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Kelli and Kristina |
Nebraska, USA |
HI from the great state of Nebraska. We love you kremenchuk and we love you Ann. We can’t wait to go back to kremenchuk and see everybody.
Ramy (Roma) Valskiy < > |
Petah-Tiqva, Israel |
A mojno poblije poznakomit’sya s Lenoy iz kremenchuga? Chto to znakomoe v etom est’ slove... Hotya vse mojet bit’ chto ya oshibayus’.
Roberto < > |
Priviet again kremenchug!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was REALLY REALLY NICE to be back in kremenchug after 15 years since I left the city! What a wonderful time I had the two weeks holidays I just spent there. It was wonderful to see the family again, old and new friends. The city really changed, beautiful places, great people, I really enjoyed my stay there but the time went fast. The weather was fantastic! Thanks to all the family and friend for the super good time. I’m missing you all: Alla, Valentin, Sergey, Svieta and kids, Dima and family. A special thanks to the people at the Flight College for receiving me, it was like going back in time in my memories from the flying course, a special hello to my flying instructor Bandur, I’ll see you again the next time. Also a big priviet to my very good Cuban friend Tonik from Zebra Night Club, here you have a brother in me, priviet to the rest of the Zebra staff, say hello to your family Tonik and friends Blady, Sacha, and to Genia from the Tango cafe and the girls there. Priviet to the girls at the shop Paliot in Kracina street, keep smiling as you did every time I went there, you look beautiful. Priviet to everybody in First Zanazapie. Also priviet to the taxi man No. 47 Igor for the rides in the city, and to Alexander for keeping this beautiful web site, I hope to see you the next time. The best of luck and God bless you all in kremenchug. From your “radnoi” Cuban friend, Roberto.
Ok, it is noon in LA, and 9 pm in kremenchug. So kremenchug is ahead of LA :) Do u plan to come and visit Ukraine some day? kremenchug is a very nice place
de groot < > |
amsterdam, netherlands |
An offer you can’t refuse!… I have been speaking with a young woman who lives in kremenchuk, Ukraine. She says she is interested in coming to meet me in the USA. I am interested in her. I have offered to pay her travel expenses but I would like to have some information about her before I went any further. I want to verify the information she gives me and make sure she is honest. Can anyone suggest a way for me to do this? I have her full name, address, employment information, parents name and address. I need to find out if she is seriously interested in meeting me or thinking about playing me for a fool. I refuse to send any cash money to anyone I do not know. Any information/suggestions anyone might have would be greatly appreciated. I met her on the Internet through the Absolute Agency web site. Thank you. Write me direct to my email at Thank you. leon rosen USA - 16.08.2002 17:32:52 Dear leon rozen, you are such a romantic hero! That’s why we would like to make you an offer you can not refuse! We will verify this lady for you, her family, her friends, her property, her debts, and so on. At last I will spend a night with her as well. So we will find out whether she is real or not, onehundred percent, guaranteed. All will be reported to you in detail. This report will be handed over to you personally. Please, all charges should be payd on the beforehand through Western Union -:)
freddie ocampo < > |
Temple City, Ca. U.S.A. |
I mean it is sunday morning there in kremenchug and in los angeles it would be saturday night.....
Dorogie kremenchuzjane, zdravstvuyte! Andrey Kovalenko, Lena Ustimenko, Lena Chudak i moi odnoklasniki ya ochen’ hochu s vami svyazat’sya. ICQ : 154108230
для Brodsky Eduard. - на сайте войди в контакт. Спасибо.:-)
The difference between AL and kremenchug is 9 hours. If it is 14:00 in kremenchug, meaning 3pm, than in LA it is 23:00, or 11pm. Hi kremenchug, I LOVE YOU!!!
freddie ocampo < > |
temple city, united states |
What’s the time difference between los angeles and kremenchug? anybody?
Christian Erlinghagen < > |
Wietze, Germany |
Hello, on 19th of January 2002 I had a nice contact in morse code with the radioamateur Vladimir Fedorenko UT5MD from kremenchuk. Good informations and pictures from his city here.
Can anyone recommend an internet cafe in kremenchug?
leon rosen < > |
I have been speaking with a young woman who lives in kremenchuk, Ukraine. She says she is interested in coming to meet me in the USA. I am interested in her. I have offered to pay her travel expenses but I would like to have some information about her before I went any further. I want to verify the information she gives me and make sure she is honest. Can anyone suggest a way for me to do this? I have her full name, address, employment information, parents name and address. I need to find out if she is seriously interested in meeting me or thinking about playing me for a fool. I refuse to send any cash money to anyone I do not know. Any information/suggestions anyone might have would be greatly appreciated. I met her on the Internet through the Absolute Agency web site. Thank you. Write me direct to my email at Thank you.
Jodi < > |
Montgomery, AL, USA |
Thank you for the beautiful pictures of kremenchuk. It brings back many memories from when I lived there. Please, keep up the good work!!
Ashok Kamra < > |
San Jose, USA |
I need help in kremenchug to locate a lawyer who may assist me in recovering property and loan. I loaned the money to someone who are not returning and I have some receipt of the loan. I will pay up to 50% for recovery fee to lawyer. Everything must be done through local court. Also need to know if their is reciprocal treaty between USA and Ukraine to recover financial damages if USA court has given permission. Thanks
Jan Wegner < > |
Paderborn, Germany |
Prywit Witaju, I’m looking forward to visit (the vicinity) of kremenchuk. Our church plans a fourteen days visit. I’m very eager to visit the Ukraine for the first time (It’s my first time going east that far). See you soon ;-)
natali < > |
bney brak, israel |
vse kto jivut v kremen4uge.piwute pisma.vsem otve4u
S. Maier < > |
Leverkusen, Germany |
Great site, feel sorry that I’m not able to read the ( to me mystical ) Ukrainian language. I would be nice if you place the English translation of the buildings / site seeings underneath the photo’s! And moreover a map of kremenchuk itself?! Good job, good luck!
Svetlana < > |
Ask yourself, whether your girl is real? If all of you still doubt if your girl is real, then we can try and find out for you all the circumstances concerning your beloved.
Mike A. N. da Maia < > |
Nanaimo, B.C. , Canada |
I Salute the good people of kremenchuk, Ukraine and I complement the creators and supporters of this great web site. Congrats All!
Privette kremenchug, I found out from my to be brother in law’s wife that Marina Kharchenko name was used by a lady name Valia. She used Marina name for financial gain and they found out she is a crook scammer...she needs to be put in a black list. There are many wonderful people living in Ukraine and a woman like Valia gave them a bad reputation. So american men like you guys, need to be choosy when it comes to choosing your soulmate. I’ve found my soulmate here in kremenchug as well. I’m happy that she’s very respectful honest sincere loving caring beautiful Ukrainian woman. I’ve dovoted my life and energy toward taking great care of her. Keep up with the great works kremenchug. The daily picture shot remind me of the wonderful memories I had at kremenchug. Keep it coming. Thanks so much. Michael
Michael Angelo Gray < > |
San Antonio, USA |
I love your website, the pictures display and capture the soul and warmth of kremenchuk. This is truly amazing, wonderful job done. Againg I want to thank you for showing the world such a beautiful place...
Александр |
Кременчук, Україна |
Кременчуг - это по-русски, а Кременчук - по-украински, по-английски правильно писать kremenchuk, т.е. в транслитерации с украинского, т.к. украинский язык - государственный.
Roberto < > |
Priviet kremenchug!!!!!!!!!! It has been some time since I wrote here my first message when I found this website last year. How nice is to see from time to time pictures of kremenchug, the city where my dreams came true, when for the first time I took off to the sky to become a pilot and where I meet the love of my life and so many wonderful people. Thank you very much for maintaining this website which brings a lot of wonderful memories. The city remains beautiful and the people look great. I never forget you kremenchug and I hope to see you soon. A BIG PRIVIET from the Cubans who flew in your sky and who keep the admiration for your people in our hearts!
Michael A < > |
any where, usa |
Hi Tommy, I wonder can you email me to: about Marina Kharchenko ,kremenchug because I might know someone with that name and her son is Egor. My girlfriend’s sister in law is that Marina Kharchenko who is blue eyes blonde and that description you described. Please write to me: and send me some letters and pictures if you got from her. I would like to know about her as much as possible. Is there a chance to having the same first and last name, the same son’s in the same city...and doing things you described...horrible. Thanks so much. Your good friend Michael in America. We need to weed out these parasites because I can’t stand to see people get ripped off.
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