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05.07.2005: In Kotsiubyns'kyi street
16.02.2005: At Molodizhnyi
18.07.2014: On Pershotravneva street

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Found 1510 messages

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  6499   15.01.2007 03:42:09  
 Helpful  Kremenchug  
Hi Billy,
Give me more details about Katya (her surname, address, job etc.) We have got too many Katyas with blond hair in our city. When are you coming to kremenchuk?

  6493   09.01.2007 06:33:16  
 Julia  <@> Nashville, TN  
Merry Orthodox Christmas to all kremenchuzhan! I hope you all having a lot of fun this year. The city is beautiful as always. Nice pictures, I love the one with the kids!:)
Thank you so much!
I agree with Victoria mess.#6481 - great idea!
We've seen a lot of places, now we want to see and hear our people. Can you do it?
By the way I went to School #25 till grade 8 (94 - vypusk), then I went to Lizey #4 (96 - vypusk). Please contact me if you know me or if you have any questions.
Love you all! Have a happy Year!

  6492   09.01.2007 02:53:52  
 Rick Johnson  <@> Norfolk, Virginia  
I would like to say hello to my "special" friend Natalia Yaryna who is there at kremenchuk now. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year! Have a safe flight when you return.

  6490   07.01.2007 02:55:24  
 Stan  <@> Columbia  
Bcex kremen4uzhan c Rzohdectvom Xrictovim !!!!Ckoro bydy v kremen4uge, ecli y kogo ect zakazi na fotografii, to net problem, cdelaju, no za cimvoli4eckuju platy, a imenno kto ckolko dact, ecli bydet zhelaie, cdelaju panoramnie fotki c oborotom v 360 gradycov, pishite, moi ICQ 364-013-107

  6486   01.01.2007 10:22:04  
 Irina Kukuj    
S Nowym Godom, dorogoi kremenchuk!!!!!!!!!! Wsem kremenchusanam wsego dobrogo!!!!!!!!!!!

  6475   30.12.2006 07:57:12  
 Mike  Florida  
I would like to wish all my friends and my wife's friends in kremenchuk a Happy and prosperous New Year. !!!!Also to the authors of this website. Keep up the good work. !!!

  6474   29.12.2006 21:49:45  
 ondina  <@> Palermo - Italy  
I want some notice about kremenchuk orphanage, because I love a child who lives in this internate. Tnk's

  6466   27.12.2006 06:23:05  
 Dima  <@> USA  
Lyudi pomogite nayti YURU KORABEL'NIKOVA !!!
On jivet v Izraele a kogdato jil v kremne,
emu okolo 24 let.
Tel. ili e-mail = Budet super !

In reply to this message: 6487, 6470

  6460   21.12.2006 14:18:55  
 Floridians from Kremenchuk    
To Steve Shiflett, #6456
Hello Steve,
here is just a simple remark concerning your message #6392 where you complained about illegal immigrants from Cuba. You are correct that there are illegal Mexicans in the United States; however, there is no such thing as an illegal Cuban in the USA, unless they have been ordered to be deported and they haven't left. According to the laws of the United States under the "Wet foot/Dry foot" policy, once a Cuban National sets foot on US soil they have the immidiate right to petition for residency. Preaching pregudice is not condusive to a democratic society. The less pregudice we have in this country, the more harmonious we can live together.
We wish everyone a happy holiday season!

  6455   19.12.2006 06:21:37  
This is a reply to message 6444

Dear Roberto,
Thank you for the reply. I see your point of view and I first claim we are all children under God, which says it all. Tolerance should always be extended in any social atmosphere. We do have an immigration problem in America and it is reported everyday and argued in our Congress. The chaos I speak of is more than likely due to failure to have a legal immigration system that works, such as a true immigrant worker program. This would solve many conflicts case closed. I criticize no man or woman for wanting a better life. All I know is that the Country needs to be more unified or it will falter.
On the issue of Mexicans well my Aunt is from Mexico and married into our family and we love her as she should be loved and she would tell you so and my little cousins, case closed. Also, remember I live in Florida so if you think I haven’t dated many girls from Cuban decent well that would be wrong, case closed. And I have rarely dated a girl I wouldn’t marry, so that says enough in itself.
My issue is way to much conflict between cultures in our country and it needs to be addressed. We need to stand as Americans or we will fall. Fair wages for immigrants should also be a top priority. If you combine bad immigration laws with social economic resentment you have have the makings for chaos and to deny the criminal aspect happening in our streets is just flat out wrong. Pay people a fair wage and things always calm down, but big business doesn’t want that, which is the root problem.
Roberto maybe I will see you some time down in Florida, if you like salt water fishing I may someday. On Ukraine culture I have studied much about it (Mainly Cossack element). I look forward to traveling to kremenchuk, hopefully I will find receptive peoples, and I believe I will if I extend a kind hand first.
Sincerely you’re Florida Neighbor,

  6453   18.12.2006 05:15:35  
 Vova  Edmonton  
This is a reply to message 6429

Otkliknites' nashi!!!
Ja pishu is Canada.
Prosto netu russkoj klavy.
Vspominaju gorod rodnoj.
slushaju MISHU KRUGA.
Ja is kremenchuga, hotelos' uslyshat' svoih!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6444   12.12.2006 16:00:07  
 Roberto  <@> MIami, Florida  
This is a reply to message 6392

Dear Steve, (steveshiflett2003@yahoo.com)
Now a days Internet is one good way to discover other ways. Just like you probably did when for the first time discovered, on the Internet, the beautiful city of kremenchuk and its wonderful people.
Migration is as old as human kind! Our ancestor migrated from one place to another. Yours probably did too. And the race is still on, as long as human being will be around. One day our planet will be too small for us, then will be other our new home.
Those illegal Mexicans and Cubans you’re referring as “causing chaos” on your home town, probably are not as illegal as you may think, and for sure most of them are not causing “chaos” as you stated. Those are fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers and sons trying to make a decent living on a new way of life, a life denied in our own country, in the only shot we have at our life time frame, for the sake and well being of our loved ones. Probably as your own ancestors did too when they first came here. And this great country opened its arms for them.
Now it’s your turn to migrate to a wonderful city after your loved one. Maybe not. But if you do, I only hope that wherever you go, people welcome you as yours were welcomed by others before you.
By the way, kremenchuk was the home for many many Cubans no so long ago. For more than 15 years! And there live many of them, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and sons, together with the locals, in harmony, making a living too. So now you know. We are only human, and our planet is our only home, wherever we go. The chaos was already around when humans arrived. There wasn’t any instruction left for the fist ones. We are just making our way through, learning the best possible way as we go along. Just remember that.
kremenchuk is a beautiful city, and its people are wonderful. Have fun in kremenchuk, but learn its history while there, love and respect them, the same way others respect yours.
kremenchuk is my other great home! The other half of my family is there. You see, I am lucky to have many homes, and I hope you may be as lucky too.
Roberto (Cuba)
Miami, Florida.

In reply to this message: 6455

  6438   06.12.2006 11:41:50  
 Julia  Germany  
O cenach..eto chorosho skazano! Ceni v kremenchuge neob'yasnimo visokie..Divu dayus,kogda tam bivayu.Interesno,kak vischitovayut eti ceni...

  6428   23.11.2006 05:13:15  
 lika  <@> ARGENTINA  

In reply to this message: 6431, 6430

  6426   22.11.2006 19:30:56  
 igor chechelnizky  <@> ashkelon israel  
spasibo rebiata sozdateli video-wrode kak doma pobiwal! az sleza pokatilas-13 let ne bil w kremne-kakoi krasawez stal! da i bil wsegda! ray zemnoi-powerte ne zria goworju-ne w plane ziteiskih problem-ih wezde hwataet-w plane krasoti. spasibo rebiata-dai bog wam wsem zdorowiechka i blagopoluchija!!!!!

  6425   22.11.2006 01:15:00  
 oleg yakovenko  <@> green bay  
This is a reply to message 6424

prevet. ya ne iz kremenchuga no zhil otchen blizko. i bil atm kazhdoe leto. a ti sama gde v michigame zhevoch?

  6424   20.11.2006 21:44:24  
 Natasha  <@> Michigan, USA  
Привет, земляки!
Кто из Кремня и живет в Мичигане - отзовитесь!

In reply to this message: 6425

  6419   18.11.2006 15:20:13  
 Sven Ahnstrøm  <@> Dokka - Norway  
Hello! I look forward to visit kremenchuk in desember 2006.

  6414   16.11.2006 19:07:41  
 anatolij  <@> deggendorf,germanija  
This is a reply to message 6375

priwet,zemljaki! mu toge iz krementschuga,rakowka.ziwem w deggendorfe.

  6409   11.11.2006 04:27:52  
 Vlad  Charlotte NC  
This is a reply to message 6390

Hi i know these people too.Stashak famaly live in usa in Charlotte where i live also and i moved from kremenchuk in 1997

In reply to this message: 6774

  6407   10.11.2006 03:06:38  
 Olena  <@> VA  
For Mike 6405
Mike, it is best that you contact major airline offices in Kyiv directly. I know that there is a Lufthansa flight via Frankfurt from Kyiv to Miami, as well as a British Airways flight via London, a Delta flight through New York and a KLM flight through Amsterdam. All these companies have offices in Kyiv, as well as at the airport in Boryspil. In my experience, if you purchase tickets directly from the airline in Ukraine, they are usually less expensive. You can also do it online through their web sites.

  6405   09.11.2006 17:21:53  
 Mike  <@> Florida, USA  
This is a reply to message 6399

Hello (Privet) Koster !
I saw your message and was wondering if you know of a good(and cheap...LOL) travel agent in Ukraine where we can get air travel from Kiev to Miami ?My wife is from kremenchuk and her daughter will be traveling for a visit here soon.
Ps. We hope to visit kremenchuk next summer. My wife just went back for 2 months recently..I was jealous !!! LOL
Be well my friend...

In reply to this message: 6411

  6403   06.11.2006 17:59:19  
 Sergey21  <@> Germany  
hi at all from kremenchuk
i lived in kremenchuk until 1995.....and i some times visit my old hometown

  6402   05.11.2006 23:27:39  
 Graham Waring  <@> UK  
I believe my family may originally have come from kremenchuk but left before the first world war to live in London, UK. Our name was Shwachman (not sure of spelling)and wonder whether there is any local knowledge of this family from this time. I would be intrigued to hear anything. Thank you.

  6400   04.11.2006 11:44:44  
 giuseppe  <@> palermo - italia  
Hello, I wuold know - if it is possible - the address of the insitute where there are children that are alone. This summer I and my wife have had at home a child, Myko, age 9 years old, from kremenchuk, but new we don't know his institute's address.
Thank you. Ciao

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