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Гостьова книга
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25.02.2003: На першому Занасипу
12.09.2011: Біля кондитерської фабрики
23.05.2011: На вул. Гоголя
Гостьова книга

22 роки

щоденні фотографії,
починаючи з 15.09.1999

У пам'ять про

Сергія Дзюбенка

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

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  6444   12.12.2006 16:00:07  
 Roberto  <@> MIami, Florida  
Відповідь на повідомлення: 6392

Dear Steve, (
Now a days Internet is one good way to discover other ways. Just like you probably did when for the first time discovered, on the Internet, the beautiful city of Kremenchuk and its wonderful people.
Migration is as old as human kind! Our ancestor migrated from one place to another. Yours probably did too. And the race is still on, as long as human being will be around. One day our planet will be too small for us, then will be other our new home.
Those illegal Mexicans and Cubans you’re referring as “causing chaos” on your home town, probably are not as illegal as you may think, and for sure most of them are not causing “chaos” as you stated. Those are fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers and sons trying to make a decent living on a new way of life, a life denied in our own country, in the only shot we have at our life time frame, for the sake and well being of our loved ones. Probably as your own ancestors did too when they first came here. And this great country opened its arms for them.
Now it’s your turn to migrate to a wonderful city after your loved one. Maybe not. But if you do, I only hope that wherever you go, people welcome you as yours were welcomed by others before you.
By the way, Kremenchuk was the home for many many Cubans no so long ago. For more than 15 years! And there live many of them, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and sons, together with the locals, in harmony, making a living too. So now you know. We are only human, and our planet is our only home, wherever we go. The chaos was already around when humans arrived. There wasn’t any instruction left for the fist ones. We are just making our way through, learning the best possible way as we go along. Just remember that.
Kremenchuk is a beautiful city, and its people are wonderful. Have fun in Kremenchuk, but learn its history while there, love and respect them, the same way others respect yours.
Kremenchuk is my other great home! The other half of my family is there. You see, I am lucky to have many homes, and I hope you may be as lucky too.
Roberto (Cuba)
Miami, Florida.

Відповідь на це повідомлення: 6455

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