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Craig - USA (Missouri) < > |
Hello, I am looking for a lady that I have been emailing for some time. I have not heard from her for three weeks now and I am getting worried about her. She lives in kremenchug and her name is Julia Takorchuk. If you email me I can give you her address. If someone could help me I would be greatful. Thank you.
Bogdan Kotlyarewskiy < > |
Nu zdrastwui,moy rodnoy kremenchug...Kak ja skuchay po tebe,kak dawno ja ne byl u tebya w gostjah..Wse eto wremya ja dumal o tebe...Wot byl u tebya wsego god nazad,a kagetsja slowno proshla zelaya wechnost..No ja objazatelno wernus,wot uwidish..
Ireland < > |
Hello my Friends
I love this site and look at the new photo every day, could somebody help me I am looking for a lady , who is very close to me in kremenchuk, Tatiana Botvinkina, if you write back I will give you more details. Thank you hope somebody can help
katyusha <......................................> |
Privet kremen!vsemu 11A,15 wkoli gromadnii privetiwe!ya vas lyublyu,i jelayu sdat vse ekzameni na otli4no!zeluyu!
Гарне фото сьогоднішнє, суто Кременчуцька аура. Хто з нас не дивився на Дніпро з парапету, як цей голубочок...
Sushchestvujet li v nastojashchij moment vaashche kakaja-to, podajushchaja priznaki zhizni Internet-gazeta o kremenchuge?? Ili vse uzhe okonchatelno zaglohli, krome etogo sajta? Ukazhite adresok, budte ljubezni
Davidovitch Yuliya < > |
Yv.organizatori!A gde eto prazdnik piva?eto sobitie s kakix por v kremen4uge provodyat?
peter field < > |
Hello there.My name is Peter.I’m travelling to kremchuk in 7 weeks time.What is it like? Ihave met a nice girl named Elena and i’d like to know is there much nightlife and entertainment.Also, about Hotels
Mike < > |
Hello kremenchuk,
Happy Trinity Day this Monday to you kremenchugians! Happy Father Day to those who live in USA this Sunday. Happy for those are in love, and good luck to those out of love like myself!!! smile.
If you come to kremenchuk, choose Spring or Autumn is best time for you. Summer is way too hot for you because there will be no air conditioning like we do in USA, and Winter is way too gray and dismay. They do not shove snow and ice on their side walks so you just have to skate(smile!)on dirty icy side walks. There are many small roads that will be closed during winter because of bad weather, so you are limited to your travel around kremenchug and other cities. For those who are looking for love in kremenchuk, make sure your lady will love you for you, not your money. I found out it the hard way, but we are living in imperfect World, so I can’t blame her. If single ladies, are interested in me like some of you already sent me email messages, please include your pictures so I know who you are.
Udachy!!! Good Luck!
David-Arizona, USA < > |
Found this site recently. I’ve been looking at these photos for a few weeks now. I’ve never been to Ukraine, or Russia, but you really have shown a good many everyday ’faces’ of your pretty city of kremenchuk. I thought it was mostly a gray place with ’gray’ people. But I see that it not so at all, but full of color. What a nice surprise! I would now love to come visit, meet people, see your city and beautiful countryside. Keep up the good work.
ronald / germany < > |
hello lena,
thanks for the link to kremenchuk. a really beautiful city.
shortly more of me by mail
ronald / germany
Davidovitch Yulya < > |
Tane(822),a otkuda ti iz kremen4uga?Gde ti u4ilas tam?
Dmitry Israel < > |
for 805.
Zenja! Ya tebja znaju? Gde ti seythas? Kakoy e-mail?
sandrine chayvialle france < > |
Helleo, my name is sandrine, I live in Paris. my granmother Rebecca schumacher used to live in kremenshouck in 1917. I am very glad to can see photos of the town she came from. I dont speak russian at all and would like to know a little more about yout town. May be is there familly of mpine? I’d like to get an answer. thank you
Brodianskiy Dmitry Israel < > |
kto zakon4il 19 shkolu v 1988- otzovites
budu rad vsem kto napishet
Mike < > |
kremenchuk = krem where are you?
So where is my love? Is she out there some where? The weather is excellent in kremenchuk. Can someone take a photo of the famous ’you’ve ever dreamed’ restaurant in kremenchuk? Thanks for those who wrote me. You’re great people on this forum.
Olena, USA < > |
Если кто из выпуска 1993 года 10-ой школы заходит на этот сайт, отзовитесь. На лето планируем организацию встречи в Кременчуге.
Mike < > |
Hi all,
What does it feel like to be loved by a Slavic woman and be left by love all of the sudden...can anyone here explain what slavic soul is like...kremenchug is a great place to walk with love and eat ice cream on main streets of the city---priceless. Mike.
Mary USA < > |
I visited your town for two weeks back in March. There was still a lot of snow. It is nice to see how lush and green the landscape can get. My Ukrainian fiance and I are waiting for his US visa to get approved, but we plan on going back to kremenchug in the future. Thank you for your lovely photos. I recognize several of the areas.
Anna, Australia < > |
My name is Anna. I live in Australia now, but some times ago I lived in your city. I’am going to vizit kremenchug in betvin 20 and 30 of June. If you are interested to meet, pleas, leav your telephone on my mail box. The reason I ask the telephone nomber - I dought I am going to have an access to Internet.
All regards
Pert, WA
marwan-lebanon < > |
nice to see your site,i visit kremenchuk 2 times 1992 &1993 & i hope to visit it again.good luck
Germany Dubinskaja Kristina < > |
Privetik vsem krementschuschanam !!!!!!!!!Otschen vas vsex ljublju i skutschaju kto menj asnajet pischite!krementschug samij lutschij gorod na swete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Kris ti!
Kevin, California < > |
I want to thank Jeffery and his Ukrainian Fiancee from kremenchuk for putting me into contact with Svetlana a nice and beautiful "kremenchugian".
I look forward to meeting her in your beautiful city during the fall season.
YA ochen’ hochy nazad v kremenchyg!
Yzhe ne bula 5 let! Ochen’ soskychilas’! Kak priyatno posmotret’ na svoi gorod, gde ya zhula i ychilas’ v 20-i shkole 5 let nazad! Eshe priyatnee smotret’ na ylicy Lenina, gde ya zhula. A takzhe yvidela svoi dom! Prosto slezu na glazah! Kak ya hochy domoi... v kremenchug.
katyushka <*****************> |
Privet kremen!!!SPASIBO VAM GROMADNOE ZA ETU FOTU,ULIZI MOSKOVSKOI,PROSTO SUPER(esli b ewe 4yutok ponije,nu i na etom spasib)!nadeyus eta ne poslednyaya fota etogo dvora ;)!jdems s neterpeniem ewe!
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