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Люба < > |
Кременчук |
Андрей, очевидно, Вы имели в виду памятник "Вечно Живым" вот фотография с видом на него www.kremenchuk.org/ukr/archive/2008-05-09 Отсюда легко проследите места, интересующие Вас, по карте.
Відповідь на повідомлення: 7757
Ваша часть находится на ул. 60 лет Октября между остановками Аптека и Гвардейская. Используя фрагменты этих слов Вы легко найдете фотографии своей части и окрестностей в Архиве. Например: http://www.
Rem < > |
Turkey |
Hi,Thanks for great website,and lovely daily photos. i just back from
kremenchug , spend lovely one week , i meet with lovely girl she was working in Amstore, sadly when i went to see her my last day , she wasnt there! İs anybody can me help to contack her? Many Thanks
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 7754
tony < > |
uk |
Hi, I am trying to get my wife from kremenchuk back to UK.
We were married a year ago in Kiev. We experience visa problems (3 refusals????). Anyone with similiar problems or advice please get in touch. Thanks.
Nataly, Katrin and Chema < > |
Spain |
Hello. We are following you from Spain. My wife and daughter are from kremenchuk. We like see you everyday photos of kremenchuk.
Best Regards
andrei < > |
moldova |
kremenciujtsy sdraastvuite .esli kto nibuti videl ili znaet.. Patrikeevu Nadegdu... pojaluista ostavte eio koordenaty
Natasha < > |
Привет, дорогие Кременчужане. Мне 32 года. Я родом из Кременчуга, живу в Америке уже 7 лет. Откликнитесь пожалуйста те, кто тоже живет в штате Мичиган, но родом из Кременчуга. будет здорово иметь земляков!
Удачи всем!
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 7760
Benjamin < > |
stuttgart, germany |
Hello people from
years ago my grandfather was in "novo georgijewsk", and i found this city on old maps. but i cant find this city on new maps. does this city has a new name. I hope you can help me and give me some information cause its really important for me!!!
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 7762
Holger < > |
Mainz |
Leben heute noch Leute in krementschug die vor über 30 Jahren an der Drushba-Trasse gearbeitet haben und dort geblieben sind.
Gruß Holger
Александр < > |
Відповідь на повідомлення: 7739
Более того - она не вечерняя, а утренняя! :)
Holger < > |
Mainz |
Hallo an alle in krementschug,ich habe vor fast 35 Jahren an der Drushba-Trasse gearbeitet und suche eine damalige Freundin.Ich kenne nur noch ihren Namen Olga.Habe noch einige Fotos von ihr und würde gern wissen wie es ihr heute geht.
Wer kann mir bei der Suche weiterhelfen.
Kann leider nur in deutscher Sprache schreiben.
Viele Grüße Holger
Mike A < > |
Florida/USA |
Here's wishing all my family and friends plus the good town of kremnchug, a very Happy New Year. A special shout to our friends Alexander & Sergey Dzyubenko(webmasters). I know they had some medical problems in their family, so let us wish them much health in the future.
Pete < > |
Sweden Stockholm |
I wish all people in kremenchuk who is my favorite town a happy new year and that especially to all pretty women there.
Regards Pete
Andy J. Harper < > |
Wilmington, North Carolina USA |
To all my friends who can read English in kremechug, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! 2011 Especially to my good friend, Yulia! Spasibo!
robralf < > |
Las Vegas |
A very prosperous New Year and Happy Christmas on January 7th to everyone from kremenchug!!
I hope to be there early in 2011.
Thanks for the great photo's.
Francesco < > |
Italy |
Good morning to all kremenchuk people: Christmas is coming and I wish everyone reading this nice stage can write about traditions, typical dishes of this happy period. So we could know something more about Ukraina,Russia, USA, France, Germany, Italy and Spanish world.
Thanks to everybody.
Helmut < > |
BR Deutschland |
Спасибо за картины.
Радуй меня снова и снова видеть kremenshug.
Там работал над магистральным газопроводом.
Привет Хельмута
Danke für die Bilder.
Freue mich immer wieder kremenshug zu sehen.
Habe dort gearbeitet an der Ferngasleitung.
Gruss Helmut
leon < > |
greece |
Відповідь на повідомлення: 7715
Dear Sveta , I need to be sure for someone who live in
kremenchug and I know her for 2 years but not live together. Would you please advise me if you know anyone who can speak English and follow her for me? Thanks for your advance help, Leon
David D. < > |
Banbury, England |
I would just like to say what a superb site this is. I have looked at many details and photographs to familiarise myself with the city. This is in readiness to visit my girlfriend/internet lover for 25 days over Xmas, New Year, your Christmas and both our birthdays. God bless you kremenchug and your people for making an old man into a youth again in anticipation of this visit.
Наташа < > |
Привет, дорогие Кременчужане. Я родом из Кременчуга, живу в Америке уже 7 лет. Откликнитесь пожалуйста те, кто тоже живет в штате Мичиган, но родом из Кременчуга. будет здорово иметь земляков!
Удачи всем!
Natasha < > |
Відповідь на повідомлення: 7711
Hi. I'll try to help you. What is your woman name? Is she from
Francesco < > |
Italy |
To all
kremenchuk women, with the hope that SHE can read.
I want to tell you a story, a story only mine that no one knows.
She has gone away. She that was for me more than a wife.
Someone loved her carefree youth moments, someone loved her beauty, but only one, just me, loved, really loved, her soul and the pains of her face, her body changing.
Will come tomorrow, tomorrow when suddenly her eyes, that I cannot forget, find alive in my heart, may be she did not love: I was in love, I am in love.
Some love stories last so long, as one life, more than one life, I had a love lasted three years, and true love was.
Tomorrow she will not come back…
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 7715
June Bibby < > |
Great Britain |
Can you help me please? In 2007 a group from kremenchug came over to Sunderland in order to get ideas from their recently restored Mowbray Park, as the 'English Garden Park' was in need of regeneration. The designer of your park was William Gould, gardener to Prince Grigory Potemkin. After over thirty years in Russia, he returned to Ormskirk in Lancashire, where I live and died here in 1812. I am writing an article about his life and times and wonder if you can help me in any way. Are there any photographs or paintings of the park? Are you making progress with the restoration? I would be very grateful for anything of interest. Very many thanks, June Bibby
Francesco < > |
Italy |
I likHi, I'd wish to write italian, but I see no one writes with my language, so I try to write english.
e this website, it's very interesting and allows to know a town in UK that's out of the big tour.
Some years ago I meet a
kremenchuk woman and she was speaking so well about her country that I had a mind to come to live there in few years, when I'll end my job career. Last July she left for
kremenchuk and told me never would come back to Italy: a hard shock for me.
For three months I'm trying to look for her, but I can't be able to it because I do not have her address. Could I ask your aid to found her?
Please forget my english!
Відповідь на це повідомлення: 7714
DiorArbit < > |
Piran |
I love this site www.kremenchuk.org. Lot of great information. I am Tech guy. I have been a Desktop Technician since 1997 but have tons of other interests. In my spare time... Oh, wait I don't have any of that (just kidding). Anyways, I have been aware of this website for quite some time and decided to join the community and contribute as well as learn a lot from others. I am excited to get started on the forum and am looking forward to a great journey together. Lots of potential friends and I look forward to meeting many online.
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