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Гостьова книга

22 роки

щоденні фотографії,
починаючи з 15.09.1999

У пам'ять про

Сергія Дзюбенка

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Знайдено 1510 повідомлень

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  2689   09.12.2003 08:57:29  
 Graham Vowles Australia  <@>   
I was in kremenhuk in June this year. I have a look at the photos to see if I can see places I remember. I broke a pedal on my bike and got a replacement one at the market. One photo showed the bank I went into to change money to lower values. Because I don’t speak Russian I had to use sign language. The lady laughed once she knew what I wanted and she game me 10 20’s for my 200.
One thing I remembered was a sprinkler in the main street. It was a sunflower on a pipe and the water pressure that
made it move around. I have never seen one like it before.
I spent some time by the river near a bus station. Men were fishing from concrete wharf.
I will keep looking at the photos.
All the best

  2687   08.12.2003 08:57:29  
 Michel - France  <@>   
Another reply to Bernie (1252)

Hello Bernie,
Well don’t be dissapointed, there are some great girls in Ukraine !
I met my girlfriend on the internet and I can tell you she was real ! I went to kremenchug to meet her, and then she came to France later on.
But I also met scammers on the internet... Just make sure never to send money ! Visit some sites about scammers and they will tell you how to recognize them and discourage them. And keep the faith, because Ukraine is a beautiful country, and there are there some very interesting and clever girls !

  2681   06.12.2003 08:57:29  
 Error,Israel  <@>   
Poddergiway Elenu,kotoraya predlogila wstretitsja biwshim kremenchuzhanam,progiwayshim w Izraile..Esli o takoy dogoworennosti uge idet rech,budu rad prisoedinitsja..

  2669   03.12.2003 08:57:29  
 Roberto - Ireland / Cuba  <@>   
Reply to Bernie from France (Posted bellow on 1252)

Dear Bernie,

Apparently you are not the only one going through that situation, I have seen here messages from others warning on this matter. But not because of that you may judge everybody else. I can assure you that the people from Ukraine are very friendly and ladies in kremenchug are very beautiful and very smarts. Before you make your way through meeting ladies on the Internet you should visit websites that warn about scams and fakes sites on the net and get yourself enough information on this matter. kremenchug is a lovely place. Perhaps you can make a trip there and then you could meet the real people in the streets. A number of airlines fly from Europe to Kiev. You could look that up on the Internet as well as hotels and travel details for kremenchug. Wish you the best of luck on your search.



  2660   02.12.2003 08:57:29  
 Germany  <@>   
i miss my town ...where i was born i live in Berlin ...i have a good life here ,go to colledge ...have a lot of friends ...i am since 6 years in Berlin now ...but nevertheless i didn´t forget my krementchuk!!!!!!! Miss u all ....MY FRIENDS!!!!!! i will come to visit u....i promiss!!!

  2654   02.12.2003 08:57:29  
 Germany  <@>   
i miss my town ...where i was born i live in Berlin ...i have a good life here ,go to colledge ...have a lot of friends ...i am since 6 years in Berlin now ...but nevertheless i didn´t forget my krementchuk!!!!!!! Miss u all ....MY FRIENDS!!!!!! i will come to visit u....i promiss!!!

  2644   27.11.2003 08:57:28  
 lina S.Remo ITALY  <@>   
hello to all the inhabitants of kremenciuc, are much content that exists this situated one, ringrazio very the persons who have created it. Why I must hide that to mè my city lacks, excused if I write in English but now I do not have a keyboard that concurs me to write with cirillico alphabet, I have read letters of the friends who write; left please to be the name of our roads, thoughts to of the important things piu, as an example: our roads are not ugly for their name, must vergognarci of these fatiscenti kiosks, these palaces ruin to you with ascensori that do not work like if we lived in a various age, why our title
s them of study; after much hard work ours and of our families in order to obtain them, is not worth in front of the world, in Europe as an example is not considers you, why asks it our president? Thoughts to these things, we want to go ahead but it is not possible, must make something. Otherwise all the intelligent persons scappano from this our beautiful earth, in Portugal 35000 Ukraini are immigrate and how many to you in Germany, Israel, Italy. As an example A.Wevcenko-chalciatore has made the Milan famous and l ’ Italy and instead the Ukraina is famous only for Cernobil. Why our fields are full of grain and our paste makes schifo while here in Italy nearly the grain fields do not exist and the paste is the piu good of the world? PENSATECI, THOUGHTS To THESE THINGS, a boy UKRANINO who tries living in the world feels these things, these differences. WE GROW UKRAINI WE ARE INTELLINGENTI LIKE ALL....

  2643   27.11.2003 08:57:28  
Iryna.Dlja Olga N.1220
Ja snaju semju Nikolaja Kuchmu, imja kotorogo nosit uliza.Etot chelowek dostojno woewal wo wremja wojni. On dejstwitelno saslugil,chtobi ego imenem bila naswana uliza.
W proschlom godu umer brat Nikolaja Ewgwnij Kuchma, kotoruj
12-letnim malchikom woewal w kremenchugskom partisanskom otrjade,wsiu gisn progil w kremenchuge.Escho giw brat Wasilij,kotoruj takge giwöt w gorode.Oni s gordostju nosjat
swoju familiju, oni -istorija goroda. Ne nado obigat ludej.
Wdrug i twoja familia wusowet ukogo-to negativnuju reakziju

  2636   26.11.2003 08:57:28  
 Israel -kremenchug  <@>   
А если можно вид улицы 60 лет Октября в районе кафе "Cказка" Заранее благодарен!{O.o}

  2629   25.11.2003 08:57:28  
 Ольга, Кременчуг  <@>   
МОЛОДЕЦ, Влад (1218)! "Поддержам" и "одобрям"!!!

Хочется надеяться, что устами Влада выражено мнение большинства НАСТОЯЩИХ Кременчужан, то ли живущих в Кремне, то ли "временно" отсутствующих!
Почему временно? А потому что практически в каждом письме сквозит ностальгия и тоска за темя днями, когда можно было пройтись по Ленинской, или Пролетарской, или Первомайской... Ведь вам всем хочется вернуться назад! Поэтому-то вы и просите сделать фотки одного района или другого! А названия....... Да какая бы она ни была, а это наша история! Мы ее знаем, и наши дети тоже должны знать!
Кстати, если говорить о переименовании улиц, то спросите у жителей Занасыпи, насколько им нравится переименованная улица "Н.Кучмы"??? (даже если Н.Кучма не имеет никакого отношения к нашему президенту).

  2623   24.11.2003 08:57:28  
 Harry, Australia  <@>   
My grandfather, Hirsch Taibel, died in kremenchuk during the First World War from injuries which he sustained while in the Russian Army. He was buried in 1917 in the Jewish Cemetery of the town. Does the cemetery still exist and what is the condition of the graves? Is it possible to identify the gravestones from that period of WW1? I would be grateful to receive a reply.

  2620   23.11.2003 08:57:28  
 Evgenia. Israel.    
dlja 1194:
ja zakoncila 11 schkolu v 1992, toze guljala v schkolnom -
mi bili 2 podruzki: Olga Chekhovich i ja Jenja Kanevskaja.
Zavtra ja uze budu v rodnom kremne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2617   22.11.2003 08:57:28  
 ne Kremenchug    
kak ribki farshirovannoy xochetsa :)

  2611   20.11.2003 08:57:28  
 Ken Stanton USA  <@>   
Can you give me a list of Restaurants or cafe’s in kremenchuk. I want to send some money to some friends of mine to treat them to a nice restaurant.

  2610   20.11.2003 08:57:28  
 Elana G. Israel    
privet vsem..! menya uvezli s kremen4uga v 5 let..
Alex (1185) toronto ; shurkin eto ti??
ya za bratam v kanade sku4ayu....
kremen4ug is so cool..!

  2597   17.11.2003 08:57:28  
 Mick Boom, United Kingdom  <@>   
I still look upon my two visits to Ukraine with great happiness... and hope to go again sometime in the near future! I really enjoyed seeing my good friends in kremenchuk, and was very impressed with Kiev. The people were always friendly... Anybody, young or old can Email me and I will always reply... Personally I am 65 years young... and male.

  2592   16.11.2003 08:57:28  
 USA  <@>   
PRIVIET kremENCHUG!!!! I apologize, I only speak english !
Looking for nice fair-priced flat to rent in May or June(kremenchug) 2004...can anyone help???


  2590   15.11.2003 08:57:28  
 p-a sahlberg Sweden  <@>   
I will go to kremenchug in november and visit frend for some days.
Take care and have nice day.

  2588   15.11.2003 08:57:28  
 Meren-Portugal  <@>   
Privet vsem kremenchujanam kto menya znaet i net.kremenchug eto prosto supper,ya tam rodilsya i provel svoi samie luchie godi.Kto menya znaet pod imenem "MEREN" proz´ba napisat´.
P.S. kremenchug mne tebya nehvataet,a osobenno-DEVCHONKI...

  2587   14.11.2003 08:57:28  
 Andrey USA  <@>   
Spasibo za sait. kremenchug moi vtoroi rodnoi gorod!!!
Proshu pokagite ribakov na pliage!!!

  2586   13.11.2003 08:57:28  
 evgenia israel    
rebjata, gde sneg?????!!!!!!!
ja tak nadejalas cto kogda priedu v rodnoj kremen’ uvizu belie ulizi, kak-nikak 6 let uze ne videla sneg, a ego vsjo net i net - neporjadok. :-(((

  2580   02.11.2003 08:57:28  
 Nicholas England  <@>   
Hello kremenchug.
I shall be visiting your city from 27/12 until 6/1. I am staying with friends but I will have spare time whilst they are at work. I would be interested to meet anyone who would like to exchange information, culture, history etc. perhaps someone who wishes to improve their English language skills. I certainly need to increase my knowledge of Russian as my understanding of Russian is very poor. Or perhaps someone who would simply like the company of an interesting and amusing English businessman who would like to see more of kremenchug.
I look forward to hewaring from you.
Kind regards,

  2565   27.10.2003 08:57:28  
 steve england  <@>   
hello 2 kremenchuk & future visiters there
yep im looking for a room or apartment from the 14th november for 2 or 4 weeks
please i know the prices of rooms 2 rent in kremenchuk. so i will not be paying $210 for 2 weeks & $ 420 for 4 weeks.
in the local papers rooms are for less than $100 for 4 weeks so please no more rip-offs 2 me!!
>>>>>>&g t;> but good tries anyway!! <<<<<<<&l t;<
im really looking for a local family with a room 2 rent so as 2 help them with $. not a contact person who wants 2 rip me off for $500!!
funny thing is i paid $100 for 1 month in lviv last year & i will pay around this this year. not the $400/$500 wanted by a contact in kremenchuk!
anybody want info about accommodation in ukraine email me now or if you read this in the future then contact me then.
don`t get ripped off with high hotels & apartments by a contact, as this contact you will not know ok
as you see im at AOL.COM so no worries 2 knowing me
best of luck mates

  2554   25.10.2003 08:57:28  
 steve england  <@>   
hi 2 you all
yep i want a room or small apartment 2 rent in kremenchug, so can anybody help me?
will be travelling in 3 weeks time (12/11/03)
there must be someone in this city who wants some cash!

  2550   22.10.2003 08:57:28  
 izrael tubal  <@>   

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