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Сергія Дзюбенка

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

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  1170   15.06.2002 12:47:48  
 EDUARD  <@> haifa, israel  
rebyata,ne serdites na rezkiy ton predidushego pisma, no esli bi mi plakali zdes, to hren ego znaet gde bi mi bili. Ya ji v kremNE do 96 goda rabotal v UPDMN. a eto bilo horosho. i ya nikogda ne plakal. po naz. ya evrey , o chem razgovor osobiy !Ydachi

  1169   15.06.2002 09:34:52  
 Alex  <@> Portland, aMERIKA  
Rebyat , kamera u vas obaldet , no bolshe zhivix fotografiy , chto bi bilo vidno bolshe goroda , a ne konkretnix mest!ya sam zhil 6 let v kremenchuge , a schas sam ego videt , oshushat ne mogu i xochetsya xoroshix fotok !

  1158   07.06.2002 22:10:23  
Нажаль, наш фотоапарат зламався. Ми сподіваємося вирішити це питання протягом тижня. Unfortunately, our camera has stopped functioning. We hope to solve this problem in a week.

  1155   06.06.2002 02:43:58  
 Kremenchukfan  <@> Berlin, Germany  
I would like you to place a map of the city of kremenchuk itself. Many must be curious about how the map of kremenchuk looks like, since the map of the Ukraine can be found in any atlas. So, I hope you will place a map of kremenchuk itself as well on this site. Would be great! ( Thanks in advance )

  1152   01.06.2002 23:47:07  
 tanya  <@> Billings, USA  
Hello to everybody from Montana! It is so good to look at this site. I miss kremenchug very much. It is beautiful town. I love it.

  1150   30.05.2002 02:00:11  
 George  <@> Thorold, Canada  
Privet! I was surfing the net and stumbled on this site. It brings back memories, as my family is from this area originally. My last visit was in 1995 and I hope to visit once again soon to see my cousin Oleksander (Sasha) Kolosov who lives in kremenchuk (Krykiv).

  1148   29.05.2002 06:09:55  
 iceberg  <@> montreal, canada  
hello kremenchug keep up the good work ! and hello to all the nice girls there .

  1140   23.05.2002 17:54:42  
 Elena  <@> Vlasovka, Ukraine  
Well there is only one word for this site-it’s great, I just love it!I am an exchange student in USA right now-but I am going home pretty soon-19th of June.And so I am so happy I am leaving, cause Ukraine is the best, when everybody thinks that America is better-believe me it’s not-people are not that nice at all.I am 16, and I was in High School in Florida-and I realized that the community in USA is not as good as in Ukraine.Well US was a good experience but I wouldn’t live there-I prefer my Ukraine and Vlasovka-well kremenchuk.

  1137   23.05.2002 01:31:59  
 William Mitchell  <@> Charleston , S C , U S A  
Hello; any one in kremenchuk that speakes english and would like to e-mail ,

  1132   21.05.2002 01:20:39  
 Art  Toronto, Canada  
My girlfriend is from kremenchuk and I showed her this site. It brought back some memories for her. You have a great site. Some suggestions for improvement: 1. A map of kremenchuk would be nice. 2. Places to see, visit and eat. 3. How do I get there - bus and railway information to/from Kiev, Odessa etc... Nice site.

  1116   15.05.2002 22:06:56  
 Nataliya Shubina  <@> Philadelphia, USA  

  1114   14.05.2002 18:47:38  
 Vadym Onyshchenko  <@> Falls Church, United States  
I lived in Ukraine, kremenchuk for eleven years, I hope to find some babes in there, Hey babes, please let me know about you.

  1104   06.05.2002 02:27:52  
 S. H.    
I first contacted Viktorya Alexandrovna ( 20yo.)at Her address which she gave to me is Schorsa street, house 68, apt 32, Polvata Region, kremenchug, Ukraine 39601. Her original e-mail address is and . Her most recent e-mail address is has just changed to Telephone number is 38-05-366-2-26-43. I originally wrote to her at under the profile name of vIKASISTER. As you can see from her letters which I will forward to you that she is a scammer as she is trying to get me to send her money for visa, passport, ect and is madly in love with me already after a few letters. It also appears that she has another profile listed at com under the name of vika_krem in which she is only 18 years old this time, as the photos are the exact same ones that vIKASISTER has sent to me. Please add her to your list ( All of her profiles have been removed ). Sincerely, S. H. (Scam Hunter)

  1102   06.05.2002 00:31:01  
Ya tyt slychaino.No mne ochen stranno pochemy rysskie(ili evrei) kotorie ne ochen xorosho vladeyut english,pishyt kremenchyzhanam po angliiski...iz Izrael ...strannie cheloveki...A vi dorogie kremenchyzhane ne slyshaite nikogo-gorod nash xoroshii.

  1100   05.05.2002 06:37:22  
 Lyudmyla  <@> San Diego, USA  
I congratulate all people from kremenchuk with big holiday-Easter!God bless you! Happy Easter!!!!

  1091   01.05.2002 12:12:23  
(Larisa Skorenko ) Hi there, I too, began my search for a Russian lady 1 month ago. I wasted time but fortunately no money thanks to your site. I have replied to a lady that goes by the name Larisa Skorenko she was supposed to be from kremenchburg. Her email address was . Her profile was listed at (not anymore). She asked me for money in the second letter and I said no. She then sent me a letter insulting me and she said that I must send her the money. I have read at your site that she scammed another gentleman listed on your site. His story is very similar to mine. I am forwarding the letter that she just sent me. I hope we can stop her from playing with people hearts and feelings. Thank you, Michael* Dear Michael! You write of not believing in people after experience with those two ladies. But how can I trust you? I wrote that I was once lied and can’t trust just words, though they can be insincere and true. Our girls go to Internet – cafe to send letters to there Loved and only. They spend much money and time for it as Internet-cafe isn’t close to their house. They can’t afford all necessary things to send letters to their Loved. They also do not buy to their child things he needs. It can be sometimes fruits, milk, cloth... Do you understand it? And what happens next? This only and Loved man disappears forever without writing a word of the course. May be he found other woman or he just changed his mind. Who suffered in this situation? How do you think? Dear Michael!! This money which are necessary for women are really the last ones. They are so necessary for their child’s and her lives. At the same time for you, men they are really not the big sum of money. You want to say me that you want to feel yourself a real man, making her to spend all the money for corresponding but to reject herself in everything for her and her child. Do you consider it to be not selfishness? I didn’t like men who can’t support woman, who want to have some women at once and who think that they are more clever then somebody. I hope this letter didn’t offend you, my Dear! I’m sorry but you may have not think it over. David! If you really want to help me with a payment of our correspondence, I will thankful to you. Transfer is better to do with system Western Union to my full name – Larisa Skorenko, town of kremenchug, Poltava area, Ukraine. My adddress - 1905 str. 4-40. Our correspondence cost about 380$ in month. Next letter you must sent me cod transfer, your full name and sum. Nice! I will be very happy if you love Nika. She is very beautiful child, so tender girl. I very love her and I have nothing in this life without her. I think that you understand, how is important your love to her. I kiss you and wait your letter. With love. Larisa

  1090   01.05.2002 10:22:31  
 *  <*> *, *  
DA..LUDI VI OTVETILI SAMI NA SVOY VOPROS! "Vse lubyat kremenchug NA RASTOYANII !!!" A ved’ eto i samoe strashnoe! Lubov’ li eto ??? *Naprimer kto hochet lubit’ svou jenu vsu jizn’ za tisyachami kilometrov? A vot kto i lubit kremenchug mojet pust’ vozvrasyaet’sya obratno??? Da polubit iz nutri chut’-chut’. Osobenno te ob’evshiesya burjuazizma imigranti kotorie jivut za bugrom neskol’ko let!!! P.S. Postav’te menya na istinniy put’ ludi............

  1086   30.04.2002 05:09:06  
 olga  israel  
Hi to everybody.i’m from kremenchug and i’m in love with my native town,but i’m hate some people from kremenchug i’m hate a goverment of ukraine that’s why i’m was escape!!!but i must to say that i love my town,his streets,his parks and gardens,and ofcorse the banks of dneeper!i’m staing here becouse i want a best future for my daughter for me.kremenchug will always live in my heart. with the best wishes to all graduates from school#10 good luck to everybody our school is the BEST!! Best regards from olga luskin.

  1085   29.04.2002 16:40:33  
 Oksana  USA  
kremenchug deystvitel’no ochen’ krasiviy gorod. I dorog on mne, potomu chto v nem zhili i zhivut rodnie i blizkie mne ludi. A eshe, potomu chto ostalis’ prekrasnie vospominaniya o tom vremeni, kogda ya zhila v etom gorode. A vozvrashat’sya ya ne hochu, potomu chto nashim gosudarstvom( v tom chisle i nashim kremenchugom) rukovodyat "rediski".

  1079   26.04.2002 16:31:48  
 Саня  Київ,  
Привіт усім випускникам школи №10 і, власне, тим, кому ми зобов"язані появою можливості в будь-якій точці світу згадувати Patriam nostram, адже рідне місто назавжди залишиться найгарнішим та наймилішим - рідним. Саньок, продовжуй в тому ж дусі. Vivat kremencug!

  1070   23.04.2002 13:11:08  
 Oleg  <@> Vilnius, Lietuva  
Vsem privet! Napishite mne kto nibut iz kremenchuga. Pozalujsta!!!

  1068   22.04.2002 07:46:25  
 Joe Martin  <@> surrey, canada  
i would like to find out more info on kremenchuck,like any more web sites in english or any other info would be great

  1062   16.04.2002 18:09:38  
 Martyn  Kremenchuk,  
kremenchug napolovinu sostoit iz pereulochkov-zakoulochkov. Eto real’nost’. Fotograf malo ich pokazyvaet. U liudey mozhet slozhit’sia nepravil’noe predstavlenie o kremenchuge. Kazduyu nedeliu ya prohozhu po pereulochkam i ya liubliu ich, eto nash staryi rodnoy kremenchug...

  1060   16.04.2002 14:58:16  
 Tommy  California,  
Larisa Lukovskya kremenchug My names is Tommy from California. I recently started writing to a woman on (Larisa7777) is her profile ID#, her name is Larisa Lukovskya, from the town of kremenchug, Poltava area, Ukraine. Her address is 1905 str. 4-40. She first asked me to pay $100. for her email expenses at her web cafe. Next after I sent her money via Western Union, she asked for $1900. for travel to this country to visit me. I started to get wise when she kept insisted that I only send cash. This started after the second email, so she likes to work fast. Some of her alias are Larisa Skorenko, Lora kremenchug, Larisa Sorenko, that I know about. Her email address that she gave me is Letter #1 My Dear Tommy! I am very pleased you interested in my. I am very happy to here from you. I will tell some more about me. I am 28 years old. I have a daughter. My little Angel 7 years old. I have two higher educations - pedagogical and economic. I work at the children garden. I like to work with children because I love them too much. My Dear! I want to say to you I am a very serious person and I do not look for a pen-pall. The only I would like to find is a strong, lovely and happy family. That is why I need in such faithful and true man which will be my husband in the nearest future. I have already understood that it will be very difficult to find such man. But I am still not despair and I hope my second part is you. I would like to ask you, my Honey Bill to send me your photo though appearance is not important for me. The main thing is his inner life and his soul. Also I want to let know beforehand about I do not like any kind of lie and cheat. I need to be sure you are honest with me. That is why all that I seek in my life is not your point of view do not trouble me, please. If we have the same feelings I am waiting impatiently for your letter. Best regards. Larisa. P.S. Write me to my e-mail: Letter #2 My Sweetheart Tommy! I am very glad to receive your letter. It’ s very nice that you’ve chosen me. That means that we have common values and aims. I sincerely hope that we’ll gain strong and long relationships, which we’ll cherish together. Thanks for your photo. You are very attractive man. I like such man as are you, my Dear Tommy. You have so kind eyes. My Dear! The world is full of insincerity and falsity. We live here and can face all it. I’m very afraid of it as everyone I think. So I don’t fully trust the words on the paper. The life itself makes me judge the people upon their actions. I’d appreciate it very much, my Dear Bill, if you ‘d help me to pay for our correspondence. It’s really expensive for me and it wouldn’t be very easy if I pay it myself. Also this action will prove that you really need serious relationships and think of our future. I’m thankful for your help beforehand. Because I really need it. Believing in tomorrow is so hard when all your yesterday’s are filled with pain. Trusting in the future isn’t easy when the past is just pouring rain. If you need someone to take you by the hand and help you heal your broken you how to find the faith and love again so you can make a brand new start. If your looking for the man to chase away your clouds and be your morning sun. I am the one! About your question about children. Now it’s very hard for me to grow up the child by myself. And I just don’t think to have many of them. Of course I like children very much. But I’m sure all decisions must be taken together in a really happy, friendly, and loving family. And no matter what the decision is, it’ll always be common, desired and thought out. I and Veronika watered today our tree. This summer we planted small apple-tree near the window. When it appeared it was so small and poor. And now it grew stronger, came out with the leaves and smiles to us every morning. Veronika likes to talk to it, pat it and wash every leave. It is as our small child which we like very much. My Dear Tommy! I want you to be with me and Vera so much. And to be glad with each other every morning and give happiness day after day. To love each other and this love to de the most necessary thing in our life. I kiss you with Vera. I wish you good day. Larisa and Vera Letter #3 Hello my Sweetheart Tommy! Today I went to the internet club and received your letter. Do you know what I felt? It was like the whole world smiled to me. And I wanted so much to give it mutual smile. Yes, I really want to kiss and hug this big world, crazy world because it gives you to me. I’m grateful to God so much it helped me to find you to me! That I’m not lonely anymore that I can think about you every minute, smile, and breathe with you for anyone beside you smiled to you too. My Nice Tommy! I very positively look at, that we will meet in nearest future. I want very much to meet with you, because no letters not change meeting. It’s very important, that people will feel when they will be together. I so want to feel you near me and kiss you eyes! Everybody want to love and be loving. But not every can do this. You must have clear soul, dreams and actions , to love. And people now became so shabby acting. When I look in this, I want never speak with they. I afraid it. I afraid, that I will not be able to find a person, who will be really Person. With big letter. Which will not be able to lie, betrayal and disrespect. Which will be kind, tender and faithful. Perhaps, that is why I like best of all children and dogs. They are not able betray and be not thankful. People can’t understand that the sense of all existence is only in Love – love to child, nature, man, woman, to all surrounded you. And there, where is love, there is no place for something unclear and false. Dear Bill! If you really want to help me with a payment of our correspondence, I will thankful to you. Transfer is better to do with system Western Union to my full name –Larisa Lukovskya, town of kremenchug, Poltava area, Ukraine. My adddress - 1905 str. 4-40 Our correspondence cost about 100$ in month. Next letter you must sent me cod transfer, your full name and sum. Nice Tommy! I will be very happy if you love Veronika. She is very beautiful child, so tender girl. I very love her and I have nothing in this life without her. I think that you understand, how is important your love to her. I kiss you and wait your letter. With love. Larisa. Letter #4 Hello my Honey Beloved Tommy! Thank you very much my Darling for such a wonderful letter. I’m always very happy to receive your letters. We with Veronika are fine. It became a little bit warmer outside and we began to walk more to work through the park. Always when I go through the park I imagine how wonderful it would be if you walked with us holding my hand. We would talk about nothing enjoying one another’s company watching Veronika running before us. At the first sight it would an ordinary day but in the bottom of our soul we both would know that every day like this is unique and very precious for us. precious because we’re together and we have one another in this world. I was so glad to know that you share my dreams of our meeting. I imagined myself how we two would walk the streets of your city, how in the evening we sit in the cozy house and you hug me tenderly. And I will be so happy that I will be able to see you so soon, hug you and kiss. I was so worried that I couldn’t sleep for a night because of joy. I went to the Agency and got to know everything. Darling, I was told in the Agency that on the whole I would need $1900 for my trip. The price includes passport 50$, visa 650$, ticket costs around 850$, but the price for the ticket will depend on the time I’ll flight, but anyway it’ll not exceed 900$ if I have to flight to San Francisco airport as you have written. I’ll have to flight from Borispol airport because it’s more convenient because it’s just 300km to Kiev, and to Moscow it’s about 1200km. I must also have 200$ with me for crossing the border. Passport, visa and insurance will be ready in two-three weeks after I pay the money. The tickets are reserved in the last turn, but I think I would be able to inform you of the day of my arrival so that you could meet me. At the Agency they told me that they understand all difficulties concerning this case and they deal with American advocates and employers. They open the visas for girls to work on term from 3 till 6 months. Nobody of employers to whom the girl will come will ask her presence on the place of work besides some formalities with documents. This term of her presence in the USA will be legal and nobody can prevent us to get married if we would like to and to make emigration process in the USA using the service of American advocates. Bill, I know that a great number of girls from our Internet Cafe left with the help of this Agency. That’s why I’m sure that this Agency is reliable and legal. Honey Bill, I shared my joy with my family, said that I would probably fly to you soon. My parents are worried as much as I am, as I haven’t gone on a trip before. But they are so happy that there is a hope in my life for the happy future near the loved and loving person, and also wonderful, tender, kind and caring father for my daughter. Honey Tommy, I want to be the best person I can be for my only man. I want to be everything for you, your first morning kiss, your breath, your laugh and joy, I want to share everything with you. I want to give all my care, tenderness, all my love, all my heart and passion. To share all troubles and problem, to be interested in everything you like. I want to kiss you with every meeting... I like it very much... I want to be not only lover, I want to be your best friend and to be a woman you would proud of. Honey Bill, I close my letter now. I kiss and hug you tenderly. All my love, Your Larisa and Veronika. Thanks for your web site - it saved me time and money, Tommy

  1059   16.04.2002 14:41:53  
Marina Kharchenko ,kremenchug Well, I have found out that I have been had by several women that are listed on your site. One I found out today, was Marina a475586 that is here Absolute agency address. She sent the following letters: (more, but these are identical except for the name to another man on the site) Letter 1 Hello , my Dear xxxxxx! I am pleased to receive your letter and I am happy you are interested in me. I am very serious person and I am not looking for a pen-pal. I need a faithful, devoted to me man which want to become my husband and which will take care about me. The most important things in person to me is inner life, soul and his attitude to me but not his appearance. I am a usual woman which wants a simple womens" happiness. The most cherished whish in my life is to have a strong lovely family, to make happy one person which will be my husband. I can love and want to be loved. I would like to find a man to which I can give my tenderness, endearment and care. I will try to tell something more about myself. I was born and live in Ukraine in town of kremenchug. I am 28 y/o,166 cm, 47 kg weight. I grow a little son alone. Egor is 3 years old. I hope that I ’ll meet the person who’ll love me and will take care about me, and my son. We miss love so much. My son is very communicative and fun child. I have no problems with him he is very obedient. But he needs a father who’ll spend much time with him. My Dear xxxxxx! I want to ask you in next letter, please send me your photo. As for me I value most of all not appearance but the inside of the person and the close of the souls. I think it’s clear what type of person I’m and what I’m looking for. I have no free time and if it is not your vision of the world and you are looking not the same things in the life, please don’t write me anymore. don’t want to be dissapointed. But if you want the same things, I’m waiting for your letter. I am waiting impatiently for your letter. Write something about yourself. What is make you happy ? I’m waiting for your letter. Marina and Egor. This was the first letter. Then more came of course, with the inevitable request for money.: "My Dear xxxxx! I was happy to get your letters I needed so long time in the person who’ll be able to understand my interests and me too. It’s so pleasant to hear that on another side of the planet I have the person who thinks about me and my little angel. I was waiting for such person so long that is why I value your care about us. I understand that you worried very much because of my silence. These days I devoted to my Egorka. He needed me because there were rains outside and he had the temperature. My heart was almost broken when I saw that helpless body. This day was the double holiday for me. At last he feels more better and I have the opportunity to go to the internet cafe and a last I can answer your letters. I hope that you understand that I haven’t the PC at home. That is why I have to use the service of the internet cafe and rent the box from what we correspond with you. I pay for the service of the interpreter and for the rent of the PC. We like to walk with him very much in the park. He likes to be on the swings and gathers flowers and plays with the animals. I worry in what way it can be in such little person be so much warmness , love , cleverness and opportunity. I feel that he’s very talented child. I want you see in what eyes he take the words I read him from the books. He has such interesting and clever sight. I love his eyes very much. They are so open and blue childish eyes. Believe it’s not just my words like the mother but in this way even the strange people think. My Dear, I want you know that the difference in the age doesn’t mean something for me. I liked the men all the time who were more elder then me. Because they are more clever, reliable and trustful then the men of my age. I’m looking in the life just it, the stability and the reliableness. Even it I’m looking in my life. I think that it’s more important when the people have the different thoughts about the life. Because everybody now are looking for the soul partner. In our relations just one thing frightened me. I practically don’t know English. But I want to learn it very much because you know it. I hope that it’ll not bet the bareer between us. I want very much that you’ll be my teacher. But you are so far from me.. I want you know that now I bought some books and now I learn it by myself. I hope that you aren’t the disappointed . Now the interpreter helps me but it’s so expensive for me. My Sweetheart xxxxxx, I am so happy that you are in my and Egor life. I believe that you’ll bring me the light and joy. We need it so much and we leck it so much too. Thank for it my Dear. I’m thankful that you want to help to pay for our correspondence I don’t know in what I should d it but my interpreter explains it to you now. Interpreter: You have to go the Western Union Office and transfer the money to the name of Harchenko Marina and this is the information you need (UKRSOTSBANK Pobeda street 9/1 ). kremenchug Ukraine 39600 Pobeda street h.13 ap.114 Harchenko Marina You have to determine the code, sum of the money and you full name. And say everything it to me. My Nice, I’m waiting for your letters so much. I want to write you a lot of about my life and about the things I have in the past. Right now I want to live in the real world. And this I see just with you. My Dear xxxxxxx, I have to go. I’ll be waiting for your letters. I’m afraid to loose you so much. We kiss you very tenderly. Marina and Egor." I have attached some pictures she sent me of her. So... I sent her some money, and when I pressed her about the translator was not saying what I said, of course the letters stopped. Anyway, Add me to the list, and of course her too. Tommy

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