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Today's Photo
About the Town
Local time in
27.10.2008: In the kindergarten
08.07.2017: At the Myru Park
18.03.2009: Khalameniuka street

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Found 1510 messages

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  208   25.10.2000 23:02:15  
 Alex Gerber  <@> Boston, USA  
I love your little site. DzSoftMailCheck is the best pop-mail check software I’ve seen - a bit on the expensive side though. I also like to daily photos of kremenchuk. Though I never been there myself, I am origanlly from Odessa, and it reminds a bit about where I am from

  204   17.10.2000 22:26:34  
 Franz  <@> New York, USA  
I urgently need help. I have a quote from a paper that is identified as the "kremenchuk Herald." Can anyone give me the name in the Ukrainian language? I am wondering whether "Herald" is translated from "glashatai" or "provoevistinik"? (Sorry I do not have a Cyrillic keyboard.

  201   11.10.2000 21:05:42  
 Ellen Snyder  <@> Boulder, Colorado, USA  
Hi! I’ve enjoyed looking at your pictures of kremenchuk. The leaves on your trees seem to be changing color at the same rate as ours. Boulder is further south (Latitude 40 degrees N.) but higher (1.6km). It’s nice see people are pretty much the same everywhere. I’m using your DzSoft perl editor and have found it very useful. Thanks.

  197   08.10.2000 19:23:48  
 Ron van der Weel  <@> Ede, Netherlands  
Hi, a beautiful site of kremenchuk.I like it. My town does n’t have a site. See you Katya, Ron, Holland.

  194   06.10.2000 02:13:06  
 alex  <alexedelman_12345@yahoo> nahariyya, izrael  
klass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kreme nchujane vseh stran obedenaites!

  192   29.09.2000 18:51:26  
 Terry  <@> England  
I see that someone is enquireing about a young lady who lives in kremenchuk, her name is Victoria Nagornaya, her date of birth she tells me is 10 October 1973, she is a School teacher and tell me she has a daughter called Katusha she will be 7 also on the 10 October. Can you tell me anything about this person as she has told me that she is coming to England to live with me and of course she wants me to send her some money. Many thanks.

  191   29.09.2000 15:57:44  
 Olena Kozlova-Pates  <@> Washington, USA  
Congratulations and best wishes to all kremenchuzany, especially those who liberated our beautiful city more that a half century ago!

In reply to this message: 7039

  190   28.09.2000 12:04:55  
 Sergiy  Kremenchuk,  
Dear friends! September 29 is Liberation Day of kremenchuk, the holiday of our city. You like our city. Thanks. kremenchug is really beautiful, especially in green time. During the Second World War kremenchug was destroyed on 90%. Let’s be the friends, let our cities will be beautiful!

  187   26.09.2000 17:42:50  
 Natasha Willis  <@> Fredericksburg, USA  
Thanks a lot for your web-site.I am enjoyable to see kremenchuk.Good luck!

  179   18.09.2000 02:15:08  
 Nikolay  <@> Kilkenny, Australia  
I liked your home page and your wonderful idea of advertising your city via the photographs. I think it gives one a better appreciation of the area and what is happening there right now. I heard about this home page via a friend. This friend mentions particularly this location Pereulok Kirovogradskii 28 - 34 kremenchuk 19 Is it possible for you to photograph this street? I would be so very grateful if you could.

  177   17.09.2000 08:35:29  
 john  <@> kearny nj, USA  
Hello my name is john could you tell me please Hotels in kremenchuk thanks

  172   08.09.2000 18:54:36  
 Sergey Zamoshnikov  <@> Kharkov, Ukraine  
I work with man from kremenchuk. He often goes to this site,but I just walk around ;)

  168   05.09.2000 03:19:07  
 Daniel Harhigh  <@> Fort Wayne, IN., USA  
kremenchug appears to be very beautiful. I looked at all the pictures in the archive file and maybe sometime in the future I would like to visit your city. I am corresponding presently with a beautiful woman from this town and maybe someday she’ll be my wife! Thanks for this site!

  159   26.08.2000 19:28:35  
 Sandra Catalove  <@> Israel  
Does anyone know of my mothers family Rabinovitch. She left kremenchug in 1924. Also her grandmother Lubofsky who lived in Cherkassy.

  156   25.08.2000 01:15:12  
 Clarke and Kellie Baker  <@> Christiansted, St. Croix, US Virgin Isla  
Your site is wonderful.....We were just in kremenchuk in June and adopted our two daughters from the Detsky Dom there. kremenchuk will always hold a special place in our hearts.

  155   24.08.2000 06:04:19  
 chuck mcdaniel  <@> nitro, usa  
we have a exchaange student from kremenchuk here this school year, very interested in learning about her city and recipes..foods etc....

  148   13.08.2000 19:39:27  
 pambos  <@> nicosia, cyprus  
for a nice girl from kremenchuk . don’t make my life difficult. lovely anna.

  146   09.08.2000 15:46:52  
 Alex Chernous  <@> Asheville, USA  
Hey, how you doing?, I was born in kremenchuk, and I live in USA for long time, I realy greatfull for what you do. Keep it up!!!

  144   07.08.2000 01:20:58  
 Gabriel E. Gilabert  <@> Buenos Aires, Argentina  
Thanks for your beautifull city. I am looking for information about an Economics student. Her name is Julia or Yulia and she studies in the politechnic university by correspondence in kremenchuk. If somebody have info about this economist, please write to: Gilabert@sinectis.com.ar

  138   28.07.2000 14:28:28  
 Andreas Lehmann  <@> Berlin, Germany  
I have visited kremenchuk every year in the summer since my 2nd birthday. I love this town and have many friends there. Hope I come back, soon anytime...

  133   19.07.2000 18:00:15  
 Olga  <@> Centreville, USA  
Privet kremenchyg. Menya zovyt Olya.Ya zivy v USA.Seychas mne 12 let.Mne ochen’ nravitsya smotret’ foto rodnogo goroda.Ya xochy nayti svoix sverstnekov,kotorie ran’she zili v kremenchyge,a seychas v Usa.Koroche pishite,bydy zdat’.

  132   19.07.2000 10:20:20  
 Ron Johnson  <@> Corpus Christi, Texas, United States of  
I truly need someones help, in getting some information. Is there an English chat room, or some sort of place for me to communicate with someone that can speak english? I was wondering if their are any Americans, or English speaking Church organizations, that you may put me in contact via email address, so that I can find out some information about visiting your town. Is there an American Embassy, or somother type of organization that may be able to assist me in some information about kremenchuk. I would sincerely appreciate any help that you may be able to give. I hope you have a geat day. Thank you very much... Ron Johnson

  129   15.07.2000 19:22:18  
 George E. Hartman  <@> New York, USA  
I’ve visited kremenchug many times. I would like my Ukrainian friend to visit me. Do you know of a tour company that handles the tickets, visas and other particulars?

  128   09.07.2000 19:17:40  
 Alex Trushevsky  <@> Toronto, Canada  
Прекрасная идея и ее реализация. Но мне кажется было бы уместнее размещать название фото не где-то за кадром, а на самом снимке, хотя бы вместо и так хорошо известного интернет-адреса. А так все отлично.

  127   05.07.2000 02:14:14  
 Volodymyr Rebinczak  <@> Ottawa, Canada  
Thank-you for your informative site. I might visit kremenchuk later this year. It’s nice to get a preview! Na vse dobre.

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