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Tim Smith < > |
Racine, WI, USA |
This is a reply to message 7433
I adopted my son from the
kremenchuk Children's Home in 1999. I stayed with a host family in their flat. The family and their friends were the NICEST people I have ever met! So kind and friendly! I agree with you....
kremenchuk people are GREAT!
Kevin < > |
Atlantic City, USA |
From Philadelphia, USA... I was walking your streets and courtyards and resting at the great Ukraine war memorial recently. Thank you for all of the wonderful photos of your familiar scenes. I miss you
- Kevin
In reply to this message: 7524
Roberto < > |
Miami, FL |
This is a reply to message 7500
Hello Miss X,
Interesting…I graduated from KLUGA in 1987. Did you know Cubans from KLUGA at the time? I know a Fernando from KLUGA who graduated in 1988 but he is not in Mexico so this one must be another one…who knows…Any way good luck to Fernando on his search.
Miss X, your location indicates Ukraine-USA..? Are you there or here?
I know Tonik (Bienvenido) who graduated in 1988 and he is still in
kremenchuk but I lost contact with him. Anyone currently in contact with him over there? Used to work at Zebra.
Saludos para Octavio tambien que vi su mensaje aqui. A ti tambien te deseo lo mejor y ojala algun dia puedas ver a tu hijita. Por aca nosotros bien. Si ves al Pacha le das mis saludos!
Best regards all
Roberto (Cuba)
KLUGA 1987
Fernando < > |
Mexico City |
Time ago
kremenchuk was the center of my life, of my hart, and I screw up many things and I lost her, my mistake, my fault. She's from
kremenchuk and I have my heart broken, now I can not do anything, she's with somedoby else and I wish her the best, she deserve it. My family there is great, I miss them much, and also friends.....what can I do now ? I will look for her anyway, maybe I still have a little chance, she's still number ONE. Miss you
kremechuk, Miss you friends and family, miss you princess...
In reply to this message: 7500
valentyna < > |
This is a reply to message 7484
I much love its city and much long for on him, but better in
kremenchug springtime or summer weather.
Joanna < > |
Gliwice - Poland |
My name is Joanna. I'm looking for good hotel in kremenczuk. Could you tell me any informations about adresses? I can't find them on the net. Please send me an answer on my e-mail.
Best regards :)
ShiftyShelby < > |
kremenchuk from USA,
A pleasure for me to see many good pictures of the city. Many years ago in past time I had big pleasure to visit
kremenchuk. I wish all in
kremenchuk good time of days.
In reply to this message: 7489
octavio < > |
Cuba |
Hola amigos!!
Hacia mucho tiempo que no me comunicaba por esta via, un saludo afectuoso para todos aquellos estudiantes de la Escuela de Piloto de Aviacion Civil que tuvieron la oportunidad de estudiar en kremenchug.
Muchas cosas buenas todos y que la vida los colme de abundantes existos.
Aun muchos estamos aqui en Cuba , pero sentimos aquellos años de estudio como algo especial que ocurrio en nuestras vidas , muchos amigos que nunca mas hemos podido ver, nostalgias compartidas, sueños que no realizamos en la carrera que elegimos y muchas cosas mas.
Ya hoy somos bien adultos , mas de 40 años de edad, con hijos casi con la misma edad de aquellos años, y sobre todo con mucho amor por esta pequeña ciudad que nos dio el placer de conocer y convertirnos en amigos eternos.
Para todos , el afecto y el cariño de todos los dias.
El amigo de siempre.
Octavio Gutierrez Veloz
Hans Hardtmann < > |
Dresden |
Ich habe von 1975-1978 in krementschuk als Erbauer der damaligen "Drushba Trasse" gewohnt,gearbeitet und Land und Leute kennengelernt.Ich lernte damals eine Urkainische Bürgern Namens GALINA kennen.Vieleicht kann sie sich an den kleinen Hans (Schwerlastfahrer)erinnern.Würde mich über eine Kontaktaufnahme sehr freuen.Meine E-Mail
Ward < > |
Houston, Texas |
Pri'vet, This is a repeat message. I am still searching for Ludmila (I don't know her last name.) It is very important that I communicate with her. She is 29 years old and was born August 14, 1979. Ludmila has Black hair 5 ft 9 inch 126 pounds. She is a manicurist living in kremenchuk with her daughter Julia who is young. If anyone knows her please tell her that Ward is looking for her and please give her my email address. My email address is Spasibo!
Ward < > |
Houston, Texas USA |
Looking for Ludmila. Born August 14, 1979. Black hair 5 ft 9 inch 126 pounds. She is a manicurist living in kremenchuk with her daughter who is young. If anyone knows her please tell her that Ward is looking for her and please give her my email address. Spasibo!
Дэйви ЛaФивр / Дейві ЛаФівр < > |
калифорня, сша |
Я скччаю по Кременчуг! Это очень красива город. Я очень часлива для - я можне вижу хорошо Кременчук, когда я не в Кременчуг - Я хочу мне в Кременчуг опять(again(?)) очень скоро!
lasha < > |
tbilisi |
hello all.
i want more photo of kremenchug schools (№27), and if someone have satellite image of that scools or i want the foto of the school from above. maybe u have picture maden from the plain or ...
thenks all. i hope you help me
contact me at
Mike < > |
Florida |
My wife ( Larysa) and myself would like to wish everyone in kremenchuck a wonderful Easter. May God Bless you all...
Lana < > |
Yes, there are a train from Kiev to kremenchuk. You have to go to Kiev railroad station. But you can,t fly to kremenchuk to Kiev. And there at trainstation you can find little bus taxi "Kiev-kremenchuk". Price almost same. And bus is cleaner. lol
vince < > |
gagliardi |
There are good train from kiev to kremenshug?
or airplane?
I seeking for a lady Tatiana Eskoboi who was hairdresser and living in krementchug years around 1980 in khemenilsky road building 10.
Be great if somebody could give me some news about her
Jean < > |
England |
I am looking for Svitlana Volodymyrivna Zimina of kremenchuk.
Larisa Mishchenko |
Stockholm,Sweden |
Privet vcem! Pochutaesh picma drygix, pocmotrish na foto kremenchyga i noctalgiya beret,. Xochy procto ckazat vcem ,kto zuvet v kremenchyge... Ylubaytec pobolshe! bydte vezlevee k dryg drygy i polnu optimizma i bydet mir yarche i dobree. Cpacibo za foto i za cayt! Ecli kto mena znaet pishute. Ychulac v 10 school (1989), zula na yl. Mira i Kievckaya.
I ceichas v USA i cilno ckuchayu po kremenchugu, kazhdyi den cmotryu fotki c caita i dazhe legche na dushe ctanovitsya :-)Cpasibo! Ecli mozhno, cdelaite, pozhaluista fotki c naberezhnoi, raion vozle doma 1 po ul. 1905 goda. Ecli by znala, cama by cdelala cnimki pered ot'ezdom, no ne dumala, chto tak mne budet ne hvatat' nashego goroda...
This is a reply to message 7438
You can easily take a coach from the airport Boryspil (where you will land) to
kremenchug. What time are you arriving? The coach will cost appr. 7 EUROS (65 hryvnas) for all that distance 300 km from Kiev to
kremenchug. Good luck!
Gaetano < > |
Rome |
Hi, please tell me the best way to reach
kremenchuk from Kiev...thank you!
In reply to this message: 7440
Sean O'sullivan < > |
Ireland |
I visit
kremenchuk on a frequent basis. It is a beautifull city with some wonderfull people.
In reply to this message: 7528
Klaus < > |
Gera |
Hallo,ich Suche eine Olga,sie muß jetzt um die 50 sein,ich habe 1976-78 an der Drushba-Trasse gearbeitet unter anderen in der schönen Stadt krementschuk und war mit ihr befreundet.Sie hatte damals blonde Haare eine Freundin die Walja heißt.Ich würde mich über ein Lebenszeichen von ihr freuen.
Liebe Grüße Klaus
Marcin < > |
Poland |
Happy New Year kremenchuk!
Best Regards
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