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Today's Photo
About the Town
Local time in
16.12.2002: H. Bresta provulok
21.02.2020: Svoboda Avenue
29.08.2005: In Shchorsa street

22 years

daily photos
since 15.09.1999

In memory of

Sergey Dzyubenko

26.03.1959 — 02.09.2021

Found 1510 messages

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  4133   28.10.2004 08:57:52  
 Kelli, USA    
Can anyone tell me what the celebration in the square is for? kremenchuk is so beautiful this time of year! The leaves are gorgeous, I wish I could be there to see them. Thanks for being my eyes. Also, hello to Doug’s kids, I miss you guys!

  4123   27.10.2004 08:57:52  
 Natasha, USA  <@>   
Хороший сайт.
Очень скучаю за Кремнем. Не была там уже больше года.
Здесь в Америке все листья спешат убрать сразу чтобы был порядок а мне так хочеться осеннего "беспорядка"!
Удачи всем!

  4122   27.10.2004 08:57:52  
 Venskyy Sashko , USA  <@>   
R Blagodaren vam i Bogy za vse chto vu zdelaete dlR ludei R v kremel’chuge ne razy nedul no vuzhy chto Bog ne ostavlRet etomesto bez milosti svoei i prosteraet svou milyuchyu ryku na vsex zhutelei etogo goroda.
Zavse blagodarite ibo takova o vas volR BozhR v Xriste Uucyce.

  4108   22.10.2004 08:57:52  
 Sveta, Ukraine-USA    
2698: Olga! Davno v kremenchuge bila???:-)
Ti chto-nibyd slishala o marshrytkah?
Na ostanovke stoyat tolko te, kto sa 30 kop. hochet na trallike proehat, a BMW i v kremenchuge polno.:-)

  4105   21.10.2004 08:57:52  
 south korea    
Beautiful place !
It’s a pretty friendly place where I never been.
Just like to walk the street of kremenchuk.

  4104   21.10.2004 08:57:52  
 ITALY  <@>   
If somebody know a woman named Nataly Latisheva-
Ulitsa Gagarina-kremenchug please let me have news
about her .( only general news-)
Thanking in advance .


  4098   19.10.2004 08:57:52  
 America  <@>   
My name is Rod Barnes And i have meet a wounderful woman in your city on line and i want her in my life as my life partner .Her name is Swetlana,P. and i am comming to kremenchug to be with her and show her my life and if we both want to ask her to create a family with this crazy America.If any one knows thid yong woman tell her i am comming soon for her Rod Barnes

  4091   18.10.2004 08:57:52  
 Murat  <@>   
Hi all,

I missed kremenchuk so much. Take care and drink less
I love YOU.

  4087   15.10.2004 08:57:52  
 Brenda Habshush,Israel  <@>   
Dear All,back in the year 1870 my grandfather Simon Bernstein was born in kremenchug,maybe his parents were buried there in a jewish cemetry:Israel and Cissie Bernstein.
Looking for someone who could go searching ??

  4078   13.10.2004 08:57:52  
Просто смотреть!!!!!!! ВИДЕО Кременчуга!!!: http://www.kremenchuk.org/krem enchuk-3min-test-v2.mpg

  4075   12.10.2004 08:57:52  
 Англия,- Флорида  <@>   
WOW!!!! Предлагаю всем начать уникальнейший просмотр архива сначала - http://www.kremenchuk.org/arch ive/index-en.htm?00-07-01 ( это тогда, когда пошли первые фотки Города -в 2000 году.)
...Я, просматривая все сначала - получила удовольствие от роста города - это вовторых. А ВОТ в первых, когда начинался этот сайт и когда я только изучала компьютер - то первым моим другом стал этот любимый сайт! я рассылала его всем моим друзьям!!!!!!!!
так чудно! Правда? и спасибо, что есть ты http://www.kremenchuk.org/
( не рекламка. а просто от души!!!) Растите!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Светлана- Ева.

  4074   12.10.2004 08:57:52  
 Laura  <@>   
Ever since I was able to visit there last year, I miss kremenchuk terribly. I hope to return again very soon. But this site has been very helpful to me, seeing what kremenchuk looks like each day and how it changes with the seasons. I am enjoying my mental visits each day!

  4069   10.10.2004 08:57:51  
 The Netherlands  <@>   
Hello my friends,
I am very glad thatI found your website. I have several nephews and cousins living in kremenchuk. My family lived in the periolok Wagonnii. Maybe there is a photo of this place. I was in kremenchuk fifteen years ago.
I woud like to hear something of my family. After the dying of my parents and my uncle (in kremnechuk) the communication is bad because of the language. I should like that this guestbook is a new start. The family name is Moskalenko. I hope that I shall hear something.
Greetings, Max Verhoeven. (Rijswijk The Netherlands)

  4056   09.10.2004 08:57:51  
 Jane Yedlin, USA  <@>   
I am seeking informayion about my surname Yedlin and information about the history of Jews in kremenchuk

Thank you

  4040   07.10.2004 08:57:51  
 USA  <@>   
I like all the pictures from the city of kremenchug, any way from that city came my wife.The today’s photo of kremenchuk is doing a very well good job.

George and Natalie

  4014   04.10.2004 08:57:51  
 Brenda Habshush Israel  <@>   
Researching Jewish family named Bernstein Israel & Cissie,
son Simon Bernstein (1870) from kremenchug.
Need address of archive or old citizen lists.

  4010   04.10.2004 08:57:51  
 Jeff  <@>   
2581 : Женя Израиль
Znaete, a ya vot tozhe nedavno pochumu-to etogo dedulju vspomnil; kotorij сидел возле Дома торговли и просил подаяние * Девочки, щоб не болели". Vspomnil ego glaza. Sravnite eti glaza s temi, kto sejchas v kremenchuge "streljaet" i to kak.
Dazhe chuvstvo vini na sebe oshchjushchaetsja, otvetstvennosti pered etimi glazami. Kstati, govorili, chto on bi mog poehat v Izrail ili hotja bi pomochsh ot obshchini poluchat. No u vseh bili dela povazhnee. Vot kakije mi i oni "horoshije". Chto vi hotite ot segodnjashnih kremenchuzhan?
A ja slishal, ego v period demokratizazii naduli s kvartitoj, vot on i prosil. Prosil, a ne nil. Eti glaza ne smotreli so zloboj za to, chto ne brosil kopeechku. On govoril vsem prohodjashchim. A mi s Vami kto togda?
A potom, govorili, ego nashli uzhe s izurodovannim cherepom.
Navernoje kakije-to izvergi poizdevalis. Ne znaju...ne dajut mne pokoja inogda te odinokije glaza. Eto glaza teh, kto zhil v kremenchuge. Eto glaza nashey sovesti. Pust oni, te glaza prostjat nas s vami, a mi, v sinagoge, ili v zerkvi vspomnim ih.

  4001   02.10.2004 08:57:51  
 Kelli, USA    
I love kremenchuk it is such a beautiful place full of wonderful people. Hello to Doug’s kids! I love you all very much and miss you tons!

  3989   30.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Fernando Arenas / Mexico  <@>   

Я действительно люблю вас, вы знаете. Вы моя жизнь!
Также вы kremenchuk представляет собой наилучший город в Украине.



  3984   29.09.2004 08:57:51  
 olga israel    
kto iskal svetu iz doma vozle zebru? mogu podskazat sey4as gostit u roditeley v kremne.jivet v israel s 1998.ia budu v kremne v ponedelnik eto tretiy raz za god,poverte eto ne nash gorod v kotorommu vurosli-mu tam 4ujie!!!!

  3968   27.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Roberto CUBA/Ireland    
For 2552 Alex > Te mande un e-mail. Saludos, Roberto.

For kremenchuk,
Beutiful picture today Monday C Dniom Goroda!!!!
Happy Birthday for kremenchuk!!!

  3966   27.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Fernando Arenas / Mexico  <@>   
Hola !
I miss the town, and I miss some fine restaurantes like Pelikan and Mask, also the river park, but that I miss more, and badly, it’s my little princess there, I miss Her !
So kremenchuk, thanks for taking care of that fine, special, beautiful, unique, intelligent, and caring person. Name of her? it’s: L.G.
And also thanks for this wonderful web site. Very nice pictures.
I love you kremenchuk ! and of course, I REALLY LOVE MY BELOVED !


  3963   26.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Dennis USA  <@>   
Happy Birthday kremenchuk

  3962   26.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Coster USA  <@>   
Druzja, Zemlyaki, kremenchuzhane i prosto zaglyadyvayushtie na etoto sait lyudi i kto znaet, pozhaluista, podskazhite kak i kakuyu max. summu dollarov mozhno poslat iz USA na Kubu. A sozdaatelyam saita ogromneishee spasibo, smotryu na svoi rodnoi gorod i o4en sku4aju, xo4u kak mozhno skoree priexat i pozelovat rodnuyu zemlyu v pryamom smyle etogo slova. Lu4she nee i rodnee ni4ego na svete net.

  3961   26.09.2004 08:57:51  
 Alex USA/Cuba  <@>   
For2538/Para2538 Roberto en que cuidad estas aqui en USA. Yo si termine en kremenchug sali de alla en el 90 y en el 91 me quede en Canada. Saludos Alex

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