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30.04.2012: On Lenin street
26.03.2012: At the bank of the Dnipro
28.04.2014: Commemoration Day

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since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

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  1054   13.04.2002 09:11:12  
 Nina  <@> Daytona, US  
AWESOME !!!I like this idea of capturing the streets, Useful for people who want to visit kremenchuk, You always see the temperatuse, so you know how to dress:))Thank You .

  1053   12.04.2002 23:19:45  
 JACK  <@>   
Hello, My name is JACK and I’m 49 years old and I’m American. I have 2 lovely daughters. The ’scammer’ is named Elena Grineva. I remember writing her 2 years ago and saw her ad accidentally just recently. So I wrote her again to see if in fact she was still trying to scam people. 2 years ago I didn’t know any better . She pretends to be a ’rookie’ at this thing. She says she works two jobs day and night but her responses to me emails were almost immediate ... at least within a few hours and always during her work hours. GO FIGURE. Any questions ... please write to me at " ritzar@aol.com" JACK LETTER #1: Hello dear Jack!!!!!!! I was so happy to get your message and I am very pleased that you are interested in me,hope I will not disappoint you. If only you could know how lonely I am now in this imperfect wolrd.I was disappointed in men in past.Maybe this is because in our country men forgot that there are some very important values in the life such as decentness,faithfullness,hones ty,caring and respect.I think that a family,children and relative people should be most important and dear for each person.But in our society nowadays these all things have lost their value and meaning. I was born and grown in such a family which was full of love,caring, mutual understanding and that is why I have always been thinking that in such a way it should be in this world. But unfortunately my life went in other way. But anyway life is going on and I do believe that everything will be fine.I am trying to be strong and overcome through the hardships in this life in order to fall in love again and feel and know that I am beloved as well.I am looking for my destiny,my second half in this world ,I want to be a good friend,a faithful wife and a passionate lover for my future only one man. I would like my man to be decent,loving,caring,tender romantic,real gentleman who will love me and respect me and we would be a perfect and the best couple in the world. Maybe you are my perfect man whom I am looking for ? I smile. Dear Jack ,please tell me more about yourself and send me your photo. Looking forward to your reply.I send you my photo.Hope you will like it. Sincerely Elena LETTER #2: Hello dear Jack!!!!!! Thanks for your photos,you look very well. You cannot imagine how happy I was to recieve your letter,it was like something turned inside me and I felt pleasant warmness which I am still feeling.I am really pleased that you wrote me because it means that you are really interested in me,i nterested in creating strong family with good children and caring ,loving wife. I would like to know more about you,your personality as soon as possible and that is why we should write each other as often as possible and make the efforts to meet in person and stay together forever.My dear,now I would like to tell you something about myself. I live in Ukraine in a small town kremenchug which is 300km far from Kiev city,our capital. I have a son Hleb who is 7 y.o.He goes to school.He is a very good boy and I thank God that I have him in my life.Hleb is my only happiness proudness in my life for now,I love him very much .Yes,I would be happy to have even more children as children are the flowers in our life. I work on two jobs in order to survive in this crazy poor country.You even cannot imagine how we live here,maybe if once you come here you will see it by yourself and will be surprised how our people can live in such bad conditions.I do not want to stay here,I wish these grey everyday life go to the past and I have new interesting life I dream about.I want to have only one lovely man who will love me and take care about me.It is so pleasant when man takes care about his woman and is faithful to her.But for now I have nobody beside me to take care of,I am alone and has to take care about my son as well by myself. Dear Jack,I ask you very much to write me only in the case if you are really interested in meand have serious intentions towards me.I am trying to be careful with these marriage services.I heard that some girls are writing to several men trying to chose one of them.But I do not want to do in such way because I found you and I am interested in you,I am willing to meet you in person and make our lonely hearts in one big loving heart and be together forever. I would very glad if you can visit me here,we would be able to know each other much better in person meeting,we can write all the words in the wolrd but it would not be equel to looking into each other eyes. I ask you think about it,understand your feelings,thoughts and wishes and after it if you decide that you have found that perfect woman for you in myself so I will be the happiest woman in this world. Looking forward to your reply.I liked you very much and it would be wonderful if we were together. Kisses and hugs With love Elena LETTER #3: Hello my dear Jack! I am so glad to get a letter from you.I am very pleased to know that you are thinking about me and my son.I like to read your letters as in such way I can know you better. You asking me would I like to have a daughter?Yes,I dream about having a girl because she would be a small princess,a beautiful doll.You are happy men because you have two daughters and they can brighten your life with their baeuty.I would like so much to get closer to them,to know them better.Of course I would teach them to be perfect and gorgeous and true ladies. About my jobs,so in daytime I work in the shop as a goodskeeper and also I work in the firm as assistant of accounter in the evening time but this job is good because I can take some paper work to do it at home.But I am so tired already to work so hard and so much and the awful thing is that I cannot devote much time to my son. My dear,I will be so happy if you visit me here because the personal meeting is much better than correspondence as we can write all the words in the world but it would not be equel to looking deep into each other eyes.I think we have found each other in this world and our first meeting will be unforgatteble and you will never regret about it.Dear Jack,I should end the letter.I am sorry I cannot write you big letters as I have to pay for it much money.It is very hard life here in Ukraine and nothing is free here.Our people have to work at two or more jobs to survive. My dear,I do not want to disturb you but I would like to ask you to help me in payment for our correspondence.I would appreciate you very much and we will be able to write each other often and without any problems,I do not want to lose connection with you. Looking forward to your reply with great hope. Kisses and hugs. With love Elena LETTER 4: MONEY REQUEST. (Note, this girl has been doing this for 2 years yet she pretends she is a rookie). Hello my dear Jack! I am so happy to get your letter and photo.But I see on the photo only one of your daughter,she is very nice girl,I hope next time you will send me photo of your second daughter,I am sure she is also nice. My dear,today it is St.Valentine’s Day.I am so glad that we have aquainted closer to this holliday.I want to conratulate you with this wonderful day.I wish we could be together on this day as it is the day for people who are fallen in love.All my friends will be with their lovely men but I will be alone again.I will stay at home and all of my thoughts will be about you only.I want so much to see you,to feel your heart beating,to hear your breathing and laughing,to find myself in your arms. My dear,I want to tell you that Gleb’s father is not involved in raising his son,I am doing it by myself with no help from the side.That is why I think that he will not object because he is not interested at all in his son’s life and destiny.As I told you already men in our country do not take care about their families,they just try to escape from the problems drinking much alcohol,using drugs and so on.That is why I am not looking and do not want to look for my destiny here.Many of my friends got married with foreigners and left for different countries and when they visit their parents here they look so happy and full and strong families.Looking at them I came to this marriage agency and started to look for my destiny.I do want to believe that my second half I’ve been looking for is you.That is why,I am not willing to leave my country but I am willing to live in the place where my lovely man lives either in America. Honey,of course,I will be happy to meet you in Kiev as I do want to see you in person and you will be my guest and I will do everything in best way for you. My dear Jack,you know,I am a member of marriage agency.The marriage a gency’s service costs per month 50$ and besides each sent orrecieved letter costs 2,5$. Approximately per month it will cost 100$.I talked to the women who visit this agency also and they advised to use the service of Western Union as it is the quickest and safest way of transfering money.You should go to the WU office and send me money through them using my full name and address: Elena Grineva d.8,kv.73 ul.Pavlova kremenchug 39600 Poltava region Ukraine Well,my dear,I am ending the letter. Looking forward to your reply. Kisses and hugs. With love Elena

  1050   12.04.2002 16:02:56  
 ivan  <@> usa  
I wholehartedly agree with Stephen of California. You have a wonderful site and it becons me to travel to your city and meet the delightful citizens Stephen describs. I ask you this question, however. I go to Yahoo on the internet and click on Ukraine, then click on cities. Many cities appear but not kremenchuk. Why is this, I wonder? I am impressed with kremenchuk and, if and when, I visit Ukraine I will go to no other city. Only kremenchuk for me. Thank you sincerely for the daily pleasure I get from my visits to kremenchuk over the internet. Ivan, Tennessee, USA

  1049   12.04.2002 02:58:56  
 Stephen  <@> Manteca, CA  
Hello, It’s been quite a while since I placed a message on this board, so I thought I had better come back and thank the good people who run this site. Some time ago I thought that perhaps I would take a trip to the Ukraine, and the City of kremenchuk is where my attention was drawn. But I had a lot of questions, so I came to this message board and asked them. And thankfully there were some people who were kind enough to respond with the answers I needed. In December and January I finally had the chance to visit kremenchuk and I am so happy I made the decision to go there. The City is great, the Churches are magnificent, and the People are some of the best I have ever known. As a matter of fact, I even had the opportunity to meet with my good friend Serhiy, whom I met right here on this site. In any case, I am very much looking forward to my next visit there, and of course my Sweet Lubov :-) Ciao...

  1040   10.04.2002 15:36:42  
 ivan laird  <@> Fayetteville, usa  
It is good to see the flowers & trees are beginning to bloom in kremenchuk. The beautiful spring is beginning to awake in your lovely country. When I think of spring what comes to my mind? It is lovely flowers and trees, green flowing grass, the blue lakes and rivers, and, prettiest of all the beautiful ladies of the Ukraine. I have been in Austria in the spring and it was beautiful. I believe that your country would be just as beautiful if not moreso. With luck I may be fortunate enough to visit your country in the near future. I love the pictures of the different scenes in kremenchuk and I use them as a background on my computer. I wish I could read the titles of the pictures. Thank you very much for you web page.

  1016   31.03.2002 15:06:19  
 adam  <@>   
No one take any notice of what mully is saying. kremenchuk does NOT look like a dump. It looks like a fabulous place to live in. I really hope mully doesnt bother writing back because its people like that, that kremenchuk can do without. Dont take any notice kremenchuk, Mully is a stupid fool

  1012   30.03.2002 15:16:09  
 CANADA  <@> canada  

  1011   30.03.2002 13:12:44  
 Adam  <@> ACT, Australia  
Hi kremenchuk i looked at your site today and it looks really cool. you have some great pictures on this site. it would be a good place to visit one day. i see where mully said that the place looks bad. how does it look bad mully? i bet you live in a dump, and your jealous. so take a good look at yourself mully and stop saying bad things about a good place.

  1008   29.03.2002 22:52:46  
 Olena  <@> Alexandria, USA  
Dear kremenchuzane and other Ukrainian reading this site! Please come out and vote on Sunday, March 31! Every vote counts. Let the best and most worthy win to build a new Verkhonvna Rada and do good for us, Ukrainians!

  1007   29.03.2002 16:31:44  
 Mully Mullagan  <@>   
Hey kremenchuk. what is wrong with your chat? isnt anyone in krememchuk alive anymore? come on people. whats the point in having a chat room if no one uses it. and by the way. kremenchuk looks like a third world country. come on kremenchuk tidy up. it looks like a dump

  1001   27.03.2002 06:20:00  
 Adam  <@> NSW, Australia  
Hi People cool site. kremenchuk looks like one cool place. might visit there one day

  996   26.03.2002 03:35:09  
 Tamila Kostenko  <dfurmania@nc.rr.com.> Morrisville, USA,NC  
Molodcy ! Spasibo za fotki .V kremenchuge zhuvet moja sestra.Uznaju znakomye ulicy.Eto zdorovo uvidet’ ix snova. Est’ li takoj sait v Krivom Roge ?

  988   21.03.2002 19:58:34  
 }|{enya  <@> B-SH, Israel  
Privet vsem kremen4ujanam,i shkole N-11 !!!

  986   21.03.2002 03:22:40  
 Valentin  <@> Hastins, Sierra Leone  
Ochen rad uvidet fotki svoego rodnogo goroda. Hochu chto-by sozdateli sayta fotografirovali pobolshe ludey, krasivye mesta kremenchuga. Peredayu privet vsem kto meny znaet, nashim voennym sluzhaschim v kremenchuge, osobenno saperam.

  973   14.03.2002 07:56:45  
 Chach Reyes  <@> Corpus Christi, TEXAS, U.S.A.  
I went to your site mentioned by a friend in kremenchuk, Ukraine. It’s really cool. I liked the scenery, the people, the festivities and this really sweet girl/friend that is from there. Hi SWIETLANA. HOPE TO FIND YOU AT THE "ONTARIO" HOTEL LOBBY WHEN I ARRIVE MAY 8th. Love you!

  969   13.03.2002 06:17:17  
 amy  <@> WA, USA  
Looking for information about A.S. Makarenko boarding school in kremenchuk.

  965   11.03.2002 11:01:18  
 Yulija  <@> Salo, Suomi-Finland  
Privet! kremenchug! Ochen zdorovo chto est etot said! Vsem privet!

  963   11.03.2002 08:13:02  
 Robert Dupuy  <@> Nashville, USA  
WOW, well I was surfing the internet, and who would I find here but Svetlana and Natalie, big hello to you and to all of kremenchug, and especially dear Julia ;)

  955   08.03.2002 22:28:43  
 Molly K.  <@> Long Island, USA  
Hello, I am an American. One of my maternal grandparents came from kremenchuk, but I’m not certain if it was my grandmother (Landsman) or my grandfather (Sholkof). I would like to locate any relatives I might have in kremenchuk. Would anyone know if there are any families with either of these last names and, if so, how I could contact them - preferably by e-amil? Thank you.

  954   08.03.2002 21:59:21  
 Amy Libenow  <@> WA, USA  
Looking for information regarding Orphan House in kremenchuk that has children aged 5 and up....

  937   06.03.2002 16:10:04  
 Alex  <@> Toronto, Canada  
Slavik, esli tebe vsio poniatno, ty mozhesh’ perechitat’ istoriju goroda kremenchuga i otkryt’ dlia sebya kogda i pri kakih obstoyatel’stvah kremenchug poluchil status goroda. A svoje lichnoe mnenie mozhesh’ derzhat’ pri sebe, poskol’ku zdes’, imenno na etom saite, sobirajutsia liudi, dlia kotoryh kremenchug yavliaetsia rodnym i goryache liubimym gorodom, i tvoi progony (objektivno bespochvennyje), malo togo chto oskorbitel’ny, tak esche i prosto glupyje. Privet Ierusalimu. P.S. A voobsche naidi sebe drugoje zaniatije, pomimo togo chtoby vystupat’ s duratskimi zajavlenijami na internet saitah.

  932   06.03.2002 11:03:36  
 Ramy  <@> Petah-Tikva, Israel  
Slavik, na skolko mne pomnitsya, to kremenchug imeet status goroda.Krome etogo,poprobuy mne dokazat,chto Ierusalim luchshe!

  928   05.03.2002 20:01:57  
kremenchuk -MALENKOE SELO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! prinoshu svoe IZVENENIE ZA PROSHLUU OSHYBKU!!!!!!!!!

  927   04.03.2002 20:05:13  
 K  Montreal, Canada  
I love Israel and I love moi gorod kremenchug. I ne ponimay vas rebyata. Vsem israeltyanam and kremenchuzanam ydachi, schastiya, and sdorovia.

  923   02.03.2002 22:50:12  
 slavek awramenko  <@> Bath, england  
i would like to communicate with someone from kremenchuk and would like to know if there is anyone living there with the name of awramenko

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