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Sveta < > |
Hi Christian! Monico is not russian and not ukrainian name. Are you sure about kremenchuk?
hallo, sorry for the disturb, y ask you if a kremenchuk existing a family monico. the father of my father (monico fiodor) is born a kremenchuk and he go in italy in the second mondial war. thank you for reply and sorry for bad english. monico christian
Irina < > |
usa |
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 7150
Відповідь на повідомлення: 7114
To be fair, it depends on what do you want to do.
kremenchuk has its own charm, especially if you are not really interested in cultural events - nice people, easy commute to all parts of the Ukraine. From the other side, Kharkov has much more things going on (I would compare it to downtown Philadelphia - a lot of universities, theaters etc).
Roberto (KLUGA-1987) < > |
Miami FL |
Priviet kremenchuk!!!
That's a great picture of kremenchuk Near the River Station at night!!!
Each time I visit Today's Photo the city looks prittier than ever! Well done!
Priviet to Larisa's family, to Tonik at Zebra Night Club, to Flight College Instructors Roberto and Bandur at KLUGA and to Alex Dzyubenko!
If you want to listen to great mixes from different music channels visit my website from Pop & Rock, Disco & Dance Hits to Hot Latin Rhythms. Enjoy it!
Best regards,
KLUGA 1987
Art S. < > |
Yoshlar-Ola, Russia |
I am looking for information about cities in Ukraine. I am told
kremunchug is a good one also Kharkov. Kiev is too big and I prefer a medium size city with relatively easy access to Moscow.
I am american on a business visa but, after this visa expires russia has made it very difficult for a person with visa to live here.
a new law restricts me to 90 days out of any 180 day period. I am considering ukraine as an alternative.
any help would be very much appreciated.
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 7117
kaan < > |
hello kremenchuk perfect city I LOVE YOU YULİYA
Masoud < > |
Houston, Texas |
My best friend is from kremenchuk, so I was curious about this city. Thank you for putting up this website and for the wonderful pictures. I hope to visit kremenchuk someday.
AYDIN < > |
i look to this website when i miss my darling,because my darling lives in kremenchug.i love you tatiana,and kremenchug.i will be come again.privetttttttttt
mike < > |
usa |
NAKONEZTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! V kremENCHYGE OTKRILI MC DONALD`S!!!!!!! PROZVITAEM NAROD!!!!
really I am so happy for u guys!!
Willem < > |
Bosnie Herzegovina |
Happy New Year kremenchuk. Currently my wife Olena is visiting her parents and having a good time.
Sveta < > |
Happy New Year, kremenchg! I love you!
alvaro < > |
UK |
Mike, Irina is right on the name and website of the main companies that travel from Borispol to krememchuk. But unlike what she said is not possible through the internet to book any bus ticket, you'll also find during the holiday season that reservations are complicate(if possible at all due to the fact that the bus is fully booked from origin and they are not prepared to take reservations for half the ticket.
Finding the offices of Autolux and Gunsel at Borispol is easy, as soon you pass the customs check point you will find a lot of taxi drivers offering you a very expensive ride. You just turn to your right, there is a couple of cash machines where you can get local currency at a better rate than in the other counters.You just turn right again and there is with an orange sign the counter for giunsel, try to remember that you are in ukraine and the name is written in cyrilic. Further ahead in the same corridor , you have the office for autolux(again written in cyrilic)
They do speak very basic english, and they will try to get a bribe in the form of an alleged reservation fee which I always pay because is still a lot cheaper than the taxi. The bus drivers , as soon as they see that you are foreigner will want their cut on the bribe and will ask also for a bagage fee that I also always pay as it is a matter of fact that every time that we travel to visit the family in kremenchuk we bring loads of presents and I think that it is fair to pay that money. As a guide , the price of the ticket last time we travelled was 50 UAH pp, reservation fee 10UAh and the bagage was 30UAH. Still far of the 500UAH that was the best fare that we could get by taxi.
Taxis are more expensive in Kiev than in kremenchuk, it has been always the case that booking them from kremenchuk make perfect sense but remember to negociate always the price as life in ukraine is hard and money in short supply and they try their best to make the most of any customer.If you have problems finding Gunsel or Autolux outlets in Borispol you can ask the taxi drivers and they will be happy to help you with no problem as people in ukraine are very polite. If you want any more specific information about the town , do not hesitate to ask as I am married to a girl over there and we do travel there quite often.Enjoy your trip!
Maks Skorohod < > |
Відповідь на повідомлення: 7062
kot-ramzes, privet. Ruban, eto ti? eto Maks Skorohod. Ya 4asto smotru fotografii na etom saite, inogda 4itau soobsheniya na gostevoi knige. Tak 4to, esli ya ne oshibsya, to dai mne znat'.
Lehmann, < > |
Berlin |
Відповідь на повідомлення: 7067
Hi Mike,
I found out a couple of bus lines going from Kiew-Borispol Airport directly to
Here are the links:
They are both good and you can make a reservation also through the internet.
Mike Vicente < > |
UK |
I'm looking to visit
kremenchug in ther near future, I understand the best way to travel from Borispol airport to
kremenchug is by bus. Is there a particular bus company to use and is it easy to locate from the airport? Thanks for any advice.
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 7071
Татьяна < > |
Магнитогорск |
Привет всем Кременчужанам!!! Обожаю наш город, такой замечательный и родной, уже 10 лет живу в Магнитогорске, но сердце моё помнит песчаные берега Днепра и добродушие людей. Мне 36 лет. Когда то давно училась в 19 школе и Кременчугском Медучилище. Девичья фамилия Данилова. Пишите мне все кто помнит и все кто непрочь пообщаться.
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 7121
MIKE < > |
Відповідь на повідомлення: 6761
Hey Whats up? I live in USA NORTH CAROLINA. Ya zil v
kremenchyge 5 years ago. I finish my school in 2002.Shkola #7 its best school in this world!!!!!! FAZAN himik, ili KROL geografiya, KRISA english, ITS SO FUNNY. Kstati FARAON fizik yze ymer last year. MAIL ME IF U WANT MIKESFLOORS2002@YAHOO.COM
peter field < > |
england |
Hello there dude.I'm in kremenchuk in December from 10th.Can you take a picture of me at the Hotel Ontario , preferably with a beer in my hand on December 12th so it can be on your web site so all my work mates can see me having a goddtime in your town.My e-mail is fieldy1@btopenworld.com
Thanks Peter
Bjorn Christiansen < > |
Denmark |
Does anybody know if there is a travel agency in
kremenchuk? I need name, addres and telephone.
Thanks in regards
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 7010
I was in kremenchug last April for work, at the sigarette factory of JTI, I'm a technician, I'd like to greet all the people that works with me and make me assistence for living there....and a special thanks to the staff of yolky palky hotel...ciao
Alessandro < > |
Rome, Italy |
your pictures are gorgeous...I Love those backgrounds...hope to come and visit kremenchuk soon!
Rick < > |
Last year my very special friend, Nataliya Yaryna returned home to kremenchug to see HER family and friends. It would be nice to also be there, I am sure she would show me all of the sites, she is a GREAT person! My friend, if you would do the same as you did last year for me, give her a call and tell her that her friends here in the USA miss her and will be glad to see her when she returns!! Her local number is; 5366-5-25-68 I do not think she has email, but if she does, you have my email listed above. Rick
Александр Дзюбенко < > |
Господа, завязываем с политикой.
Vika < > |
Izrail |
S nastypaychim dnem goroda, Dorogie nastoyachie i buvshue kremenchyzane!!! Pyst nash gorod razvivaetsa, svetet, zastraivaetsa i ostaetsa samum krasivum gorodom v mire!
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