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Гостьова книга

22 роки

щоденні фотографії,
починаючи з 15.09.1999

У пам'ять про

Сергія Дзюбенка

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

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  275   24.12.2000 00:17:39  
 anthony lohn  <@> portland oregon, usa  
I am interested in seeing a girl from komsomolsk? i would like to learn as much about your country as possible Anthony

  274   23.12.2000 04:57:45  
 David M. Dickerson  Nashville, United States  
Hello, Alexander! I feel it would be an injustice not to post a message to your guestbook, because your Web site offers wonderful shareware and freeware -- and much more! (No software for Windows rivals DzSoft’s Perl editor! I am happy to be a registered user!) Also, your interest in your native city of Kremenchuk (Kremenchug), and in sharing it with the world, is commendable! Viewing your daily images is a part of my daily routine! I also appreciate the wonderful section on your site about your city’s history; the historic images are a wonderful enhancement to that Web page! In addition, I appreciate the time and trouble you take to photograph Kremenchuk each day and post the image to the Web! (I assume that Perl comes in very handy in your Web development!) ;-) I was in Ukraine in March; I visited Kiev for a week, to teach a Web development workshop to twenty teachers from all over Ukraine, and I then went to Odessa on the all-night train for a personal visit to Odessa. I have become involved via e-mail with a wonderful young woman, Tanya (Tatiana), who lives in Kremenchuk. I find that it is very interesting that my interest in your software should coincide with my personal interest in Ukraine, and my particular interest in Kremenchuk over the last few months! Finally, I appreciate the prompt, friendly support you offer for your software, and I admire all of your programming knowledge, since you are much younger than I believe most visitors to this Web site realize. Your talent and intelligence are amazing, Alexander! My would like to visit Kremenchuk this spring, and I hope that we can meet in person, Alexander! (Life, of course, offers no guarantees, and my long-distance relationship with Tanya takes much effort on both sides.) Cordially, David -- son/

  273   18.12.2000 23:09:48  
 Bовочка  <@> киев, украина  
Кременчуг - это не только город - кузница вертолетчиков, - это город где покоятся мои воспоминания и надежды. Это как Рио де жанейро для Остапа Бендера. Наверное в своем астрале я туда возвращаюсь регуляно. Если встретите меня там, - то, улыбнитесь мне и скажите: "Привет Вова. мы тебя помним...."

  272   17.12.2000 10:59:53  
 james  <@> bellingham wa, usa  

  271   14.12.2000 21:50:24  
 john  <@>   
For earlier enquirers, cryllic keyboards are in the Windows system. Once enabled you should be able to alt shift between various ones. Various translation software can be bought over the net. LSoft is one I found useful and is available on free trial for 30 days. John

  270   14.12.2000 21:47:18  
 John  <John@kingnet,>   
Italo I just saw your earlier comments. My remarks clearly gave a balance saying not everyone is dishonest. I have accepted my great loss but Police in Ukraine appear disinterested in stopping deception. Otherwise remarks here would not be needed. Men seeing my post here have contacted me and the same woman is writing exactly the same letters to others - some of whom have sent money to her. I believe she is not the only one involved in deception. I say again that I accept most women are honest. I love the people in your country and admire your city. Your energies are best directed at persuading police to clean up crime instead of sweeping it under the carpet. I admire the webmaster who has allowed freedom of speech and it was myself that asked for an earlier entry to be removed detailing the scam. Love and best wishes. John

  269   13.12.2000 00:57:28  
 David Moore  <@> Edmonton, Canada  
I enjoyed your pages on Kremenchuck. Also enjoyed the photos of the city.

  268   12.12.2000 17:33:11  
 Doyle  Japan  
Hello. I have a question. What does the word "prekrasnie" mean? I want to know that. Please tell me. (Sorry for poor English...)

  267   12.12.2000 14:00:18  
 nick browning  <@> cheltenham, uk  
Good morning Kremenchug. I have been looking at your site as I am hoping to visit early next year.

  266   10.12.2000 21:20:43  
 Славик  <@> Иерусалим, Израиль  
Большой привет всем бывшим и настоящим кременчужанам !!! В первую очередь хочу сказать огромное СПАСИБО создателям этого сайта. Получилось действительно очень круто (и это не только моё мнение). Если вдруг, кто-то узнал меня и вспомнил, а при этом, у вас ещё и есть интернет, то жду ваших писем на мой электронный адрес :

  265   05.12.2000 21:17:07  
 Niel  <@> San Jose, California, USA  
Not too bad of a place from all the photos on this site. It is especially nice that there is a lack of visible car traffic unlike what we have here in the west. I was thinking of making a trip to Kremenchuk, but now that I’ve see it all from the photo archive, I guess I don’t need to go! :) Anyone know where I can get software to switch my English keyboard into Russian Cyrillic? Ciao from San Jose, California Niel

  264   05.12.2000 18:37:12  
 Boyarskaya Alina  <@> Asqeulon, Israel  
Я сейчас живу далеко от своего любимого города.Я видела уже города и современнее и богаче,и более цивилизованее,но в моем сердце навсегда останеться мой любимый город,гоьод ,в котором прошло мое детство и юность.Всем желаю в нем побыватьи полюбить его,как люблю его я ,особенно он шикарен весной,когда цветут каштаны!

  263   02.12.2000 01:20:24  
 vovo  <@> wa-wa, Pl  
Super, MOLODCI chlopci, oce po naszomu.

  262   01.12.2000 11:51:01  
 Alex  <@> RIGA, LATVIJA  
Все очень прекрасно,меня радует что есть такая страничка у этого красивого города.Приятно смотреть фотографии города с которым связаны не плохие воспоминания сидя тут в Риге.

  261   01.12.2000 05:46:27  
 Andrew  Nashville,TN., USA  
Mne ochen ponravilos smotret’ photki nashego goroda. Priyatno zahodit’ v etot sait. Spasibo, chto popolniaete kazdiy den’. Esli mozete, sdelaute fotografii bolee professionalnimi. Ved’ ne tolko kremenchuzane zahodiat v etot sait!

  260   30.11.2000 17:32:36  
 Colin Douglas  <@> Kirkcaldy, Scotland  
Hello out there friends over here in Scotland I look for software of English/Russian translators with English help files Can anyone help??

  259   30.11.2000 17:25:41  
 Colin Douglas  <@> Kirkcaldy, Scotland  
Hello, three weeks ago I visited Kremenchuk, to me it was like stepping back in time, the houses I visited had no hot water and some did not have much heating or washing machines, but I loved your Red Soup

  258   29.11.2000 11:41:35  
 Музыченко Л.В.  <@> Киев, Украина  
Очень просим Вас сообщить мне телефон или адрес глазного врача Поспелова Вечеслава Михайловича. Заранее благодарны ! Наш E-MAIL : .

  257   28.11.2000 22:04:26  
 Сергей  <@> Ефремов, Россия  
Всем привет! Помогите найти Ревенко Майю Леонидовну (девичья фамилия)1961г.р., скорее всего работает в медучереждении. Заранее огромное спасибо.

  256   28.11.2000 09:03:14  
 Roy Bell  <@> Cullman, United States  
I traveled to Kremenchuk last year,met alot of new friends. I had the oppurtunity to attend the 125th year celebration of the krukev railroad car celebration.also enjoyed the mayday celebration’really enjoyed the presidential band that performed. the makdrenko museum,the muesem in kremenchuk. I really enjoyed my landlady,Tina and her nephew, I can’t recall his name at the moment,he is a policeman and plays trumpet with the presidential band

  255   28.11.2000 02:18:13  
 вовочка  <@> киев, украина  
Кременчуг - это не только город - кузница вертолетчиков, - это город где покоятся мои воспоминания и надежды. Это как Рио де жанейро для Остапа Бендера. Наверное в своем астрале я туда возвращаюсь регуляно. Если встретите меня там, - то, улыбнитесь мне и скажите: "Привет Вова. мы тебя помним...."

  254   28.11.2000 01:34:45  
 Alabin  <@> NYC, Uzbekistan-Kremenchug-USA  
Всем Пыпycкникaм Вepтолeтнoгo училищa – Попyтнoгo , Порывиcтoгo Ветрa нa Пocaдкe… Taк дepжaть Пpaвyю Пeдaль!!!

  253   27.11.2000 04:06:14  
 john cruces  <@> kearny, NJ USA  
dear SR. could you please send me imformation about hotels in Kremenchuk phone numbers please best regards john

  252   26.11.2000 19:17:01  
 Italo Coletta  <@> CANADA  
This comments is in response to a new cooment from John from the UK. I want first to thank the webmaster for removing all the previous comments from many man conned by a woman. This is not the forum to discuss our quest for a woman and the love of a woman. Lets be honestwe as human being,we will never know the outcome of our life’s adventures if we do not go on the adventure to begin with! We take risks or what is the point of living! What I am trying to say is that some gave our hearth and money to someone and we were betrayed! Some did not! Some of the things we do work out, some do not! As mature being we must grow from the experiences and risks we take!. John, please in behalf of all those people who areas many times losers as they are winners, accept you losses and reserve your energies for the next challange life will throw at you!

  251   26.11.2000 14:21:03  
 Elena  <@> haifa, israel  
I love Kremenchuk ! I’l be back soon . I love my friends and want them to know - they are the best in whole world! Kremenchuk must to develope it’s tourist resourse - some small hotel on small island on Dneper for summer and so on . Some advertisment and it will bring money . I want the people to live good and to enjoy their motherland and not to look for better life in other countries like me . Tuorisme just one example , there a lot of things to develope in Kremenchug .PLEASE TRY IT !

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