslov Street

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Found 1510 messages

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  1625   25.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Marcel the netherlands  <@>   
Hi all people of kremenchuk, i will wish you a merry merry Christmas and a happy healty and full off happynes new year, AND SPECIALY TO MY E-MAIL GIRLFREND OF LOVELY kremENCHUK "NADIYA"
Becourse she write me lovely letters and she is makes me feel real good
Lots of kissis to lovely NADIYA from marcel with love! ...;-)))))
bey bey

  1622   24.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Masha,Russia  <@>   
Moi dorogiye kremenchuzhane,chego eto vy tut sporite?
Prinosit etot sait radost bolshinstvu,nu i horosho.
Lutshe raduides zhizni takoi kakaya ona est,a ne vornyakaete kak starichki,to eto ne tak to to ne etak...
S nastupayuschim Novym Godom i Rozhdestvom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1618   23.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Michael and USA  <@>   
Hey Guys and Gals,

Thanks for your daily picture of kremenchug. It reminds me of the wonderful time I had with Svetlana. Please come and visit my town and its pictures: Manassas, Virginia(USA) which is 30 minutes drive outside of our nation US capital Washington D.C. Please go here: www.visitmanassas.org or this http://www.visitpwc.com/ Please highlight the link and copy it and paste it to your open internet browser.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours from all over the World!!! I wish you peace and happiness.

Have a blessed day! Michael

  1610   22.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Alexander, Kremenchuk    
There was a fire.

  1602   21.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Caesar Jimenez / Mexico  <@>   

Congratulations on your site it is very nice, I check daily todays photo section. But it would be nice if you could translate the title of the picture into English. I also have question for you. Is Gvardejskaya str a valid address in kremenchuk?

Thanks and keep upd the good work.

  1600   21.12.2002 08:57:23  
 marcel the netherlands  <@>   
Hi all very good morning to all people of kremenchuk.
Greatings from Marcel Cornet from the netherlands and specialy to Nadiya!!!
>From the netherlands with love I like the kremenchuk photo

  1595   19.12.2002 08:57:23  
Просматривая сообщения, обнаружил, что моя подсказка "иностранцам" как писать по-русски с "не наших" компьтеров некоторым пригодилась. Спасибо за слова благодарности. Для облегчения жизни "загранки" повторяю свою подсказку еще раз. Итак,... Открываете наш http://www.yandex.ru , там внизу главной страницы находите ссылку "Русская клавиатура". Кликаете на ней, вам откроется окно с виртуальной русской клавой . В окне можете печатать хоть письмо, влезет все. Потом копируете этот текст куда хотите, хоть в Word, хоть в Outlook Exhress, хоть в Гостевую Книгу всеми нами любимого сайта http://www.kremenchuk.org и все дела. Всем привет. :))))


  1594   19.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Thor, Norge    
Byen er vakker og min kvinne i denne byen likesе.
Om 2 dager er hun hos meg i Norge og jeg er bare glad!
Jeg var i kremenchug i Oktober/November og ble virkelig glad i denne byen.
Det er ogsе interesant е se nye bilder hver eneste dag.

  1592   19.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Marcel netherlands  <@>   
Hi hi every budy here i am again.i like to shout of the roof that i am fall in love with nadiya from kremenchuk NADIYA I TINK I GONNA LOVE YOU FROM MARCEL WITH LOVE
lots of kissis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx bey
In dutch Nadiya ik denk dat ik van je gaat houden
heel veel kussen xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx dag.

  1584   19.12.2002 08:57:23  
 V-Italy Toronto  <@>   
Privet kremen’
Davno ya tut nebil
zhdi v gosti lechu )))


  1583   19.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Schumacher ( kremenchuk)  <@>   
Яна из АВСТРАЛИИ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1581   18.12.2002 08:57:23  
 MashaUSA  <masha&amp;amp;017>   
Privet kremenchuki
kak delishki

  1579   18.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Marcel netherlands  <@>   
I love to see the pictures of youre city, and i have a nice contact with a nice female from kremenchuk "nadiya"
And i hope to see here live sometimes
Greatings marcel from holland, the netherlands (dutchman)

  1578   18.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Walker Orang    
priwet Kemnu i kremenchukcham! Neplohoy sayt zadelali!

  1576   18.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Michael USA  <@>   
Hey Guys and Gals,

Thanks for your daily picture of kremenchug. It reminds me of the wonderful time I had with Svetlana. Please come and visit my town: Manassas, Virginia(USA) which is 30 minutes drive outside of our nation US capital Washington D.C. Please go here: www.visitmanassas.org or this http://www.visitpwc.com/

Have a blessed day!

  1572   17.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Makc Germany    
Spasibo za sayt, deystvitelno klasno... Hot iz za bugra mojno posmotret na rodnoy gorod...
Privet vsem kremenchujanam I s nastupayushimi prazdnikami!!!

  1570   17.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Leroy USA  <@>   
People of kremenchug,

do you like living there? It seems so cold and dark and dank all the time.

  1562   14.12.2002 08:57:23  
 Alex Jerusalem  <@>   
Cool! Kajdiy den smotru fotki i skuchau!!!
Privet kremnu i Pervomu zanasipu!!!

  1550   10.12.2002 08:57:23  
Znaete,prosto protivno chotat vashu knigu.Kogda emigranti jili v kremenchuge,to oni peli difirambi zapadu,seichas gorodu.A zavtra komu...Ostavte eto gospoda,ya vam ne veru!!!!

  1549   10.12.2002 08:57:23  
 israel  <elena>   
privet vsem kremenchuzanam i s nastupayushimi prazdnikami! vsem i vsego! privet mologeznomu ishkole 31 . ya vas obozayu!!!!!

  1548   10.12.2002 08:57:22  
 Lucy Kraft, Deutschland  <@>   
Privet moji rodnoji kremenchug,
skuchaem, ljubom i ne zabivaem!
Vsegda prosmatrivaem foto i gdem novogo i interestnogo!

  1547   09.12.2002 08:57:22  
 Stefano Italia  <@>   
I have already been in kremenchug ... it is a nice town ... I met very nice people ... I left my heart there ... I will come back again! See you soon. Stefano

  1542   08.12.2002 08:57:22  
 chester- israel  <@>   
sposibo sozdatelam za sayt.mne on ochen ponravilsa.ia sam rodom iz kremenchuga i proshil tam 11 prekrasnih let a vot teper ushe sem let kak preeshayu tuda raz v godu.
hotelos bi uvidet fotku iz rayona 28 shkoli

  1533   06.12.2002 08:57:22  
 igor israel  <@>   
spasibo ja rodilcja v krementctuge foto prosto klass
sidel plakal esli moshno peredaite privet dajde
tel 208-00 zovut evgenii ot igorja

  1525   03.12.2002 08:57:22  
 TO/YA Toronto  <@>   
privet vsem kremenchujanam bivshim i nastoyashim, budu rad vstretitsya i poznakomitsya s Torontovskimi kremenchujanami pishite na milo

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