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щоденні фотографії,
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У пам'ять про

Сергія Дзюбенка

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

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  1275   19.08.2002 10:59:14  
 Ирина Кукуй  Dorsten, Германия  
Привет Боря Бродский! Я тоже помню тебя и твою семью. Большой привет родителям.Где в Германии они живут? Бываешь ли ты в Кременчуге?

  1274   18.08.2002 16:27:20  
 Brodsky Eduard  Montreal, Canada  
Privet Irina Kykyi. Ochen rad uslishat tebya. Moi roditeli toge v germanii i tebiya prekrasno pomnu po gorodu.

  1273   18.08.2002 06:08:53  
 V-Italy Tretyakov  <@> Toronto, Canada  
Bol’shoe spasibo sozdatelyam ochen’ interestno posmotret’ rodnie mesta ))) Privet vsem iz Toronto (semya Tretyakovih :)))

  1272   18.08.2002 03:24:14  
 IJC  Canada  
Mr stars and stripes, what is your connection to this site?You made uncalled comments some time ago and you are at it again.Russia signed or this going to sign sometime in september an economic deal with Iraq. So! It does not bother a few billion people around the globe except you, Mr Bush junior and Mr Bush senior.

  1271   18.08.2002 00:27:48  
Hey man, why do you think that the fact that RUSSIA has signed a deal with Iraq is a disgrace to UKRAINE people? Isn’t that stupid?

  1270   16.08.2002 19:02:00  
 Jan  <@> Utrecht, Netherlands  
Hello ,irena Kazaryan

  1269   16.08.2002 17:32:52  
 leon rosen  <@> USA  
I have been speaking with a young woman who lives in Kremenchuk, Ukraine. She says she is interested in coming to meet me in the USA. I am interested in her. I have offered to pay her travel expenses but I would like to have some information about her before I went any further. I want to verify the information she gives me and make sure she is honest. Can anyone suggest a way for me to do this? I have her full name, address, employment information, parents name and address. I need to find out if she is seriously interested in meeting me or thinking about playing me for a fool. I refuse to send any cash money to anyone I do not know. Any information/suggestions anyone might have would be greatly appreciated. I met her on the Internet through the Absolute Agency web site. Thank you. Write me direct to my email at Thank you.

  1268   15.08.2002 16:33:29  
 St.I.  <@> USA  
De Groot - 10 points!!! You are absolutely right, I agree with you completely! I have to apologize for IC, he just didn’t appreciate your sense of humour at its true value. I see :)

  1267   15.08.2002 14:57:23  
 Ирина Кукуй  <@> Dorsten, Германия  
Привет всем Кременчужанам! Выпускникам школы 11 1983 года. Привет в Израиль Макаренко Нине Моисеевне. Я Вас разыскиваю. Отзовитесь!!!!

  1266   14.08.2002 22:31:57  
 Jamie  <@> Virginia, USA  
Hello to beautiful Irina!

  1265   14.08.2002 14:23:02  
 IC  <@> Canada  
I am impressed! I never thought Tom’s letter would have caught the attention of so many people! Wow! Mr DeGroot, Tony de Great where are you coming from? New to the planet? Is any of you two been in Ukraine? Again as it was said before does any one need this bull on this web site? The fact are these: Right or wrong Tom had big concerns about the lady he was corresponding with! If it is just for money assuming the lady genuine she should be removing him from her mailing list! When I was Tom’s age I spent countless $67.00 on weekends trying to entertain a woman at the restaurant, a movie etc....just to get to know her better!Sometime it worked sometime not! Life! Tom thinks that he should not be asked for help feed is quest for love. By north american standards he is right. that kind of money can be easily made in two or three hours of work! In Ukraine it is different matter! That kinds of money many people do not make it in a month!But everything cost proportionally the same or even more than in North America! The lady got 4 letters from Tom and she send four plus if she does not speak english the translation alone could cost around US$20.00 the internet cafe maybe US$5 and so on! So things add up! Just to think tha someone is a scammer because she asked for help! (If I know Ukrainian women (I should I am married to one!) it was viewed as a request for help only!) So that we do not make a long story it seems that everyone agrees that Tom’s should have been a bit more patient and give it a chance! On the other hand it is clear that P DeGroot and Tony de Great are to put it mildly to rude individuals who not only offend Tom but the rest of us! You cannot be stopped for the sake of free speach,so give each other your email address and write each other! and please live the rest of us to enjoy this site!

  1264   14.08.2002 03:31:14  
 De Groot  <@> Amsterdam, Netherlands  
Hi Tony the Great, I neither trust you! Looking at how you write your message you must be from Russia or the Ukriane itself?! Maybe one of those scammers?! Sorry for you.

  1263   14.08.2002 01:16:30  
HEY TOM whats the matter with you.YOU write a book hear. We dont want to know your life story.Keep it short and simple.You think visitors like reading the bible.Thats what you just did.I thought i would never reach the end of it.U must have a boring life.Anways be a man.yu want women go to your local bar in califonia.

  1262   09.08.2002 02:48:29  
 Gull  Canada  
Не все снимки beautiful.Последние так себе-ни для души,ни для сердца.Просто щелк и все.Нет силы и любви.А жаль.Sorry.

  1261   08.08.2002 03:33:08  
 э-э-э-э-э-э-э-э-э-э-э-э-э-ээ-э-э, не пом    
Блин, Сорочинский каждый день снимать надо!

  1260   07.08.2002 23:13:21  
 Legrand  <@> Paris, France  
Hi stars and stripes! “ (…) is not part of Russia no more. Look at all the mafdia that is going on (…)”??? Yes indeed, I WAS looking. In the USA. Mega fraud. Billion dollar fraud. ENRON, A. ANDERSON co, suspects against mister George Bush himself, suspects against mister vice president himself, America Online fraud, and so on!! I am shocked! Stealing and dealing ( I forgot, and bombing the whole wolrd outside the USA ). In between my stock portfolio about 2,5 million dollar down. Thank you America! Keep your stars and stripes, and keep your fraud. Never ever I’ll spend a dollar in the USA anymore! ( excuse me IC, I will respect he other visitors of this site, so this was my last respond to stars and stripes on this site )

  1259   06.08.2002 02:37:27  
 Jodi  <@> Montgomery, AL, USA  
Thank you for the beautiful pictures of Kremenchuk. It brings back many memories from when I lived there. Please, keep up the good work!!

  1258   04.08.2002 12:12:37  
 Polle  <@> Aalborg, Denmark  
Remember Ukranian people are like all other people the also do the same as us.

  1257   03.08.2002 18:49:02  
 Олександр  Кременчук, Україна  
Вiдверто кажучи, англомовнi повiдомлення не так дратують, як тi повiдомлення, що написані транслiтом.

  1256   03.08.2002 18:35:15  
 Катя  <@>   
сорри не чата а сайта

  1255   03.08.2002 18:27:49  
 Катя  <@>   
здрасте создателям чата, пожалуйста если можите вставте фото третьего занасыпа дома №73 пожалуйста!!!ПОКА

  1254   02.08.2002 22:01:46  
 rose  <@> Windsor, Ontario, Canada  
I found you by accident, and am pleased to send greetings to you. We are on the border of Canada and United States, across from Detroit Michigan, and it is very muggy and hot here. I suppose you are the same. ...rose...

  1253   01.08.2002 21:14:46  
 Ashok Kamra  <@> San Jose, USA  
I need help in Kremenchug to locate a lawyer who may assist me in recovering property and loan. I loaned the money to someone who are not returning and I have some receipt of the loan. I will pay up to 50% for recovery fee to lawyer. Everything must be done through local court. Also need to know if their is reciprocal treaty between USA and Ukraine to recover financial damages if USA court has given permission. Thanks

  1252   01.08.2002 16:29:34  
 Taus Larsen  <@> Aalborg, Denmark  
I miss file phone_new.rar Please

  1251   01.08.2002 04:52:54  
 Alex  <@> Portland, U.S.A.  
Ребята , спасибо вам большое за фотку на Первомайской , слов нету . Там где все деревьями заросло , был мой дом . Еше раз спасибо , так держать

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