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Гостьова книга
Місцевий час у
04.09.2004: Вулиця Жовтнева
02.11.2012: На вул. Жовтневій
19.03.2021: Дніпро
Гостьова книга

22 роки

щоденні фотографії,
починаючи з 15.09.1999

У пам'ять про

Сергія Дзюбенка

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Якщо ви когось шукаєте, або просите когось зв'язатися з вами, обов'язково залишайте свою адресу e-mail, інакше повідомлення може не бути опубліковане. Для відповіді конкретній особі, будь ласка, користуйтесь електронною поштою.

Відповідь на повідомлення 40:

В базі 8369 повідомлень

Усі повідомлення

  40   27.01.2000 23:00:10  
 g.c.  <@> toronto, canada  
this comment is in response to one sent by ITALO, AT CANUKRA, IN TORONTO. At the time he sent it that person whom he tells that he so dearly loves was supposed to be in the past . He had just fooled his wife of 22 years and family of 4 sons into believing that this time he was going make a sincere comittment to love us and make our family whole again. He says he loves someone there very much. Well he has given that woman much and she has benefitted at the expense of his family - - finacially and emotionally. They have no respect or honour and thought nothing of destroying a family of 22 years. I wish he had never returned to canada to bring us this destruction. Better that he had stayed with Zoya Borznova . He and she have destroyed my family. We would have mourned him a dead and then picked up the pieces of our lives. As it is he has made such a sad mess of everything. And the coward that he is -- of coarse he blames every thing on his wife. Well Italo, have a good life!!

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