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Julia < > |
Planeta Zemlya |
Ya soglasna s Vikoi iz Israilya po povodu elektronnoi po4ti.Eto moi li4nie dannie,i ya ne cho4u ich davat tomu,kogo ya ne znayu.Pomimo spama,kotori prichodit v sumashedshich koli4estvach,mne prishlos li4no polu4at ot kogo-to pisma(4eloveka iz etoi gostevoi k sojaleniyu)gryaznie i nizkie,k tomu je s kakimi-to ugrozami.Ne u vsech je ludei 4ustvo sobstvennogo dostoinstva i uroven IQ odinakov.I...v konce koncov..Na dvore 21-i vek. Vse borutsya za demokratiyu,...a zdes k sojaleniyu snova pitayutsya diktatorskim metodom zastavit ludei delat to, 4ego oni sami ne chotyat.
Jal....o4en jal
Coster < > |
Hi everybody!!! I'm finally back in my home town kremenchug. I was born and spent most of my life here. Now I live in the US, married to an American lady who I love and adore very very very much!!!! My wife and I love this city. If anybody needs any help, turn to us. We will be very happy to help.
Администрация < > |
Лариса из Израиля, адрес электронной почты, который вы указываете - неправильный, и поэтому до вас не доходят наши письма с объяснениями того, что гостевая книга - не место для личной переписки (для этого существует электронная почта).
Відповідь на повідомлення: 6820
The best hotel is "Ontario". It's situated in the city centre. When are you going to
kremenchuk mate? I have been there several times. Outstanding and cheap girls - wow:)))
George < > |
England |
Can anybody help with Hotel suggestions for
kremenchug? I have never been there so I need help with a decent hotel, please??
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 6821
Vika < > |
Izrail |
System Error - eli bu eto bulo vernum dla Izraila, to ya bula bu k etomy privuchnaya i vse to o chem ya napisala ne brosilos bu mne v glaza.V Izraile naprimer est kon-ru,kvartiru stoyat v sootvetstvii s zarplatoi, piyanue s pivnumi bytulkami po ylisam ne xodat, med obslyzuvanie na vusshem yrovne(po neschastiy znay o chem ya govory) i v magazinax ne xamat.Bul slychai moi rebenok razbil chashki v magazine nechayanno, ya ego poputalas narygat i tyt podskochila prodaves i nachala mena yspokaivat chto nichego ne proizoshlo!!! i pozelala priyatnoi pokypki.. Boys podymat chto bu so mnoi i rebenkom proizoshlo na Rodine...Y mena bul slychai 6 let nazad v magazine
kremenchyga moi rebenok otkrul morozilnik dostat sebe morozenoe..Chto za etim posledovalo mne daze strashno skazat..A kogda mu vushli moi rebenok mne skazal:"Mama kakaya tu neschastnaya chto rodilas zdes, poexali obratno mne zdes ne nravitsa!" Mne esli chestno bulo ochen obidno. A ved rebenky bulo vsego 4 goda! V etom vozraste deti chto chystvyyt to i govorat.Mozno mnogo chego eche privodit v primer, no dymay vam eto bessmuslenno.
Відповіді на це повідомлення: 6834,
Paul < > |
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia |
Hello :)
Thank you for sharing photo's of kremenchuk. It looks like a friendly, peaceful place. I hope you are all well and happy. :) It reminds me of a favourite place here, near the mountans where it snows in winter (it is winter now here).
Peace and best wishes all!
Vika < > |
Izrail |
Bula na dnax v
kremne posle 6-tiletnei otlychki.Gorod izmenilsa,rasstroilsa.NO: molodez spivaetsa,vezde pivnue bytulki,zara nevunosimaya i net nigde kond-rov, mne iz Izraila bulo strannum stradat ot zaru v
kremne,kvartiru stoyat symashedshue dengi v sravnenii s zarp-toi(interesno kto ix pokypaet?),senu na vse yze priblizaytsa k mirovum,med obslyzuvanie-atas...Na novom molodeznom kladbiche lydi-20-30-40 let, s trydom nashla 60 i vushe..., xamstvo v magazinax,lydi zuvychie tam govorat chto sosed sosedy-vrag,vse chyzue,to chto isputuvala ya isputuvayt i
kremen-ne,graznui Dnepr,vuryblennue parki pod razvlekatelnue sentru,yzastnue dorogi.Iz xoroshego-gorod zuv! i stalo postabilnee.Na tamozne navernoe yze nazralis i perestali shmanat.Ya dushala nim(
kremnem)...no vse-ze zytko xotelos domoi.Vse ze nadeys chto cherez 20-30 let vse naladitsa.
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 6795
BARRY < > |
usa |
Smotry v kremenchyge seichas zarche chem v Izraile !? Vot mir perevernylsa, s kazdum godom na Ykraine vse teplee i teplee stanovitsa....
Mike < > |
Florida |
Robert & Дзйви ЛaФиев
Thanks for your responses...Actually I have been to the beautiful city of kremenchuk...My wife is from there. I was just curious about renting, but actually the idea of buying one is a good idea......Thanks again guys !!!
barry < > |
usa |
hi.....i'm looking to rent an apartment or find hotel accomodation in kremenchug ( near the bus station if possible ) for about 2 or 3 weeks. whilst there, i want to locate a 2 or 3 roomed apartment away from the city centre to buy for myself. when i was last there a month or two ago, i liked the area on the way out to that new big apartment / grocery store.
any help would be greatly appreciated please.
Robert < > |
Miami FL |
Відповідь на повідомлення: 6736
Hey Mike,
Ref. your query regarding renting a car in
kremenchuk, Bob's statement from England is valid (message 6736), same as Dzivi Lafiov suggestion (message 6738), or perhaps you may consider this one too:
I went to
kremenchuk on 2002 and I choose the bus from Kiev to
kremenchuk (4 hrs. trip + snacks + drinks + movies on board + one mid trip stop for stretching out). Stayed in
kremenchuk for about two and a bit weeks and used cabs all the time (very cheap) Just get a good cab driver business card from the telephone directory, get his name and number and stick to it, negotiate a full time discount with him if possible and you should be OK. This way you won’t have worries driving late at night after restaurant, night club, etc. (24 hrs. good services and very safe). Just make sure you get a traveler’s insurance for everything else if you whish so. Have a good trip and enjoy your stay in
kremenchuk, a very exciting, warm and beautiful city from Poltava Region in Ukraine.
Priviet vciem v
kremenchugie! Ia tivia ne zabudu!
Best regards,
Robert. (Flight College KLUGA 1987 graduation)
Anana Garland < > |
Buenos Aires- Argentina |
Hi: I'm from Argentina, descending from grandparents from Ukrania, from kremenchuk and Sovolevska. I went, once to Ukraine in 1992, right after the disolution of the URSS, but I just went to Kiev. It is great to finally know how does my Granma place of birth look today and some history about the town. Thanks!!!!
Дзйви ЛaФиев < > |
северная калифорния |
Відповідь на повідомлення: 6736
Not sure about the license. It's easy enough to get a IDP International Driving Permit in u.s.a. for about 12 bucks at AAA. I think Ukraine is on the list. The IDP + your stateside DL is valid in numerous countries. Personally, I'd take train or bus from Kyiv and BUY a car in
kremenchuk. (That is my plan on my next trip very soon). I'd bet you could score a very cool used Lavda for similar cost to renting. If you've not driven in Ukraine, think twice about it first. It is NOT EVEN CLOSE to how driving is in u.s.a., or western Europe - its much nicer IMHO. If you've not been to Ukraine you may wish to "not drive" there, at least for your first trip; just to get the feel of things. If you rent in Kyiv & drive to
kremenchuk, it's about 4 to 5 hr drive on unimproved pavement. If you don't at least know Cyrillic alphabet well, visit Mask restaurant in Lenin Str - excellent food & menus are also printed in english. Lenin Str also has internet café and phones if you need those. Have fun.
Відповідь на повідомлення: 6736
You'd better rent a car at Boryspil Airport and drive to
kremenchuk because there are no rental companies in
kremenchuk. It's quite safe to drive there. You'll be all right mate!
mike < > |
Anyone know if I can rent a car in
kremenchuk or do I need to rent one in Kiev? Approx cost? Is my USA Driver's license sufficient? Insurance? Thanks !!!
Відповіді на це повідомлення: 6746,
Pete < > |
Sweden |
I so very mush love your city and I wish all people there a nice summer.
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 6848
Privyet, ich war dieses Jahr Ende Januar für eine Woche in kremenchuk. Ich fands richtig klasse und freue mich schon aufs nächste mal.
Я был в этом году в конце января в течение одной недели в kremenchuk. Я нашел это действительно первоклассным и уже рад на следующем иногда.
Tamara < > |
Dopogie Kpemen4yjane,C DNEM POBEDU! Byd`te c4actlivu te,kto jiv iz y4actnikov!Nizkii VAM poklon!C4act`ia vcem jivychim na Ykrainckoi zemle,v kremen4yge.Eto bula POBEDA vo imia Veru, Lubvi iCvobodu.Ve4naia pamiat` pogibshim i ymershim pocle Voinu!I love you!tamara.
alejandro kornijenko < > |
Santiago Chile |
During the last time I have been looking for the lamily history of my father VICTOR KORNIJENKO.He was korn on march 2,1922 in kremenchug.During the secound war he was moved to Kempten,west Germany(just germany at that time) and after the war,in 1948 he left to Buenos Aires,Argentina,where he lived until he died in the year 1978.As many other people at those time, he lost any contact with bis family and roots.His father was Wladimir Kornijenko who,as far as Iknow,was a navy officer. He died when my father was very young.His mother,Ana Ivanowa,was a teacher in a school.She probably died after 1975.I think that if I cam get the infotmation about the"cementery" where she is( she is restings? probably I could find some information about the people workes who were in charge of restings it would be helpfull. My father had a youngger sister who is probably still alive and there ave cousins,etc.I have a journalist friend who is traging that a newspaper from kremenchug edit this history but I do not have any new about this.I will really appreciat if you have any possibility to help me.Of corse having the names and adresses of all the kornijenko and ivanowa the kremenchuk phone directory would allow me to curite then in the local language,increasing the possibility f getting valuable information for me.I will appreciate your sendig me any information to my e-mail: gunandiram@hotmail.com, and for my homes addres Principe de Gales 7501 Dpto 202 La Reina Santiago de Chile, fono 2263020. Best regards and thank you for the information that you cam provide me
Відповідь на повідомлення: 6702
Hi, Wolfgang, was hast Du da in
kremenchuk gemacht? Geschäftlich oder privat?
alejandro kornijenko < > |
Santiago de chile |
Hola amigos, necesito contactar familia Kornijenko y Ivanowa originarios de
kremenchuk.Quiero encontrar a los familiares de mi padre Viktor Kornijenko
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 6866
Wolfgang Brechtefeld < > |
58135 Hagen, Germany |
Ich war dieses Jahr vom 27. Februar bis 10. März in
krementchuk. Es hat mir sehr gut gefallen.Ich komme bestimmt noch einmal wieder.
Я был этим годом с 27 февраля по 10 марта в
krementchuk. Это очень нравилось мне. Я возвращаюсь определенно еще раз.
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 6706
Hi, I very much like your site, he helps me to not forget my native city. I often come to you in the visitors and I look by photos of the area, where I have grown. I know that to you come on a site all
kremenchug people and would like to ask, nobody knows good firm of delivery of gifts on
kremenchug, it would be desirable to make native pleasant. If someone knows write, I shall be gratefull. Lina, Israel
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 6754
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