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Neutralni! Dva raza bil v Canadi 5 raza v Ktemenchuk.kremenchuk bolse nravica! Ocem simpaticni gorod.Dnjepr ljudi prijatni(normalni)-muzikalni
P.S.Spasiva red.za krasivi fotos.Kazdij den skotrim!
N41. Au, uwazhaemiy Kanadez! Wsjo zhe ne stoit potakat swoim biwshim sootechestwennikam, chto tebe jest chto srawniwat, a im - net. To, chto ti - w Kanade - ne stolko twoja zasluga, da i zhizn u kazhdoy semji wezde swoja i chuwstwa - tozhe. No, mozhet, tem kto ostalsja, stoit poprobowat chego-to dobitsja na meste? Wed esli bi ta energija, kotoruju tratjat na wozmozhnost i organizaziju pereezda naprawit w sozidatelnoje ruslo - kremenchug bil bi luchshe. Prosto nehwatajet samouwazhenija i otwetstwennosti.
Benedict Yedlin < > |
My grandfather Heiman Yedlin and Lena emigrated to the U.S. around 1870. Does the family name exist in kremenchuk? I know nothing more of my grandparents
Jenia Shirokov < > |
Afyla, Israel |
Vsem privet s teplux stran ya dva meseza nebul v kremenchuge i yje nponem zasky4ilsya i posvoeu jene Rydnizkou Anne s tretiva zanasupa.
Michael Bush < > |
Colorado Springs, USA |
Hello there. I have a penpal who lives in your city and I wanted to learn all I could about kremenchuk. I will look at your archive later. Have a good day.--Michael Bush
S Dnem rozhdeniya rodnoy gorod!!! Vsem kremenchuzhanam zhelayu zdorov’ya, schast’ya i "shob groshi na vas napali"!!!
Happy Birthday dear kremenchug! Many many more! i love you and I miss you! Good luck!
Lara < > |
Kremenchyg, Ykraina |
Privet vsem kremenchyzham! Zhelayu vam provesti prazdnik den’ goroda klasno ! Pishite kto xochet
Tom < > |
Flisa, Norway |
Hello kremenchuk!!!!!!!!! Nice pictures from a beautiful city. I am looking at pictures from this city almost every day. Hope too come and visit this beautuiful city next year, 2003. Any good tip???? Tom
privet iz izraely!!kak dela v kremenchuge?????
kirill (unical) |
holon, israel |
au!!!!kremenchug sila!!!!!
David Busse |
Kalamazoo, MI, USA |
My compliments to the photographers and the beautiful subjects. This site is tremendous. kremenchuk should be very proud of herself.
Kolganov Mykhaylo < > |
Mainz, Deutschlad |
Spasibo za navejannye vospominanija o rodnom kremenchge
kremenchugane, a kto vigral? I kto s kem igral na Politexe?
Jim < > |
The ladies of kremenchuk are truly beautiful.
Abe(abrashka) Isenberg(Eisenberg-Aizenbe < > |
I came across the site by chance. I was born in kremenchuck in 1922,came to South Africa in 1929 and settled in Israel in 1949.Would like to hear from anyone who may remember,the Families Aizenberg or Loptkin. I think my parents came from Pinsk.
circus fantastica < > |
WA, New Zealand |
Dear "Bozo the Clown", your comments tells me rather something about the frustated you, than it does about the beautiful city of kremenchuk..in fact it tells me much about the stuff you use to pick out of your ear :-))
Bozo the Clown < > |
WA, New Zealand |
Your city looks like a cold dank dump. It looks like a slum. Come on kremenchuk lighten up. Put a bit of life into your crummy excuse for a city. At the moment it looks like something i have picked out of my ear.
For Vitaly from Israel Ploho chto v Israel net vody. I kremenchujane ee pokupaut. A voobsche voda eto jizn.
nataliya < > |
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
looking for friends. i love kremenchug. i was born there. if you want to send me a message, use the address above.
audrey kirkilewski-rice < > |
wheatfield, usa |
i think my mother in law was born in kremenchuk and would like to know some history of that city from 1925-1945. any would be appreciated. thanking you in advance. peace and love, audrey
Thor Helge < > |
Oslo, Norway |
Privet Thank you very much for very good picture of a very green and beautiful town. I hope to see kremenchug soon. Can I ask you, is it possible to take picture of Pereulok Gvardeysky 20. Spasiba.
SANDY < > |
damen andersson < > |
copenhagen , Denmark |
i need an information a bout a partment beuro in kremenchuk how i can find an apartment?
Agent 008 / Edi < > |
Israel, Israel |
Новым годом, дорогие друзья! С Рош Ашонэ, - с еврейским Новым годом!
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