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Гостьова книга
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13.12.2001: Біля Троїцького ринку
05.05.2021: На бульварі Пушкіна
11.11.2010: Вулиця Генерала Жадова
Гостьова книга

22 роки

щоденні фотографії,
починаючи з 15.09.1999

У пам'ять про

Сергія Дзюбенка

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Знайдено 1510 повідомлень

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  807   27.12.2001 06:06:04  
 Annie  <@> Cambridge, MN, U.S.A.  
THANK YOU for today’s picture (26 December)!! You have had this building on the site before and it is WONDERFUL to see it again. This is the Spring of Life Church and the kremenchug Bible College. This building, and especially the people who worship and work here are my DEAR brothers and sisters!! Thank you for showing me this most blessed and special place. God Bless you in all your work!!

  805   26.12.2001 22:22:48  
 olga  israel  
privet kremenchug,i vse ego ziteli.Alex esly tebe zavidno chto u nas nostalgia,vupey zelenky pomagaet,a mu prosto lubim svoy gorod,on nash gorog i ne vazno gde mu v Kanade USA ili v malenkom Israele.daze esly mu motaem soply eto nashy soply,i voobshe pochitay klassikov tak poymesh ’Bolshoe viditsya na rasstoyanii’ i ne nado shumet na ves mir REBYATA prodolzayte nam eto nado Show must go on!! s nastupaushim novum godom!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

  797   24.12.2001 22:39:54  
 Eduard i Svetlana  <@> Israel  
POZDRAVLAEM VSECH kremENCHUJAN S NASTUPAJUSHIM NOVIM GODOM!!! Jelaem vsem zdorovja i uspechov v jizni. Osobij privet Vite i Vove Galizkim. Mi Vas ochen lubim!!!Ne zabivajte nas , pishite.

  793   24.12.2001 03:11:24  
 John Shovelin  <@> Maple Grove, MN., U.S.A.  
I left a message on 05/08/01 about a possible visit. I visited in September and October and fell in love with your city, it’s people and a lovely lady there. This re-visit is to refresh the many warm and good memories I have of my visit to kremenchuk. Thank you to everyone I met and for all your warmth and kindness. I’ve never had a more enjoyable vacation! I must apologize, because I intend to steal your "Nadiya Huriy" and bring her to Minnesota.

  786   21.12.2001 23:47:52  
PRIVET rodnomu gorodu!!! Vsegda radi uvidet ego eshe ras. spasibo za predostavlennuy vosmojnost. Igoru Kandelbergu bolshoj privet, ego telefon 2-66-66. pozvonite emu pojalujsta. peredajte emu moi sobolesnovania po povodu smerti ego sobaki.Zaranee vsem blagodaren, budu rad eshe ras vstretitsa v kremenchuge. Eduard

  780   16.12.2001 05:48:55  
 Gary Carter  <@> Oklahoma City,Ok., USA  
To people and friends of kremenchug. I was in your remarkable city, only 2-month’s back.I have met the most remarkable woman in the world, and her name Nina. We wrote each other during the 14-month’s past. I have met Nina’s family and friends also. I also have met Alexander and his family. The owner of this remarkable site. Translation of this letter - from dialogue Service of the Translator of PROMT. I want to wish everyone in kremenchug " Cheerful Christmas and Happy New Year ". Let us all alive with the World, Love, and Pleasure during these times. I had remarkable time in kremenchug. From Gary Carter in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

  775   14.12.2001 13:49:22  
 Sasha  Yiron, Israel  
Slavsya vo veki vekov , slavnij gorod kremENCHUG !!!

  774   14.12.2001 12:46:05  
 nicholas browning  <@> cheltenham, uk  
Thanks for your website. It is very helpful and informative. I log on to see the photo of krem every day. I am visiting krem on the 30/12/01. It will be my first visit to the Ukraine and I am very much looking forward to it. It has been wonderful to be able to access information about your city on the internet and have some idea of how my destination will be. Thanks again, Nicholas.

  754   06.12.2001 05:20:02  
 Viktoriya Zaligan  <> Miami, USA  
Ogromnoe cpasibo za vach web cite. Takoe ochuchenie,kak budto pobivala v kremenchuge.Ogromniy privet vcem,kto menia pomnit.Pichite.

  752   04.12.2001 07:01:19  
 Leon  <@> Mexico D.F., Mexico  
Thanks for your excellent page, I think it’s great. Where can i find a map of the kremenchug’s streets? thanks in advance. Leon from Mexico City

  751   03.12.2001 20:38:33  
 Olga A.  <@> Allegan,MI, USA  
Кременчужане из ХАЙФЫ! Наше огромное сочувствие в связи со вчерашними событиями и большая просьба: пожалуйста, сообщите, если кто-то знает Вику Беспалову (Стрелкову) или семью Чайкиных, Наташу и Витю. Не знаю, все ли у них в порядке - не могу дозвониться второй день. Очень волнуемся. Спасибо. kremenchujane iz HAIFA! Nashe ogromnoye sochuvstviye v svyazi so vcherashnimi sobytiyami i bol’shaya pros’ba: pojaluista, soobshite, yesli kto-to znayet Viku Bespalovu (Strelkovu) ili sem’yu Chaikinyh, Natashu i Vityu. Ne znayu, vse li u nih v poryadke - ne mogu dozvonit’sya vtoroi den’. Ochen’ volnuyemsya. Spasibo.

  747   01.12.2001 07:27:25  
 AC  <@> Clveland, USA  
kremen’ Champion URAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  746   01.12.2001 05:25:38  
 Rick  <@> Lake Crystal, USA  
Hello, I just want to say thank you for your pictures each day of kremenchuk. I appreciate them very much. I visited your city in late June and Married my wife who resides in your city. I miss her very much and your pictures help me to keep somewhat in touch with her. Many of the pictures you have taken I remember walking by in your city. Again keep up the excellent work and know that I view each picture every day and look forward to the next day to see the view. You have kept me in touch with kremenchuk which I miss as a city and also with my wifes hometown. Thank you again. Rick

  745   30.11.2001 23:35:23  
 Lena  Montebelluna, Italia  
Ciao!Spasibo chto vy sushestvuete!!! kremenchuk-beautiful city! Tak hochetsya uvidet’ Melitopol...!:))

  743   30.11.2001 21:21:52  
 Nikolay Brovcenko  <@> Kilkenny, Australia  
Could you please make a photo or a scan of the city plan of kremenchuk and adjoining Krukow showing layout of the streets. It will make it so much easier to understand where are you taking the photos. Thanks in advance.

  741   29.11.2001 09:11:13  
 Ramy  <@> Tel-aviv, Israel  
Privet vsem kremenchujanam !Privet vsem tem kto s 11 shkoli,- osobenno vipusk 94.Uehal iz kremnya v 95,ne ochen skuchayu, no znayu , chto luchshe goroda net! Spasibo za fotki i za sayt Privet vsemu 125 kvartirnomu !!! Jil tam .

  740   28.11.2001 19:47:24  
 Doug Berry  <@> York, USA  
I am desiging a web page about my future work in kremenchuk, and I have already taken advantage of using the link that you provided to include your site on my site. I would like to copy and use a few of your pictures from your site on mine. Would you please give me permission to do so? Thank you, Doug Berry

  738   28.11.2001 02:48:40  
 Alex  <@> Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A  
Uvajaemqe sozdateli sayta,uberite etix sumahedhix s etogo sayta,vmeste s ix nedorazvitoy academiey,i navernyka nenormalnqm pripodovatelem,izvinite za grubost ,no eto po drugomu nelzy nikak nmazvat!

  730   23.11.2001 01:48:38  
 Lilly K.  <@> Wisconsin, USA  
Privet, Mihail Mihailov! Ne ozhidala yvidet tvoe soobshenie srazy posle moego. Eshe odno sovpadenie. Pomnish menya? Mu vmeste ychastvovali v posledney peredache "Ne spat" na "Visite" proshlum letom. Ia sechas v Amerike. Zavtra moya svadba. Sam ponimaesh eto America i kremlevskoi vodochki zdes ne predvidetsya. Vse kyltyrno! No ia nadeus yslushat ot svoego muzha "Tu samaya krasivaya". Pozhelai mne schastia i tebe togo zhe!!

  727   22.11.2001 20:34:58  
 Sasha & Boris LTD  Yiron, Israel  

  715   16.11.2001 05:02:21  
 olga luskin  azur, israel  
hi,anybody home/i wasn’t at home during three years so miss him i visit this site first time it’s incredable1 privet vsem kto menya pomnit i skuchayu do smerti lyublu ipomnu //nado skazat chto kremenchuk xvperedi planety vsey osobenno nashy malchyki trust me a voobshe kremenchuk have iever told you ’i love you’ do vstrechi v efire luskin.

  714   15.11.2001 22:31:17  
 Lilly K.  <@> Wisconsin, USA  
Today’s photo is a very interesting one really. It’s like a mysticism. I am trying to understand where it is. Vesma zagadochno! In Wisconsin it’s still warm... and green grass... kremenchuk, congratulations with the first snow... Keep warm inside your big heart...

  708   14.11.2001 20:49:17  
 Lilly K.  <@> Wisconsin, USA  
kremenchuzhanin kotorui sdelal zamechanie Irine, vashe imya slychaino ne Vladimir?

  698   11.11.2001 05:12:32  
 yulia ayzenshtok  <@> cleveland, u.s.a.  

  692   08.11.2001 20:25:23  
 Sasha & Boris  Yiron, Israel  
Privet trizdi geroyu slavnomu gorodu kremenchugu !!!

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