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09.12.2011: Вулиця Леніна
27.03.2017: Вулиця Республіканська
15.10.2004: На Раковці
Гостьова книга

22 роки

щоденні фотографії,
починаючи з 15.09.1999

У пам'ять про

Сергія Дзюбенка

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Знайдено 1510 повідомлень

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  2404   29.08.2003 08:57:27  
 Игорь Украина  <@>   
Очень класный сайт о родном городе
Побольше бы таких!!!

  2403   29.08.2003 08:57:27  
 Alexander, UK  <@>   
For 992. Da, my s kremnya, budem rady sviazatsa.
I bolshoe spasibo sozdatelam etogo sayta. Postoyanno prosmatrivaem foto, vsio ochen klass. A kremenchug - eto samiy lubimiy gorod. Ochen za nim skuchaem i nadeemsa na skoruyu vstrechu. Vsem v kremne privet!!!

  2401   28.08.2003 08:57:27  
 Lena  <@>   
Privet vsem! Ya skoro edu v Angliyu v Liverpool. Est kto nibud iz kremenchujan tam ili poblizosti? Budu rada podderjivat svyaz

  2396   25.08.2003 08:57:27  
 Nina U.S.A  <@>   
Hello to kremenchuk friends. I Love this site! I always enjoy looking at pictures from my home town. Hello Natasha I know you. Would you please write to me. This is Nina Carter from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA.

  2394   25.08.2003 08:57:27  
hi michael!!!
i can tell you lots of thing about my native city kremenchug.i have not been there 1.5 years and miss it very is a lovely small city in the center of ukraine.hello in ukranian is previt.
have a good day.

  2386   24.08.2003 08:57:27  
 USA  <@>   
Privet, I enjoyed the photo’s very much, the lady on the right in photo (На центральному ринку, 03.05.2003) look very much like a lady I’m very fond of and lives in kremenchukbut, however I do not know her address at this time so as to tell her. The photo’s make one want to visit you beautiful city, your photo’s are a great world wide asset to your city. I thank you for posting them for all to see.

  2385   24.08.2003 08:57:27  
 Anya, Swityerland  <@>   
URA v vyhodnye domoj ! Snova budu guljat’ v parke! bluzhdat’ central’nymy ilicami goroda, smotret’ v lica probegaushih mimo prohozhih..! Ja lublu tebja, kremenchug, ja lublu ludej, kotorye tut zhivut, ja lublu shum, lublu parki, lublu Dnepr, ja ne mogu bez tebja, moj gorod ! :) dumala, chto ne budu skuchat’, ved’ vsego na paru mesjacev uehala, no vizhu tebja vo sne i na javu... tot, kto nikogda ne byl za granicej i ne lubil svoj gorod i ludej svoej strany, tot nikogda ne smozhet menja ponjat’ ! Ja lublu tebja, kremenchug !

  2378   24.08.2003 08:57:27  
 Chile  <@>   
My great grandfather, Israel Lifschitz, and great grandmother Abdotia Odnoposoff were from kremenchuk. I’m currently tryong to find information about them.

Alejandro Lifschitz

  2370   25.07.2003 08:57:27  
 Swan, USA    
Spasibo for all your nice photos. I just want to say "privet" to all the wonderful people I met in kremenchug in March. I also want to say how much I love my fiance and look forward to his arrival so we can start our life together. A message for my kroshka, "Ya tebya ochen lyublyu!"

  2365   23.07.2003 08:57:27  
 Svetlana-Israel  <@>   
Sasha iSergei,bolshoe vam cpacibo za cait i za foto.Spystya 18 let[blagodapya vam]ya ’pobuvala’ v gopode cvoego detstva i yunosti.Ya prosto schastliva!Konechno- kremenchug ne yznat.No on takoze prekrasnu.Ya zakonchila shkoly 26 v1981gody.Hotelos hot kogo-nibyd ’yslushat’kto pomnit menya.S lyubovyu k vam- Svetlana Kamenzeva-Yakyla.

  2353   20.07.2003 08:57:27  
 krem. hukerZ , GAN  <@>   
hi all!
Пей лед, вдыхай огонь. Пусть тень станет твоим любовником. Закуй разум, останови сердце. Мрак правит вечно.
сквозь баги кода мы видим пагу Кремня. Только не могем понять почему дуфолт - инглиш, а русского нет. Я украинец а говорю на русском. где русский транслейт???

  2351   17.07.2003 08:57:27  
 MASYA  <********************>   

  2350   17.07.2003 08:57:27  
 Kelli, USA via The Netherlands    
I miss kremenchuk so much! Hello to all of my many friends! I love you and miss you tons!

  2346   06.07.2003 08:57:27  
 Luis Alberto    
Privet Ivan! Horoshij ti chelovek. Davno tebya net! Nikak ne vijdu s toboy na svjaz - hotel sprosit tebja, kak provjol vremja v kremne.

  2341   04.07.2003 08:57:27  
 Peter Sweden    
Thank for this home page since I have my girlfriend in kremenchuk.
I miss her and I love her and soon she be here in Sweden.
I love her today and forever.

Regards Peter

  2340   03.07.2003 08:57:27  
 Paul, VA, USA  <@>   
Privet Leon,

Glad to hear that you had a good time in kremenchuk. Summer there is nice, especially at night when you take a walk with her to the park, on the streets of the city, and by Dniper nice. I experienced that once before. I would not suggest you to come during winter unless you enjoy it. Autumn time is the best when you see leaves change colors. I’m still looking for a single lady who makes me heart goes crazy for her. Not sure if I can find her in kremenchuk though. Is she out there age from 20 to 33? Paul from USA. P.S. Guys, Do not forget to tip people who give you services in kremenchuk.

  2339   03.07.2003 08:57:27  
 Bogdan,Israel  <@>   
Boge,destwitelno kakoe gore u etogo parnya(887), kotoriy poterjal swoy dewuchku..Eto chudowishno..Pomogite emu pogalusta hot chem nibud,lydi..Kto raspologaet takimi wozmognostjami i swjazjami W kremenchuge..Pomogite cheloweku,emu tan tjagelo..

  2338   03.07.2003 08:57:27  
 Leon Rens - Holland  <@>   
Privet! People from kremenchuk.
In June this year i visit your city and i recognize many places where i walk with my girlfriend Nadiya.
I think that i visit your city again in the winter time.
Thank you for the photos!
Greetings, Leon

  2337   01.07.2003 08:57:27  
 Hans-Peter Arnold  <@>   
greetings to everybody in kremenchuk.
Although I have been to the Ukraine, I have not yet been to your town.
I wishf you all the best, and thanks for the photos.

  2331   30.06.2003 08:57:27  
 SASHA &amp; BORIS    
privet slavnij gorod kremenchug

  2326   28.06.2003 08:57:27  
 BARI Basoff    
Kogda zhe nakonez stanut obnovljatsja chashche, chem raz v 2 mesjaza kremenchugskije elektronnije smi? Ne pozorte!

  2324   28.06.2003 08:57:27  
 Brad Harris Germany  <@>   
Hi Bernard:

I think I have found the girl that you are writing and state that you are close too. You stated you were writing Tatiana Botvinkina who lives in kremenchuk. Email me and send me the latest picture of her and I will send to you the latest picture that she sent me.

Best regards

  2322   27.06.2003 08:57:27  
 Затинацкая Наташа, США, Мичиган  <@>   
Привет! Огромное спасибо ребята за ваш сайт. Я живу в Америке уже три месяца. Жила в Кременчуге на улице Бутырина 69. А на проспекте ПОлтавский, 36 провела детсво и юность. Там сейчас живут мои родители. Работают в больнице. Училась я в шк.№ 25 а потом в лицее № 4, окончила наш политех.
Очень скучаю!

Если кто-нибудь живет в США в штате Мичиган, а сам из Кременчуга - отзовитесь пожалуйста!

Жду с нетерпением.


  2317   26.06.2003 08:57:27  
 Gary U.S.A.- OKC, OK  <@>   
Reply to Craig:Hello, I am looking for a lady that I have been emailing for some time. I have not heard from her for three weeks now and I am getting worried about her. She lives in kremenchug and her name is Julia Takorchuk. If you email me I can give you her address. If someone could help me I would be greatful. Thank you.
Send me an E-mail:
please send me your E-mail address please

  2316   26.06.2003 08:57:27  
 Antonio USA  <@>   
I had just visited kremenchuk and one of the photos from 2 weeks ago had my rental car in it, parked in front of a book stand! I was so excited. Who is this mystery photographer??? You’re doing a great job!

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