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16.05.2013: На вул. Леніна
06.10.2009: На вул. Першотравневій
28.01.2006: У Жовтневому сквері
Гостьова книга

22 роки

щоденні фотографії,
починаючи з 15.09.1999

У пам'ять про

Сергія Дзюбенка

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Якщо ви когось шукаєте, або просите когось зв'язатися з вами, обов'язково залишайте свою адресу e-mail, інакше повідомлення може не бути опубліковане. Для відповіді конкретній особі, будь ласка, користуйтесь електронною поштою.

Відповідь на повідомлення 2698:

В базі 8369 повідомлень

Усі повідомлення

  2698   11.12.2003 08:57:29  
 Charles USA  <@>   
Message To Bernie & Other Scammed People,
I am sorry for the heart ache that you have suffered in your search for a beloved. Sometimes it is like playing the lottery with the odds of finding a soulmate stacked against you, however if you try hard enough, keep your your eyes open and zipper shut, use extreem common sense and be be skeptical at all times, you have a chance to succeed. Also, please try to find a person who shares a common age group, goals, physical appearance and lifestyle (basicly, stay in your own league). Finally, one can not underestimate the value of communication, impact of family members and mutual respect & interests.
My Fiancee from Kremenchuk has just joined me in America with her son and I could not be happier. When traveling to Kiev on vacation a year and half ago, she was my translator & tourguide. After three subsequent visits to Ukraine to be with her and her family, daily email letters and weekend phone calls, we allowed our love to flourish and got to know each other intimately. It was not a stranger who has joined me in America, but my best friend and partner - not a sex play toy, nanny for my kids nor trophy wife.
For your information, I have read on some other chat rooms that some very sincere ladies of the former Soviet Union are placing their free ads (profiles) on the dating web site Best of luck in your search for love!

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