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Gary < > |
Okla. City, Ok., USA |
I want to Thank You all from Ukraine for your support and from all over the world as well.Thank You allfor your sopport for the USA. I will leave for Ukraine today. I will be very happy to meet with the people of kremenchug. Take care, Gary
zhanna <> |
Lincoln, America |
I love your site, it’s very nice.I want to say hi, to my close friends in kremenchug, Ilove you guys so much. God bles Ukraine!!!!! With love Zhanna.
alex silchenko <alex@vita> |
charlotte, usa |
ilove kremenchug
alex silchenko <alex@vita> |
charlotte, usa |
ilove kremenchug
nataliya < > |
Rumford, U.S.A. |
Hello before I lived in kremenchug , now I live in U.S.A. and I am very happy, I like your web site of all the pictures that you show us , becouse I miss kremenchug say hello to my town.... nataliya
Privet vsem kremenchu}|{anam!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spasibo za horoshuyu rabotu! Prekrasnie Photo!!!!!!!!! Poshalusta sdelay Photo Kievskoy. Ya na etoy ulice rodilas i virosla. Ochen skuchayu po Ukraine Ii kremenchugu!!!!!!! I love you kremenchug!!!!!!!!! I miss you kremenchug!!!!!!!!!
OK < > |
Ok,ya v Londone.Esli komy-to iz normalnix kremenchuzhan nyzhna sdes pomosh milosti proshy.I voobshe,sdes ne tak yzh xorosho kak govoryat...sami yvidite.
Rado < > |
Privet mne nada E-Mail ofisu Ukrtat nafta v kremencugu , rabotaet tam isco kompiutercik ANDRIUSA na zapravke pri pivzavode?? a Natasa Pirozenko??? Spasiba RAD
Hallo Quadman. Ich komme aus krementchug und kenne Koselschina gut.Ich kann dir versichern, dass Es keine City ist. Was mochtest Du denn uber Koselschina wissen?
Serez 1.5 nedeli ya edy v kremenchyg na vstresy s moim gorodom detstva . Ne dozdys vstresi . Xosetsa pobuvat vo vsex mestax , vstretitsa so vsemi dryziami a ese pokazat doske gorod v kotorom ona rodilas , no kotorui ona ne znaet , iz-za obstoyatelstv nezavisasix ot nee . Ya dymay sto ona osen polybit etot sydesnui gorod .
Stan Rodkin < > |
san diego, cal., USA |
My father emmigrated from kremenchuk in 1914. He came from a family of 5 or 6 boys and girls. I am looking for any information on relatives living in kremenchuk or anywhere else.
Stan Rodkin < > |
san diego, cal., USA |
I am looking for information about my father’s family in kremenchuk. He emmigrated from there in 1914 to America. He had 4 or 5 brothers and sisters who remained in kremenchuk. One other brother emmigrated to america but not at the same time.
Raymond Worthy < > |
Manchester, England |
Hello. I wonder if you can help me I am looking for some information. My fiance lives in kremenchug, and she does not know where to go to obtain and exit Visa so that she can move to England with me. It would be so kind if you could tell me where to go or where to obtain the information. It would be very much appreciated and I would like to thank you very much for your help. My e-mail address is
Igor < > |
Hi everybody. Two months ago i live in this beautiful town.I like this town. And i wish you goodiuck kremenchug. Katya pishi mne. Buy. Take care. 02.08.2001
willem < > |
Amsterdam, Holland |
Announcement I like to congratulate Irina with opening the computer club in kremenchuk very soon. I also like to thank Sergey Girich to be of great help to us to handle the 60.000 dollar we have sent to Irina for opening the computer club ( special thanks to you Sergey! ). And i like to thank the father of Irina for all the help done so far ( also special thanks to the family of Sergey for handling the money so far ! ). Again congratulations. Willem Объявление I любит поздравлять Ирину с открытием компьютерного клуба в kremenchuk очень скоро. Я также люблю благодарить Sergey Girich, чтобы быть большой помощи нам, чтобы обратиться с 60.000 долларами, который мы послали Ирине чтобы открыть компьютерный клуб (специальный благодаря Вам Sergey!). И я люблю благодарить отца Ирины для всей помощи, сделанной пока (также специальный благодаря семейству Sergey чтобы обработать деньги пока!). Снова поздравления. Willem
Danilova Natasha < > |
Boston, USA |
I lyublyu tebya kremenchug, nikogda tebya ne zabudu i vseh kto tam zgivet!!!
Roberto < > |
Ireland |
Brilliant pictures!!!!!! It is really nice to see views of kremenchug again. I left the city in 1987 when finished the Flying School (Liotnoe Uchiliche KLUGA) and since then I haven’t come back. Definitely I have to plan a trip, some many friends I haven’t see all this time. Could you please insert some pictures of the airfield area Kahnovka and the uchiliche KLUGA. A big PRIVIET to all of those who finished with me the flying school in 1987, I hope most of you are flying well, also PRIVIET to the flying instructors, teachers and to everybody in kremenchug, it was my home for three years back then. I miss it. Priviet to the members of the Ukrainian Folkloric Band back then in the 80’s, to the workers of the DARMACH zavod and to all of those who used to hang around with the cubans from the flying school, we really had a very good time then. Could anyone let me know the e-mail address of the flying school KLUGA in town if still there, I couldn’t find it in my search on the web. Thanks a lot! A big kiss to mama Alla, tiotia Svieta and the rest of the gang from Nazanazapie. Many thanks for this website. Roberto & Larisa.
David J. Wilson < > |
Naas, Ireland |
What is DZSoft and the relationship with kremenchuk?
Nelson Gallegos < > |
Calama , Chile |
I was writting to a woman from kremenchuk and her name is Marina Harchenko and I would like to know more about her
olya < > |
centreville, usa |
I am going to visit kremenchuk in 2 weeks. I am really excited. I haven’t been there for a year and really miss my friends. It’s really nice to sometimes look at the city through your pictures. Thanx a lot.
John K. Day < > |
Moore, USA |
looking for decent hotels in kremenchuk
A note to alexkremen. I wonder about your message, What are you looking for, for real? Tell us in english too so the world can undesrtand too, if you like.
Jana < > |
Nordhausen, Germany |
Privetik vsem kremenchuzaninam! Kak tam pozivaet nash lubimui gorod,zto novogo? pishite
peter de haan < > |
perth, western australia |
privet to kremenchug i think that this is a wonderful site. i have already spent 6 weeks in kremenchug, and will spend another 6 weeks in kremenchug, later in the year pete
Alex < > |
Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A.Xotite vqyti zamuj |
Xotite vqyti zamuj ili rabotatq foto modelqy?Devohki nihemu i nekomu neverte,potomuhto tam gde russkie eto vse naduvatelstvo,htobq vse eto delat ,korohe esli komuto interesno y mogu lihno napisat i otvetit,mne prosto jalko obmanutqx devok,eti urodq budut zarabatqvqt na ixnem tele,poverte,sdes v U.S.A.,est toje samoe,potom devohek mojno uvidet v luhhem sluhai v strepdiz bare ,no eto normalno ix tam nekto netrogaet daje palzem,oni polnostqy pod oxranoy, a tam gde russkie eto vse ....tembolee italqynzq hto bq otdali etot rqnok russkim?Oni nas uvajayt i nemnogo daje boytsy no ne datakoy stepeni,y s nimi druju i rabotay nepervqy den,takhto predlagay ------DUMAT!nesluhat trepni "nepoluhivhixsy bqkov"eto oni doma....a za kordonom tihe vodq, po tomuhto est ZAKON,a neprodajnqy MENT! DA XRANI VAS BOG!
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