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09.10.2019: Перехрестя Небесної Сотні та Першотравневої
11.11.2009: Вулиця Свердлова
19.04.2017: На вул. Небесної Сотні
Гостьова книга

22 роки

щоденні фотографії,
починаючи з 15.09.1999

У пам'ять про

Сергія Дзюбенка

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Знайдено 1510 повідомлень

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  2042   17.04.2003 08:57:25  
 Frederick Phillips/USA  <@>   
Why is kremenchug come up as kremenchuk on this site? What is the differance that the "g" to the "k" make? Thank you very much for such a well thought out webpage. I like it, there is alot of pride and work put in that shows.

  2034   12.04.2003 08:57:25  
 Anne de france    
Salut et bon week end a kremenchuk ...!!!!

  2030   11.04.2003 08:57:25  
 Paul (Australia)  <@>   
Thanks for all your great responses!! I really appreciate it!
But here’s a challenge for you all....
What would be the chances of getting a job in kremenchuk if I only spoke english??? I’d love to live there!!!
Anyone with any advice???

  2028   08.04.2003 08:57:25  
 Jeffery, USA    
Hi everyone!

Well, I sure enjoyed my visit to kremenchuk (ug). And even though the city is full of just too many good people, you guys, especially from the west, should check the following sites before you go sending money or getting emotionally involved.

www.scamalert.freeservers. com/contact.html three.shtml ge.htm

Be safe and ... happy loving.

  2025   08.04.2003 08:57:25  
 M Kremenchuk    
Сегодня ночью выпал мокрый снег, дует холодный ветер, холодно. Мы не помним такой погоды в апреле.
Народ тоже жаждет тепла.

  2020   04.04.2003 08:57:25  
 Paul (Australia)  <@>   
Hi everyone!!
Just wondering if anyone knows of a gift store or department store in kremenchuk that sells gift vouchers. I want to send one to my favourite girl there :)

  2018   02.04.2003 08:57:25  
 Octavio &lt;Cuba&gt;  <@>   
My name is Octavio i look for my litle girld,I was in kremenchug in 1987 in Paciol Maladioch, I writed by email to Alexander to, but I dont had the answer , please I look Elena Malantseva her Phone is

  2011   31.03.2003 08:57:25  
 Andrew, Ukraine  <@>   
Hi everyone!!! I love my city and stay proud of it always! The best city in Ukraine!!! God bless kremenchuk!!!

  2008   28.03.2003 08:57:25  
 AHH de France  <@>   
Bonsoir kremenchuk.!!. Super ! la photo avec les pйcheurs..!!!..(.la neige commence a disparaitre .ce qui nous donne un different aperзu de la rйgion.!!!)..spasibo et bon week-end a tous ..!!

  2004   28.03.2003 08:57:25  
 Viktoria NovoxatkoGermany  <@>   
Privet krementschug!Vot reschila posmotret na Zemljakov,kto menja znaet i pomnit pischite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Otschen skutschaju za kremetschugom,moschet bit priedu v gosti letom,otschen na eto nadejus!Spasibvo za prikrasnij sait i fotki Sergeju i Alekseju Dzybenko!Poka!

  1994   25.03.2003 08:57:25 France  <@>   
Bonsoir..!!!!....kremenchuk..! !!...une vision bucolique de kremenchuk ...!!!!!....c’est charmant et reposant ..!!!..c’est merveilleux de dйcouvrir de jour en jour votre rйgion...!!!!...spasibo bolchoi a tout le monde bonne nuit ....

  1992   24.03.2003 08:57:25  
 Anne France  <@>   
Priviet kremenchuk..!!!....a very nice photo again..!!! est trйs beau ce batiment ....dommage que je ne comprenne pas les lйgendes ....!!!!! faudrait que j’apprenne la langue ....mais j’ai l’impression que ce n’est pas facile ...!!!!....cela ne change rien car le site reste gйnial..!!!! je confirme en anglais ...Very nice website....Have a good day ..!!!...Spasibo bolchoi ....and i come back latter .....Anne ....

  1991   24.03.2003 08:57:25  
 vik Украіна  <@>   
wse klasno tolko nexwataet samoy karti kremenchuga

  1987   21.03.2003 08:57:25  
 Leo - USA  <@>   
What a great sight. Just spent the month of FEb in kremenchuk (my fifth trip in 6 years)...thanks for keeping the memories fresh.

  1985   21.03.2003 08:57:25  
 M Kremenchuk    
А уна опять зима, морозец, снежок, ветерок...

  1973   17.03.2003 08:57:25  
 Natalia, USA  <@>   
Privet, rodniye!
Rovno mesaz zdes’ a uge taskuu.
Sdelayte fotku na ul. Butirina dom 69.
Orgomnoe spasibo vam, rebata!

  1965   14.03.2003 08:57:25  
 Michael Boom, England  <@>   
I have friends who live in kremenchuk, whom I have been lucky enough to have visited twice. Their welcome and friendliness made me feel very humble.

If you would like to improve your English by emailing me with any questions about myself or England, I promise to reply as soon as possible... I also have a knowledge of German.

  1955   10.03.2003 08:57:25  
 Alina  <@>   
privetik vsem kremen4ysanam

  1947   07.03.2003 08:57:25  
 katyuxa  <***************************>   
Privet kremen4yug!!!vsex jenwin i devuwek nawego zame4atelnogo goroda-s prazdnikom,uda4i vam!sposibo za 4yudesnie foto!esli mojno,sfotografiruite ulizu moskovskuyu,v raene optovoi bazi!zaranee sposibo!

  1943   07.03.2003 08:57:25  
 Ludmila Mohrinski Israel  <@>   
Privet,kremENCHYG!!!!!! Kak prekrasno videtb svou ylizy ZORSA.Spasibo!!!!!!!

  1938   04.03.2003 08:57:25  
 Max from Germany  <@>   
PRIVIET kremENCHUG!!!! Does anybody speak english here???
Looking for nice fair-priced flat to rent in may(kremenchug) 2003...who can help???

  1937   04.03.2003 08:57:25  
 Ludmila Mohrinski ISRAEL  <@>   
PRIVET,kremENCHYG!!!!!!!! S prazdnikom VESNI-8 marta!!!!!!

  1934   04.03.2003 08:57:25  
 Roberto - Ireland/Cuba  <@>   
Priviet kremenchug!!!!!!
Clasni fotki co cniegom! Beautiful winter pictures!
Well done Alexander, maladiech!
kremenchug, tevia nie zabudu! The city that forever remains part of me!
Zdarovia bciex! See you!

Roberto (Flight College KLUGA 1987)

  1933   03.03.2003 08:57:25  
 Viki Israel    
Boze takoe osysenie so ves kremensyg pereechal v Izrail, prikol!

  1929   03.03.2003 08:57:25  
 Leonid, Finlandija  <@>   
Privet, kremenchug!! Spasibo za fotki! Bbuchka, chto u menja gostit, otchen’ dovol’na - jeje gorod predstavlen vo vsej krase i pravdivosti. Privet ot nejo vsem znakomim.

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